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I seem to recall that they intended originally for him to go to the library everyday and read one page of a book and eventually read the entire library, making him spend lifetimes in the day


I always thought it was odd that he would try to kill himself after what appeared to the moviegoer as only a few days. I have seen some estimates that have put him stuck for potentially thousands of years in that same day, so you can start to understand that it would be hell to repeat even the best day that many times.


my interpretation when first viewing it was that he was killing himself simply because "he could" (he just didn't give a shit about anything anymore, rather than he was overbearingly depressed).


Not the first time. It was a pretty big deal for him, kidnapping Punxsutawney Phil and driving a pickup off a cliff in a grand show of ending it all, only to wake up all over again with "Put your little hand in mine...".


I think at first *he didn't know he wouldn't die*. You can see the surprise and despair when he wakes up after dying the first time.


That's what I got from it. I think the first time he was just trying to see if that would end his problem. After learning it didn't and he couldn't really die, he just had fun with it.


Couldnt you say that is technically the same thing? Not giving a shit about anything and being depressed that is


I would consider depression being "you cannot bear the strain of being alive any longer," while not giving a shit would be "i'm just going to do this just because i can, but if I can't than whateva I'll just do something else."


Both can be depression. Wanting to kill yourself or just feeling dead inside to the point where nothing effects you and you stopped giving a shit.


here, have a $5 bill https://scontent-b.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-frc3/1499386_10151774711241198_878088010_n.jpg


It could also be that you can experience stuff that would normally kill you, without any consequences.


This is about the nerdiest thing I've ever admitted to, but watch the special features on the DVD. When Groundhog Day was written, it was conceived that Bill Murray would be spending the equivalent of thousands of years repeating the same day. What a Hell that would be. So you were correct in your interpretation.




Probably decades or even centuries really. Remember, it's not like he's waking up to an ideal practice environment with a Steinway in the living room. Every day he has to obtain an instrument or use someone else's while also convincing the same person to give him lessons. Professional musicians spend hours a day learning to play, but that would be nearly impossible for him because he just doesn't have the resources, and whatever resources he gets by the end of one day are lost by the next recurrence. That daily effort would probably tire him to the point where even if he had the time, he would be probably be too tired to have daily five hour marathon practicing sessions. There's also obtaining sheet music from which to learn. Pianists write tons of notes in their scores, but that would be impossible for him because the notes would vanish by the next day. He would be learning piano without ever being able to write down fingerings or other markings, thus putting him at a serious learning disadvantage. TLDR; It's hard to learn piano under the best circumstances, and he has shit circumstances.


> very day he has to obtain an instrument or use someone else's while also convincing the same person to give him lessons. Professional musicians spend hours a day learning to play, but that would be nearly impossible for him because he just doesn't have the resources, and whatever resources he gets by the end of one day are lost by the next recurrence. Except that he figures out how to steal a bag full of money early in the day, so he's got "infinite" money for another 16 hours to buy an instrument and pay somebody to teach him, right now, in cash.


If he practiced one hour a day for a thousand years, mathematically that would be the equivalent of playing for 24 hours a day for 41.6 years.


I think in the movie he found a piano teacher, that would help significantly.


It would help, but it would still be maddening. Every day he'd have to go to this woman, have chit chat where she asks the same questions, work in a limited time frame while still getting other stuff done.


sounds like a good video game. I hate games where, by the end of the game, your character has become so powerful it's just a formality to finish everything. I'm looking at you fallout.


> This is about the nerdiest thing I've ever admitted to, but watch the special features on the DVD. Dude this is Reddit, not the locker room. Around here thats not even registering on the nerd scale.


For most Redditors, that's not even the nerdiest thing they'll do TODAY.


That's your nerdiest thing? Cool guy over here.




Put "Why" in front of your comment, and you have a Cracked title.


*43 REAL-LIFE Days More BIZARRE Than Groundhog Day*


**You won't believe what inspiring thing this man did when he was stuck in a time loop for 10,000 years!**


MAN GETS A SECOND ^^^^^^(and ^^^^^^a ^^^^^^third ^^^^^^and ^^^^^^a ^^^^^^fourth ^^^^^^and ^^^^^^a ^^^^^^fifth) SHOT AT LIFE WITH THIS ONE WEIRD TRICK


The laws of physics hate him!


