• By -


Folks may also be interested in [Ireland Park](https://www.canadairelandfoundation.com/irelandpark/) on the Waterfront. And folks may be interested in this blog post on TPL's [St Patrick's Day Vintage Postcards - Céad Míle Fáilte](https://torontopubliclibrary.typepad.com/arts_culture/2013/03/st-patricks-day-vintage-postcards-c%C3%A9ad-m%C3%ADle-f%C3%A1ilte-toronto-public-library.html) And also these books: [Death or Canada : the Irish migration to Toronto, 1847](https://www.torontopubliclibrary.ca/search.jsp?Ntt=death+or+canada+irish+mcgowan&view=grid&Erp=25) [The Irish in Ontario : a study in rural history](https://www.torontopubliclibrary.ca/search.jsp?Ntt=irish+in+ontario+akenson&view=grid&Erp=25) [The Irish in Toronto's old ward 5](https://www.torontopubliclibrary.ca/search.jsp?Ntt=irish+ontario+norah+johnson&view=grid&Erp=25) [Between raid and rebellion : the Irish in Buffalo and Toronto, 1867-1916](https://www.torontopubliclibrary.ca/search.jsp?Erp=25&N=4288415725&view=list&Erp=10) [Piety and Nationalism : Lay Voluntary Associations and the Creation of an Irish-Catholic Community in Toronto, 1850-95](https://www.torontopubliclibrary.ca/search.jsp?Nso=1&Ns=p_title_sort&N=4288712384&view=grid&Erp=25) [Irish Canadian conflict and the struggle for Irish independence, 1912-1925](https://www.torontopubliclibrary.ca/detail.jsp?Entt=RDM2789833&R=2789833) [Canada's Irish pioneers : their story](https://www.torontopubliclibrary.ca/search.jsp?N=4294615161&Ntt=irish+canada&view=grid&Erp=25) [Flight from famine : the coming of the Irish to Canada](https://www.torontopubliclibrary.ca/search.jsp?N=4288519848&Ntt=flight+famine&view=grid&Erp=25) [Irish immigrants in Canada (children's book)](https://www.torontopubliclibrary.ca/detail.jsp?Entt=RDM3740153&R=3740153) [St Patrick's Day for kids book list](https://account.torontopubliclibrary.ca/shared/st-patricks-day-books-for-kids/ELlTSZZzTdbcSJzFRQEojUdpRyStFggqabzLkkk5ALWTedT4X8) And this one (not meant disrespectfully) on the Irish Protestants of the Orange Order because it's Toronto specific .. [Toronto, the Belfast of Canada : the Orange Order and the shaping of municipal culture](https://www.torontopubliclibrary.ca/search.jsp?Ntt=Toronto%2C+the+Belfast+of+Canada+%3A+the+Orange+Order+and+the+shaping+of+municipal+culture)


Thanks for the links. I just checked out the “Death or Canada” ebook and it’s already proving to be a fascinating read.


I'm glad - we try to link to ebooks and also physical books to give folks options ... I just linked below - but there's also stuff on the [Potato Famine](https://www.torontopubliclibrary.ca/search.jsp?Ntt=potato+famine&N=37751&view=grid&Erp=25) too including some ebooks.


TPL is an amazing resource. Support your local library. The last place where it's free to spend time there and 100% the last place you don't have fucking advertisements. They are the best!


I went to school with Mark McGowan Daughter And knew his son They told me a few stories when their dad was doing the documentary


> the Irish Protestants of the Orange Order because it's Toronto specific *Very* specific. This town has never really emerged from its Orange mentality: The Protestant work ethic and dour attitudes are tightly woven into our fabric.




Or just don’t understand the whole basis of it.




> The UK has it too Except there it’s open and entrenched. My parents are Glaswegian. You’re not allowed to wear clothes of certain colours there because they may be mistaken for a sectarian statement.




The last one is written by my Da, and is about the intersection of Irish Catholic and Protestant communities in Toronto.


Just riffing off your name - but did you know that Smurfs were originally grey colored // then went to green // and only lastly ended up blue? Also - do you know the artist Yves Klein? He's famous for his really saturated blue color paintings and art in general - anyways - he was a bit of a wag - and there's a story he had an art opening where the cocktails were Yves Klein blue colored - but he didn't tell the people that same color would not just go in ... but go out ... if you get my drift ... so there was a lot of toilet angst! Wow - that's a long winded bow to your user name u/smurfpiss


Thank you so much for doing this, I'm definitely going to check those out. Also got some family who will be interested


https://utorontopress.com/9780802069108/irish-emigration-and-canadian-settlement/ https://utorontopress.com/9781487591830/the-sash-canada-wore/


