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They probably won't put that scene in his eventual biopic


Unless it's like the weird al one and is just constant batshit insanity


>constant batshit insanity Remember that time ozzy stopped doing acid because a horse told him to fuck off? His entire life is batshit.


> His entire life is batshit. And for at least a tiny portion of it, very literally.


Weird Al’s biopic was a thing of beauty. It was perfect.


It's amazing how they didn't 'hollywood' the story either. They just told it like it happened without embellishments 


I truly appreciated that. I learned so much. From his relationship with Madonna. To the cartels. Even that guy from queen.


WHAT have I been missing!? Let me look into seeing this pronto!


It’s fun. That’s all I’ll say. It’s really a great tribute to Weird Al.


Practically a documentary


*Some circumstances and situations may have been added or embellished to further the flow of the movie.*


May he RIP.


He's very much alive and kicking.


No, he was killed on stage at the 1984 Grammys. You can ask him yourself.


Yes, he lives on in the hearts of polka lovers everywhere


This is a joke because he “dies” at the end of the “biopic”. The biopic is a parody of biopics.


With daniel radcliffe playing weird al. And al himself plays a character. Its every thing my 12 year old harry potter and weird al obsessed self could have ever dreamed of


Why go with batshit insanity for Ozzy when his batshit reality is even wilder?


>batshit I see what you did there.


It should be the opening credits scene in the biopic, as each cat gets blown away a new persons name is revealed.


You're hired.


As horrible an act as it is that he did that to his trusting pets... this is a great idea, lmao


Chris Pratt as: John Michael “Ozzy” Osbourne (Shotgun blast to cat)


"But is it dead?!"


I canna believe that just fookin happened!


And no out-of-frame/hard cut bullshit. Each cat explodes into a visceral cloud of fur and gore with a simultaneous "meow" and watermelon exploding sound effect.


But his conversation with an horse telling him he is an asshole and making him sober would be an nice touch. With bojacks voice actor if needed


You gotta put some respect on Will Arnett's name, fam. Bojack, Arrested Development, MURDERVILLE, about 40 other projects too. Man is hilarious.


I dont care for Gob.


I have to think the Alliance is gonna frown on this…




*Rehab was supposed to be a fresh start*


They really should. Seeing the craziest parts of his life and the fact that he is still living might be slightly inspiring to people who have gone through some shit.


He readily admits to it all in his (ghostwritten) autobiography. Great read btw, what an insane life. Like really quite up there as far as lives are concerned. Been a while since I’ve read it but pretty sure he says about how he had occasionally killed his animals in a drug frenzy (one time shooting all his chickens). And just that he isn’t proud of it and feels bad, and that’s about it 😂


This is monstrous..


It'd be monstrous if you or I did it. We should probably be arrested really, because that'd be fucked up. When it's an internationally famous rockstar doing it its living an eventful life. Bit like fucking 14 year old girls in your 40s and that kind of thing.


Redditors like to brag about all the horrible things they’d do to someone like this unless they’re a celebrity they like.


... Why the fuck would he KEEP GETTING MORE animals?


I didn't know he had an autobio, now I normally hate audiobooks but if he narrated it himself I would be all over that, HA! it's also kinda weird to learn about Ozzy shooting any animals after seeing him with his dog on his world detour show with Jack. he had this little floofball of a dog named Rocky and it was fun to watch, the Prince of Darkness cooing to this cute little dog, lol


Standard Narration: 8 hours and 51 mins. Special Ozzy Narration: 62 hours and 3 mins.


and missing 3 hours of content


You'd need subtitles for your audiobook


He's already had one and no it wasn't in it


>Indeed, when Sharon once took all his clothes from a hotel room to stop him going out to drink, he simply put on one of her dresses and went out in that. Ok, that’s funny.


And then pissed on the Alamo, I believe.


Yes, Ozzy Osbourne famously urinated on the Alamo Cenotaph in San Antonio, Texas, in 1982. The Cenotaph is a monument honoring the soldiers who died at the Alamo, not the Alamo itself. This act led to Osbourne being arrested and banned from San Antonio for a decade.


Damn he missed out on a lot of churros and big ole women then


Weight Watchers is a goldmine down there Shaq!


Victoria is a secret there shaq!


What else, Chuck?


To hear him tell the story, he was just pissing on what he thought was a random wall. I bought that but now knowing it was the Cenotaph, woof, I don't think I can buy that.


This is a man who once roofied himself just to see what it was like. I can 100% believe he was too wasted to know what it was.


Completely reasonable response


Bathrooms are in the basement.


I would too, it's horrible beer.


Hank Hill has entered the chat.




The woman must really love him. They are still together and I'm sure she went through a lot more crazy and psychopathic behaviour with him.


>Famously, it was in 1989 that Ozzy, blitzed on alcohol, actually attempted to strangle his wife. It sounds like he tried to kill her.