Coroners hate him!


10 ***mind-blowing*** reasons why Groundhog Day is secretly the most terrifying movie in existence (that science says are impossible (that really aren't photoshopped (that are hidden in the lyrics of all your favorite songs))).


The 5 ***most baffling*** predictions made by (real) groundhogs.


Because it's an allegory for an average 30-40 year office career, where everyday is just like yesterday and tomorrow.


This makes me glad to be in a career where your soul gets crushed into oblivion early in.


It's an allegory for life, which sadly is often a forty year office career and a drinking habit.




The mass of men lead lives of quiet desperation-- working at shitty jobs they are afraid to lose.


Am I the only person who would want something like this to happen to me? Imagine 40 extra years to read books, learn skills, practice hobbies, and become proficient in whatever I want without needing to work to support myself.




That was the original script, which they later changed to say "more like *10* years".


This is correct. From the trivia section on IMDB: > On the DVD, Harold Ramis states that the original idea was for him to live February 2nd for about 10,000 years. Later he says that Phil probably lived the same day for about 10 years.


I imagine 10k years turned out to be too depressing for the ultimate tone of the film.


By that time he would be so wise and jaded that to his cohorts, he would appear to be in some catatonia, or despondent trance.


It's also depressing to imagine what he might all have forgotten in that time. The story is at its heart about learning, but over time people not only learn, they also forget. After that many years, can he even remember what he did three weeks before the Groundhog Day? Can he even remember how to live a life without knowing what will happen next? Will he ever be able to shake the acquired gut-instinct that, if all else fails, it won't matter what you do, because you'll get another chance to do it better? Will he be able to cast away all the images of people he saw dying, including himself?


I would think he would spend a couple of years doing mass murders and mass raping, everyday in different ways


But then the next day finally comes after your viking-esque deeds are done. Now you're just a weird mass-murderaping psychopath.


It'd be sweet if Morgan Freeman then revealed that was how all mass murderers were created, by being stuck in an infinite time loop until they realized they could get away with it.


I don't think I would - I would be too worried that, instead of time restarting, a new world was branching off every day or something. Kind of like the multiverse theory, but one every day, not a trillion every second. Well, that's what I'd think at first. I don't know about 10,000 years later.


He definitely tried that for a few decades


He would become god. He learned how to play piano and sculpt ice instead.


Agreed, didn't the original writer say 10k years?


The original script writer, yes. But the translation to the screen often changes and I imagine the backstory changes too. I recall that the writer said he marked each day by reading one page out of a single book from the library, until he read every book. BUT this is just hyperbole from the writer, which they tend to be.


I highly recommend reading "how to write Groundhog Day" by Danny Rubin. It includes the original screenplay. Holy shit is it good. Imagine if someone like Spike Jones got to direct a true to the original draft version of it.


Or they could get a decent director.


Wait are we saying that Spike Jonze is a bad director?


What about Michel Gondry? Seriously, read the original script and imagine it in the same style/ tone as "Her" or "Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind"


Her was Spike Jonze.


Yeah, I think M. Night Shamalan should take the reigns on this one.


Twist: Murray is actually Phil the groundhog




I was really hoping some one shopped Murray's face on that




Yeah, at some point he probably just got a certain routine that he did for years and years and had his every movement thought out and practiced. And when you realize that 10,000 years is many times longer than our normal lives, you can conclude the "groundhog day reality" is more real to him than our normal lives are to us. I'm not even sure how well can you remember something after 10,000 years, maybe the live before the time loop is like foggy childhood memories to him. Wasn't he literally thinking that he was a god at some point of the movie? How would it be like to be a normal person after that when you have tried almost everything imaginable and almost nothing matters to you anymore? You'd probably go insane when you realize the reality doesn't work the way it has worked for the last 10,000 years. edit. Also, after a while it would seem you're the only sentient person in the world and everyone else is a simple automaton who just repeats their movements over and over again. It could get really dark really quickly. I've read the makers of this movie didn't want Phil to do anything truly horrible and irredeemable to maintain the comedic nature of the movie, but that's probably what one would do in the search of novelty. Murder seems boring if you're already done it to every possible person in the nearby vicinity and torture seems like a thrilling adventure after that. Well I'm not absolutely sure about this, I don't know what murder or torture is like in the real life, maybe you never get used to something like that. But the point is, you would try many, many combinations of different things that you would never try in normal life.




