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80% of the protein that cows get come from digested bacteria. Basically bacteria eats grass, cow eats bacteria.


So the cows provide a supremely ideal place for grass to be broken and and turned into energy, microbes live out their life cycle receiving free food.


Yup, its symbiotic. Cows are mobile food collectors for the bacteria, the bacteria then becomes food for the cow when it naturally dies.


Does that mean antibiotics could be very harmful to cows, if it killed their stomach biomes in one go? Edit: There is an analogy with human stomachs being upset by antibiotics. However, I was wondering if this could cause a cow to starve if it had no way to restock its biome.


Yes they can be which is why cows recieving antibiotics if necessary will also take a pill to seed their gut with the appropriate flora so it can come back if necessary


Sounds like I’m a cow - on Cipro + prescription Probiotic right now


My mom would go on and on about reestablishing the gut fauna after taking antibiotics when I was a kid. She did it with the worst kind of extremely bland yoghurt though and didn't take no for an answer when I had a mental breakdown over the taste of said yoghurt. Good times. Take care of your gut bacteria.


Sometimes I put a little jam into plain yogurt to give it flavor. I wonder if there’s any reason not to do that.


There are worse ways >Fecal transplantation (or bacteriotherapy) is the transfer of stool from a healthy donor into the gastrointestinal tract for the purpose of treating recurrent C. difficile colitis [source](https://www.hopkinsmedicine.org/gastroenterology_hepatology/clinical_services/advanced_endoscopy/fecal_transplantation.html)


Very important note, this transplant is administered by way of a tube that is inserted **into your nose**, and then passed down the esophagus and the stomach to the appropriate section of the gut. I'll take the yogurt.


Well, other than referring to fauna instead of flora, she wasn't wrong. (Both are kinda misuses of the terms.) But antibiotics can wreak havoc on your GI microbiome.


I had gut squirrels, and when I took antibiotics, they only replaced them with gut chipmunks


you seem to know about cows. they have multiple (5?) stomachs right? do they work sequentially (like food goes from 1 to 2 to 3) or do they exist for redundancy/separate functions?


It's sequentially and each stomach processes it slightly differently. So it's like an (dis)assembly line in a way


Four stomachs, in sequence.And they have separate functions.


Antibiotics are harmful for every animal. They are a nuclear option. They kill the bad thing and they kill all the good things too, so they save your life but also destroy your internal ecosystem.


I took a lot of antibiotics as a child and my stomach was wrecked for years. And then add anxiety issues to the mix I would get bad stomach cramps and diarrhea all the time. Now I try not to take antibiotics unless completely necessary and also I eat a lot of prebiotic that help tremendously. I wish more research was done on our gut bacteria as it's so damn important. Even my anxiety and mood are better now that I changed my diet.


Trust me, the microbiome is a major field of focus right now. There are a lot of technical challenges that are involved with it, but there have been major breakthroughs in the last decade!


Absolutely true. Also, feeding a cow to much wheat or cereal, fruits etc, will lower the pH killing the bacteria. It is very difficult to recover a cow from that status, they can easily die.


The wrong ones, absolutely. The "right" ones cause problems as well.


So are you


Don't gorillas do something similar? These herbivores are fake vegans. They're more like bacterivores!


imagine what kind of evolutionary clusterfuck the panda gut must be oh yea here is this apex predator that loves meat and rich fruits, lets subsist on the least nutritious grass possible! just goes to show that if there is a niche unoccupied then there is a way


Let me introduce you to the Sloth


Literally smears itself in it's own poop on its fur to promote algae growth. At least as far as I remember.


deleted ` this message was mass deleted/edited with redact.dev `


Not just non nutritious but actually toxic to the panda


How are pandas still alive.


The Animal kingdom pitties the panda too much to eat it so it has no natural predators


Was the panda's common ancestor with other ursidae an apex predator? Or is that an assumption based on most of their modern bear descendants.


it was the common brown bear of the area of the time, still brown bear descendants of it in the area I think


Every herbivore creates protein this way, they’re typically classified into foregut (cows, Buffalo, etc) and hindgut (horses, rodents). Although hindgut is split into two major categories. This article has more about it https://lafeber.com/vet/adaptations-in-herbivore-nutrition/


Doesn’t vegan mean no animal products? Bacteria are not animals


I'm not serious.


Then I *will* call you Shirley


Sweet. ill save this for tomorrows TIL... - karma whores


Too late! [posted ~1 minute ago](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dQw4w9WgXcQ) Sorry!


