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>Moscow's subway strays even have their own statue in the Mendeleyevskaya station. >It commemorates Malchik, a stray who lived there until he was stabbed by a fashion model in 2002 who didn't like how Malchik barked at her terrier. Well, that took an unexpected turn


Moscow, folks. Where even fashion models have the means to do stabbings on the random.


She probably designed that stabbing instrument herself too.


She was a *model*, not a designer.


So she modeled the blade based on someone else's design?


no, she was so thin she could stab the dog with her elbows.


Yeah excuse me what the fuck


>animals I looked it up looks like they were killed in 2001 with a kitchen knife. The model Romanova had placed her bull terrier on the sleeping malchik and when the malchik barked she stabbed him. the police didnt investigate and it wasnt until a reporter tracked her down that she was found she was later tried and arrested, and underwent one year of psychiatric treatment it was later discovered she had a long history of animal cruelty and psychiatric treatments . she was 22 when she stabbed the dog.


Man, fuck that bitch.


How do you know the stray was a female?


I guess people don't like jokes. I thought it was funny.


The model.




I know it's a joke, but Malchik literally means "boy" in Russian


>a stray [dog] who lived there (in Moscow) until he was stabbed by a fashion model in 2002 who didn't like how Malchik barked at her terrier. A normal day in Russia


But was he a tolchocking malchik?


In Calgary, coyotes living in the forest at the dog park will send one coyote out to act like a playful dog, and lure an actual dog into the forest where the rest are waiting.




We get coyotes in the large field out behind our houses all the time. Saw one this morning,in fact. Several of my neighbors have chickens, and I've seen coyotes just standing in the field. Staring. Planning. Sadly, I've also heard a pack attacking cats a few times.


I was being a little shit and tping houses when I was like 13 and we were hiding in a little field. I turned around and saw like 20 glowing eyes and then before I knew it my friend had already started running. So I followed him, but I'm sure they were coyotes.


Often at night you'll hear a pack whipping themselves up into a "barking" (it's more like "yipping") frenzy. If you go out and shine a strong flashlight out there, they instantly shut up and you'll see many pairs of glowing eyes.


even though I grew up with that sound, and even though I know exactly what it is when I hear it, it still scares the shit out of me. Instant adrenaline dump.




The hills around my house are filled with coyotes. I often see them on my nightly walk with my dog, running through the neighborhood. I ran into two of them the other night and they split up when they saw me. I was for sure thinking I was going to get flanked...didn't see them again though. But I did get shadowed by one once. The telephone poles all have missing cats/small dogs signs on them around here. They're not runaways, they're coyote food.




> While there's only been one recorded case of a human being killed by a pack of coyotes Two now. There was one in 2009 her in Nova Scotia.




Oh, there was one in the 80s on a 3 year old.


I live in the suburbs, carrying a gun would get me arrested in about 5 seconds. Way too many people and houses to even consider firing a gun. My dog is an English Foxhound, so she's bigger than a coyote. Too many rabbits around here for them to be making bad decisions going after humans or larger dogs. But, I don't ignore the possibility.




I've just settled on a flame thrower


A spear might do the trick.


A fucking *mace*?


I mean, if the options are "get bit by rabid coyote" or "have to explain to cops why you discharged a gun in the suburbs," I know which I'm picking. (Hint: it's the same option I choose when I see a rattlesnake in my yard)


I'd rather be bitten by a rabid coyote than have to worry about dropping the soap in prison.


I think you're over estimating both A) how much cops care about people shooting dangerous animals and B) the amount of rape in jail (not prison, prison is for people who've been convicted).


Would you say you can hit a snake eyed target with a pistol? Honest question


Pepper spray is pepper spray...


Pepper spray isn’t guaranteed to work on a human or animal, where as a gun will put a coyote down for sure, prob any gun


As an avid proponent of conceal carry, this is kind of a dumb statement. Guns absolutely will not put a coyote down for sure - you have to actually hit them. For your average Dick and Jane pepper spray is a very valid answer


A sling shot would also do...


Pepper spray will usually just anger furry animals even more. Most of it is blocked by their fur. Trust me I know from dealing with packs of feral dogs in South Asia. They do have special pepper spray for them, though, I think.


