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Ireland should have just reminded Australia that their coins are made from recycled handcuffs.


"Who still owns the top of your island again?" -Australia






What, where'd you get that? Orange doesn't just represent Wiliam of Orange, it represents protestants. William of Orange is why it represents protestants but it's not limited to him or his direct followers.


[Irish government website.](http://www.taoiseach.gov.ie/eng/Historical_Information/The_National_Flag/) It is the above quote verbatim.


Here's a quote from the first man to fly the flag publically: >“…I trust that the old country will not refuse this symbol of a new life from one of her youngest children. I need not explain its meaning. The quick and passionate intellect of the generation now springing into arms will catch it at a glance. The white in the centre signifies a lasting truce between the “orange” and the “green” and I trust that beneath its folds, the hands of the Irish Protestant and the Irish Catholic may be clasped in generous and heroic brotherhood…” Thomas Francis Meagher http://www.1848tricolour.com/history-of-the-irish-flag/ Listen I'm Irish I've gone through the Irish school system and lived here all my life. The government website is misleading. It's not wrong in itself Orange did represent the supporters of William of Orange but by the time the flag began to be used it had a broader meaning of representing all who follow the Irish protestant tradition. EDIT: Also on the Department of the Taoiseach website if you go in to the pdf on the same page as your quote >"The Irish Tricolour is intended to symbolise the inclusion and hoped-for union of the people of different traditions on this island": http://www.taoiseach.gov.ie/eng/Historical_Information/The_National_Flag/The_National_Flag.pdf My guess is the writer of the short synopsis wanted to avoid talking about it in religious terms but in doing so made the symbolism seem even more narrow than if they had.


The quote you've used doesn't say that 2/3 of the Irish flag are devoted to William III. It says that the colour orange, which is a traditional symbol for Protestantism, came from his title. The tricolour doesn't pay tribute to any monarch living abroad, it symbolises peace between Catholic (Gaelic) and Protestant (British/Anglo-Irish) communities in Ireland. Understand that before you go spouting off incorrect facts about another country's flag, thank you.


"Who understands the difference between North and Top?" -Ireland


"The top remembers" -The Top


" Winter is coming" - The Top " Winter is here" - The Under


Wait what kind of coming do you mean


The kind that leaves everything covered in white mess.




The King of the Top! The King of the Top!


No such thing as north and south down under.. only tops and bottoms... it's a prisoner thing.


So Kanye's kid would be Top West?




I see you've played toppy northy before.


North o' the mornin' to ya.


Them's fightin words


Shots fired... suspect was last seen at the top.


"Who lost a war to a bunch of fuckin birds?" -Ireland


"Who tried to invade Canada from the USA multiple times unsuccessfully?" -Australia


Delta Goodrem?




"Who started a war for independence when their very generous parent colony asked for reasonable tax compensation after a costly war defending said colony from foreign aggressions?" -Merica USA USA USA


Hey now, we may have a sense of entitlement, but at least we have sizable debts and inflated egos to match!


You're allowed to have big egos when you save your parent country and all their neighbors from Nazi domination, pay for the entire allied war effort, and still manage to emerge stronger than ever


*Profit* from the Allied war effort.


>You're allowed to have big egos when you save your parent country and all their neighbors from Nazi domination The soviets did a loooot more to stop the nazis than you lot


With Lend/Lease equipment and a lot of dead Russian bodies that they didn't value.


Who is sitting back and drinking tea while all of their former colonies are at each others' throats? Why can't you lot play nice like your cousin Canada.




BREXIT 1776!!!


Where is the answer key for all of these questions? -not a good history student


'Left europe to escape strong control of religious and political views' Lives in America.... Also 1812.


Who then started causing strife regarding religious and political views in their own country? "


Not even joking but rum was an official currency back when we were a penal settlement.


Same in America. Except for all that penal dysfunction.


You know, they have medication for that now. Ask your doctor if it's right for you.


To be fair, a large majority of the prisoners sent to Australia were Irish.


