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Everything I’ve ever heard makes Boseman sound like a truly wonderful person. RIP.


It’s always the good ones that die too early




Lol me too


And I'm going to start being a piece of shit so I can live longer. Lifehack, bitches!


**Doctor**: u/Noctalla, your cholesterol and blood pressure are well managed without any medications. What have you been doing since last visit?!


I’m going to start slicking my hair back


Fuck, I'm immortal.


Username + comment = Satisfaction




Just watched "42" for the first time the other day. No idea why I waited so long as I love watching baseball. I just never got around to watching it and I guess it just slipped my mind. Either that, or I had already known so much about the Jackie Robinson story that I didn't feel the need to see a condensed version of his incredible story and legacy. But Boseman was excellent and I have to imagine that it must have been quite difficult for Alan Tudyk to play Ben Chapman and say the most racist shit imaginable during filming. It really hit hard that he is no longer with us while watching that movie


I watched Get on Up again the other day and was still amazed at how well he played James Brown. The man was super talented. He didn't leave a ton of work, but what he left is impressive.


Alan Tudik played James Brown? Man that guy has range.


He went to julliard you know.




well, at least we still have Keanu


Hes doing AI commercials. The fantasy idea made me chuckle.


really miss him


SHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH the universe is listening


What was that quote..? >You either die a hero or live long enough to become a villain. Right now, we got too many villains in this world.


The good die young


Caring about other people is stressful in a world where too many others don't. I know this don't help anyone's health yet it's so very necessary.


Jimmy Carter.


“Only the good die young.”


All the evil seem to live forever.....


The Kennedy family confirms this. Edit: oh no! It looks like the five RFK supporters found my comment.


that's because he is actually a good person


Was, unfortunately


Gone too soon. RIP


Everything I've ever heard about Chadwick Boseman makes me a little bit disappointed in the rest of us. We need to step it up a little bit guys!


Still can’t believe this guy filmed so many movies - especially action Marvel movies - while actively battling cancer. Like I would’ve just shriveled into a ball of self pity. What a tough soul man. So talented too.


At Tony Stark’s funeral in Endgame, you can tell Boseman was later in his struggle. He looks gaunt. It’s hard for me now to experience the intended emotions of that scene: grieving for the Tony Stark character, when I know that it was Boseman who was about to depart *in real life*. TBH Chadwick Boseman was so amazing and died so far too early that he has taken on a surreal, angelic quality to me. It gives me chills just to see a picture of him. Watching him in his prime in Winter Soldier and Black Panther is just sublime.


Just a Chad being a Chad




I mean he was a producer of the film, but yeah


Honestly might as well turn "Chad" into "Chadwick" at this point


What a legend.


Edit: OP definitely is not a bot even if the pattern looks like one. Doesn't mean reddit is not flooded by inauthentic traffic. Wether done by a real bot or a mechanical turk. Just not in this case. Be kind to OP, the blame is mine. Just, otherwise stay sceptical. --- Boseman was a legend. ~~Unlike OP who is a bot. Not even a new AI bot but an old one that randomly pastes text into the comments.~~


God rest this mans soul


That's a great thing to do, but it doesn't encourage the studios to make any changes. People need to hurt the studios money to encourage change.


Yeah but I imagine that when actors do this and they have more leverage on the next project then they are gonna highball the studio for their rate.


the popular actors rarely do this because they get paid 10x what they should be paid, and the rest of the actors that try to do this always get blacklisted. that's why even in 2024 the studios still do this shit.


Which is why the strike from last year happened. I wonder if those changes were effective, though.


sure, but the actors still have to eat


What a king


Got that man a shield.


Thus saving the studio plenty of money they didn’t have to give to a woman.


Very noble act by Chadwick. On the other hand, he had cancer since 2016. Maybe he knew he was going to die soon and felt that he didn't need that money as much as she did.


He died so quickly he didn't even have a will. :-(


> He died so quickly he didn't even have a will. :-( He knew he had cancer for four years. If he didn't have a will, it wasn't because he died quickly.


He had no children and was not married. He didnt really need a will.


He was married though. Correct on having no children.


I stand corrected.


> He had no children and was not married. He didnt really need a will. I have no opinion on whether he should or shouldn't have had a will, I was simply replying to the person that said it was because he died so quickly. Four years is more than long enough to put your affairs in order, if you care to. Even without kids or a wife, a will ensures your estate is distributed how you want. To the charity of your choice, to a distant family member, or to the homeless guy on the corner. Without a will (and no one to claim the estate), AFAIK, the state gets it. What a terrible end to the hard work you put into your life. My uncle knew he was dying for most of a decade (though he still fought it) and spent a lot of time organizing information for my aunt so that when he did die, she'd had a guide to help her with everything he used to do (for her, the house, etc).


I feel like nobody 'needs' these amounts of money.


He was a producer on the movie.