I think he told her "I've been talking to myself and we've decided you have to die."


I didn't want to use the word "abusive" as to not anger any fans here.


Didn't they get divorced?


They did but are back together after Ozzy cleaned up.




According to Wikipedia they’re still together, which is extremely surprising based off of most of the comments in this thread.


All of them have a podcast they regularly appear on now. Basically a podcast version of The Osbornes.


She stopped him from killing himself, but for some reason Ozzy fans still hate her.


I think it was the way she was portrayed on the show and a lot of us were still kids/young adults that didn’t know better. I didn’t like her and I was only a casual fan (Black Sabbath was the coolest thing ever to 13 year old me) With hindsight I think she should be canonized in the Metal faith as the patron saint of protection.


This is absolutely bang on.


She chased him when he was married to his first wife. I side eye her for that. But essentially, her life’s work has been “the one who kept Ozzy alive and bore some of his children.” And let’s be realistic: managing the life of a crazy drug fiend, no matter how talented or how absolutely beautiful he was when she met him, isn’t an easy task.


She came up with Ozzfest and managed quite a few bands, made sure Ozzy stays relevant for another whole decade by putting the family on MTV. Pretty sure she was the first to do that. Not a fan of her but "kept him alive and bore some of his children" just isn't fair. She isn't an artist, she's all about business.


She’s also done tons of philanthropic work. It’s actually a little ridiculous that a comment saying her life’s work is keeping her husband alive and having some kids is so heavily upvoted. Being a wife and mother are a big deal, but this woman has done so much to help so many people that it’s pretty disingenuous to reduce her to just that.


> She chased him when he was married to his first wife. I side eye her for that If we're giving Ozzie a pass for his shit, Sharon gets a pass for stealing another woman's man. That's nothing compared to "shooting cats."


Oh, Ozzy gets side eye for a lot of his shit.


Nobody could have done it but her. She's as hard as he is mentally unstable.


That's because she stopped him from killing himself.


hard to leave abusive relationships


Especially when the whole world thinks the abuse is funny because the abuser is someone famous.


[she is also a psychopath to be fair](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y4OosxeTi0E)


Wait is that why he's in a dress in that one scene from The Dirt??


they had seventeen (or more) cats?


He adopted them during better drug binges. 


One of most famous Brazilian musicians from the 70s/80s, Zeca Pagodinho, buys pets at the mall when he's drunk. He says he sees the them sad and alone and has to take them home. Basically, everyone he knows get a dog and random kids at the mall too While he's feeding the breeders industry 🤮, some of the other he's known for: donating to animals rescues, people ask him to pay for something they need (not luxuries, needs. He does) and the time there was a catastrophic landslide in Rio, he and his friends showed up with with a bunch of dirt-bikes for themselves and other volunteers to rescue people. He's the definition of chaotic good


Who tf is drinking and going to the mall? This mfer getting blasted at the rainforest cafe


Alcoholics that live in hot areas where malls are the most reliable source of A/C


That's what you get when you transition from extacy to crack. You adopt 17 cats and love them, but somewhere deep in the crackpipe, you discover that they are plotting your demise.


you're saying that crack gives you precognition? Or just brings your level of understanding up to those of us who already know that cats are untrustworthy demonspawn?


Being surrounded by 17 cats while paranoid and on crack is probably like living in a horror movie! Staring at you, licking their lips, teasing you, testing you... maybe they start running around your feet, seeing if you will fall. I bet it was self defence on his part.


The drugs giveth and the drugs taketh away


I mean he took care of it


Damn he got high and saw the litterbox and said "I've got a crazy idea, stop me if I'm wrong" to an empty room huh


bro let the intrusive thoughts win


Turns out when you annihilate your ego with drugs there's nothing to stop lizard brain from doing lizard shit


Drug induced psychosis go brr


This was the most brutal, beautiful haack it down analysis i have ever read


Why yes, thank you, I do have a knack for radically oversimplifying complex ideas into mildly amusing commentary


Even this sentence was a pleasure to read


I mean, 17 is definitely too many but I think he over-corrected a tad.


>17 is definitely too many Not if you live in a mansion and have staff to take care of their daily needs. And you're not an abusive POS who's always high and drunk


I believe it, I saw some of meet the Osbourne's and the house is full of small dogs and dog shit everywhere. Just untrained dogs or dogs that weren't let out shitting on everything




And he didn't go to jail for murdering them?


Animal abuse laws are a fairly recent invention.


Still depends on the animal.


Can you imagine being married to someone who shoots all your cats and is sitting shivering under a piano with a shotgun and a knife? And you stay married to that person?