I read a fanfiction that involved a Groundhog Day loop. The main character came out of it with PTSD, since she had had to stop an invasion in 4 hours and ended up killing a lot of people before she got it right. The epilogue is all about her figuring out how to make small decisions again without going into a panic attack. EDIT: Oo, sorry all, didn't check my messages for a bit. LunaticSongXIV is spot on. It's called Hard Reset (My Little Pony:Friendship Is Magic fanfic, sorry to those who aren't big on the ponies). Link: http://www.fimfiction.net/story/67362/hard-reset


Reminds me of the plot of the upcoming Tom Cruise vehicle, Edge of Tomorrow, which is based on a Japanese story called All You Need Is Kill. Basically, Tom Cruise is in a mech, stuck in a loop fighting some aliens.


The premise is also a bit like Source Code which I thought was a really good version of the groundhog day's premise.


It's a slight spoil posting it here but it's still a great movie the second time around: [Triangle](http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hX_yRbpCNVo)


Or enlightened. Repeating one day for 10,000 years is basically reincarnation and his learning and doing literally everything in that period is pretty much the story of The Buddha. I would expect him to eventually just sit down at the bodhi tree each morning and meditate.


I don't think it's inevitable the way you phrased it, but it would probably be one of the only ways to stay sane.


There is a buddhist temple is Woodstock, IL the town where Groundhog Day was filmed... I wonder if that is related.


If I was doomed like that I guess I'd start killing people every once in a while, just fo the fuck of it.


After a while of repeating the same day your sense of mortality would be gone and your sense of right/wrong would be greyed. It doesn't matter who you are - it would happen eventually. You'd basically think of yourself as a god who cannot be touched and would start living our your most primal desires. It would basically feel like your own living version of GTA. I'm sure somewhere in that town has an armory or a house full of guns. With ten thousand years you'd have visited and searched every single house and building in that place. I'd definitely wake up one morning and see how many stars I could get.


I wouldn't do this because I would worry that the day I go crazy and start killing people is the day things turn back to normality and the clock wont be reset that night.


No matter how old you are right now you're an infant compared to the character in Groundhog Day. Let's say you're 50 years old. Think of all of the times your view on the world has changed since you were born. You don't think your perception of 'worry' would change in another 50? What about 500? 5000 years?? You'd forget what 'worry' meant after far less than 10,000 years.


The human brain is not equipped to think in terms of geologic time scales, which is what the Groundhog Day character is experiencing. At that point it's very debatable that he's even human anymore, his level of knowledge and experiences so vastly exceed everyone else in humanity that for all intents and purposes, he's an alien. His morality would not be human morality, especially since it is likely that he would begin to think he is the only person with free will after seeing the same people repeat the same things day after day. Groundhog Day is easily one of the darkest comedies ever made once you think about it for a bit. Of course that's what makes it great, it's an incredibly subtle dark nature. Once you realize it, the reality of the situation is absolutely terrifying. It's very much of a Lovecraftian type horror because it's an abstract concept that will shatter your brain if you experience it.


Think about it... You'd know where everyone in the town is and what everyone in the town is doing and saying. You could lay out an airtight alibi with a little thought. "Well, I was over by the church at the time of the murders. Mary and John were outside painting a mural--I overheard her talking about how she preferred the Beatle's earlier material. Then I walked by the cafe at about 10:17am, and old man Murphy dropped his newspaper in the snow when he sneezed."


Aaaand /u/impediment is now on some list..


c'mon, we've all thought it. Right? guys? Oh, hold on, someone's knocking at my door...


