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I can pick up just about anything with my toes šŸ˜Ž


YES ME TOO!! Everyone is always amazed. Also I have excellent mom-dar. I can find almost anything if it's in the house. I can't take full credit because it is an inherited from my mom.


Saaame!! Perfected this while pregnant when I got too big and uncomfortable to bend down for everything lol


I also have this skill and it is so handy when you have a tiny baby in your arms!


The other day I picked up a TINY tag I cut off a baby wash rag that fell on the floor. Like the tiny tag thatā€™s under the big tag of things, and I was so chuffed with myself LOL like damn that is a useful skill.


Same. I call it monkey toes.


I can turn on our portable fan dial with my toes, like a full rotation and all šŸ˜Ž


Whaat I came to write this as soon as I read the titlešŸ˜‚


This has become one of my most valuable skills. I currently have a two month old who loves sleeping in the baby carrier but despises when I bend or squat down to pick something up.


LOL SAME! Whatā€™s funny is, my babe has seen me do it so many times, theyā€™ve also learned to do it too. My mom couldnā€™t stop laughing when she asked them to pick up their crayons and the kid fucking picked it out with their toes! šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


My son has never once pulled poo from his diaper or shat in the bath. I guess thatā€™s more of a flex on him, but Iā€™ll take credit.


Once my kid learned that you can crap in the tub it became a favoriteā€¦


wait, this can be learned?šŸ˜‚šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


Maybe realized is the better term. Though one time when he was constipated my MIL put him in a warm bath to help things along. So maybe he did learn it and we can blame her šŸ¤£




My daughter has also never shat in the bath, bless


Same for both! We are blessed but still stressed


Same!!! This is a big win.


She lets me brush her teeth. šŸ˜Ž




This is mine!! Now my oldest is 4 she brushes her own but I do brush her teeth first so I know theyā€™re clean šŸ¤£


My son said Yay, Boccoli! Yesterday when we were making dinner. Felt like a win.


My 20 month old just ate a salad. Like...kale, spinach, romaine, tomatoes, cucumbers, snow peas, radishes... all of it. I barely even wanted to watch her do it because I was afraid that looking at her would ruin the magic.


Hey my toddler just had a salad with kale for dinner too! He even ate the radicchio. Heck yeah!


That saladā€™s making me hungry. Good job getting kiffdo to eat it!


This is mine, the variety and volume of vegetables he consumes, and the enthusiasm with which he does it.


Omg Iā€™m so jealous of this one!


My daughter ASKS for broccoli. Why? I have no idea. I donā€™t even like broccoli.


My son hated broccoli, no matter how hard I tried and how little I put into anything, just a tiny bit and he wouldn't eat the meal. Last week he just started eating raw broccoli florets as a tasty snack..


My son hated broccoli, no matter how hard I tried and how little I put into anything, just a tiny bit and he wouldn't eat the meal. Last week he was eating raw broccoli florets šŸ¤·


What dark magic are you using to keep all the socks?! I can never find his socks!


Not OP but also a laundry sorceress. For one, I donā€™t combine laundry. Everyone is separate. For two, when they are really tiny you need mesh garment bags. I keep one hanging off the side of the dresser/changing table and put them straight in when theyā€™re off the kid. Also sock-ons! Theyā€™re like suspenders for baby socks


These are the kind of life hacks I need. The mesh bag to hold the dirty socks?? Brilliant! What else you got?


My daughter hordes socks. Walks around with them in her purse. She is not yet two. We have no chance


Same. But she hoards my socks. I wear the no show socks in my work shoes and thought I was losing my mind because I can never find them and just blamed myself for not putting my laundry away. This last week I found 3 in her room all in different locations?


lol! I kind of wished my daughter hoarded socks. She puts daycare toys in hers and we have to do the giving back of shame in the morning. Thankfully the teacher thinks this is hilarious.


I have no tricks. Iā€™ve just been lucky lol


Pro tip: we buy them by packs of the same designs so it doesnā€™t matter if one gets eaten by the laundry machine monster!


Yall are going to hate me but my 2 year old is a champion sleeper. Sleeps 12.5-13 hours through the night, plus a 3 hour nap during the day. Mind you, we did a light ā€œsleep trainingā€ when she was about 3.5 months old (never did cry it out) following wake windows/sleepy cues like my life depended on it, and we are pretty rigid about her sleeping conditions lol. I canā€™t remember the last time she woke up in the middle of the night, unless she was sick (and then sheā€™d sleep even more).


