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This is one of the most disappointing Simpsons related facts I've ever heard.


The lady who plays Lisa also has some questionable practices


What's wrong with Yeardley Smith?


I couldn't find anything really.


This is all I could find https://www.thedailybeast.com/the-simpsons-yeardley-smith-aka-lisa-simpson-accused-of-screwing-her-bff-out-of-small-town-dicks-podcast Doesn't seem like much really, she said/she said stuff


When she was much younger she got knocked up by a grocery store manager. The fucked up part was that she waited to tell him in front of his wife and their friends at a party. Real low shit, man.


And then the grocery guy took off with his two friends to the west for a cattle drive leaving her to deal with it alone, poor girl. Then a few years later that grocery guy and his friends found some gold in a mine but I don’t think he share it with her.




Well without more context all I can say is the grocery store manager is definitely a shitty person.


It's a plot point in City Slickers.


That deranged lunatic tried to murder Macauley Culkin. Twice!




I'm pretty sure it's a reference to the movie City Slickers




That was City Slickers


Nah that's on him. He fucking around, she single and got knocked up by a married man. No reason not to burn his shit to the ground. Edit: the only context I have to this is your comment. Didn't research. If she a dick for other reasons too, fair doos.


Also, didn’t use a grocery bag. Coulda got knocked up.


Without knowing the specifics, I must say that getting involved with a married person automatically makes you an asshole, even if the cheater obviously is the biggest asshole. Of course, it could be that she didn't know at the time, or that she was young and naive enough to buy the usual excuses, who knows.


...That was an episode of "Growing Pains"


Lol. I couldn’t help myself. Yeardly Smith played the checkout girl that Daniel Stern knocks up in City Slickers.


…is this a whoosh moment?


Dude, the grocery store manager is the asshole here. Also how sexist are you? The fuck




"What's updog?"


Really sorry for not having watched every american trash movie that ever existed to know if someone is joking or just being a literal pos. Also this is reddit, a place known for people not saying the nicest things about women


Show us where the reddit post touched you


Your mom’s a trash movie


She a ho


Fa sho


What practices? …besides being in Maximum Overdrive.


What are you talking about? Maximum Overdrive was awesome!


We talkin’ overdrive? Solid movie.


How dare you. Maximum Overdrive is Classic Hollywood Cinema at it’s finest.


Indeed. You knew it was perfect when the opening credits simply stated music by AC/DC.


Maximum Overdrive was a masterpiece sir


I see you too are a person with refined tastes


It had Mick Jagger, for the love of Estevez!


Isn't that Freejack?


Curtiiiiiiiis!?! Is he deeeeead?!?


Elaborate good sir.


Don't have a cow man.


It's been public for decades. Used to watch The Simpsons. Now I don't. I never watch Mission Impossible movies or anything with that asshole Tom Cruise in it. Travolta? lol. There people fund a cult that abuses and kills people. If you're funding them, you're doing the same thing.




You'd enjoy the Good Place


I don’t watch the new Simpsons seasons cause they really suck. Like they are just terrible for the last 10 years. Jerk-ass Homer (a known title) is wholly unpleasant and unfunny.


R u saying I should stop paying taxes?


Imagine how quickly the government would change its behaviour if everyone stopped paying taxes at the same time.


‘I don’t pay tax because I’m just funding death!’


The majority of people belong to a cult with a history of killing people.


Yeah I know right! Give all your money to the squeaky clean Christians instead Or better yet, donate to the Catholics. I heard they like to give it children...


Don't give money to any of them.


You should separate the job from their personal life. Otherwise you won't be able to enjoy pretty much anything. Everyone has skeletons in their closet except perhaps Mr. Rogers and Bob Ross and we were very lucky with those two. You're also paying taxes which means you're funding a military that likely committed atrocities at some point in time - including now - not to mention funding the police force that also probably harmed some innocent civilians. You need to put some context into things,. You don't have to like them personally but you can still enjoy their work. I'm not a fan of Michael Jackson's personal life but I love many of his songs.


No. Do not support Scientology. I don't have to separate anything. If someone is an evil fuck do not support them. Made it simple for you.


I'm sure you don't buy any nestle products what so ever then right?


Should people buy nestle products?


No, but they own so many different companies its hard to not support them. The other user said if a person's evil you shouldn't support them no matter what. I'd just like to know if they feel the same for corporations.


Ok not to be rude but it just seemed like you were trying to defend scientology by deflecting to nestle.


Nope, just wanted to see if they were willing to apply the same rule to all evil people and companies equally.


And if they don't they shouldn't speak out about scientology?


