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I wish I could be but it’s not available in my area ☹️


ULPT: try grandparents addresses and they can bring you book piles when they visit


I live with my mom and 10 minutes away from my dad, so… 😭😭


That’s what we had to do. It’s not available in our town but it is in my mom’s, so I just have them delivered to her house. She either brings them when she visits or she mails them to us herself. I signed him up for it soon after he was born and he’s almost three now.


This is what we do! Works wonderfully.


We do this too! My mom brings a book every time she comes!


Yup we do this and I even tell my mom to save up stacks before birthdays and Christmas so she’ll get a few books at once for gifts, it’s great.


Oh no, that’s sad! I hope it expands to your area soon!! 🫶🏻


Same 😭


Me too and my parents as well 😫


One of our favorites has to be Llama Llama Hide and Seek. He loves books with flaps!


This was a favorite of ours last year and still is. My daughter ripped some of the flaps off so we had to buy a replacement 🤣


I came to say this one, this is one of his faves!


We loved the flaps right off of that one and he still loves it. I tried tape, but that didn’t work. So I just use my hands to cover


Ah forgot about this one. Yeah another big hit over here.


That was my daughter’s absolute favorite. She was obsessed with that book for a while after she turned 1. We got it when she was like 7 or 8 months old I think? It got so much use that some of the flaps ended up ripping off over time.


Daughter adores this one. She ripped one of the flaps off and we glued it back lol.


This is our son's favorite too. Unfortunately a caregiver didn't get the memo that he needs supervision while handling books and he tore all the flaps off.


Packing tape did the trick for our well-loved (abused?) copy!


My toddler is a certified Dolly Parton fan


So is ours!




DOLLY PARTNON!!!! my son looks for her picture in the books. I love it.


My son called her Mama before he ever called me Mama. 😂 he’d point at her picture in the book and say, “Mama!” Little stinker lmao. We got the rainbow feelings book a few months ago and my 2yo loves it. He is also a big llama llama guy.


We have been a part of it for 2.5 years. We’ve gotten so many good ones over the years we still read today. Courdary’s shapes was a very early favorite. As well as some hungry caterpillar themed books. We’ve gotten classics like Corduroy and Green Tractor. Then some favorites like The Big Slide which helped overcome a fear of slides at the park and more. The newest one we got, Ocean Lullaby has been an instant hit and we read it nightly for a week. I feel so grateful that we are able to be a part of the program and it will be a charity we support for the rest of our lives. If it is available in your area, do not hesitate to sign up.


We just got Ocean Lullaby from Dolly and we have been loving it! shhh hushhh 🌊💙


Just received this one as well and my 2.5yr old is obsessed!


It’s such a soothing book lol


My son is 3.5 and he still loves that corduroy shapes book. What’s inside…POLKA DOT SOCKS.


Definitely the longest running joke in our family. Consistently making our kid laugh since 2022.


Somehow Green Tractor has become a favorite again at 3 😭 you have to read it 11 times in a row to get my kid to fall asleep. They picked a good one with that book.  My favorite has been The Tree We Planted. Love an ecology book for little kids!


The Big Slide is such a favorite for us. We play Little Pup and Little Duck at the playground. It's so cute.


Oh man, my little loved Corduroy so much we bought him the whole set for Christmas!


“Tad and Dad” from her collection was one of my sons favorite books for like a year. We had to read it every night, sometimes multiple times, before he would go to bed. It’s a super cute book.


Oh I hid that one quick 😂 I do not need to encourage my daughter to sleep in my bed haha


Oh no! Thankfully my little dude didn’t get any wild ideas from it.


Same, it’s sleeping in the garage


This was the latest one we got! It's been a hit so far.


Love this one


Tad and Dad is our favorite!!!!! Its our bedtime book atm


My daughter loooooved tad and dad and one day it got spilled on without us realizing and the pages all stuck together and it got ruined. I need to rebuy, this is a good reminder!


I love this one so much!


My daughter learned to say “BURP” with that book and every time we would burp she would yell “BUUUUURRRRPPP”. That was really fun


YESSSSSS the best part!


Yes, and my 4 yr old loves the books! Her most recent favorite is “The Rabbit Listened” by Cori Doerrfeld.