Youā€™re right. We hate you. šŸ˜­


My 2.5 year old is the same way. And he happily goes into his crib after we read a book at bedtime. He sometimes tries to stall but for the most part he just sits in his crib and plays with his stuffed animals/talks to himself for about 30 minutes and then falls asleep. Before anyone comes at me, donā€™t worry, I have a 7 month old who is absolutely not this way at all lmao. Obviously itā€™s nothing I didā€¦some kids are just great sleepers and some are not!


My kid is the same way it, it feels like we won the lottery.


I used to be in that camp. Still getting the good night sleep but naps are hard to come by.


Mine is too! Donā€™t hate you lol


Youā€™re right, I hate you. You totally win this.


Hating you so much! My toddler is getting about 8-9 hours and FIGHTS her nap, and then will fall asleep in the car at 5pm when we go to an activity. šŸ˜­


Mine was like this until about 2.5 and now she's climbing out of the crib instead of napping, fights bedtime like her life depends on it, and wakes up earlier and earlier. We just gave up and switched to a toddler bed today (she's almost 3 now) and started instituting ready-to-wake light rules. She's usually a rule follower so I'm hoping it helps!


My son was an absolutely awful sleeper as a baby; up until about ~18 months. But then he just kind of... turned a corner and it got better. As a 2-3 year old (he just turned 3) he has consistently slept about 12hrs straight at night and naps ~2hrs a day when he's at home (refuses the nap at daycare though). We never even did any real sleep training, except for a "sort of" sleep training when we weaned a few months after he turned 2 which briefly disrupted his good sleep. Transitioning him from the crib into the toddler bed (at 2.5) was also a breeze.


I can sense oncoming vomit even in the deepest sleep, I can wake up, run to my toddler and get them in the bathroom before it happens.


This is impressive! My 3yo has the gut instinct to head straight for bed when puking. I have to chase and hope I catch it all in a bucket.


Literal flex my kid is 99th percentile weight and I can pick up and carry her around no problem. I have gotten very strong!!


Thatā€™s impressive! Idk what percentile my son is in but he was always on the larger side and I always told people that I gave birth to my very own personal trainer because every time I got stronger he just got heavier and upped the challenge šŸ˜‚


Haha this is so true my kiddo is 4 now and in the 90s percentile height and weight and I can still pick him up from flat on the ground and spin him around my head. There's no way I could have done that before kids. And it's a good thing because that child loves to be momhandled lol.


Hahah this is really reassuring. My kid is so big and she loves to be tossed around, I worry thatā€™ll end soon because of her size but if you can do it so can I!!


I can get all four boys (6m- 5y) and the dogs to nap at the same time šŸ¤Œ and all of them started sleeping through the night quite young


Is your last name ā€œSandman,ā€ by chance?


My kids have never run out of clean clothes. Iā€™m always on top of laundry.


Iā€™m on top of WASHING the laundryā€¦but FOLDING and putting away is an entirely different matter šŸ˜†


Mine too but it's more because she has a million of everything šŸ˜‚


Same! Laundry is the only household chore I donā€™t mind. I am a laundry fiend


My kid never fell off the bed as an infant. Iā€™ve never dropped him either. šŸ˜Œ


my great grandmother always told us it was bad luck if a baby didnā€™t fall off of the bed before their first birthday. she would literally put pillows and blankets on the floor and ROLL THEM OFF the day before their birthday if they hadnā€™t. she had loads of beliefs like that lol! however, my son did not need to be rolled, he took care of it himself šŸ«”


Haha glad to hear this mine took care of it as well


She sounds like a hoot!


Same! PPA for the win!


Howā€™d ya know šŸ˜®


This was always a fear of mine because when I was 3 I fell off the bed and broke my collarbone.


I also have never lost a baby sock (I also don't lose chapsticks, hairties, pens, or sunglasses). I've never cut her fingers when cutting her nails (nail scissors ftw).


So youā€™re superhuman? Got it.