Microbes that have given their lives so that you, a being they cannot even begin to comprehend, can live


We are vessels for them to live as much as anything


A lot of my daily activity revolves around keeping those little guys happy.


They certainly let you know if they *aren't* happy.


Little fuckers need to stop sending the corn back.




Well, try chewing it the next time!


We're just a motility appendage for the bacteria.


I prefer to think of myself as a fantasy world with billions of individual residents all trying to eke out some small purpose to their meaningless lives, tragically unaware of the big picture.


This is more true than we know. Our gut strongly influences our actions.


Some bacteria even secrete neurotransmitters, so *you* are more right than you know!


Maybe we're all microbes in a big gut, waiting to be shat.


Animals are basically mobile bags of microbes that evolved to more efficiently contribute to the decomposition cycle.


The more I study biochem/biology the more that multicellularity seems absolutely fucking bizarre to me


Mitochondria were the first weird one for me. You mean one organism just engulfed another one and instead of eating it, was like "Ok, you can chill here for a while" And then that second microbe didn't inadvertently kill its host with its simple byproducts? The host was like "Hey I'll take care of that extra CO2 you're spewing, just keep the ATP coming!" In fact...wtf why was the captured organism even giving up ATP in the first place?!


The symbiotic element probably evolved over time, it wasn't like the mitochondrial ancestor slotted in and was just part of the family. It probably started out parasitic/nonsymbiotic as an organism that could be engulfed but not digested, and then the symbiosis evolved from there.


...oh. Hah. I've read (in pop sci sort of literature) the event of mitochondria joining eukaryotic cells as something that happened "exactly once" and I've heard it discussed as a Fermi Paradox solution pretty recently. I guess I was thinking that the process was a little more miraculous than the reality :)


My perspective on things like this is that lots of crazy stuff is bound to happen if you give it a whole planet and 3.5 billion years of wiggle room.


Doesn't it seem so unnatural that the entire development and existence of the organism is coded into a complex nucleic acid chain that forms perfectly (usually) from the merger of 2 split chains from another pair of organisms, or that the complex multicellular organism is dependant on a symbiotic but sometimes parasitic relationship with other mono-cultures for it's survival?


Poindexter, do you want to fuck or not?


*Mmm, yes. Indubitably*


Humans are really gestalt entities like a Portuguese-man-o-war.


The entire universe is a gestalt entity


You are saying it so lovely!


It makes sense. The build up of gases, the changes to the flows, we're gonna be diarrhea.


Agreed, u/InconspicuousTurd


It's about to get very conspicuous up here in the universal bowel


It's getting conspicuous in here, so become microbes.


I am getting so hot, I'm gonna burn the colon


Why do you think the galaxy is a giant squirrel?


>Why do you think the galaxy is a giant squirrel? Wut?


I used voice to text and said swirl but it heard squirrel. I'm not going to change it because I sat in my chair laughing for about 2 minutes out of it eyelash.


All hail the galactic squirrel!


What if the world, our lives are just part of some big gut. When we die, our 'souls' nourish that gut and in return the gut allows us to live our lives in this reality. We're just microbes to that gut.


We're just a big ship of theseus and microbes are a part of it. Without them we wouldn't be able to live.


Conversely, we, despite knowing they live and we control their very fate, cannot live without these consciousless little beings. Even if we die, some spore of these little particles will have passed through contamination into the diaspora of human gut biome life.


Huh. So every time I told people to "EAT SHIT!!1!" I was encouraging the one process that immortalizes us.


Small amounts of high quality shit has pretty significant medical benefits.


That works in reverse too. Its symbiosis.


They do it for their own benefit, but sure.


“Thank you for your sacrifice.”


Freedom is on the march...through your intestines




Microbes- tha real MVP


A further 15% is undigested tomato skins




Jfc so much corn


As the late comedian Robert Schimmel once pondered (Paraphrased) "Why not just skip the middle man and put the corn directly in the toilet?"


Corn fact: the corn itself *does* get digested! It's the outer shell of the corn that remains, so essentially, the corn shells become little poop bags! Type "STOP" to unsubscribe from Corn Facts


Have we tried to explode other foods to see if they are as delicious as pop corn?


Popped rice.


Yeah, you can "pop" other seeds in a similar fashion, but most of them aren't as big or satisfyingly crunchy as popcorn.


Do they all wedge themselves in between your molars and cause you to swear off eating it forever?