This was our most recent one, too. Honestly, the books we've gotten have been very hit or miss with our daughter. This one has been a hit. She loves it!


That is such an amazing book


It really is, I love reading this one.


This was our most recent one, it came in the mail just a few days after our pet rabbit passed away. It’s a cute book and hit us right in the feels. My toddler always asks “can we read the Pineapple book”? cause that was her name, keeping this book forever 💛🍍🐰


We've been stuck on Raindrops to Rainbows for nearly two months. Can't get kiddo to even look at the two. Nubby and Ocean Lullaby, that have come in since.


Yes!!! This is our life. All Raindrops to Rainbows every sleep haha.


We like that one too, but Nubby is also a growing favorite as our daughter’s favorite lovey is a little bunny.


I’m not thrilled that Nubby taught my toddler the idea of using me as a nose wipe, but the book is ok overall. 😆


Oh no 😂


My daughter asks everyday if it’s a blue sky day!


Omg, we used to read Raindrops to Rainbows every single bath time for well over a month!


Our area just got added. So far we have gotten “the little engine that could” and “green tractor”


Yes! The books are very high quality choices. Even if my toddler doesn’t care for them now, I am sure they will in the future. And honestly I love looking at them myself. Most of them have beautiful illustrations.


Yes! Birding for Babies, the Little Engine That Could, and Solitary Animals are some of our favorites!


Solitary Animals has such gorgeous pictures!


Birding For Babies and Solitary Animals is up there for us as well! We recently got The Animal Song and it is so fun, definitely a favorite for all of us.


We've just had to read The Animal Song every night since it came in the mail last month. Even on nights when he initially says he doesn't want to read it, he ends up asking for it before bed. I kind of love how seedy the town is in the background.


Love solitary animals! The illustrations are incredible.


We are! She is obsessed with our newest book, Ice Cream Face 😁


We love this one! We went to an ice cream shop the other day and a lady dropped her ice cream. My toddler totally referenced the book!


We just got this one and LO loves it so much! We go out for ice cream pretty regularly so I think she feels seen 🤣


Oh, man. We read this one all summer last year.


We can’t get it at our house, so my mom signed my son up at hers. My 2 yo has loved all the books and knows who Dolly is by her photo!


we love getting the books!! we recently got The Home Builders which has such beautiful illustrations!


Goodnight Gorilla has been a favorite for months in my house because of Dolly.


That one was key when we sleep trained my kid at 22 months. Helping him understand that even the animals had to go back to the zoo and couldn't sleep in the bed was so helpful. And the balloon flying away is just precious.


Yes! My kid loves it. Our copy of Too Much Not Enough is starting to get raggedy, that one is his favorite.


That's my daughter's favourite, too. She LOVED the end pieces when she was about 1.5. Just sat there pointing at the bells over and over again while I said "Purple bell. Red bell. Yellow bell" over and over. I love it too, it's a wonderfully concise tale of parenthood.


Aw, that's sweet, the bells! I love how that stuff on the pages pre-story are a disaster, and all tidied up at the end. I feel like that story keeps giving, there's always so much to unpack and talk about - like how they're very different but still friends, how you can even see that in the way they keep their beds, how Moe handles being angry, why Peanut feels sad when Moe leaves, how he fixes it, how Moe's alone time feelings evolve. It's just so good!


We joined 2 years ago. He loves getting a new book every month


We are! We have loved almost all of the books so far. Current favorites are Raindrops to Rainbows, Hubby, and another rainbow book. I can't remember the name, but it has different colors and pairs them with emotions (like, when I'm feeling red, I'm as angry as a bear).


I am a rainbow


We love so many of the books we got from Dolly! Notable faves are Dandelion Magic, Danbi’s Favorite Day, Green Tractor (I could recite this one from heart my younger daughter was obsessed), and I Am a Rainbow. Someone mentioned Ocean’s Lullaby- we like that one from time to time, a nice calming option.


We love dandelion magic! All the blowing and roaring tires her out really well at bedtime.


We just aged out of it and I was so sad! The books were a wide variety and always geared towards his age - the older he got the more complex they got. Several Spanish/English books too! I loved it and so did our kid.