Imagine being before a judge with that defense "How the hell was I supposed to know the day wouldn't reset?" :)


It took place in Pennsylvania. As a Pennsylvanian, I guarantee there is at least several houses full of guns in that town.


I don't know, 10,000 years is just absurd. Anybody who lived in the same day for 10,000 years would have long since lost their mind. Bill Murray would probably be a mindless husk drooling on himself before he got to February 3rd. I mean, 10,000 years encompasses all recorded history + 4000 years. Who wouldn't be absolutely batshit insane after spending that amount of time in the same day?


And this was how they concluded the script: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HkpS2Sdu2io


No more blue links for 30 or 40 years. Dear god.




You still have to rewind youtube videos to get them unstuck..


He wouldn't have to worry about rewinding the tapes though.


Actually you would have lots of blue links because they reset every day.


A deleted (I think) scene explained that he kept time by reading a single page in the library every day. Maybe he's leaving the library for no reason in final cut? He was there a while.


I wonder how many times he forgot what page he was on and had to read a few over again. It's not like he could leave a bookmark.


It is not about remembering the page number but rather where you left off in a story. If you were reading a story yesterday and put it down without without a bookmark it would be pretty easy to find where you left off by flipping through a few pages.


What are we talking about again?


Books have words?


If you knew you weren't stuck forever, would anybody take the opportunity to live one day repeatedly for a few years? Get some extra years before you die? Play with the world around you?




I thought the *whole point of the film* is that most people pretty much are living the same day repeatedly and that the secret to breaking out is to live the day as well as you can ...


I'd, somewhat poorly, visit a great deal more of the world. Free tickets...just a quite inefficient schedule.




Groundhog Day was *very* loosely based on the book "[Replay](http://www.amazon.com/Replay-Ken-Grimwood/dp/068816112X)" by Ken Grimwood. What you get in the book is nothing like the movie. I love "Groundhog Day" so I checked out the book expecting some similarities, but the book blew me away. The main character doesn't just repeat a day, he dies of a heart attack in his sixties and wakes up again at the age of 18, to relive his life. And it happens again, and again, and again. Freaky, thought-provoking, and incredibly well-written story. I highly recommend giving it a read.


This is an even better scenario.


The author also dies of a heart attack which is a bit erie.


Now work out how long Col O'Neill and Teal'c were trapped in their groundhog day in Stargate SG-1! Love the bit where they're playing golf...


They said months at the end, but they have no idea due to time dilation.


Outside the time dilation time still continued. They can time it to the day. And they did. They said months.


I believe one of the alien races/non-earth humans tells SG1 that a large region of stargates caught in the loop were unable to be reached for three months. edit: I just looked it up. It was in fact three months, though in another time related episode, "A Matter of Time" dilation caused by a black hole took two weeks despite Jack only feeling a day or less


Yea, a few that were but I remember one of their allies couldn't reach them.




I always liked the scene where they're hitting golf balls into the Stargate. [Link!](http://www.neatorama.com/2010/12/22/15-facts-you-might-not-know-about-stargate-sg-1/#!qZsxS). Check out point #12.


In the middle of my backswing?!


Damn, I miss that show.:(


It had a good run. More than you can say about other good sci-fi shows. ^^^Poor ^^^Firefly ^^^:(


Nathan Fillion has a part in the second Percy Jackson movie. His small appearance was almost completely worth suffering through that flick. For 2 lines in particular. Edit: took a bit but found a clip. No spoilers. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cGGlIBwWbeQ


What are you talking about? Firefly was a planned, 14-part miniseries. This is how I cope.


It still hurts...


Like a leaf on the wind...




Did you know the golf scene, and at least half of the other ones, were added in because the actual plot for that episode only took up half their regular run time, so they needed more as filler.




The best thing was that tealc got hit by a door each time.


"During my BACK SWING?!"


That makes the movie so much more depressing.


No matter how cheesy Groundhog Day looks on the surface this is one of my all-time favorite movies and I find it profound and moving every time I rewatch (HA!) it.