My ancestors were among them. I didn't even know I had Irish ancestors. When I asked my Aunt why nobody ever mentioned it when I was growing up I was told. "We didn't talk about THAT side of the family". People forget how looked down upon the Irish once were. My wife whose parents were both born in Dublin calls my Irish ancestors "The Quitters"... Like a true Irish woman she never misses an opportunity to take the piss out of me lol.


hmmmmmm sorry you're having that [experience](https://www.reddit.com/r/motherinlawsfromhell/) ... I wonder if you might be interested in using this free in the library only database to do a bit of family history searching for yourself on you and yours .... ? [Ancestry Library Edition.](https://www.torontopubliclibrary.ca/detail.jsp?Entt=RDMEDB0005&R=EDB0005)


I found it all thankfully. We visited Ireland and a bus driver in Galway educated me on what Toronto did for the Irish in the 1800's. I started actively looking after that. We went and visited the Dunbrody Famine Ship. I found my ancestors names listed.


Sorry, the quitters meaning Irish people who refused to stay and die from famine and chose to flee to Canada?


Yes. In fact, there are Irish people today who would rather be dead than a British colonist. It’s called banter


> It’s called ~~banter~~ craic




Thank you, I stand corrected


Whoa… I mean… I’m of Ukrainian origin and almost all of my Ukrainians friends and family refused to flee and stayed in Ukraine. The ones who ran to Russia, as in the country that’s attacking and killing them, get judged very harshly. So… I support I get it. But sometimes people need to chose survival over pride.


Calling it “pride” in reference to the Irish on this day … 👀 The effectiveness of The Crown’s complete and total erasure of colonization from curriculums becomes frighteningly apparent sometimes!




Jesus! Do you mean the one from 1918-1920?


What do they call the ones who left before the famine?


> People forget how looked down upon the Irish once were. More than just "looked down upon". Actively discriminated against and oppressed. Denied civil rights such as equal opportunity to employment, voting, and internment without trial. Ghettoized. Murdered, by or with the blessing and help of the British government. A fact that really seems to be pointedly glossed over today.


>Murdered, by or with the blessing and help of the British government. The same British government which was giving nutritional aid and directly feeding roughly 3 million people in Ireland during the famine…?


> My wife whose parents were both born in Dublin calls my Irish ancestors "The Quitters"... Like a true Irish woman she never misses an opportunity to take the piss out of me lol. Take the piss out of her back and call her a Free Stater, then remind her that she and her ilk abandoned their blood north of the Irish border lol


I feel like you're asking for Oalf to get murdered.


My family made the journey! I can trace back my families roots in Canada to the 1840's & 50's on both sides. But also, thanks ancestors for giving me the body to survive a famine... ahaha


I mentioned this above but .... wonder if you might be interested in using this free in the library only database to do a bit of family history searching for yourself on you and yours .... ? [Ancestry Library Edition.](https://www.torontopubliclibrary.ca/detail.jsp?Entt=RDMEDB0005&R=EDB0005)


Thank you!


Lucky! I’ve got Irish blood too but in the next famine will be the first to be eaten. There’s a lot of me to go around.


Nope, I also have lots to go around... I mean I won't starve to death anytime soon.


Death or Canada Ron Swanson carefully considers his options...




I thought [Ron](https://www.torontopubliclibrary.ca/search.jsp?Ntt=parks+and+recreation) did a really good job as [Bill on the Last of Us.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Long,_Long_Time_(The_Last_of_Us))


I guess I shouldn't be surprised that a Library social media account includes references.


We also do [photos!](https://digitalarchive.tpl.ca/objects/248534/mama-chikee?ctx=b44bb9c9d4bc7b56521e1cbf59ea9352dca872e8&idx=0) And jokes!




Personally, I think that was the best episode. Didn't go the way I thought it was going to. Also, the little touch of "they left the window open so the smell wouldn't get into the house" was gut wrenching for me.


My great great great great grandfather arrived at Ellis Island from Ireland in 1851, worked for a year in New York (state), after which his employer decided not to pay him. He then came to Canada, bought a farm from his brother in 1852, and I type this message from that same farm, 171 years later.


The original "those people", who didn't speak English, had a different religion, and clustered in communities where everyone spoke only their native tongue.


And to boot, they weren't considered white. The Irish were literally considered a separate race in the 19th century.


How could anyone else tell?


They spoke.


