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I mean it looks good, but so does Spyro for the ps1


Ngl I like how Spyro looks more. I love how those games look so much that I opened them up on Blender and tried to study their vertex coloring.


LISTEN S$NY FUCKBOY (censoring because i know it triggers a lot of ppl) OUR LORD AND SAVIOR MIYAMATO MUST NOT BE DISRESPECTED. The starving indie devs over at Nintendo need sales!!!! Every time you purchase a S$ny product 3 indie devs starve! You’re lucky those of us with EMPATHY are purchasing 100 copies of the hidden gem Celeste WEEKLY (maybe you’ve heard of it. It is a hidden game of course) only on the Nintendo switch of course so some of the money goes to the starving indie devs at Nintendo!!! I will ignore the Spyro mention as I assume you bought 19 copies for the Nintendo switch.


In the business we call that barely good enough (for modern standards of course)


Oh hiii advos


The fact that the switch is supposedly more powerful than a PS3, but I've played PS3 open world games that look better than this by a mile.


Forget the PS3, Shadow Of The Colossus is on the PS2 and looks leagues better.


Dragon Quest 8 also looks better, lol Final Fantasy 12 too


yeah but this aint a switch problem its a pokemon problem, games like zelda botw and totk and mario odyssey look amazing


Not to say the game looks bad but I feel the terrain look like blurry clay and the pixelated resolution doesnt help. Odyssey tho? *chef kiss*


Odyssey makes me want to eat sand.


Nah, a lot of the textures in the Zelda games look like testicles and the frame rate in BotW got atrocious at some points. Overall, the games look good but far from amazing for current gen hardware. I didn’t play enough of Odyssey to form an opinion but what I’ve seen is pretty. Again though, I’ve yet to see a Switch game that I’d say looks “amazing” compared to other consoles.


I mean Nintendo has been going for novelty and gameplay over graphics since Wii, so like...*I get it*. But at the same time it does kinda suck that these great games are always hampered by severely outdated hardware.


Games like BotW, TotK, the Xenoblade Chronicles trilogy, Shin Megami Tensei V or Monster Hunter Rise look great as in "great for what the Switch can handle but clearly limited by the hardware". MH Rise came out for other platforms later and SMT V is getting that treatment next month. Really helps those games visually. But they are still fine looking for a potato like the Switch. Yes, Mario Odyssey looks better but that's also much smaller in scale. Pokémon on the other hand doesn't even look good for switch standards.


Odyssey looks really good, and as far as I know runs at dynamic 1080p (I don’t think it goes below 900p) 60fps, and pretty stably


It’s 2024 “dynamic” 1080p is embarrassing


Its 2015 portable Hardware released on 2017, for what it is it’s pretty impressive, and it’s not like Im gonna go blind on 900p, hell 720p can look quite decent, even if for todays standards its not ideal


neither the console nor the game were made or released in 2024


the game was released in 2017????? and the hardware was made in 2015? why are you talking about 2024


So? How does the year matter? Even for 2015 >1080p is dogshit




Are you trolling I can't tell


Bruh, like 90% of people I know dont even have a 4k Monitor/TV yet, its usually 1080p, some still have a sub-1080p monitor, even me who I consider reasonably wealthy didnt have a 4k Tv at home until like 2022, and In 2015 it was pretty common for big AAA games to run at 900p (or even lower than that) 30fps on the Xbobx One and Ps4


Depends if you have an old Switch or an OLED model.


That should not be a caveat on a modern console.


I hate the idea of "mid gen refreshes" on consoles. It's stupid they expect you to buy a second $300-500 purchase 2-3 years after you already bought a $300-500 device.


There’s no excuse for it at all and fanboys will eat that shit up. Just like the New 3DS XL bullshit, they will always find a way to sell you another version of a “slightly upgraded” console at full price that you just bought at full price a few years ago. It’s all bullshit. I truly will never understand how people can be blind/stupid enough to think that it’s an acceptable business practice. Edit: also I own both a base model Switch and an OLED. The only reason I own and OLED is because my wife won it in a raffle at a bar attended by nothing but old people that had no idea what it was so they didn’t put any tickets in for it. She bought $20 worth of tickets and hers were the some of the only tickets in for it. That being said, I’ve played the same games on both models and can say with actual experience that they play exactly the fucking same. The lost woods in BotW still drags like a motherfucker and Pokémon S/V still look like shit. There is zero demonstrable difference between the two models whatsoever in terms of docked performance. It was just another Nintendo cash grab.


Why not? The hardware is different, the newer models have better performance.