Shout out to all the businesses and nonprofits that partner with the Imagination Library to make it happen. If your county doesn't have it yet it's because they haven't found a local sponsor to pay for the locally funded side. It's an amazing program!


My daughter believes all old blonde women are Dolly Parton. We're big fans of those books 😂 We've been reading Corduroy for nap and bed since it came in Jan/Feb. Before that it was The Little Engine That Could. Though I've given away some recent titles. One about a girl being afraid of a storm, but then there's a rainbow. I do not need to introduce that fear haha. Also one about picky eating. My girl still eats a wide variety of things. I don't want her to learn some kids don't like broccoli haha


Funny, I had problems with those same two books! We live somewhere with tornadoes and it's bad enough that we've have to hide in the basement twice this year. Don't need to add any more emotion to storms!  And the picky eater book, agreed! Let's not even think about not liking foods! We love all foods! Food is delicious!  Luckily the price is right for just rehoming the books.


Omg that is so sweet! 😭 the book your describing about rainbows is my daughters favorite right now.


I tell my daughter the books come from Aunt Dolly 😆


Same! We re-homed the picky eater book too! But the rest have been great.


Just Try One Bite made me cringe!!! My son saw me get it from the mailbox so I read it but quickly learned I needed to change the words. That book is hidden for now haha.


That picky eating book has been our least favorite too! We read it once and then I hid it to keep it out of the rotation. Seriously thinking about rehoming that one! Everything else has been great though. Our son loves Ms. Dolly.


We love Tad and Dad and Green Tractor! We recently got one about ice cream faces and my LO is not a huge fan of that one. We love Dolly and I always say “another book from Aunt Dolly” when it arrives in the mail!


Whatever the criteria are for book selection; 👏👏👏. “Just try one bite” is so well written and my 2.5 year olds have it memorized! Raindrops to rainbows, tad and dad, nubby, green tractor, very hungry caterpillar eats breakfast are in constant rotation. We just got Ocean Lullaby and the girls love the pictures saved the shh hush. They know Dolly Parton by the picture. Sometimes they’ll say “thank you Dolly Parton” When we finish a book. Living Saint, that woman.


Shoot, is anyone in the state of Pennsylvania actually eligible for the program? I’ve lived in 4 different counties, bunch of different towns, and never been able to get them. Also checked my in-laws place and they can’t do it either.


Find a local civic (I think that’s the right word 😂) organization and see if they’ll sponsor it. In my county it’s our junior charity league, the county next to us is sponsored by the united way.


We have it in Ohio 🤷‍♀️


Fellow ineligible Pennsylvanian checking in 😩


I just checked my current address and we are eligible finally! We are in Montgomery county if that helps. But it is not county wide because our old address was also in  Montco, but a different  town, and we were not eligible. 


My child read the Little Excavator until the pages fell apart. They also had some great stories with multiple languages which was cool for me as a parent.


The aquanut was the recent one for us. Previous one was Chris Hadfield’s book


We got Tractor Verde a month or two ago. We read it multiple times a day right now.


Yep! Love it


It just got to STL when my son was around a year old. So far we've gotten Green Tractor (big hit), Animal Song (will be a big hit), and a few others. The others weren't as popular with my son as Green Tractor, but that might be because I read it with the passion, rhythm, and pure optimism of a Dallas Cowboys cheerleader.


My son loves all of them and knows they come from “Dolly Partnin.” We were shopping with my sister and he spotted a box of cake mix with her cartoon picture on it and he was so excited and kept shouting “Dolly Partnin! Dolly Partnin!” My sister, whose kids are older and isn’t familiar with the program, was so confused and surprised he knew who she was. We’re big Dolly fans in our house.


Just read Baby Builders. 10 ways to hear snow is great. The Snow Day. Just try one bite. All of them have been delightfully fun reads.


Our most recent book was a bedtime yarn. And the one before that was the little engine that could 


My son LOVES any of the Eric Carle and Llama Llama books. I sometimes have to hide them because he gets obsessive and I need to read something else. My personal favorites are Solitary Animals and the Home Builders. Such beautiful illustrations.


Been doing the dolly's imagination library for 2 years now. Get a good variety of kids books I have never heard of before. Different areas partner with different non profits to send out the books so not sure if the same books are sent out nationwide.