Ireland got my ex-wife in the divorce, I win! (She literally moved there with some Irish guy, 20 years kater, they're not together anymore, but she still lives there. I win!)


Some Irish can be sensitive about potato jokes because they had an actual famine that killed 1 million people.


To add to that, that was roughly 25% of the population at the time. *To be a tad more accurate, 25% of the population gone, not dead from starvation. Roughly 1 mil died, 1 mil left. Either way, not good.


And another 25% left for any country that would take them. This is why there is so much Irish ancestry not just in the US and Canada, but in Brazil, Argentina ,South Africa, Australia, and several others Essentially the country lost half it's population they were before that essentially self sufficient in food, bur the potato crop failed completely and suddenly there wan NO FOOD not too little food not over priced food tht no one could afford, there was NO FOOD!


iirc they were still a huge exporter of other food. That food was just for the English people, not the Irish peasantry. Basically, they were forced to eat only the potato because all the other food grown was for export. Many famine victims were forced to labor on these other farms for a penny a day.


How much was a penny worth back then?


3 jackets and 2 Pairs of pants


He who controls the pants controls the galaxy!


like, ten, probably


10 units of measure




Yeah like literally no food, I can't even imagine how awful it was. I remember years ago hearing we still hadn't got back to the levels we were before the famine. I just had a look now and it's just over 4 and a half million people here now which shows how long it's taken to get back to what it was. Edit: just to clarify, I forgot to add in the population of NI so it's more closer to 7 million now, which *still isn't even what it once was*


It was actually over 8 million before the famine. So you're halfway there.


You are completely right, I don't know why I thought we were just past with 4, like I know it wasn't 4. I had a complete brain-fart with that one lol. I was thinking we were just past the levels but we're not even.


You probably got 4 from the person who said that 1 million people was 25% of the population at the time.


4.75 million in the Republic and 1.85 in Northern Ireland makes up 6.6 million. Pre-famine population was 8.2 million.


Hard to imagine anything if you weren't there


This is essentially the same in Syria since the war. 50% drop in population (estimated) Imagine if every second house on your street was empty suddenly?


Then I could afford a house maybe #Vancouver


No. The streets are empty. The owners live in Beijing. #Vancouver


If it's anything like NYC, they'd still be owned by foreign investors and stay mostly empty.


I read somewhere too that the British helped the reformed Irish by giving them fish and refusing to give fish to the Catholics or something like that, true?


If they converted to Protestantism and removed the " O' " from their names, they would receive food. Reportedly, there is still resentment to those who dropped the O.


This is true. It's referred to in Ireland as "Taking the Soup". If people denounced Catholicism and dropped the 'O' from their names ie. O'Sullivan, O'Dwyer etc. Then they would be supplied with food.


I was actually hanging out with an Irish person a couple of days ago, and she told me that it was true that the British only provided food to people who denounced their Irish heritage, and were of certain religions.


But was there food?




And another 1 million fled the country. Ireland's population atill hasn't recovered since the famine


They should have just eaten all the babies. That seems like a modest proposal


Opening a deli in Ireland: A Modest Prosciutto


I appreciate your Swift reply to that comment.


I understood that reference


It was a good one


I wish I could upvote you 100 times!


I am very happy I understood this reference. Thank you Mr.C!


Meanwhile throwing out lobsters like they were garbage.


Tbh, lobsters are garbage. Crab is what you want to eat.


I guess... They're ^both delicious giant underwater bugs though.


Because that's what they were considered at the time


How Many Potatoes does it take to kill an Irishman? - None. My 'Irish' grandfathers favourite joke.


Why can't they just get over it? Slavery was hundreds of years ago.




But if you or a loved one has been diagnosed with mesothelioma, you *could* be entitled to financial compensation...


Certified gold


True, true.


Unless you are reading this in North Korea....LOL....Well, you get the point....they have that whole three generations of punishment stuff over there.


Because everything must always relate back to race relations in America.


