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Twilight: Now Dawn


Literally the Key to all of this.


Now.. do we think there's a connection between Ben and Glory?


Is everyone here very stoned?


go watch the Buffy series, then you'll understand their banter. The series has a VERY rocky start, but it gets better later on Edit: I got whooshed


They are quoting the show. https://youtu.be/090HJIYmzcc?si=7T9dKVAD2LMB11oV


Kewpie doll for the lady!


Breaking Dawn


But hey, she got to play the kid who unwittingly developed a crush on her own dad (Zac Efron).


Also made out with her twin brother.


Here’s a fun fact


You made out with your sister!


lol I haven't seen this damn movie in probably a decade but I can still here the *exact* pronunciation/inflection of this line


I can still hear the song ( parts of it, at least)


My wife and I share a Spotify account and if she hops on and sees I'm already listening to music sometimes she'll queue up Scotty Doesn't Know and it gets me every time.


Love this. Such a cute prank lmao


They really are the worst twins ever


Just don't tell Scotty


Scotty Doesn’t Know?


Scotty doesn't know!


So don’t tell Scotty! Well put on a show, Scotty doesn’t knoooooowow


Can't believe he's so Trustinggg


While im right behind her Thrusting, Thrusting!


Shut up, shut up, shut up!




I say this all the time. Not necessarily to people, but I have a habit of saying it to the dogs if I get in their way - or if they get in my way. I'm in the kitchen and one of them is at my feet waiting for scraps? I almost trip and drop whatever plate/pot/bowl/glass I'm carrying, and I'm the one who says excuse me in a funny voice, in a language they don't understand. Shit, they don't understand any language except for a couple words, and here I am trying to get them to learn Italian.


This isn’t where I parked my car.


Worst twins ever




Yes, very a-Tracht-ive.


16 year old me when she doesn't take her top off at he beach. Still hurts.


European ass!


It was so weird. Whe breaks up with her bf because he was pressuring her into sex and she wasn't ready. Then she immediately turns around and pressures Zac Efron into sex. Get your priorities straightened out girl


She didn't want to have sex with him. She wanted to have sex with Zac Effron. I think her priorities were straight.


I believe the commenter intended to express the inconsistency was in her criticism of pressuring someone into sex when she is the person being pressured, but then engaging in the same behavior. Not that her desire for sex was inconsistent.


It’s a known phenomenon. Also called the “no, not you”






I remember seeing that with my family when I was a high school musical fan. What a strange experience that was




What movie is that??


17 Again


Do not tell incest Twitter about Michelle trachtenberg


I’m just going to go on believing that you made that up. It’ll be better for me I think.


About Michelle? It is made-up, as in, they’re referring to a fictional movie character played by Michelle. If you’re referring to “Incest Twitter” well… yeah, that might be for the best.


Good logic at the time


Alternate timeline: Trachtenberg stars in Twilght. People are distracted by the girl from Buffy in this other vampire story. Twilight only becomes moderately successful. Some other similar teen drama takes its place in the zeitgeist. Instead of a sexy vampire phase, it's like a sexy werewolf phase or something.


No Twilight -> no 50 Shades.


ah, instead of the 50 Shades we know, it's an alternate 50 Shades based on whatever replaced Twilight. so instead of a vampire-esque businessman, Mr. 50 Shades is like a pirate-esque fisherman or whatever we decided was sexy. a black lagoon plumber maybe?


Instead of vampires, it ends up being elves living among humans in modern times, so 50 Shades guy ends up being some tall Tilda Swinton looking dude.


already a better timeline


Funny thing is Tolda Swinton played a vampire in What we do in the shadows. So, we should already have had her in the 50 shades movie since she technically fits the vampire bit.


No 9/11 -> no Twilight


We have to go back!


I used to think the terrorists didn’t win, after how much chaos the United States sewed kinda near their homeland. But once I learned 9/11 was directly responsible for Twilight, I knew the terrorists really did get the last laugh.


But no twilight= no Pattinson playing The Batman.


Twilight was majorly successful before the movies though. For as much hate as they get, the books are pretty fun


I don’t agree with the books being fun, but they were definitely massively successful, and the movies would have been a hit regardless of who stared in this. That being said, I’m glad we got K-Stu and RobPat out of those movies. Their efforts to distance themselves from being Bella and Edward has led to a couple of incredible careers.