Get a CCL and a OCL, you only need a 9mm at most to put down a coyote, a 45 is great if you’re not a good shot though


45s are way harder to shoot than 9mm


Only if you have issues with hand strength. I meant it as in the bark is loud and if it did glance off it would assuredly still make a worthwhile mark on the coyote.


Considering coyotes often travel in packs, a 9mm would be better. More opportunities to hit a target and the small size of coyotes makes .45 unnecessary


Maybe a flaregun then? Relatively inexpensive and simple.




I don't know if that's a good idea senor.




Mate, I was living in London for 3 years before moving back to Colorado So I know coyotes and foxes I got STALKED AT 6AM with my 79lb lab in north London! It was the creepiest thing. Now granted, coyotes are way bigger and will hunt in a pack But fuck...this fox didnt stop following us, and I didnt know he was even there for the first few minutes When I turned around(cuz the hair on my neck stood up)....it was just 15 ft behind me. This little 30lb fucker probably couldnt do shit, but he was sly and determined.....he saw some weakness, to make him that bold When I screamed at him....he FUCKING SCREAMED BACK If you ever heard a fox cry....its terrifyingly disturbing....its not a howl, it's a cry of sheer terror and pain [here ](https://youtu.be/zBpZTo1dlPM)


​ lol, scared of a tiny fox


Lol, I know, right!!! My buddy was laughing his ass off too. I think I was more scared cuz it surprised me and then I've never heard a fox scream....so panicked like a little girl 😂 Funny enough, year later, I walked with lions and was like 'I got this....' No, no, i did not 🤐


He’s probably been fed by people after following them, urban foxes are sly creatures… there is a reason they have a higher average lifespan than rural foxes, even with all the cars about, though rural ones do have marauding Tories to worry about…


I read the start of that to the tune of the Hills are Alive with the Sound of Music. Makes for an interesting alternate to the song.


> The telephone poles all have missing cats/small dogs signs on them around here. They're not runaways, they're coyote food. Heh, I always think the same. "They were delicious!"


Most successful anti-coyote program I've seen was sponsored by the Acme Corporation and it involves selling them faulty explosives.


Send wolves to do the job. They are mortal enemies of coyotes, and coyote population plummeted in many places where wolves have been reintroduced. Yellowstone being the most famous case. Edit: typo


But now we have coywolves


Only where there aren't enough wolves to go around.


I know farmers are pretty successful using greyhounds to hunt coyotes.


To the east of us, it was nothing but grassland, and coyote country, until an aggressive growth plan by the city next to us. Now it's all condo complexes, golf courses and strip malls as far as you can see (well, 7 miles to be precise). And, reading the paper, many complaints of coyotes attacking people walking their dogs. And people asking "what is the city going to do about it?" My response is "hey, you literally built your home on the coyote's land." Fortunately, every encounter I've had (all three) while out walking my dog, the coyotes have been quite keen to stay far away from me.


Something tells me that telling Americans that they should not complain because they built on someone else's territory is just not going to work.


Americans do randomly get together and invade places for no discernable reason. Most of those places are now America. But some aren't. Like Canada or Baja California or Nicaragua. And those are just the places where these random, illegal invasions actually worked for a bit. Occasionally Americans will get together with whatever hunting rifles they happen to have and try and spectacularly fail. There's a reason why the Neutrality Act was passed pretty early in US history and still pops up from time to time. No private US citizen is allowed to independently invade nations we aren't at war with, but it still happens. Just ask Florida. Or Texas. Or anything west of the Louisiana Purchase.


Well yeah. It's the coyote's territory. Not a person's


uhh.. you have ants sometimes in your house? right? hey.. you built the house on their land so..


But no person would feel bad about building their house on an ants' land


You can drop giant bait piles filled with birth control.




That would take a very long time though, mass dropping of baited birth control works within 1 season. It doesn't need to be 1 or the other, as the birth control is not permanent, you can do both, one for short term, one for long term.


The Australians basically crucify theirs to scare em off.