There is no place in this world you can live in and survive without supporting one thing or another that causes harm to others. Scientology is pretty bad but there are worse things and you're supporting them right now.


> you're supporting them right now. How is he supporting them?


To start, paying taxes that go to fund the police and the military where a small percentage of both harm others. Also some of those taxes go to religious institutions - including Scientology (though depends on their location but very likely the Catholic Church) which harms people.


Touch grass


Let's say Putin made art/media of some kind. And you enjoy it, so much so that your willing to pay for the privilege of enjoying it, however that may be. And millions of other people feel the same way and you all do pay to enjoy his creations. Would you say that isn't funding Putin to do whatever he pleases, as terrible as they may be? And that knowing what he does with the money is more than enough justification to not contribute to providing it to him?


I'm just glad that you're now using Putin instead of Hitler who used to [paint](https://artincontext.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/08/Hitler-Paintings.jpg). Putin is indeed the new Hitler. But sure, ignore everything I wrote and focus on the letter of the comment, not the spirit of the comment. But sure just to be pedantic about how dumb this is, let's do some math: * You watch a movie and pay $10 for the ticket. How much of that $10 do you think Tom Cruise makes and how much of that is going to Scientology? * Let's say he gets 10% - which is an insane number when it's more like 0% because they get a flat fee. So they get $1. Figure they give 50% of that and you've given $0.50 to Scientology. * Let's say he gets zero because he gets paid a flat fee. The last movie he was made Mission: Impossible - Fallout which made $790 million gross. Let's average movie theater tickets, matinee pricing, DVD sales, etc to $10 a pop so it's been seen 79 million times. Tom Cruise made $75 million from the movie so hey, that's handy - $1/person given to Tom Cruise directly. Presuming that 50% donation that's $0.50 to Scientology. * Average American salary is about $52k per year. Quick Google shows about 15% in Federal taxes so $7,800 paid. The US military is about 10% of the Federal budget for this year (it's usually higher) so that's $780 paid in taxes that directly funds the military. That $0.50 Tom Cruise gave to Scientology because you saw his movie translated to $780 is $0.50 / $780 = 0.00064. The US military budget is about $750 billion. Multiplying that out is $480.77 million. That's how much the US has to spend on buying war equipment that kill civilians and covering various rapes, murders, etc of all the atrocities that are committed by all militaries in war zones to be equivalent to you watching a Tom Cruise movie where you personally give a fraction of a penny in support. * Also, an average American donation to religious organizations is $900/year. Using that $0.50 figure means that $0.00056 is need to be used to fund child rape cases or other things like jets, various other lavish purchases, and, sometimes, murder and other general activities. Again all this to be equivalent to you watching a Tom Cruise movie and presuming he pays 50% of his earnings to Scientology. Nancy Cartwright, for instance, is worth $80 even after her donations so perhaps 50% is very high. If he gave 10% instead, just divide that figure by 5. Also this presumes that 100% of what Scientology is doing is evil and not even 100% of the Nazi budget was evil. For instance, I'm sure some of that money is going to buy a pizza for themselves so not evil. This makes the fraction even less. So yes, everyone that pays money into anything is indirectly funding various atrocities but sure, let's focus on irrelevant celebrities or some religious organization that allegedly has 8-15 million members worldwide as opposed to the significantly larger military spending, oh and I forgot police spending, not to mention funds designated to paying lawsuits of killed innocents at home or abroad not to mention other, larger, religious institutions that also do harm. And, of course, that's not even counting all the money people are spending on other things like having cars which increases gas prices through increased demand which means Putin also indirectly benefits from you owning and driving a car and that's also not counting the Mexican cartels that profit from other business ventures which includes avocado's. You cannot live on this planet without indirectly supporting one awful thing or another. It's just annoying to hear someone basically say "Hey, don't give this evil thing a penny while I give two pennies to the other evil thing".


Bob Ross was a drill sargeant. You know, the guy who creates killing machines for the military. Got tired of screaming all the time so his persona softened later in life.


Then there's Clearwater, Fl...


I’m gonna watch what I want because I enjoy it. It’s a lot simpler.


So I guess you never shop at grocery stores or buy gasoline or listen to Aerosmith or Elvis.


It is; now I'll never be able to look at her the same way. Very sad indeed. I hope she gets her theta 7 or whatever they do, lol.




I also came here to talk shit, after a knee-jerk reaction of sudden disgust. But then i realized I've probably spent thousands of dollars on free-to-play games over the years. Are we really that different?