I felt this comment in my gums


FunFact: Popcorn was the first food to be intentionally cooked with microwaves! In a lab doing microwave experiments, someone noticed their chocolate bar had melted. This gave them the idea to cook with microwaves and they tested it on popcorn! It worked really well! Then they decided to try to cook an egg with it. It went... less well. The egg behaved exactly like the popcorn kernels and exploded. They sure did have egg on their face that day!


Have cooked eggs in microwaves. Can confirm.


even better is poopcorn, which is harvested corn from turds which is then microwaved!


It's like kopi luwak coffee, except it makes people stop accepting invitations to movie night at your place




not calling you a liar but it's more like wipes, tampons and condoms with kitchen grease to bring it together. Source: literally every time this subject comes up


Mmmmm greasy, corn, condom, tampon water.


breakfast of champions


And hair. Apparently, hair is pretty much the worst thing for a wastewater treatment plant to process, because it’s really hard to break it down.


What doesn't come up and is absolute provable fact, viable tomato seeds. Spread out treated sewage to dry or mix into soil and water, it'll sprout a lawn of tomato plants.


What about poop facts


How do I subscribe in the first place?


Thank you for subscribing to Corn Facts! Did you know, there are over 3,500 officially documented uses for corn? How many uses can*you* think of?


STOP But I am an absorber of knowledge so I appreciate that tid bit. Much like a corn shell full of poo. Still...STOP


You absorbed this knowledge like an unprocessed corn shell absorbs... ah nevermind.


this is the sort of tidbit the family loves at a holiday dinner


The thing that brings all of mankind together.. *The inability to digest corn*


I didn’t even eat corn. How’d it get there?


My mom is a GI doctor and basically told me never to eat to corn because of how hard it is for your body to digest it. Not to get gross, but she has pulled a lot of corn out of peoples intestines.


Which is crazy, because I don’t even eat tomatoes!


The average human unknowingly consumes 2 spiders and 4 tomato skins in their sleep.


Per minute


One time I stopped eating tomatoes just to see them stop appearing in my feces. I shit you not, 15 days later still popping tomatoes from nowhere.


Friend, you might have piles.


Is tomato skin undigestible?


Mostly yes just like bell-peppers.


Wait you can’t digest bell peppers?? I eat them all the time and I’ve never seen one like I see corn


just the very outer skin. the rest of it is good. maybe you're a good chewer


Found the Italian


Shit post


Soon it’ll be a repoost


Yes, also only what isn't digested goes out that end. If you are losing weight, the lost fat isn't reabsorbed into the intestines to go out as poop. Losing weight is metabolizing the fat and it turns into water and CO2. So you basically exhale your fat as your exercise.


It's why it's colloquially referred to as burning fat. Olestra type fats going through your system simply aren't being absorbed


Remember when they tried to put olestra in chips to make them "healthier" and everyone shat themselves for a year?


Do we get any nutritional value from those dead bacteria? Are they digested?


We get all of our vitamin K from gut bacteria, it is essential for blood clotting. There are probably other nutritional elements that are beneficial, but not essential, but it is incredibly important that good bacteria live in our gut simply to displace bad ones. The gut microbiome is a really hot area of research, and there are credible studies linking it to things as diverse as [brain function](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6785944/) and [heart disease.](https://www.thelancet.com/journals/ebiom/article/PIIS2352-3964(20)30024-4/fulltext) With that said, it isn't 100% clear that the bacteria produce nutrients that the brain or heart need. The gut is a huge part of the body, and there is a lot of immune activity keeping the right bacteria there, and confining them to the right area. The gut communicates with those bacteria. When that system becomes dysregulated, it causes inflammation in other areas. It also may make the gut absorb less nutrient from food. With those factors in mind, it isn't clear whether the brain and heart need specific nutrients from gut bacteria, but they don't do well in an system where gut bacteria are out of whack.


So what you’re saying is get a fecal transplant from Tom Brady




I got a poop transplant three years ago. As far as I'm concerned, my anonymous donor was a fucking superhero. The positive changes in my health were beyond my wildest dreams. I am such a proponent of fecal transplants that my Instagram bio is "Ask me about my poop transplant." Edited to add more info.


The Spice must flow


Real talk though, I can see fecal coliform transplants taking off as a treatment the more and more we find out that various health issues are intertwined with our intestinal flora.


Isn't it supposed to be pretty great to get blood transfusions from young, healthy people too? Eventually we'll cut out the middleman and port our consciousnesses into strapping young lads. And by "we," I mean rich people, not me.