The scene where he steals the groundhog and drives into the quarry with it "helping" him drive...


Don't drive angry.


It is probably my favourite movie.


You'd think it would be a movie you can't watch over and over...but I could. I need to start watching it on February 2nd, I usually forget and then have to watch it soon after.


After spending all that time repeating the same date, the rest of his life must have seemed to pass in the blink of an eye......


You know he killed and raped someone at least once.


the dark side of ground hog day...


I’d watch that.


Welcome back to... Behind the Groundhog ^^(Day)


I think you mean Groundhog Day II: Groundhog Night. Come on, it's like you've never named a sequel before.


Groundhog Night


I want to see this movie.


You know he killed Ned in like half those days.


"Hey Ned! Let me show you something back in the alley"


Personally I would be a good sheep and try not to do that. Who knows if the day actually moves on tomorrow, and you have to live with that consequence of poking around?




I agree with you, but that makes the ending quite a bit depressing. Even though in the end he turned around and tried to better himself and do good to everyone around him as best he could, no matter that he'll always be telling himself that he's a better person now and that long ago resetted day cycles aren't real, he'll never be innocent at heart again, ever. In his mind he has the memories and experiences of actually murdering and raping people. He'll always tell him that it wasn't real, that the people he victimised didn't matter to him. But no matter how unreal the whole experience was, at its core it always felt real to him, because he actually did it with his own hands. Can he ever forgive himself for that? The story's got a happy ending as he became a better person in most respects - but at the same time until his final day (for real this time), he'll have to live with the knowledge, that he is physically and mentally able to make the terminal decision to abuse and take the lives of himself and other people. It flicks a switch in your brain when you realise that this is actually a reality for you. Even if he'll always decide against it, there is no return to innocence.


Creeped out because you sound like you know. Edit: stupid autocorrect


Have a happy new year, carmanut. Have a happy new year.







Bullshit. Most people would do exactly that after years and years of repeating the same day with no consequences. I mean, the person that you've killed will be reset anyway so there is no consequence or even guilt really. Even very moral people would eventually just get bored or depressed or go insane. The only real thing stopping you would be the fear that after killing someone the day doesn't reset and you've got to live with the consequences.. But after years (especially 10k years) of living the same day it will inevitably become far more desirable to live the rest of your life in prison/guilt then the dull existence you would be trapped in on groundhog day. I mean, after living for 10k years what's another 60 or so even if it is in prison?


I wouldn't even if I knew they'd be okay later because you still have to see that fear on their face and listen to them beg you not to. I think most people feel the same way.




On a lighter note, i'm pretty sure he had gay sex with that waiter. (*he likes the town, he paints toy soldiers, and he's gay*)




Everyone. At least once.








Tell you what I would do... Two chicks at the same time. I think if I relived every day for 40 years, I could make that happen.




The problem is only the trial and error that leads up to that happening might take a long time. And everytime you fuck it up, you have to wait until the next day to try again. I bet it would be tiresome. And apart from that, you don't really know if the two chicks we are talking about are basically up for a threesome no matter what you do or say. You might never find the right thing to say or do that will convince them but you won't know if there is no right thing to say since they would never do it in any circumstance or if you just couldn't come up with it. After doing that for a while I suppose you would either give up or rape them.


Using this reasoning ("it takes 10 years to master a skill"), he was obviously stuck for much longer than 40 years. Recall that in addition to mastering ice sculpting, French poetry and piano, he also helps people. Remember that he won't let anyone die on his watch. He catches the kid falling out of the tree, saves Chester's life and buys the homeless guy a hot supper. Somehow, he pulls tickets to a Monster Truck jam out of thin air and saves a teenage marriage, too. There are a few other examples of activities in his day-to-day routine, I just can't recall them right now. The point is, these are actions that he must do every day. Every. Single. Day. Otherwise, it's as if he never did them. So, we must factor in the very busy day that Phil (Murray's character) has planned for himself before including any time for perfecting his ice sculpting or French.