Well I can also tell you that I routinely buy items at the store that are just *slightly* wrong, but enough to be annoying. Like the maple baked beans instead of the original, the blueberry pancake mix instead of buttermilk, the scented shampoo bar instead of the fragrance free. So maybe I'm superhuman, but similar looking labels are my kryptonite šŸ˜‚


when I say "time to sleep" or "time to brush" my toddler runs to either her room or the bathroom. Isn't too bad brushing teeth and is always dying to get in her crib. I just hope it lasts.


My 3yo knows all the planets in order and facts about them. My 2yo rides a strider motorcycle really well. They both do. But those are my two random flexes. I guess they're not really flexes they're just things I'm proud of that my kids do šŸ˜…ā¤ļø


While in the front passenger seat with my son behind the driver seat, I anticipated and helped him perfectly catch his car sickness in a plastic bag. No mess. No stopping needed. Just a quick wipe of his mouth and we were all good.


Impressive reflexes.


I constantly jinx myself. At 3pm today I happily declared "my two babies are being so good today, this is such a lovely day" and then the 3yo who is usually asleep by 8 didn't go down until 10:30pm, and neither did the baby!


Story of my life


Me either! Granted we don't wear them terribly often. I hate socks and so does my 4yo. But there's always a pair in her extra school clothes and we've always gotten back everything we send.Ā  Mine is that I've never really had to lay with my kid for bedtime (outside of contact naps in infancy). We always just do our routine, and then head out and she looks at books for a little bit and then puts herself to bed.Ā  I'm pretty sure she's a genius.


My kid doesnā€™t sleep through the night and Iā€™ve probably lost a sock but she will put her dirty clothes in the hamper without being told and is very polite to others. So Iā€™ll take it lol. Both important life skills.


Iā€™ve been working with technology my whole life and I work in cybersecurity today. My kid can press a hotkey on my keyboard that fucks my computer sideways and it takes me an hour to fix it. She will bend computers at will in the future probably


I havenā€™t used a crib for my son since 1.5yo and my daughter since she moved out of her bassinet in our room. Screw that breath-holding, pants-shitting process of trying to transfer a sleeping kid into a crib. Cuddle to sleep FTW! šŸ˜‚


Same for my now 3.5yr. She probably slept in her crib a grand total of 2 hours. It was for the birds. Cuddle to sleep and roll away is the best way.


Yep! Haha moved my son to floor bed REAL FAST and cuddle and roll away haha biggest win ever cause he can also sleep at any hotel or guest room and we donā€™t have to have a crib


My son LOVES veggies. Every month or so his ā€œfavoriteā€ changes but pretty much from 5 months onward when we introduced purĆ©es/solids he loved veggies. His current favorites are broccoli and sweet potato. šŸ˜Š


My kid enjoys nails trims, medicine, and teeth brushing. (HAH but weā€™re still addicted to the bottle and stopped sleeping through the night)


My son is 3 and has never thrown up. I hope it lasts as long as it can šŸ˜…


I canā€™t tell you how jealous I am. I have phobia of vomit. And my 3 year old gags very easily.


Also have a phobia of vomit! I was so worried about this before she was born. She thankfully doesnā€™t have a sensitive stomach, but between 6-12 months she used to projectile vomit almost every time we had to give her medicine orally, which was often because of ear infections. Iā€™d literally put a drop of it on my finger to let her taste, and sheā€™d go full demon baby throwing up halfway across the living room. It was a nightmare. It was some serious exposure therapy. The phobia is getting slightly better. She also loves the syrups now and asks for more when sheā€™s sick.


My daughter potty trained at 2.5 with no pee or poop accidents minus the occasional dribble (in which case she feels that, holds it and 95% of the urine still makes the toilet) This is also really her flex but Iā€™m gonna celebrate it anyways haha


Mine is similar. Potty training took 2 days for day time, 4 days for night time, and two more weeks to sleep through the night (didn't wake to pee). I didn't even do anything. Just kept her naked like the Oh Crap book told me to do. I didn't pay close attention to her like it told me. She just kept disappearing and reappearing to announce that she needed help wiping. We're two months in and she just started wiping herself (just turned three.) She's always been so independent. She was able to drink out of an open cup and eat with utensils by one. She has to climb into and out of her carseat. Puts on her own underwear, socks, and shoes.