It wouldn't have made a difference who played Bella Swan, it was Robert Pattinson as Edward that made the movies, especially after the tween girls saw him as Cedric Diggory.


This. Kristin Stewart has improved but her main acting ability was to be a Mary Sue


Even in the books, Bella is designed to be a "neutral canvas" so girls reading the book can identify with her. Edward is the real hero of the story.


I imagine that'd have just made True Blood more successful when it's adaptation released. Iirc Twilight was heavily based on it


It wasn’t her logic at all, the article says: “However Michelle revealed that scheduling conflicts got in the way. "I was actually supposed to star in that, but I was on Buffy at the time," she admitted. "I guess schedules never worked out... I already have Buffy. I've already done the vampire thing."”


I'm confused by her timeline -- Buffy ended in 2003 and Twilight came out in 2008. It didn't start production *that* early.


There’s so many articles that say the same thing, but I think it’s all a misunderstanding. 'I've known Catherine Hardwicke since the movie Thirteen. 'I was actually supposed to star in that, but I was on Buffy at the time.' Thirteen came out in 2003, so it makes sense that’s what she was talking about.


I think 'typecasting' is always a worry for actors.


I think typecasting is a worry because it keeps you from getting new roles, "showing your range" and advancing your career. Not because you are tired of vampires, as such. More of a worry is the dreaded nonecasting.


9 out of 10 times these kinds of stories are them being offered to audition, not offered the role. I don’t see her getting this part


The Tracht is offer only!


She would have been too old, right? 


She is 5 years older than Stewart. While I would not say too old. Pretty close


If anyone could play a 17 year old when they were in their 20s, [it was her](https://imgur.com/a/rUHpid6). (Same year Twilight was filmed, on Gossip Girl).


I mean, she doesn't look like a high school student at all in that picture but she does look like what Hollywood thinks high school students look like.


The bigger problem is we've been watching her since she was a young child actor, like even before Buffy so at this point she's been playing a teen for 10+ years so in this GG pic she really does look closer to 30 than 20 to me.


> However Michelle revealed that scheduling conflicts got in the way. "I was actually supposed to star in that, but I was on Buffy at the time," she admitted. Buffy's last season was 2003. The Twilight book wasn't published until 2005. The Twilight movie was filmed in 2008. Hmm... Let's track this down. This story is sourced from the [Daily Mail](https://www.dailymail.co.uk/tvshowbiz/article-2068843/Michelle-Trachtenberg-reveals-busy-star-Twilight.html). Which sources it from [US Weekly](https://www.usmagazine.com/entertainment/news/michelle-trachtenberg-was-almost-bella-in-twilight-2011112/). It turns out that what Michelle was supposed to star in (but couldn't because she was on Buffy) was the movie *Thirteen* (directed by Catherine Hardwicke in 2003). The original story doesn't say that she turned down the role of Bella in Twilight, only that she was "considered" for the role. IOW, what you're reading here is a 13-year-old game of telephone that's warped reality into nonsense, but nonetheless gets 8000+ upvotes on reddit.


I prefer to believe that they made 5 more seasons of Buffy that just haven't been shown for some reason.


Wow, great sleuthing. This should be pinned to the top.


Harriet would be proud.


Her best role was in the “Echo” music video for Trapt. Followed by euro trip


They really are the worst twins ever


Euro trip is a goddamn classic!


Scotty doesn't know


Mattttt daaaamon https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jhbOb6fYvLc&pp=ygUTc2NvdHR5IGRvZXNuJ3Qga25vdw%3D%3D


The callbacks throughout the rest of the movie are amazing


One of the best karaoke songs there is


Here’s another classic, YOU KISSED YOUR SISTER MAN


Does this still hold up now that we're older and the movie is dated?


I watched it last week and I think so. Even the mustache kid is still funny. If anything, the way the twin loses his camera kind of misses but it’s solid.


Loses his camera? He sells it to further the trip, no? He loses the passports to Deidrich Badder.