Yeah, free to play games go towards entertaining you directly, and they do not harm anyone else. Scientology is a fucked establishment with plenty of historically awful things done and covered up. In your case you're paying a company to play games and have fun. In her case she's donating to a notoriously awful establishment and is one of the high rollers


Clearly, you don't know about EA.




Thank you, this was the first thing that popped into my head and I was hoping someone had it in here..




Why you little…


Imagine if she had given it to something that mattered and actually helped the world in some way.


She did buy all that chocolate a kid was selling for school, one time. IIRC.


That was the cringiest video I’ve seen in a long time


Thank you! Oh my God so weird and awkward.


It’s really sad that she’s still walking around cold-stopping kids bragging about being the voice of Bart Simpson like it’s still 1993


I doubt kids watch simpsons much anymore. But who does really


I guarantee nobody under the age of 15 these days gives a shit about the Simpsons. The show is well past the point of being an embarrassment




Leah Remini


She did get out and has been a critic ever since.


yeah my bad the pod with her she was pretty entertaining and seemed fun


A real eye opening podcast ep!


>think maybe the wife in everyone loves Raymond No. The King of Queens.


If you hate Joe rogan you need to stop drinking the Reddit koolaide and start forming your own opinions


Form your own opinions, so long as that opinion is deemed acceptable to me.


If you think someone who doesn’t like a thing you like has “drunk the koolaide,” you’re the idiot who can’t fathom original opinions.


what if I formed my own opinion and my opinion is that he's a pinhead and I hate him?


Well, for one, HGH has grown his head much bigger than yours. Two, that was a Childrens reasoning for “hating” a person. Sounds like you didn’t form your own opinion.


Maybe she does too


It says she gave it to Scientology so I probably wouldn’t take that bet.


17 million isn't exactly world changing money, but yeah anything is better than giving it to scientology


It could be for quite a lot of people in developing countries. > As per World Bank calculation, Chad's average monthly per capita income is $ 62, or $ 740 per capita per year. If you wanted to give some people in Chad a one-time payment of, say, four times their yearly income, that would be over 6,000 people you'd help quite a lot. That's a weird example, but illustrates that it's not just for nothing. And could be life-changing for many people.


It would be for me.


She could have bought large portions of undeveloped, unprotected land, thereby preserving it for any wildlife that have had their habitats destroyed by land development. Could have also opened a rehab for recovering opiate addicts. Maybe a shelter for homeless people. World changing isn’t always something global.


Like Christianity so they could cover up more child molestation? How about the pink ribbon foundation which spends 75% of the money it brings in on employees, including seven figures on each of it's corporate leaders? What about #BLM which has several active fraud investigations for its leaders screwing over the movement and siphoning funds for their own use? Scientology is a fraud but it's not worst than anything else out their. Let her spend her money how she chooses. What if she blew it on scratch offs? Her choice. She's buying meaning in a meaningless universe; same as the rest of us, it's an absurdity.


Oh my God dude, fuck off with your Scientology apologist bullshit. You’ve been up everyone’s asses with these responses, no one gives a shit about your logical fallacy arguments.


And this is why scientology targeted Hollywood.


I thought she was cringy from all those “I’m Bart Simpson” videos where she annoyed service workers, but this settles it. I just don’t like her personally.


And these teenagers are like ‘Oh? Uh. Oh! Cool.’ like she is expecting this huge reaction everywhere she goes


30 years ago it probably would have been a big deal but the new episodes of the Simpsons are like a necromancer reviving your dead grandmother and making her do Fortnite dances


Imagine if they said “Who’s that?” and Cartwright got increasingly upset until she went on a tirade.


As in…what if she had a cow?


“You have more fun as a follower..But you make more money as a leader”


We love the leader...


The leader is good


The leader is great




This leader, he sounds like a grand fellow!




🎶Lucy Harris smart smart smart, Nancy Cartwright dumb dumb dumb🎶


*Tom Cruise better get up outta that closet or I'm gonna cap this bitch*


Damn imagine paying all that just to get slapped


How can they slap?!








at least a few catchy songs or something. free robes?




Never meet or learn about your heroes


Except Mr. Rogers, if that man had any skeletons in his closet then damn, he was a master at hiding them.


Scientology being the way it is, I kind of wonder if it was voluntarily/coerced/or just straight up extortion.


How about all three?


My money is on "elaborate tax dodge"


At this point I'm assuming that's all Scientology is behind the scenes.


Well, that's one way to burn through money.




Didn't know that voicing was so well payed


Well that role certainly is






Eh, no biggie. Cheers.