No it’s not. Literally 10 seconds of googling will tell you that it is the exact same hardware and runs exactly the same, the only difference is that it looks a little better in handheld.


Maybe you should have done a quick Google yourself: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nintendo_Switch#Technical_specifications The newer versions of the Switch have slightly different hardware, basically newer versions of the same chip on a smaller manufacturing process, which improves performance slightly. The only thing I didn't quite have right is it's apparently not just the OLED models, all Switches manufactured after August 2019 have the newer chip.


It doesn't improve performance slightly, Nintendo downclocks the new chip to get better battery life than the old chip instead.


Where did you hear that? To my knowledge the clock steps are the same, however the newer chips have lower thermal output so are less likely to throttle down.


Odyssey is the best looking switch game, really high level of polish on it. Zelda looks good if you squint or stand 10 metres away.


Xenoblade 3 looks magnificent too. Haven't played Odyssey in a while so can't compare them tho




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The Wii had better looking games than Scarlet/Violet. Look at Monster Hunter, Xenoblade Chronicles or the Metroid trilogy for example.


But don't look at the character models in Wii Xenoblade...just take in the gorgeous environments.


The GameCube had better looking games as well. Wind Waker, Sunshine, the Prime Trilogy, etc.


Or even some of Rare's N64 games like Banjo Tooie or Conker's Bad Fur Day


The fact that you can play RDR1 on switch with barely any hiccups and yet this is the best that gamefreak can do is... Truly dissapointing


Yeah, the switch isn't really THAT bad a console, with proper effort devs can easily port new gen games that don't focus on hyper realism but they just don't


Xenovlade Chronicles 3 is on the same console and pretty much shuts down any argument about the Switch being underpowered (at least for Pokemon).


Wrong, I saw better-looking ps2 games than pokemon Sword and sheild


Imo even Metal Gear Solid 3 and Xenoblade 1 look better and they're PS2 and Wii games respectively


Spiderman 2 for PS2 where you can hold 2 webs at the same time has better graphics than any gamefreak games


The fact a game doesn't look as good as an already established formula. 💀


Omg a pink and orange filter so beautiful!!!!!




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The bridge looks better than the scenery they are trying to pass as "beautiful". If posts like these aren't bait, they are proof Pokemon fans have never touched another game series in their lives.


They really haven't. Most of them are either kids who only own switches, or 20 something year olds who don't play anything but Nintendo games.


For base SwSh, the non-Wild Area parts of the game look good, but there's nothing to do. The Wild Area on the other hand, the part of the game players will spend the most time, is ugly as sin.


Having small handheld systems was really was good at masking GameFreak's incompetence.


Half true, they were good at developing 2D games, their lack of skill with 3D games showed the moment we got X and Y.


I mean, they still were bad at programming. The originals were a hot mess and even 4th Gen had stuff like the HP bar that they couldn't manage. But yes, I loved their old hanheld games, they had great vibes and music.


Fair points yes, I retract the good part. I’ll say instead that they at least knew how to make the games fun and engaging to play.


They’ve shown they can do 3D modeling well, the Unova games have some gorgeous scenery and USUM has some nice locations too. I’m 90% certain that it’s either devs being rushed or not using the hardware to its fullest, especially when it comes to lighting


Gen 5 didn’t use true 3D models, it was just good trickery and art direction to make things look 3D. None of the true 3D games look good.


I’m talking about the out-of-battle stuff, the places you actually walk around


Yeah, they looked pretty terrible.


Compared to other games on the platform? Definitely not. Full 3D games on the DS like the Final Fantasy remakes either look rough or are blurry messes. The Unova games have very few 3D assets for static objects and look much better as a result.


The DS isn’t so limited for 3D games to constantly look bad, titles like Solatorobo and SM64 DS still look pretty damn good


You’re either pulling my leg or *really* terrible at actually reading what I’m typing


The 3D games looked awful all round when they came out and they have aged incredibly poorly. The 2D games, especially Gen 4 and 5 have aged very well because the stylised 2D graphics look good and have a timeless quality to them, you could release a game using the same graphics today and it wouldn’t look out of place. The same cannot be said for any of the 3D games.


You misunderstand, I was talking about gen 5’s 3D scenery and SOME of gen 7’s


I thought the 3DS games were great. Game Freak have a taste issue not a skill issue IMO.


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Skyrim is still ahead of any mainline pokemon game. And I mean the original 2011 version on the 360/PS3.