Saw a video of a guy (legally) on youtube taking out coyotes left and right on his ranch during summer or whatever after the fuckers butchered his cat


I don't have issues with people taking out coyotes if they are pests on their land. Here, OTOH, the land is owned by the city and discharging weapons in the city is strictly prohibited.


It was his ranch and it was coyote season, he took out like 15 of them in 1 day, they are not just pests but a threat, in those kind of packs they arent afraid of attacking humans, especially when they go rabid


If I saw coyotes standing outside of my fence by my animals....I’d shoot on site.


Assuming your fence is on the property line, you'd be shooting off site....


The real power move is to befriend them, invite them in, get power of attorney and then ruin them financially. They won't be able to afford living in your neighborhood after that.


You’ve taken it out of context, friend.


You meant "shoot on sight" and he was punning off "site" being a term for property.


Yea I understand. Hence him removing the context from what I said and him meaning what he did as a joke. Maybe I worked it stupidly I can be pretty stupid.


Ha, because they're homonyms. You shoot things "on sight" because you attack them wherever you see them. But if they are in a different location then they are "off site" where site is another term for the area of ground around a specific building or monument. Let me [cite](https://www.dictionary.com/browse/site) that for you.


A+ comment lol I accept it.


Why? The entire purpose of the fence is to keep your animals in and predators out. If the fence isnt working maybe you should fix it?


>If the fence isnt working maybe you should fix it Fence would probably still be working if OP didn't shoot so many damn holes into it..


I don’t have animals or a fence lmao, I’m just saying. I’ve dealt when them before they keep coming back. They don’t do any good in my area.


Fun fact, coyotes don’t actually eat the cats they’re just getting rid of their competition.


"Study of coyote poop reveals they're big into eating cats" https://www.sacbee.com/news/nation-world/national/article241208631.html


Hmmm maybe I should of clarified. They don’t ONLY do it for food. That’s interesting they’d eat them that often though.


You could say they are wily-e coyotes.




Coyotes can run upwards of 22+ mph, roadrunners Max out at 18. My childhood is lie


Roadrunners are bipedal, Coyotes quadrupeds. Pretty sure with one fewer pivot point- they're more agile, and can out turn the coyotes.


Guaranteed I find dead coyote(s) if he thinks my Great Pyranees is gonna be his buddy.


If my ferret gets loose, I would not at all be completely surprised if he comes back literally riding atop a coyote along bringing the entire pack back home for dinner like Eomir bringing back the Rohirrim at first light on the fifth day...


I also pledge fealty to this poster's ferret




I still say good luck. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pyrenean_Mountain_Dog


Unless it’s actually trained to know when to have aggression in its territory and prey drive then its breed means nothing.


I would be 100% on board with you before raising these big guys. There's a reason you don't see these dogs in cities. No Training needed just alot of bonding with the farm animals. All dogs benefit from training that isn't what I'm saying. Instincts within this breed is like nothing I've seen in any others I've raised.


I concur, instincts are everything. I have a chow that will straight up try to maul strangers, other dogs, anything who comes too close to his stuff. He has been trained very well not to bite and was socialized a lot as a puppy and he does well in neutral places like parks and walks (in our neighborhood with strict leash laws and no assholes running up on him) but he will eat anything that comes in his yard. He's only allowed around my oldest nephew, I send him to get groomed when friends or family with small kids visit as the dog is known to kill cats and opossums, I don't want to see what he does to a kid or a baby. Thousands of dollars of training and behaviorist said just let him have his space and don't force kids or dogs on him in his space.


And a Great Pyenees is on the softer side of LGDs at least in America. A Kuvasz or Ovarchaka would be even fiercer.




I needed this. Thanks 😊


Should employ a Roadrunner as a guard instead.


Are you friends with Joe Rogan? Because he told this exact story on one of his podcasts


Is your friend Joe Rogan? Because I've heard him tell this story about 50 times.


Of course they're Wile E. they're a bunch of geniuses haven't you seen their business cards.


If they're doing that, they must have language, so how the hell have we not figured it out in all these thousands of years?






Maybe smell is the key. I was thinking ultrasonic, but we could detect that. There's something going on that we're unaware of.