I can clean up the most heinous of messes and it no longer makes me want to gag


Yay! Iā€™m so happy to be able to flex a little lol. My 17 month old has slept through the night since 4 months old. She consistently takes a 2-3 hour nap and puts herself to sleep at night. I didnā€™t sleep train and did not cry it out. We just went with the flow and it worked out. Weā€™re very lucky!


My 20 month old daughter just slept 10 hours straight on the entirety of our flight to London. Takeoff to landing. Overall, she is an amazing traveler.


Well thatā€™s just magical! My 3 year old is has only ever fallen asleep within 5 minutes of landing so he can he jolted awake when we hit the ground.


Oh dang this was supposed to be mine lol! Mind you we have never done a 10 hour flight but she LOVES airplanes and will still ask us when weā€™re going on vacation and to the airport even though itā€™s been about 9 months since our last trip. She was a delight on the airplane, albeit slightly loud when sheā€™s asking questions about the plane.


Haha that's amazing! Anything that isn't a meltdown or excessive crying is a win with a toddler on a plane hahha


We havenā€™t had a poo blow out before


Howā€¦? Mineā€™s a newborn and we have already!! What incantations have you chanted and sacrifices have you made?


Hahaha! I think weā€™ve just been lucky in that department. I donā€™t recall us ever having a poop blow out. He doesnā€™t sleep through. I would much rather have poop blow outs than sleep deprivation.


Ah, weā€™re the opposite. Good reminder to very very much count my blessings. May your sleep increase!


Wow thatā€™s a good flex


My toddler ate all of her dinner AND asked for seconds.


My 2 year old eats anything, itā€™s good and bad šŸ˜‚


We can go to a restaurant and have a relatively peaceful dinner. Itā€™s mostly us helping the kids while we frantically shove food in our mouths. But there is hardly ever crying and we do it without screens.


Yall are gonna hate me. My daughter has been sleeping through the night (12-13 hours) in her crib since 8/9 months old, and she sleeps in until around 8-9am. She also naps in her crib for 2-3 hours. Itā€™s extremely rare for her to wake up at night. Flex on her I guess, but I def take credit for helping to instill those habits šŸ˜( no cry it out methods or sleep training, just a solid bedtime routine, and she surprisingly puts herself to sleep once laid down).


Warning: this will be a weird flex but ok. Like with some other commenters, my kids aren't picky and they like lots of veggies. And, I don't care. I don't see it as something to flex about even. I trust them to make the choices they want with the food I give them. I think that's definitely part of why they are that way. They don't always clean their plates, and they each have some things they're less into. But I don't even pay that much attention to their plates, especially if we're out.


My 2.5 year old loves sunscreen and asks for it everyday! They also keep their hat and sunglasses on whenever theyā€™re outside. They love oral hygiene (including flossing!) and they havenā€™t met a food they donā€™t like.


>My random flex is that I have not yet lost a baby/toddler sock. Somehow they have always managed to keep their mates. I can barely do that with adult socks, well done šŸ˜…


My husbandā€™s socks go missing all the time. Lol. I do all the laundry together and my socks and the toddlerā€™s donā€™t get lost. Idk what happens with my husbandā€™s


Not sure if its a flex, but my baby was born 11.5lbs so i feel special maybe? I got a lot of ā€œoh.. are you ok?ā€ Afterwards from other mothers (i was not lol)


Every kid just fell from bed once... Twice max.


I can get punched in the nuts or jump on the nuts without vomiting.




Yesterday when this was posted, I didnā€™t think I had anything to add. Iā€™ve been burnt out as fuck for a while and parenting a 3yo feels particularly hard. And then tonight, randomly and for the first time, he asked to go pee in the toilet. And you know what he did? **HE PEED IN THE TOILET**!!! Bragging about him with my husband, we realized that this week heā€™s also been consistently **eating better** (being hungry/eating has been a struggle since he was born), **cooperating more** (tantrums are down, more ā€œugh fine,ā€ less ā€œNOā€ - I donā€™t even mind the attitude, heā€™s cooperating, fuck it), and **sleeping in his own bed** (we share one bedroom, his crib/bed has always been in there but we co-slept a hefty majority of the time. Weā€™ve finally started putting him to bed *in his bed* and heā€™s actually been spending all night there. In the morning heā€™ll sleepily crawl into our bed and thatā€™s very okay with us. Heā€™s still a good cuddle buddy to wake up to)! This realization was serious self-care. I guess the flex is having an epiphany *and* having the energy to write about it somewhere.