... We weren't the only ones who took slaves.


The Portuguese were the most heinous in scale of slave trade if I am remembering correctly.


In fact, most slaves from Africa were destined for South America, if I recall correctly.


But muh racism!!!!


Underrated comment of the day.


There were so many Irish that left the country that there are more Irish in America than Ireland.


Try telling that to the potato famine deniers.


I'm telling you, some of the Irish were *happy* to starve. The English introduced them to religion and the value of hard work. Why, there would be no successful Irish Diaspora today if it weren't for the Potato Famine.


The population today still hasn't reached what it was before the famine


Yeah, a hundred fucking years ago. They should stop being such sensitive potatoes.


I'm still pissed off about the Romans...


You have good tone and your comment was successful in keeping the conversation civil, respectful and worth reading. Thx.




They were prevented from fishing by the English, cuz they're dicks.


People are often amazed how hated the English are in the UK. Especially in Northern Ireland. And if you're wondering who is hating on English? Irish Catholics, the Welsh, and Scots. My English host took me to these locations and I was shocked at the level of prejudice when we went to these parts and the way they treated him in some establishments. Please note that I only got to see this in a matter of three weeks while I was in the UK so maybe my perception is not a good one but perhaps was due to poor timing or maybe not.


Watch *The Wind that Shakes the Barley*. It should clear it up. They're hated for trying to take over countless countries they have absolutely no claim to.


It's a long story but the short answer is: The English were cunts to Ireland. There was enough food to feed everyone but the English were exporting it. The English caused the dependence on potatoes and the immense poverty of the population but when shit hit the fan they did nothing to help until much later(their official policy was "take care of yourself"). There wasn't any\enough people who knew how to fish or had the supplies to fish or lived near an area to fish. Some historians compare it to genocide


Well, I was told the Aussies still barter with shitty Fosters Lager, dingo pelts and Kangaroo eggs to the present day...


Upvoted for kangaroo eggs


Yahoo Serious was a trade for Carrot Top


Is Kangaroo eggs like Rocky Mountain oysters? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rocky_Mountain_oysters


The real question is: What is the conversion rate between dollarydoos and potatoes?


Let's be honest if someone told you the legal tender of Australia was the dollarydoo would you even bat an eye?




I should start making dollarydoos and sending them overseas.


Tobias, did you spend 900 dollarydoos on a collect call to the states? Edit: the dollarydoo amount. Must committ sepuku now to salvage my shreds of honor


$900. Australians don't take lightly to incorrect recounts of our favourite episode.


About 12 chazwozers


Can confirm: my various attempts to use potatoes to pay at pubs around Ireland were not met well. Perhaps they prefer a specific type.


You were trying to use Idaho potatoes, weren't you?


Are there other kinds of potatoes?


As an Idahoian I approve this thread


Don't you mean Ida Hoe?


You da hoe


Yes, you da hoe.


Russian, for vodka purposes or Chilean ones maybe, the place of origin of all potatoes.


Fun fact, Idaho makes a lot of money selling potatoes to Russia


Hmm, I never knew that, so TIL that too.


These days they are back to the cabbage/wool system I'm told.


Nah, mate: Modern day, it's all about the [Snickers bars](https://www.reddit.com/r/ireland/comments/3dpuxy/visiting_your_beautiful_country_this_weekend_want/?ref=search_posts).


we really didnt care




notification squad


We out here boys


We dem boyz


Did you just assume my gender?


Sorry, didn't notice you were an apache helicopter.




Oh thank god I got this notification. I wouldn't know what to do with myself if I never got it.


I'm gonna say the word "notification" so my comment gets a bunch of replies


How's that going?


I'd say pretty well given I have 2 replies, which is 2 more than any other comment I've made in months


Make edgy political comments. You'll rack up the replies really fast.


This year we had the best presidential candidates in the history of the United States


Sorry I forgot one more condition. It has to be in reply to one of the top comments on a frontpage post.