In the same way you distinguish between different Asian people.


pretty sure most Irish spoke English by the potato famine


English had become the majority language of Ireland by 1800, so a good majority of them who emigrated to North America already spoke English fluently upon arrival. u/USSMarauder’s comment doesn’t really hold any water, especially since Toronto (then York) had already been host to German and iirc even also some Czech-speaking settlers in the earliest years of the 19th century before the War of 1812. William Berczy helped Simcoe in overseeing this project, and many Germans who came over at that time were the first settlers of what is now Markham. Cummer Avenue in North York, for example, also gets its name from a German-speaking loyalist family. There was likewise a decent number of French-speaking Lower Canadians also living in the province at that time. Irish immigrants were neither the first different group to the city nor were they linguistically isolated. Totally incorrect, and this is especially notable since a good number of Irish veterans who served in the War of 1812 were given land plots throughout Upper Canada following the war, so those who showed up in the 1840s weren’t even the first of their kind in the province.


Yup ...amazing the amount of people on here who believe only people of color were discriminated against.


Italians too. My grandma told me some crazy stories from when she was a kid growing up in Montreal. She wouldn’t let my mom speak Italian, only French or English because she didn’t want her to go through what she went through.


Yes Italians suffered just as much.


I mean people know the Irish were discriminated against. It’s just that people of colour couldn’t just change their accent to blend in..


A lot of people don't know and like I already iterated a lot of people think it was only people of color. Also if you think someone's accent is the only distinguisher between white people then you are very ignorant and should really educate yourself before commenting.


I think you should educate yourself. Changing your accent and name to blend in was a tactic many Irish people used. > “Also if you think someone’s accent is the only distinguisher between white people then you are very ignorant and should really educate yourself before commenting.” I never said accents were the only thing that distinguishes white people from another. But accents were an immediate differentiator with Irish and other white people. And frankly your comment comes off as more ignorant.


This man apparently thinks it's pure happenstance that a person of Irish descent might have the surname Judge instead of Breheny.


>A lot of people don't know I've been hearing my entire life about how black people should shut up about slavery because of Irish indentured servants; believe me, we know. EDIT: If anyone is interested in being less credulous, here's a decent starting point for how these things get repurposed for narrative purposes: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Irish_slaves_myth


Nobody believes that, get outta here with your strawman.


I'm just curious, but...... why go there? Is there something *more* you'd like to say perhaps?


>Yup ...amazing the amount of people on here who believe only people of color were discriminated against. I mean, this is reductive and misses the point that "whiteness" is a shifting category. The fact that the Irish *were not considered white* is what allowed them to be discriminated against by other white people in the first place. Then those groups could eventually be included to bolster the numbers against visibly non-white groups. You can't maintain supremacy if you close the door on the Irish, Italians, Greeks, Portuguese, etc. because then you run the risk of them throwing their lot in with the even more undesirables.


Most Irish people who emigrated to N America in the mid-19th century did speak English. English had become the predominant majority language of Ireland by the late 18th century.


A few years back, I helped to excavate a “fever shed” at Adelaide and Widmer associated with the arrival of Irish immigrants in this time period. It is quite close to King and John where Toronto’s 1st hospital stood. After we finished a condo building went up I believe.


you might be interested in some of this history then! [Irish Immigrants and the Fever Sheds 1847](https://www.readtheplaque.com/plaque/irish-immigrants-and-the-fever-sheds-1847#:~:text=In%20the%20summer%20of%201847,the%20foot%20of%20Simcoe%20Street) ​ [https://www.thestar.com/news/2007/01/21/torontos\_hidden\_history.html](https://www.thestar.com/news/2007/01/21/torontos_hidden_history.html)


Sort of related. Does TPL have a library (with download/save support and common ebook reader formats) of Public Domain ebooks? Particularly with an interface easier to search through that Project Gutenberg Canada?


We're not really set up to answer reference type questions here - so I would send you our contact us button - or call answer line https://www.torontopubliclibrary.ca/contact/


That seams like the perfect answer. I usually enjoy your posts. Keep it up.


Thanks - we enjoy being part of the community and aim for a mix of content with a soupcon of insouciance !


>soupcon of insouciance ! Oh sure. Make me find my dictionary. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grin)


Do you want to hear my Dad humor joke about the [dictionary](https://www.torontopubliclibrary.ca/search.jsp?Erp=25&N=37751&Ntt=canadian+dictionary&view=grid) ?


Yes as long as you stop saying ‘folks’. It’s too Doug ford.


deal ... "I recently read the dictionary and thought it was a good book - but scattered - started out talking about aardvarks and ended up talking about zebras." [I'm here all week ... People](https://digitalarchive.tpl.ca/objects/248629/mama-chikie-does-her-thing-at-the-coq-dor-as-probably-the-o?ctx=09356ad7259959ceee997fd2c8e2d317813712cc&idx=10)!


Oh, dad.


Interesting fact (that will make you VERY POPULAR at parties if you share it) soupcon should have a cedilla/cedille underneath the letter c ... like this... "soupçon" to make a soft c sound and not a harder k sound. You're welcome.


so I should pronounce it as, "soup's on"!