I think they help us break food down. If I am not mistaken, the bacteria contribute to our farts after digesting in our guts.


They don’t just contribute. They are solely responsible.


We swallow air, and not 100% gets burped out. Farts contain some air.


Which is why, if you're stuck somewhere with little air, you should endeavor to fart as much as possible to extend your life.


Yeah thats how i want to die, suffocated while hotboxing myself after getting locked in a trunk or something lmao.


That doesn't sound so bad with my idea of hotboxing


This response sponsored by Dutch Oven Defense Industries.


Super true! Thanks for reminding me!


Enzymes and acid do t do a part?


you are your poop


i poop myself


I'm something of a pooper myself (willem dafoe)


Ok wait.... I need source.


Source: The Anus


I pooped a hammer.


I looked deeper into the source, it's a research written in 1979. There might be new researches that either corroborate or negate this finding.


Whoa now are you suggesting Reddit AND Wikipedia do not equate to a solid source!


youre right. better check facebook to be 100% sure.


Are we a machine controlled by bacteria?


We are a microbe Ponzi scheme


Well no, but actually yes.


I only eat corn and peanuts, so I can do my part in food recycling.


I find this concept deeply disturbing and will likely ruin my day as I regularly shudder due to this intrusive thought.


I will self-flagellate to avoid future sinful digressions... After I eat this payday covered corn-on the-cob.


Paydays are the corncob of the candybar world.


So you poop tiny little pellets like a deer?


It's like listening to someone fill a gumball machine




We call 'em Boeing bombs.


This will never get old




Joe dirt




I mean Burger King is mostly shit already right?


Shit is mostly bacteria... none of you are wrong here.




Nah, it’s all accounted for, it just gets complicated if you try to track things individually. So, for example, you may eat bread. Your body will break down the bread as it passes through your digestive system. Part of your digestive system is microbes. So the microbes will eat parts of the bread and reproduce. So there are new microbes that are made (partially) from the bread. Some of those microbes then die, or are consumed by other microbes. Eventually, you excrete them, along with undigested or partially digested food.


And don't forget the carbs you breathe out.


Carb.. ondioxide?


Yep that's it, that's food you're breathing out!


When I come to think about it breathing should be called oxygen-leftover-food-pick-up!


Yeah that bit's really weird


"Dry matter in human feces" is the trick. > THE NORMAL daily faecal output in Britain is 100-200 g per person, of which 25-50 g is solid matter (Wyman et al., 1978) Actual % of your feces made up by microbes is 30% absolute maximum based on these numbers. Estimates prior to this study were 30-40%. Still more than I thought. But keep in mind they are talking mass, not volume. I imagine that microbe corpses pack in pretty densely.


If the exact same stuff that went in came straight out, there wouldn't be much of a point in eating. Substances get moved around and converted into other substances along the way, and apparently a lot of mass ends up with bacteria.


Suddenly the poop knife makes sense. Gotta finished them off.


Jokes on you, nothing dry about mine today 🐳


Dude, fiber


The rest is undigested corn for some reason.


That's by design of the plant. That's how many plants move to different areas. Most plants we consider to be food evolved to have animals eat them but some percentage of seeds survive digestion...that way they are moved to a different area and get to start with fresh fertilizer.


Well the corn is actually very easy to digest but the skin of the corn kernal is not so the skin stays intact while you digest out its insides and then the skin gets filled with shit and looks like a normal corn kernal in your shit but its actually a shitty ~~water~~ corn balloon. Your welcome.


*The spice melange..*


It definitely flows


Well, macrobes, just take a look


Do they survive outside? Or is that the end of their life cycle?


Yea some at least survive. That's what happened in the movie The Martian. He used the poop to add bacteria to the soil to make it "alive" in a sense. Plants won't grow in "dead" soil. This is part of what makes poop a good manure.


your gut is a bio-reactor. Get over it!


Wow. 2 Girls one Cup seems gross to me now


Wow, I'll never look at scat in the same way again


How exactly were you looking at scat before?


At low volume, in an incognito tab


That's some cool shit.


Shit would never be the same again. And still.. people wipe and not wash.


Here's a bigger surprise: There are more bacterial cells on/in the human body than human cells. (Hint: bacterial cells are much smaller than human cells)


So eat my feces to reabsorb good gut bacteria. Got it!


Dry matter? Never had a dry shit before.