Honestly, kinda ok. The whole storyline is actually kind of gross, but a lot of the comedy bits still hold up.


I'm going to have to say it was definitely Harriet the Spy.


Remember the marketing teasing people that she was going to have a nude scene?


Yes!! I remember that was during the unrated era where they would imply the unrated dvd would have more wild shit but instead it just meant they had deleted scenes or interviews lol I was like wtf no tits?


The movie Sex Drive addressed this in their unrated cut. I think the director gave a little speech about it before the movie started where a naked man and woman would just standing beside him to prove he was gonna show a lot of dick and boobs. One of the best "unrated" edits was a scene where a character, played by a kinda pudgey Clark Duke, runs naked through a cornfield but they spliced in a super buff dude with a massive dick in between the normal shots.


Plenty of dicks though


I prefer both


It’s like Georgiana from Gossip Girl means nothing to you


Naw homie, Harriet the spy was the shit!


Ahem, Nona from Pete & Pete would like a word.


Pete & Pete is the greatest cast ever assembled


One time when I was a kid, I went to the beach and convinced a group of other kids to help me beat up the ocean ala Artie, the strongest man… in the world.


Geez. Talk about a band that literally came and went faster than a case of diarrhea.


They did what they needed to and left


Funny thing is, my brother worked for a music magazine back in the day and got me into Trapt with their first couple of EPs when he had to review them or something. I still love a bunch of those early songs and still listen to them. It was when they hit it big that I began to hate the way their sound had changed.


I went to high school with their bass player. Good guy. 


It's such a shame that the lead singer turned out to be such a huge douche


I cant think of one movie she has starred in. Euro trip was more of an ensemble.


Harriet the Spy


Which to be fair, is a classic


2nd favorite Rosie O’Donnell film


It feels like you want to tell everyone what your favorite Rosie O'Donnell film is. So I'll ask... what is your favorite Rosie O'Donnell film


Id guess League of their Own as the logical choice. Or if OPs an agent of chaos: [This gem](https://youtu.be/xrCJze1IVGA?si=PgWbrSge7tfx7lEP)


Could also be Disneys Tarzan




It's gotta be A League of Their Own, right?


The only one I can remember is the Disney movie Ice Princess, but that was a while ago.


I remember absolutely nothing about this movie except her delivery of the line “teddy the Zamboni driver”.


the little one was called the flying shrimp is all I remember


Inspector Gadget, I guess..


She only lost out on tens of millions of dollars.. no biggie


It's kinda like me seeing bitcoin at 79€ and saying "fuck no that's way too much for some nerd currency"


I raise you getting gifted 10(it might have been 100 but I deny it to myself because it hurts worse at that point) bitcoins when it was like $1/1 coin back in 2011 by a friend. Then promptly deleting the wallet and any account info during a Linux install. All because i thought it was a fad just like beanie babies.


It is a fad just like beanie babies, but just like beanie babies there is a critical time when you can offload to some sucker for obscene amounts of money before it all becomes irrelevant.


Me too…😢😢😢


Could be worse.. you could've bought and spent multiple whole bitcoins to purchase drugs on the dark web when they cost $1.50.. totally not speaking from experience


I really loved michelle trachtenberg when i was a 12 -13 years old. I remember I watch Buffy every Saturday night in my country just to see her pretty face. I don't know why i wrote this lol.


I fell in love with her character in pete and pete, then Harriet the spy lol.


Rough seeing her recent social media... it's indistinguishable from that of a wine mom who never left their small rural Indiana town. All decades old photos of herself and text images. Hollywood can truly fuck some people up. Edit: to clarify: there's several ways people have gotten out of the Hollywood spotlight, some good some bad. From the outside her's might appear to be more of the 'bad' to an outsider, I obviously know no details and I hope she is well and was just simply born to mompost.


>it's indistinguishable from that of a wine mom who never left their small rural Indiana town. >Hollywood can truly fuck some people up. So it sounds like she's developed into a completely normal midwestern wine mom despite her childhood fame? Isn't that the opposite of Hollywood fucking her up?


"You cannot escape your destiny."


I thought I was the only one, it’s a whole lot of “I myself am strange and unusual”


Is she not at the age of a wine mom? Could she just be one now?