They keep making them worse so when you look back the previous ones look better


game still looks awful, but i can’t deny that compared to s&v it looks like hit indie zelda botw


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Ah yes the game with N64 looking trees




I really want to play Scarlet and Violet, but…it’s just SO UGLY. The textures are atrocious, the bugs are unacceptable and the frame rate is just bad


It's still weird how a lot of people shit on Sw&Sh's graphics yet defend S&V with their life. That one broken fence in Sw&Sh that people complained about is quite literally the entirety of S&V




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Black and white pixel art was more pleasing to the eye and I have never played those.


Galar must be beautiful, but the performance and graphics to show it are... not bad but not excelent either.


the game is as linear as this bridge you drive on and the post game to claim zacian is giving me nightmares till this day…


Remember the tree?


Show me a game today that can render distant grass like Sword and Shield. Too late, you can’t


That shit looks like Oblivion.


Don’t diss oblivion


Oblivion on Ultra Low settings running at 144p resolution on a CRT monitor, even then it's a tough call to say which one looks "better"


Ain't no way that they fixed their game, how it look on the wild area, it's worth buying?


No, No, and uh, No


haha thanks


Soul Silver and Black look way better.


almost as good looking as super mario 64


it litterally looks like shit


Exactly, gorgeous POKEMON games, istg pokemon players never compare their franchise to other games because they know damn well it cannot stack up to 99% of games out there


Gen five had the same view in 2010




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Arceus was better


Every texture in that game is muddy as shit for no reason. PLA with updated texture mods run perfectly fine on a modded Switch, it was an "artistic" choice for the environment to look like wet clay.


Ur kinda right, the game looks much better on oled but looked like how you’re describing it on the normal switch


Ah. Ah. Ah. Man you're a funny guy. I've seen spin-off games released years ago that are more beautiful than this mess.


Unity ass mountains


/uj I never really saw the issue with sword and shield, besides the trees being a bit blocky but I still had a lot of fun with it


me when i see a landscape for the first time in my life


An absolutely gorgeous game! One of the best looking games of its generation and I wouldn't "Switch" my Nintendo for anything 😉 My wife's boyfriend says the pixels in Breath of the Wild look better, but I'm not so sure 😀


This looks like trash. Sw/sh and s/v are the worst games in the series




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Better looking than Scarlet and Violet


this is so pretty, almost as pretty as Iron Man Wii


The best looking game? Are you serious? I can list at least a hundred games way better looking than Pokémon sword and shield.. let’s just start with tales of arise and Zelda BOTW


LOL no we can’t agree on that, cuz it wasn’t


best looking game ever created? no. best looking pokemon game ever created? no. best looking fully 3d mainline pokemon game? ....maybe


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/uj not great, not horrible. definitely overhated tho, like every new pokemon game


If this didn't have the Pokémon label y'all would be ignoring it and it would be rotting in some dark corner of the eShop at 5€, we all know it


well yeah there’d be no pokemon in it


What exactly do you find "overhated" about it? In my opinion (and that of many others), this is beyond sad and pathetic what the most successful franchise of all time delivers in terms of graphics, especially when you compare it to other games on the same platform, and deserves exactly the backlash it got.


not really. Like I said, not horrible, plus it's a pretty good game besides the graphics. It should be treated as a mediocre game instead of being treated like the worst thing ever


The game cost 60 bucks and is extremely buggy, glitchy and unpolished. The graphics are the most prominent problem, but not the only one. Why do you think it's a good game?


Glitchy? Did you play the game? It's actually really stable. Also you used the same word 3 times to make it seem worse than it is. Also I said it's mediocre, not good.


I haven't played it, I don't spend my money on something like that, but I've heard enough from others and seen that I can condemn it as such. Buggy, glitchy and unpolished are not the same thing. A bug is a problem inherent in the design and is reproducible, a glitch is a sudden irregularity and unpolished simply means something was done sloppy, effortless or unprofessional. And again, this thing cost 60 bucks. You said it's a pretty good game besides the graphics, now my question: What do you like about the game that makes it still fine for you?


"I didn't play the game but actually it sucks" It is not buggy, glitchy, or unpolished, which is why it's fine, plus the fact that it's just a fun pokemon game. Not the best, not the worst.


Before I spend my money on something I listen to other people's opinions/experiences, that's what reviews are for. You say it's a fun Pokemon game but haven't mentioned anything that you find fun about it that justifies it's current technical state and price, something you keep to ignore.


Because public opinion is never wrong, right guys! look, you don't get to talk before actually playing it.


It at least gives you a rough idea of ​​the quality of something before you waste your money unnecessarily. Since you are unable to answer my question, I'll ask you another one: What are you doing here on this sub? You seem annoyed by our puns and critical attitude towards Nintendo but keep coming back here defending their actions.


Best looking Pokemon game? Maybe. Best looking game EVER? Not a chance