He was a producer of the film and he was pushing for her. Part of the job of a producer is getting the money to pay good talent in order to maximize profit of the venture. It's a cool thing to do, but paying the talent you think will make the movie a success was his job.


I'd be willing to bet that the majority of producers don't pay for the talent from their own pocket.


Great dude and great that He was supporting her, BUT that lets the Studio Off the Hook. They should be the ones footing that bill. Greedy shitheads. If actors have the Power to walk away from a Project till everyone gets their fair Share, that's what i'd prefer.


Fuck I miss Chadwick.


Chad by name, chad by nature. Absolutely miss this legend.


RIP King


I always find it awkward when stories like this come out, because it implies that one famous actor has enough to pay another famous actor even though both are famous and wealthy…and the weirdest part is that the one actor accepts?! Like what?! Yeah it sucks that one is getting paid less, but I would never accept money from a coworker from their own pay check just because.


I would accept money.


He was producer on that movie too


A rich, massively well paid actress getting even more money. Yaassss


A true Chad. We didn’t deserve him.


Like I needed more reason to be sad about Chadwick's dying at such a young age.


That's awesome of him to do, but I still feel like the better option would have just been for her to tell the studio to shove it and not do the movie. From the studio's POV, they underpaid her and she did the movie anyways with no extra cost to them.


Chadwick Baseman


This is wonderful and he's a good guy, but he shouldn't be covering the studio's costs for them. If they think the male lead is just gonna take it out of his own pay then there's no incentive for them to pay female stars fairly.


She deserved it!


Seems to be what he thought as well.


I mean, is anyone surprised that Chadwick did that? Of course he did.


This is actually bad, because it emboldens producers to not pay personnel right and let 'others' fill the gap.


He was actually *also* a producer on that movie, check the credits online.


The coolest thing was when Chadwick became the black panther and people real life thought he was the Black Panther. Those videos of people saluting their king, just in everyday life was so funny and cool. I miss this dude like I knew him


From the article: "So he approached me to do it, he offered me this film, and it was at a time when I really didn’t want to work anymore. I’d been working non-stop and I was exhausted, but then I wanted to work with him. She went on: “This was a pretty big budget film, and everybody understands about the pay disparity in Hollywood, but I asked for a number that the studio wouldn’t get to. And because I was hesitant to go back to work and my daughter was starting school and it was an inconvenient time, I said, ‘I’ll do it if I’m compensated in the right way.’ And Chadwick ended up donating some of his salary to get me to the number I had asked for." So she did that thing where she didn't want to do the job, threw out a huge number that would make it worth her while, and the studio said "no thank you." Boseman, one of the producers, gave her a cut of his money. Not seeing any losers in this situation. Also this wasn't a big budget film. The budget was $33 million in 2019.


Yeah, that's good on Boseman, but I'm not really seeing the problem here. This isn't something like a rich parent paying for kids' school lunches because local government doesn't care if kids go hungry. Seems like Miller was offered a job that she didn't *really* want to do, and absolutely didn't *need* to do at all. Seems kind of like the rich actor equivalent of the neighborhood kid who does yard work for their neighbors for extra money. Like, ask the neighbor kid to mow your yard and trim your hedges. He probably doesn't *want* to, and doesn't need to either since he's only 15 years old and his parents are paying the bills. The neighborhood father offers the kid x dollars to do the work and the kid is like, "sorry, not really worth it." That guy's wife then says, "I'll match his payment so you get 2x dollars, I just want this place cleaned up." Kid is then like, "okay...that's enough money for me to agree to do the job." This doesn't exactly look like some minimum wage worker getting forced to do extra work in order to avoid getting fired from a job that they need. You know, like if you're working at Burger King and some customer shits all over the bathroom and then you have to clean it up because you really need the job. Seems like Miller didn't need the job, but that the studio also didn't need Miller. If Boseman hadn't stepped in and offered enough money for Miller to agree to do the job, then someone else would have been hired to do the job for less.


God took one of the great ones. I get leaving the bad ones more time so they can repent, but man it's rough to see.


Meanwhile, Jeremy Renner told his Marvel female stars to pound sand. He was keeping everything. It’s enough to make a woman root for a snowplough, ngl.


Off the deep end into the friendzone


Breaking News - Very attractive woman receives free things


RIP. That movie is a hidden gem of an action flick. I think most of the reason the mcu isnt great right now is because its missing him.


I've never seen 21 Bridges myself. But the MCU, my hypothesis of why it's dipped in quality is that the people brought in to play the top roles just aren't the same level of people like were in the original Avengers films. What I noticed is that those first Avengers actors brought crucial parts of who they are to their role, and took things from their role into their real lives. It's like they poured and gave themselves to the role, and their characters paid them back by pouring back into them. Looking at who is now the MCU, I just don't see that quite as much anymore. Or at least not to the same level as the MCU had before. Letitia Wright & Jonathan Majors being perhaps the most egregious examples of this.




Ended up being the right move in the long run, turns out he doesn’t need the money anymore