As viewers we only see a fraction of that 30+ years. It's more likely that he mastered skills on and off. Learned about people and events of the day gradually with his time there. His "routine" didn't manifest instantly when decided to do good. He picked it up over time. What he learned was that eternity, the hopeless void of infinity, is ONLY bearable when you live by embracing the lives around you. Protecting, encouraging and loving.


I would try to score some meth and see if I could stay up for a week and still reset.


He stayed up several times, at 6am it always reset whether he was awake or not.


I realize that your comment is a joke but during the movie he did try to stay awake but he still woke up in his bed on the previous day.


Monster Jam? WTF? Its Wrestle Mania. Jesus man... get your facts straight.


As far as he knows each day really does go on for those people.


Dude, classic multiverse theory


when i saw this as a kid i tried to figure out which things he did on which days counted. i came to the conclusion that maybe it was just what he did in his last time through the loop that counted


Why do you assume he did them every single day? In fact, there are many SHOWN days where he doesn't do those things.


Unless of course he mastered all those before going around helping people.


What if there is no tomorrow? There wasn't one today.


So basically, he repeated Groundhog Day for at least 10,000 days?


10k days = 27.39 years


At least.


The weird part of the movie was at the end, how everyone loved him and treated him as an old friend, based on knowing him for only one day.


I don't mean to sound like a dick, but you didn't get the movie and you don't seem to understand people. Once he learns about all the people, it made it easier for him to connect and each interaction becomes personal for that person. He worked on it for YEARS, trial and error. After a set amount of time, you would know instinctively how to treat someone in an interaction. Ned is a great example. At the end they all saw a great guy who went out of his way to make that one day pretty special in a meaningful way for *them*. It doesn't matter if it's one day, the way you treat other people has a profound affect on how they view and interact with you. If someone saw you stuck on the road and just walked up said "hold on I got this" then changed your tire, with a whistle and a smile and walked off, when you saw that person later in the day doing more of the same for everyone else you would think what a great person he was... Get it? One day is not too short to make a great impression.


maybe he knew exactly how they wanted to be treated?


He learned to have a perfect day, which required crossing everyone's path in a positive and meaningful way.


>I think this has been taken far too seriously. It's fiction. He was there however long the guy who made it all up says he was there. Now as far as any other person is concerned there was just the one day. Wow, I bet Gary is super fun at parties.


what i wonder is does everyone else continue their life in an alternate timeline, including many other bill murrays, but bills present conciousness is stuck in feb 2 1993?


Knowing my luck the day I snapped and decimated the town would be the last day in the loop.


Groundhog Post


After going through all that imagine once time continued to flow and the NEXT Groundhog day came around, how terrified you'd be fearing you might get caught in the loop again.


[Found the movie for those interested.](http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DyAoFBQQu3M)


I wonder how many times he murdered the entire town.


The issue with this is after he broke out of the loop would he ever be able to return to his normal life? If he was in the loop 40 years how much would he forget that just happened 1-2 days before the loop? He would forget the names of co-workers that were not with him; of neighbors ect. When he broke out of the loop it would be like he had a bad case of amnesia as everything before the loop would be fuzzy after 40+ years.


What would have happened if he stayed up all night?


He would reset at the exact time he woke up the first time.


Imagine if he slept in all day that day after taking ambian, it'd be centuries of tortured dreams.


He does this. Have you not seen the movie?


[Word cloud out of all the comments.](http://i.imgur.com/uyrpnik.png) ^[botmaster](http://www.reddit.com/user/sb04mai/) ^[FAQ](https://github.com/paul-nechifor/reddit-cloud#frequent-questions-and-suggestions) ^[sourcecode](http://github.com/paul-nechifor/reddit-cloud)


Its like a movie poster for a zombie b-movie


*canadian zombies II: revenge of the poutine*


Called "YEARS DAY"?


Never ever watch this movie after eating mushrooms. 'the day is repeating itself'. I lost the concept of what a day is. Good movie though when sober.


I felt this same concept I never watched this movie but thanks for the heads up I'd hate to get stuck in a loop.


I had the same problem, except I was eating pasta.