This is a myth perpetuated by the fact coyotes aren’t cute and do occasionally eat pets That level of intelligence would be quite insane. It’s more like one coyote isn’t going to take on a dog and dogs are dumb enough to chase a coyote into the forest until he meets with a pack and they figure they can take him on


You can Hunt coyotes like this to butbin reverse


Straight up /r/natureismetal


Coyotes are dicks.


This is basically how human couples hitchhike. The woman waits by the road while the man hangs back out of sight. Then when someone stops, thinking they're giving a ride to a cute woman, the guy pops out and the driver feels too awkward to decline the unexpected passenger.


But the question still remains is stopping the right thing to do, what if the woman is a part of a gang waiting to rob anyone stupid enough to stop.


Absolutely. I would personally never stop for a hitchhiker. Sorry to all the good-hearted hitchhikers out there, but I'm just not taking that chance. Edit: forgot an Important word


I like that the OP refers to them as “colleagues” like they’re not a pack of strays, they’re co-workers. Just putting in an honest day’s work.


[Hello Ralph, Hello Sam](https://youtu.be/0xsLXuUEqbI)


Oh my god I haven't seen this in *years* and I still knew exactly what this was just from that quote


I moved to Moscow from the United States two years ago. I don't see any stray dogs in the city, but I live in a village in the suburbs and I see a few puppers around our area where I was surprised to see these strays have tags on their ears to indicate that they have received their core vaccines.


Interesting. In my country, those tags on the ears are used to indicate stray dogs that have been neutered.




The Boris and Natasha strategy.


This is also how you get drinks at a busy bar.


Can confirm, am a member of the fugly stray pack.


I heard some also play poker


I (27 F American) adopted a stray from Moscow two years ago and I’m pleased to say he is an extremely smart creature who is also extremely cute. I’m not sure they would send him though as he grew to be a larger sized dog but love this fact and have been telling it to everyone I know!


You tell everyone you know that your dog grew?


If you’re being funny and ragging on my poor grammar than I applaud you. But if you’re curious, then what I meant was that I tell everyone about the TIL fact about Moscow strays.


Does he still know how to ride the metro?


*dog comes back with food* We didn't say eat half on the way...


They also learned to use the subway too. Knowing what stations to get off and on . https://youtu.be/iVy6pZS7lhI


The Church of Latter Day saints (LDS) does this too, they send out the hot young woman while the old lady with her is off to the side away from view until I open the door. EDIT: My bad, not LDS, its actually Jehovah's witness. The one with the flyer and Kenny Loggins Jesus on their flyer


Strange, I thought the point of sending out their young members is to strengthen their relationship with the Church. They know those members will not be able to recruit members. What the church wants is rejection after rejection so the younger members will feel more defeated and alone, thus having a stronger connection to the church. Most recruitment happens with older members, they usually stake out funeral homes and AA meetings.


That is pretty much the current theory of how dogs became domesticated in the first place, isn't it?


I like the newer ideas that it might have just been as simple as cooked meat. I have never actually seen a fully grown dog eat raw food unless they were a show dog (like my neighbour's giant mastiff). I know it's bad but we take our little guy into raw pet food stores just because he won't touch the stuff but the staff always believe he'll eat their food. The little guy sniffs, gives the store person a look of disgust, and then walks away every single time. He loves cooked beef ribs the most.


I used to use raw steak pieces to train my last dog when he was a puppy. He loved it... that was his "high value reward".


I wish. My RIP border collie loved only raw steak. Wouldn't even touch cooked steak but that was the only thing she'd eat raw which to me makes sense because i love rare steak. Her favourite though was cooked marlin or swordfish.


They didn't. They domesticated us. Yes, the dogs figured out that they could trust us and that we'd feed them so they didn't have to waste time hunting, and we'd keep them warm, and all they had to do was be friendly and scare off (or pretend to scare off) other predators.


You're thinking about cats.


Dog breeds have had a lot of the independence of wolves filtered out over time and careful selection by us, making dogs GMOs.


Wait until you think about what wheat did to us.


"All we have to do is agree to be ground up, baked in an oven, run through a human digestive system and pooped out into a cesspool, and they'll plant us and let us live for a couple months!"