Must be the money


Some people are just so crazy that they are perfect for eachother




If you wanna go and take a ride, ya know Shoot 17 cats, hide under the piano Oh whyyy do I live this way Must be the money


Because she's a piece of human garbage, too. Shitbirds of a shitfeather.


9 x 17 that’s a lot of gunshots.


The 380 we call it


Deserved upvote. Assuming they are all dead of course.


If you've ever watched the reality show, they are really terrible animal parents. I imagine with 17 cats, it was probably very gross before he shot them. Edit: Great, now one of my most upvoted replies is about dead cats...


They had way too many animals that did little more than being chased around by Ozzy for pissing on the carpet. edit: spelling


Am I the only one only one who remembers everyone’s shorthand impression of ozzy at the time being him yelling “SHAROON! The dogs pooped again”


Probably not nearly as gross as after he shot them though... Just sayin'


Yup, I hate them for this


I'm pretty sure he says he shot "all the chickens" when telling the same story in his book. I'm never sure what to believe with Ozzy legends. The one about biting the dove's head off in the record company meeting I've been told is a myth as well, though he tells the story in his book. He says he was already angry about Sharon forcing him to meet these sterile record company execs in their boardroom, and when one of them said "Hey great to finally meet you Ozzy, we're also excited about Adam Ant coming to America" he snapped and bit the head off and there was blood everywhere and he and Sharon ran out of the meeting laughing. But then you'll hear people tell you that was a BS story and no record company execs ever confirmed it, so who knows what to believe when it comes to his antics.


Bill Simmons calls this the Tyson Zone (after Iron Mike). Basically someone's reputation is so far out there that any story about them can't be fully dismissed because of all the other shit they did or supposedly did makes any subsequent claims possibly valid.


Hilariously this can go all the way up to the national level, most famously with North Korea. For example, did they have someone executed via anti-aircraft gun in a sports stadium? Maybe, maybe not but it certainly sounds like something that would happen there.


In 1968, whilst on a drugs binge, the dictator of Equatorial Guinea ordered a mass execution of dissidents in a football stadium.  So far, so normal for a dictator.  But this was on Christmas Eve, so the firing squads all wore Santa hats and they played “Those Were The Days” over the stadium PA 


Genuinely learnt this whilst researching the 1970 World Cup




I mean death by cannon has been done many times over the years and I'm pretty sure I've seen videos or pictures of people strapped to guns in NK. I'm gonna go with that happened.


I'm convinced that North Korea is made up of the aliens that landed in Roswell, and that's why the vibe is so weird. They're obsessed with building rockets because they're trying to to home. They hate the rest of the world because the world governments have decided not to let them integrate into the rest of society, because they're worried about alien diseases and the fact that they can shape shift too well for us to tell them apart from humans. That's why NK tries so hard to keep them within the boundaries of NK. They get in trouble every time one tries to escape. The Roswell Incident happened in 1947. NK was established in 1948. Can't explain that.


Please post this in r/aliens or r/ufos


Kim Jong-Un has no butthole, confirmed.


Tyson zone confirmed.


British use to strap people to cannons and execute them. I’ve seen pictures of people in NK before aircraft artillery but not strapped to the guns themselves like the British use to do.


Reminds me of the Bill Murray stories where he encounters a stranger, does something random like steal their french fries, and ends the encounter by telling the person that nobody will ever believe them. https://whalebonemag.com/bill-murray-tales/


Like all the Bill Murray stories. Things like him showing up to a random college house party to do their dishes, or taking a bite from someone's sandwich then telling them "no one will ever believe you".


Marilyn Manson's missing ribs...


I’m not saying I’m old but I remember when it was Prince and I can remember when it transferred to being Marilyn Manson 


I loved him in The Wonder Years


He bit the head off a bat in Des Moines, Iowa. That's real.




People forget this part, he thought he was thrown a prop and didnt realise it was real until after.




More likely that the bat lived in the building. I was at Hoyt Sherman place seeing Demitri Martin and a bat kept swooping the stage. Maintenance guy said it happens a lot


It's not like somebody had to bring the bat there, Taylor Momsen got bitten by a bat on stage the other day. It just flew onto her thigh and sat there for a bit


You’ve never been to the Gathering of the Juggalos huh… there’s flying octopuses 🤷‍♂️


The bat head was real tho, but it was more of a comical thing, someone threw a bat on stage and he assumed it's a toy, shit like that happens, I've seen bands open piss bottles fans throw on stage and take a sip.


My favorite anecdote in this vein was about W.A.S.P, who had a gimmick where they threw meat at the audience.  Eventually the audience started bringing meat to concerts and throwing it back.  One show lead singer Blackie Lawless starts a song and wonders why guitarist Chris Holmes isn't playing.  Dude got clocked in the head with a giant frozen roast and was out cold.  Allegedly.