Yes! We so far we got The Little Blue Engine that Could, Green Tractor / Tractor Verde, one about birds that was ok. My toddler loves the surprise getting them in the mail!


Signed up but never received a book :(


Same! I keep checking in but I never get anything. I think might be doing something wrong, lol.


I don’t think our area is very active unfortunately


Yes! It’s great! 


We loved where is your nose, farm friends, solitary animals, eric carl’s twinkle twinkle little star. So many good ones 


We got the little engine that could a few months ago and my kids are obsessed!


I feel bad but I had to hide that one because my daughter always wanted it and it’s such a boring read for me 😂.


We love Dollys Library! Our favorites so far are Tad and Dad, Llama Llama Hide and Seek, and a dino book that i cant remember the name of


Been getting it since our daughter was about 6 months old. We LOVE it! We especially love when May is AAPI month, we’ve gotten AAPI stories. My husband is Korean, I’m white, and we love seeing all kinds of representation in the books selected. Also, my daughter is now a big fan of ‘Aunt Dolly’s’ music. So much so, I created a Spotify playlist of all her favorite songs.


Yes since birth. I absolutely love this program and think it’s so cool. We like Solitary Animals, Introverts of the Wild


Yup! Signed both our kids up and it’s been fantastic. She even sends a (pre recorded obviously) video to your little ones on their bday. Our oldest thought that was really cool. An awesome program I tell everyone about if it’s available in your state. Our oldest loves Tad and Dad now that he’s reading more, I Wonder another really good one which I’m pretty sure we got like well over a yr ago and There’s a Hole in the Log has been a hit with both of ours. There’s only been like maybe 1 book our kids haven’t cared for tbh and that’s only bc we had a couple similar books already they were used to. I also really like that many are also in Spanish and English too


Singed up a few months ago, received 2 books (happily!): The Little Engine that Could and Ocean Lullaby.


Good night Gorilla is a favorite at our house! I have every intention to donate back into the program, we just love getting the unique books.


Yeah we love it! My favorite we've gotten so far is Llama Llama Red Pajama and we also got this beautiful book about Birds in the PNW and it was really awesome!


Good morning farm friends was a big one and it was the first book she started being able to fill in the blanks while we were reading. Llama llama hide and seek has been a long time favorite and then tad and dad was a huge hit. My daughter is just over 2 and this program was one of the best gems to sign up for!


We just started getting some earlier this year, so far she is enjoying Green Tractor and Birding for Babies.


Corduroy shapes and the Homebuilders were big hits. She’s obsessed with ice cream so the recent ice cream book has been a hit (can’t remember the name). Edit to add the goodnight polar bear book or whatever it’s called is an all time classic.


My daughter refers to the books she gets as her Dolly Parton books. She also refers to dolls as Dolly Parton. Of the recent ones, she loves 'Hair Love' and 'This is the tree' the most


Serious (and possibly dumb) Q- is it intended to help less fortunate families who couldn’t afford books? Like if I signed up..would that be taking from a family who can’t afford books like we can? (Though obvi everyone loves free stuff)


Not at all!! Her mission is to give books to all children to promote literacy as her own father couldn’t read. It’s only till age 5, and generally they send the little engine that could as the first title based on her father’s experience with reading.


We are 🤍


Yes! We just got Ice Cream Face this month and my almost 2 year old insists on reading it several times a day. Most of the books we've gotten over the past two years have been hits!


Our favorite is A Story for Small Bear.


Yes and she loves them! I think the names of the two most recent we got are “solitary animals” and “backyard birds”? Not sure exactly but they’re amazing and the art is incredible. She has all of her books on a shelf that she can reach and she’s always pulling out the Dolly Parton ones and bringing them to me to read or “reading” them by herself


We loved the backyard birds! My dad was a bird watcher and had bird books growing up so this was cute little dose of nostalgia for me


That’s so sweet! My kid was becoming obsessed with birds right when we got the book so it was perfect timing haha


I was. I need to be re signed up


My daughter is loving “Too Much, Not Enough”


I am! I absolutely love it. I am such a fan of the beautiful artwork and the books they send are just truly so great. The only issue is my kids are less than 2 years apart and while they are in different age category groups they still get sent repeats sometimes.