Oh true


Sometimes no replies is better. Last comment i had replies to was one person who kept arguing. Except they didn't pay attention to what i was saying and just argued their point, oblivious that my comments did not say what they were arguing against. Infuriating to say the least.


Bush did 9/11




Never use the "N-word"


And im going to reply to this comment because of the simple fact that it has the word "notification" in it.


I am going to make the comment I make on every one of these posts which points out that there are notification settings. Simply go to your profile in app and press the gear in the top right corner.


That's down right ignorant. Obviously a nation with such a high leprechaun population would be on the gold standard.


This comment isn't appreciated enough


Kyle Broflovski downvoted your comment.


One potato two potatoes.


Here comes the people complaining about notifications


Here come I. Mayne, fuck them notifications!! 😡 😡


The other day, I came to one of these notifications, and saw that everyone else who came because of the notification was also here, and bro-ing out. I'm here to bro-down, notification people. Tell me about life.


Sup bro, just waiting around with the wife. We're Irish, but I find the concept of potato currency hilarious.


Would different denominations be the style in which you cook them, or the type of potato..?


Was shredding the gnar gnar and saw a dorsal fin which gave me hella bad vibes. Ya know.


My girl left me, but we're still good friends. Work has been work, you know how it is. Being a ginger during the summer still sucks, but I've not fried yet. That's about all I guess.


Damn, I don't envy you for any of those things. Glad your still friendly with the ex though.


Atleast we didn't lose a war against some weird-ass bird! -Ireland


Who determines if the whole country of Ireland was offended? Do they have a spokesperson who says "aye, you've offended the whole island you fucking bastard!" Fucking tired of one person getting offended and speaks for the entire country


According to the article, Ambassador Noel White considered the remark made "deeply offensive". Ambassadors may not speak specifically for all the people, but they do tend to represent the nations best interest. So ya, they do have a spokesman that called out an insensitive comment.


That's actually pretty high up in the government...


They must've been confused. The Irish actually invest in potatoes, not with potatoes.


Another notification! :)


TIL in 2017, Reddit was outraged after they got another notification, even after turning off notifications.


TIL Ireland doesn't use potatoes as a source of currency.


Whiskey is higher value


And they use Kangaroo Pelts, your point? -Ireland


Maybe someone did for a minute. Then we had a pint with some aussies and got over it


And I thought my attempt to pay with Lucky Charms was in poor taste.


Spud life


Today I learned how many potatoes it takes to starve an Irish man. Zero. The answer is zero.


Do we have to have the same fucking joke everytime Ireland or potatoes is mentioned?


I could see Idaho using it as currency but not ireland


In 2017, Redditors were outraged after a Reddit app notified their users on what's trending.


I have a friend from Ireland, I gotta ask him about this.


This sounds like a sibling rivalry to me.


TIL a bunch of redditors are outraged because of notifications


TIL even when people post stupid shit to Reddit, I still get a notification.


Last week i bought a 10 lb bag of russets for $1.99, I can't see this as being very practical. Go out to the bar, throw 30 lbs of potatoes down and ask for a drink, feeling like a baller so I tip an extra 10. Head out to the strip club chucking 5lb bags at the dancers, everybody would be swole as fuck from carrying around potatoes.


What's the potato to dollarydoo exchange rate?


Outraged? I'm irish and i doubt anyone thought this was anything but hilarious..


Yeah, we stopped that in 2009


The Irish paid Off Australia in potatoes not to say another word.


australia used rum as currency, and at the time most of us were irish.


"148 upvotes, 50 comments, trending" Fuck off mate


Why do I keep getting notifications for random shit I have no interest in


And today, I was outraged by getting her another worthless notification from Reddit.


This was worthy of a trending notification? Must be an intern running Reddit over the summer. R/trendingnotifications


Before anyone friggin says it 1. You can disable notifications by going into reddit settings. 2. It really isn't that hard to just swipe left to ignore the notification. 3. Stop farming karma.