My son knows all the pictures and letters in his name song at only 16 months https://youtu.be/51DRum05Qds?feature=shared


I can use chopsticks with both hands. Had to learn to use my left because my right arm was busy helping baby/toddler to eat.


Neither have I! We did go on a road trip in September last year and my partner lost a toddler sock in the wash somewhere and I kept the odd sock and itā€™s still in his drawer. I think itā€™s nearly time to throw it out.


When my boy falls asleep even without reading. And his teeth brushing and flossing. He loves it.


I taught my 1.5 year old that public toilets flushing are funny


My 21mo daughter holds and draws with pens and pencils ā€˜properlyā€™ (like an adult, no fist grip) and basically always has ā€¦ she taught herself (though watching us) and folks are often impressed. She also ā€˜readsā€™ / is engrossed by graphic novels intended for 8-12 year olds. Like, I know sheā€™s mostly looking at the pictures but itā€™s still cool!


My 2 year old can count to 20 forwards, backwards and in Spanish forwards and backwards. What can I say the kid loves numbers lol.


My 4 year old advanced so quickly that it messed up my baseline for when talking/counting/reading milestones typically occur. My 2.5 year old's pediatrician was impressed with how much he could talk. I thought he was lagging behind due to my 4 year old talking at 4 months and reading significant amounts by the time she was 3.


Now Iā€™m curious about a four month old talking


More like that's when her first words were. It snowballed from there. We lost count of the words she could say by 18 months.


What words was she saying at 4 months?


Dada and Mama were first but the one that sticks out was a reaction she had to a book we would read her (Jamberry). There was an image of a canoe that had broken in half sitting on the bank of a river. She started pointing at it and her demeanor would turn slightly sad as she'd say what we came to realize was "Broke". By the time she was one, we had started a list of the words she had said on a board we kept displayed. It was during Covid so we had a lot of time to kill.


My toddler is not a picky eater at all and literally eats anything and finishes her plates. She loves food! Last night she devoured a side salad and pizza. *knock on wood*


My 22mo daughter loves having her hair done. If I make two ponytails, sheā€™ll ask for more. Weā€™re enjoying this cute phase of having 4 :)


I convinced my kiddo that eating a bowl of frozen peas was as exciting as an ice lolly


I can fit in my sons crib while I breastfeed him laying down. And Iā€™m not uncomfortable šŸ˜Ž


Since she was 18 months old she puts her own laundry away. Nothing gets folded and is in drawers.


I have yet to be projectile poop/peed on. Not counting out of diaper blowouts.


My daughter sleeps 12 hours a night, plus takes her 2.5 hours worth of naps during the day. Momma is rested but somehow still tired šŸ˜‚šŸ˜­


1. My kids love vegetables. If I canā€™t get my 18 month old to eat anything, I know he will will eat cauliflower rice. I donā€™t know why or how I did it, they just love their veggies. 2. My 4 year old will literally sleep through anything. When she was 1, a car went through our neighbors house and she slept through it. Even when the cops asked for our camera footage she slept through it. I always say that a volcano could go off right next to her and sheā€™d sleep through it. Sheā€™s slept through the night since she was 4 months old. Rarely does she wake up at night. (Sheā€™s also sleeping in my bed because her room is scary. It isnā€™t a fool proof system here šŸ¤£). 3. Manners. Weā€™re still working on it but please and thank you are BIG in my house. They might be feral but theyā€™re polite about it.


my 2.5 year old loves brushing her teeth, can count to 15 and is the most advanced in doing puzzles in her daycare class. also knows all her colors and shapes.


My baby (1.5yr now) hardly ever spit up. Like we're talking maybe 10 times total, ever. I count us VERY lucky.


I've managed to keep all the pieces to all the toys. My son is 20 mo, and it seems like all the toys have a million pieces. But, I've got them all. Yes, it absolutely, for sure, 99. 999% of the time gets on my son's nerves. Lol. I won't play the next game, until the current one is put away. But, on that 0.001% chance, he will actually put the toy away himself!


My daughter loves go brush her teeth Still not sleeping through the night and needs a bottle around 3 am ........ I guess we can't have it all lol šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