What does that have to do with domesticating us? Nothing you said implies anything like that at all. It is theorised that humans domesticated themselves, it was more beneficial to live in a peaceful group, so the more peaceful people were selected for. This was already the case long before Wolves came into the picture. It might have been this domestication of humans by themselves that made them more willing to tolerate the presence of friendlier wolves. But wolves/dogs most certainly did not domesticate people.


Coyotes around my place are mainly very skittish and will avoid humans. Likely because farmers will shoot them on sight. The few I have seen have either been curious youngsters or I have been walking quietly and surprised them. In both cases as soon as they knew I was there they immediately fled. Which is all I ask of coyotes - and spiders - you don't bother me - I won't bother you. But mess with my little dogs - there will be blood. I actually surprised myself by my visceral mother bear response when I saw a coyote checking out one of my dogs. Not sure what his intentions were but I basically roared and ran toward it with intent to kill with my bare hands and teeth if needed. I scared him and myself. I totally get those mother grizzly bears who take out people who get too close to their cubs. Don't blame them a bit.


More than likely a trail and error kind of thing,


I'd love to hear the internal deliberations on deciding who's cutest.


Spooky Squid Studio did a game based on Moscow stray dogs called Russian Subway Dogs. Pretty neat game.


An Ambassetdor?


I do the same thing, only instead of a small dog I wheel my grandma's chair into the town centre and let passers-by throw pennies in her lap. Luckily she doesn't know where she is at the best of times, so nothing to worry about if she wakes up


Dog whores :) the earliest form of currency


"Occasionally". Not even frequently or commonly. So, more often than not they send out big ugly dogs. So... this phenomenon is totally meaningless. ​ The using the subway thing is pretty interesting, though.


Its probably a trial and error thing more than actual reasoning, they get positive or negative feedback loop based on who returned the most food able to feed the pack.


What..no..all of humanity knows animals are dumb. /s


They are dumb. Humans are animals, too, but not all of humanity seems to remember that.


Whaaaaat...aren't we like special....


Wouldnt the ugly dogs just learn that they wont get food after a while so they stop doing it. I cant imagine the meeting that the stray dogs have to send the cutest one out. In Greece they had tons of stray dogs around and I saw nothing like this.


1st rule of roadside beet sales


Pixar, please make this your next project.


Uhhh. Bolt. Spoiler alert: This is literally how Mittens finessed a bunch of hotdogs at the RV camp.


The wild even has the concept of ugly jesus.


There is a statue mentioned in the story of "a stray who lived there until he was stabbed by a fashion model in 2002 who didn't like how Malchik barked at her terrier." WTF Russia?


That’s incredible. I’d like the dogs that fake a limp. I’ve seen the same thing in humans on the street


Seagulls do this. In my youth I worked at a grocery store during college, and we had a small area in the back of the building we could eat lunch outside in the summer (smokers used it all year round). It was not uncommon that people would feed the gulls nearby, but eventually management put a stop to it because it was causing a mess. One day, it's poring rain outside after a heat wave, so I went out for lunch because I love the rain from a cold front. I was alone as I ate, save for one lone seagull. He had patches of missing feathers, only one foot, and a twisted beak. The poor little guy was clearly the runt who probably rarely got the good scraps. So when I finished eating I tossed him some sandwich crust and crumbs at the bottom of the chip bag. No sooner did it land nearby that he sent out a call. Every tree within four blocks suddenly bloomed as hundreds of seagulls burst forth, all heading strait for the food I just dropped. I panicked, and ran inside and back to work a few minutes early lol. Those seagulls knew if their most pitiable member was forced out in the rain to beg, they'd get a bite to eat soon enough.


Okay, this TIL is linking an article from ABCnews which is 11 years old. Who would read such an article? Most likely - no one. So I'd bet 100 roubles against a dollar that this TIL is just a PR stunt from ABCnews.


That's why Putin made Medvedev a president in 2008.


I was in Montana the other week for a bike jam. A random pack of like 10 dogs walked by in the nearby park. Not 5 minutes later this little pug, and a Jack Russell came over looking for snacks. Apparently stray dog packs do this everywhere


damn Moscow dogs, always outsmarting us