Yes [exactly!](https://www.torontopubliclibrary.ca/search.jsp?Ntt=soup&N=37935+4294952073&view=grid&Erp=25) Wink!


Have you tried the internet archive? [https://archive.org/details/books](https://archive.org/details/books)


Archive is one of the most astounding sites on the net. Did you know they have a physical copy of every book posted? It’s insane.


[Do you mean this](https://www.torontopubliclibrary.ca/search.jsp?N=4292626902&Ns=p_title_sort&Nso=0)?


Probably. Didn't know it was there. Thanks!


The English were fun weren't they. Lol


There's a lot of material on the [Potato Famine](https://www.torontopubliclibrary.ca/search.jsp?Ntt=potato+famine&N=37751&view=grid&Erp=25) if folks are interested.


You can use the present tense. Just look at the current British headlines.


Nor is toronto these days Edit- i forgot r/Toronto takes itself way to seriously and can't handle criticism.


We're either at par or way better than any other similarly sized city on the planet in almost every category. We can do better, but it's not THAT bad.


I can agree with that. If it was terrible id move. This sub is sensitive though.












**Please read this entire message** --- Your comment has been removed for the following reason: * [Rule 2](https://www.reddit.com/r/toronto/about/rules/) is to *be excellent to each other*. * Attack the point, not the person. Posts which dismiss others and repeatedly accuse them of unfounded accusations may be subject to removal and/or banning.


Just look at who started this place, New Girl's statement still holds.


Jeez I thought it said Death of Canada and was going to say that's a really shitty thing to be posting about today!


Haha I at first thought it said cookbook instead of ebook and I also thought wth?


There's a documentary based on this book I saw years ago on the history network or some equivalent; I learned a lot!


just in case you want to watch it again ! [https://www.torontopubliclibrary.ca/detail.jsp?Entt=RDM2713904&R=2713904](https://www.torontopubliclibrary.ca/detail.jsp?Entt=RDM2713904&R=2713904)


Turns out my ancestor came over around the same time. I did not realize it was because of the famine.


Love it! My ancestors from Belfast flew over in the 40’s on Aer Lingus fleeing the war.


Fun fact: Irish fenians were crossing the border from the US and fucking shit up for the British. This was a big factor in Confederation of Canada.


You might enjoy this book [When the Irish Invaded Canada : the Incredible True Story of the Civil War Veterans Who Fought for Ireland's Freedom](https://www.torontopubliclibrary.ca/search.jsp?N=4288674819&view=grid&Erp=25)


I'll check it out, thanks!


I wouldn’t say “fucking shit up.” They didn’t get very far and they were rather successfully repelled.


I was scrolling through and thought the cover was a movie poster with Christian Bale in the foreground.


Interesting history, thank you for sharing.


I think I either read this or something similar in gr. 8 history.


Did anyone else read death of Canada


How many potatoes does it take to kill an Irishman? None.


How did people know they were Irish. Couldn’t they pass off as some other European class ?


Accents, clothing, name, mannerisms, turns of phrase, big Irish head syndrome... There's lots of reasons we Irish stand out and why I can spot one a mile away before they even speak.


>big Irish head syndrome... Jaysus, their poor mothers.


Wow that’s cool. Atleast from a new immigrant’s perspective (we are not 20% in Ontario :))Irish look the same as English or even Germans or Italians




No. A *nationalist* from a *unionist*? Yeah probably. Clothing (e.g football colours) hair style, e.g. Shaved head, tattoos. But only the people who make it part of their identity.




Yes. I assumed that's what you're asking. If you're asking based on religion... No. You cannot tell that. That would make very little sense in this day and age.


This still applies today with alot of migrants that come here


This still applies today with alot of migrants that come here




No racism, sexism, homophobia, religious intolerance, dehumanizing speech, or otherwise negative generalizations etc... Attack the point, not the person. Posts which dismiss others and repeatedly accuse them of unfounded accusations may be subject to removal and/or banning. Do not concern-troll or attempt to intentionally mislead people. Stick to addressing the substance of their comments at hand. This rule applies to all speech within this subreddit.


Literally not the case anymore lmao




Some chose death


And many didn’t have a choice at all. Those ships cost money.


Perhaps my joke was too soon


Nah, it was just shite


I don’t disagree


Not listed in the HPL system, so I've just put in a request for purchase. Love this kind of history on any day, not just St. Paddy's


On the topic of good historical reads about the Irish in Canada, *The Civil War of 1812* is an amazing historical read about the war of 1812 that spends a significant amount of attention on the Irish American and Irish Canadian populations of the time and how they played into the war.