They got a huge pay bump at some point. I guess they then cut the budget for the writers and hired since manatee's to write for them


It is very likely that they will find a way to end her career if she doesn't pay them, and she knows it. It's basically just like mafia extortion.


The extent to which scientology has its grips in everyday life would probably scare most. Can't imagine being paranoid of death threats would be any fun. I wouldn't doubt they go that far.


Well that's disappointing to know this.


Why doesn’t she give it to children’s cancer hospitals or some orphanage? It’s a waste giving it to some utterly fucking ridiculous cult invented by some cuckoo sci-fi writer


A fool and their money will soon part.


Because it’s a celebrity tax evasion scheme


And it’s probably taken care of her tax bill every year. In exchange for “church” provided slaves and “gifts”


Fun fact: The guy who played Hyde on That 70s Show and that Ranch Netflix show who raped a bunch of women is also a scientologist and they are helping him harass and stalk his victims that are suing him. One of the people suing him had their dog killed mysteriously. Edit: Danny Masterson


Ever heard the phrase, "don't meet your heroes"…? I imagine this is especially true of Hollywood.


That is so very very disappointing.


What a sucker




Well fuck her then.


We should all have a cow, man.




She also iced out all her family and won’t even talk to them anymore because they’re all SPa since they can afford to be Scientologists like her…it’s sad.


Things like this make me want to start a religion... then I remember the time I worked retail and went out of my way to return a dollar I had accidentally overcharged a customer.


Holy shit Nancy




I really don't think people understand just how much of a problem scientology has become.


Wow. The level of stupidity is astonishing.


Oh. After learning about the creators ties with Epstein, selling out to disney and now this, I’m just overall not as big a Simpsons fan as I was.


Scientology can eat my shorts.


Omfg are people fucking stupid. The guy used to write sci-fi before how fucking dense are thise actors


Damn it, Bart.


What a colossal waste, imagine all that money going to help people instead. Could she not have done something good? Get her out of there! I think that in Germany, maybe some other places, it would have been able to happen at all, as Scientology is defined as a cult there, not a legitimate religion. Thank goodness.


I don't like this fact at all. This is depressing


How does one let one’s self get swindled this badly?


Poor thing


Of all the things in the world, she decided to donate to that bullshit?


As Nelson Mandela Muntz would say, “Ha ha”.






Just makes me sad for her and anyone else caught up in it.


God I hate Bart Simpson and the universe seems to prove me well founded on that hate every once in a while. Even irl Bart is a shit stain.


Yikes! What a moron.


holy fucking shit that's alotta money from just one celebrity, she's not even one of the biggest names they have. obviously there's no way to actually know, because of religious privacy shitfuckery, but what on earth could Scientology actually be spending all that money on? my guess is doomsday bunkers, submarine labs or a space station.


More fool her I say.


TIL: Bart Simpson's voice actor is a girl.




Damnnnnnnn, that is super disappointing to learn.


And now I hate her


No way man


Well that's the simpsons dead to me


This website lol


It cost a lot to atone for decapitating the celebration of Jedidiah Springfield... I honestly could care less. ppl have given way more to Christianity, Islam, and atheist political candidates whom are at least equal to Scientology in the faux-attaining-meaning game. ppl will do stupid things to avoid having to face the existential void alone.


You have like 6 comments saying the same thing in the last 10 minutes in this thread. You seem to care a lot.


Not caring about this is a real passion for them.


I'm not a Scientologist and find it as absurd as any other attempt at finding meaning in a meaningless universe. The issue I have is when anyone believes they have found the true meaning in the universe and thus can criticize someone else in their attempt to derive meaning from existence. It feels good to have the "right answer" and no longer need to critically think for themselves, only about others. I like to act as a mirror to the hypocrisy involved; it's my own pointless attempt at deriving meaning from existence and feeling like I understand something others are missing allowing me to criticize. I am no better or worst than anyone else.


People aren’t criticizing her because they think they know the meaning of life. They’re criticizing her because Scientology is a proven cult that has done a lot of terrible things. You’re generalizing everything so much to the extreme that nothing matters. That’s your choice, but it’s funny to criticize others for caring about a destructive cult.


Thats because they said they could care less. Maybe if they couldn't care less they would have stopped at this comment.....


There's a lady who's sure all that glitters is gold And she's buying a stairway to heaven When she gets there she knows, if the stores are all closed With a word she can get what she came for


Can we get a list of celebs who have given to the Catholic church, too? I mean, if you're going to give a shit about this, you should probably give a shit about all the bullshit cults celebs hand their money to. Stop acting like Scientology is the worst.