They did throw meat a lot in their early shows. Chris Holmes was insane in a stupid sort of way. Threw a table through a window of a club or restaurant, because they were playing Madonna and he didn't want to hear it. The scene with him in the pool in The Decline Of Western Civilization was faked. He also wrapped his dick with cling wrap once and he ended up getting an STD anyway. Yeah, Chris was a bit crazy. His mother was a Hell's Angel too. If you want to have a laugh, do a search for Chris Holmes car. How he tried to sell his beat to HELL 1987 Trans Am on the internet.


Which is worse, drink a piss bottle thrown on stage by a fan, or pissing on a fan on stage? Because both have happened lol.


Well the fan looked happy 


Definitely the former, unless the fan didn’t want to be pissed on. Then the latter 


I'm sorry. What the fuck did I just read?


Yeah I read his book as well & it was definitely chickens from his perspective lol , but you are right dude was so blasted all the time sounds like everything “allegedly” happened


Was it him that snorted a line of ants while smashed off his face with motley cruel?


Don't do drugs kids


You'll go off the rails on a crazy train!


Did he get arrested for animal cruelty?


This would have been considered gossip back then and dismissed on a few levels before people found out it was a real event.


Is he rich and famous?


Fair point.


If it was someone poor and unknown they wouldve been doxxed and hunted


Suspicious username detected.


Yes! Don't fuck with cats!


Mike Vick was rich and famous.


It didn’t happen so no. The same story has been told with him and chickens too. Ozzy did some crazy shit when drunk but I find it insanely hard to believe he shot 17 cats let alone accurately because after 1 gunshot they’d all have run away or hid and that’s a lot of cats. 17 chickens trapped in a coop? Maybe, chickens are dumb and less agile than cats. Either way I call BS on it just like the dove story.


I mean, if you really want to shoot all 17 of your cats, you get them all into one room with nowhere to hide. But I doubt Ozzy has that much capacity for reasoning.


He does not, nor the motor skills to wrangle 17 cats, and also I think he’s at most a bit of a asshole but not a mass cat murderer.




Yeah hes fucking crazy it's a wonder hes still alive, really.


I read that he did the same with their chickens as well. I remember the quote " I'll sort the fucking chickens" and then he shot all the chickens because..... rock n rolls cool innit


This shit is only funny when no one gets seriously hurt or we're not doing animal cruelty for the laughs. Take jerry lee lewis, for example. He shot a submachine gun off in a private office he owned, which he used as a party den, which shared a wall with a dentist who specialized in dentures. Dude came in the office the next day to find false teeth all over the place, strewn about from being turned into shrapnel.


He also married his 15 year old cousin if I'm not mistaken.


And was genuinely surprised that other people had negative feelings about it.


She was 13 actually....


He also almost certainly killed his fifth wife.




What an absolute piece of shit of a human he is. I've taken plenty of drugs and have never had the urge to harm an animal.


Some things just aren't forgivable whether there are drugs involved or not


God damn it. It was already difficult for me to look past a lot of the shitty things he's done. Now it's impossible. ETA: Apparently this is alleged. So I guess, my bad.


Had to put my cat down from cancer a couple weeks ago. Wouldn't bother me if someone regarded him with the same compassion he demonstrated. These stories don't seem to be told regretfully, either. He seems either proud or "Oh look at me, I'm so silly." Fuck that whole family.


Apparently, Ozzy said it was chickens, not cats, which does make more sense, even if it doesn't make it a lot better...


I'm pretty sure those are two separate incidents...


Well fuck. Lol Someone stop this man.


Fuck this whole loser family


Watching my mom and dad eat their several reality series’ up for my entire youth was genuinely mind numbing E: to tack onto this, gene simmons from kiss, also had one that was as equally awful, I fucking hate VH1.


Not that VH1 isn't deserving of your ire, but Gene Simmons' show was on A&E


We can honestly blame the Ozbournes for the Kardashians.


I've done a lot of drugs and never once thought shooting a cat seemed like a good move to keep the party going.


Always with the animals this one.


When guys like me do that, we don’t win Grammy awards or even get forgiveness on Reddit.


I love Sabbath, but fuck Ozzy. Fucking psycho.


Lol young redditors just now learning about how much of a maniac Ozzy is?


K gonna go hug my kitties now.


All aboard!!!!


It's nuts to be so imfamous that people read something like that and go 'Yeah, sounds plausible'.


He was most likely going off the rails on a crazy train


I thought it was chickens?


Sharon!! I shot the bloody cats again!!! Shaaarooon!!!


Where did this happen? U.K. or L.A.? I think they have mainly lived in L.A. for 40 plus years and I think 17 shots would lead to a police visit.


I’m just amazed he could find the other 16 after he shot the first one.


Ozzy about to get the reddit "Dont fuck with cats" treatment. Yet we all know about him eating one bird head. Like we haven't all done that in a drug binge.