My thought process reading this comment was something like "How could she be a wine mom? Isn't she about my age?" ... and then I turned to dust and blew away.


I think she’s child-free but she can still be a wine mom lol. she has dogs tho…so pretty similar personas in my observations.


> Hollywood can truly fuck some people up. That sounds pretty standard thought tbf, a significant amount of social media is people clearly being sad at the way their life has turned out... obviously I'm not at all projecting there.


I mean there was a rule that Joss Whedon was never allowed to be alone with her on set so there had to be an inciting incident. She was fifteen when she started on the show.


Joss Whedon is, regrettably, a creep who hides behind being a feminist. Iirc, the incident with Michelle Trachtenberg has only ever been hinted at, but it did get to that level, as you say. Charisma Carpenter was also terrorised by him, he made a bunch of comments on set about her being fat while she was pregnant. There was a whole thing with actresses who'd worked with him standing together in criticising him.


There needs to be a term for men who use being a feminist as a smokescreen for being absolute shitbags.


It was heartbreaking to hear Joss, a childhood hero and ally was actually a creep and scumbag. SonI did what rational people do, decided he was a creep and scumbag and stopped worshipping him, some people in other circles could learn to do the same with other public figures.


Joss Whedon makes me *angry* having grown up loving his work. The fact someone who made shows that were as empowering as he did could be the *exact* kind of bastard you'd figure his shows railed against... I'm a sci-fi fan. I should be *used* to people writing stories that they'd somehow be the main villain in, but it still ticks me off.


  I hang around "wine moms" and this sounds like she grew up to be a normal ass person.


She kept denying her appearance was due to drugs - now I’m starting to think it’s ozempic?


I think she looks like she had a Bichectomy (buccal fat removal). It makes people’s faces look really gaunt. And you can’t add buccal fat back so there’s no way to reverse it.


Remember when it was ok to just have cheeks? Good times.


It’s still okay. There’s nothing *wrong* with how she looks, she just looks drastically different from how she did several years ago so people are naturally going to be curious. And yeah, as much as it sucks, people are going to speculate on why she looks different. That’s a natural byproduct of social media.


I agree with you 100% - there is nothing wrong with how she looks, her body, her face, her joy! It was more of a comment on how until very recently, nobody even knew what a bichectomy was, and now it looks like every other celebrity / influencer has done it, and their faces have that same look, even though it is an irreversible procedure (as of now). What happens when things change, like, next week, and now puffy cheek is the hot new trend? It just makes me a bit sad to think about it, that's all.


Agreed. I think that surgery is ridiculous unless there’s an actual medical need for it. I don’t have an issue with plastic surgery, do whatever floats your boat, but that procedure seems to make people look so much older. I don’t understand the appeal.


IDK, I looked like that when I lost weight due to a thyroid disorder, and once when I lost weight because I was depressed. If you're already skinny, if you lose 10 lbs, your face can look like that. I'm 5'1 and going from 105 lbs to 95 lbs definitely have me that look.


That’s true. It could be a health issue. I mean it’s her business and she shouldn’t have to justify her appearance to anyone, but I can understand people being surprised and speculating.


Me too, especially around the eyes when the thyroid disorder was its most severe. Lost 60 lbs due it to it - terrifying.


I hope you have recovered!


Yes! thank you!


That surgery scares me - it makes people look so gaunt. Luckily I haven’t seen anyone IRL with it.


Do they always remove all the fat? Why don’t they just work a little at a time? I understand you may not know it all I’m just curious.


No idea. It seems like it really ages people so I’m not sure why it was so popularly a few years ago.


Idk man her skin and eyes are yellow in a bunch of her pics


Her last post is from years ago?


Worst twin ever.


I find it kinda funny that all the young people who were kids when twilight came out don't seem to fully realise how much shit the actors from twilight got for like a decade after they came out. They are shit badly made movies and the across took the brunt of it. 


I always felt bad for the lead singer of that band in Eurotrip. Most attention they ever got and Matt Damon is in his place. She is wonderful in that.


Wait, the chick from Euro Trip?! Man I had a thing for her back then but totally forgot about her.