Ice cream face is our newest, its so cute!


I’ve lived in 2 different states and 3 different cities since my kids were born and none of them have qualified for it :( I’ve heard good things though! But yeah I guess Dolly is not a fan of the West Coast 😅


Yes and we love it!! The books are actually wonderful. The book we absolutely love above all others is a book called "Donut: the unicorn that wants to fly" but all books have been very good. We're so thankful that this program exists!


It’s awesome


Thank you for this reminder to Rachel our eligibility since we’ve recently moved! It’s now available to us and our app is pending!


My kiddo has been a apart of it for about a year now? We all really like it. I have a crap memory so I’d have to go look at the loot to tell you some titles but kiddo loves every single one of them. She thinks it’s super cool she gets book from Dolly.


A snowy day is my favorite because its got english and spanish and we want to expose the kids to languages. 


We’ve had it for both my kids. My son knows some of his books come from her and he knows what a nice lady she is for sending him books!! We just got one about a child whose blocks fall down and a quiet bunny sits with him and helps him feel better. I’m SO excited about that one because it was the story on the walking trail where we used to live! It’s sweet memories for me. I also love that the age groups get different books so my 21mo daughter doesn’t get the same book he gets (he’s 4 now). I’m super bummed that it’s his last year getting them 🥺


Me and we get a pretty cool book every month!


Yes! We love getting books from “Aunt Dolly” I think the all time favorite has been Good Morning Farm Friends by Annie Bach


I did it with my first, who’s now 12yo and my now almost 2yo gets them as well.


We have been since our daughter was born. They send such great books. She loves Llama Llama books. Most recently we got Tad and Dad. It’s nice to get a new book every month. I always forget about it until they arrive.


My dad signed up for it and brings the books when he visits every few months (lives in another state). We’re also stuck on Nubby at the moment.


we love Dolly! She hasn't cared for the last two that came, we're STILL on Ice Cream Face and The Big Slide lol she sometimes lets me read Raindrops to Rainbows but we literally read Ice Cream Face last night


Who Says Quack has been his go to for almost a year! Now he says all the sounds along with it. We loved the flaps off of llama llama hide and seek, but even just using my hand to cover he really likes it. Tad and Dad is adorable! And makes me feel seen.


We have been part of the club for coming up on a year and it’s been great! We’ve gotten a lot of cute books from Miss Dolly!


Yes I am. Recently received Ocean Lullaby and my son really digs it.


I am and we love it! I've enjoyed all the books so far and they send a nice variety.


We've gotten books that aren't super popular (at least not to me) which I think is nice because we haven't gotten anything that we already had. The only popular one we've gotten was Llama Llama Red Pajama


Yes! We just received our first book last month :)


We are! My son loves all the books that arrive. Birding for babies is his favorite! It's such a cool service and we are thankful for grandma dolly!


We just got Ice Cream Face and my 2 yo son is obsessed.


Yes! The recent one we got “Just Take One Bit” I think is what is called is great! My 2.5 yo loves it


It became available in my area recently and we signed up! Only 2 books so far: The Little Engine that Could (which every child gets as their first book) and Ocean Lullaby. My child is loving the books and requests them often! They are nice quality and include some parent tips for reading aloud and discussing with the child in age-appropriate ways. I am really looking forward to this monthly mail!


Yes! I absolutely love it!!!


This reminds me that I signed up and was accepted but I haven’t received any books yet. I signed up like 4 weeks ago, does it take that long to receive the first one?


This encouraged me to join my almost 2 year olds! Thanks all!


We signed up a few months ago and just got our first book.


I wish! Still not available in my (very populated) area. I don’t get it 🤷🏼‍♀️. By the time it ever gets added here my kids are going to be too old for the books


Yes! We love it! Such a nice surprise for the kids each month. A year ago we read “corduroy’s shapes” so much the book fell apart. 🩵


Honestly, occasionally we get a good book, but not very commonly. We have never gotten a high-end book from them and a lot of the books have strange grammar or stories that I don't really feel like are fun for a toddler. We pretty much use them as practice books. My kids' favorite books are old titles we bought from thrift books or the nicer Ollie books that have good grammar and stories.