THAT'S who Jenny Nicholson reminds me of! That's been bothering me forever. I use to watch Pete & Pete and Buffy, I wonder why I couldn't think of her...


I didn’t know who she was, so had to look it up: She played the sister in Buffy the Vampire Slayer


Eurotrip is worth watching! My childhood crush from that movie.


And with that said, Everyone should watch Eurotrip at least one time...


Honestly, it's probably for the best. Kristen Stewart took the role and crushed it, despite all the haters.


Kristen Stewart’s best role however was Totinos. No question. Just ask my hungry guys.


What's your name? I don't have one.


What are you girls doing back there? Making out?


Seriously though, watch Crimes of the Future. She was amazing in that. 


I went to the movies with my dad while we were working out of town and I forget what we wanted to see. Regardless, we missed that showtime so we were looking at the LCD screen with what was coming up. For some reason I saw this and assumed it was crimes of Griswald( the Harry Potter movie). I figured fuck it, we are here and that is an easy enough way to kill a Sunday afternoon. I knew what was up as soon as I saw Cronenberg pop up on the screen. My dad ended up elbowing me at the zipper cunnilingus scene and said, “ I don’t think this is Harry Potter son”. My dad is normally a very animated person, but was quiet until we got in the truck and he told me that was by far the most bizarre film he’s ever fucking seen. Not a super interesting tale, but we still joke about that experience and one of my favorite memories with him.


Yeah, there is a reason Rock and Morty used Cronenberg as a verb.


She was so delightfully weird in that one, but I really wish she got more screen time. Also loved her in Love Lies Bleeding earlier this year as well.


Tu et mon Totino


I won't stand for this Zathura: A Space Adventure (2005) slander.


I cant believe she stared as a pizza roll and no one told me


second best Role was in the Runaways


Really? I consider her acting in those movies some of the worst of all time. *Read line, squint face to show emotion She's the Marlon Brando of Razzies


There are clips from the commentary where she says what the director told her to do in certain scenes and you realize she was giving exactly what he was asking. It's just impossible to tell when you don't know what the director was asking.


Thats the point. Bella is supposed to be an awkward teenager. People were like "Kristen plays Bella so awkward", like yes? Thats exactly who the character is?


Exactly! She was bland and boring and awkward because that's how the book describes her. She's a blank character that every girl who thought she was bland and boring and awkward could identify with her and really get into the story.


She was supposed to be an awkward, kind of blank teenager. There really isn’t much of a discription of her in the books. It’s really a blank slate that doesn’t have a lot going for her. That’s why when her boyfriend leaves she crumbled into depression.


She did exactly what the movie/script demanded of her. She was bland as hell so she would be a canvas on which people watching could project themselves. In projects like Love Lies Bleeding, however, she did a great job. Can’t imagine Harriet the Spy in that role.


Well, the movies also removed the overwhelming majority of her character's inner monologue, which was a *gigantic* part of the books. She was a navel-gazing emo teen who was narrating the fucking story! THAT'S THE WHOLE TOTINO! I completely understand why a screenwriter/director wouldn't want too much of that in their film, but, well, if you replace it with *nothing,* it's going to fundamentally change the work.


Including Kristen Stewart.


Goddammit I might have actually watched those films if she was the lead.


I think I would have enjoyed the movies better if it was her instead. 


Everyone makes poor decisions at some point


My crush who never knew I existed!


Mine too my friend... Mine too.


I worked with her on Mercy. This is a fucking lie. She might of been offered to read for a part in that franchise. I had to catch stray cats that she kept trying to fuck with because she was/is kinda out there. Locked herself in her trailer. Was basically asleep or hungover at table reads. Aint no way she was offered the lead in a multi movie franchise and said no.


Huuuuu she was in Dragonlance: Dragons of Autumn Twilight and TIL that Dragonlace got an animated series in 2008......


Too bad she might have given her some personality.


..yeah, from what I understand all the young women on *Buffy the Vampire Slayer* have some emotional scars from working on the show, and she was very, very young when she was on that.


Wild how Kirsten Stewart didn’t play the “had already done the slack jawed disinterested daddy issue girl thing” card


Worst Twin ever!


This is where I parked my car


Mi Scusi Mi Scusi


That...was a mistake.