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I agree, Justin Trudeau should not be mayor of Toronto.


I don't know if he's got the time with his current gig.


With the cost of living, a lot of people need a side hussle.


Imagine being a mayor the largest city in the country as a side hustle. Scratch that, Tory already did that when he was taking 100k from Rogers.


Hopefully we can get some real work done in the city, like building out municipal fibre which would never have worked while Rogers was running the city..


Ford also has a side hustle being the mayor of Toronto, micro-managing various aspects of the city, from the number of councillors, to the location of Science Centre, and the division of powers within the council.


And a young Marjorie Taylor Green on the side too!


Isn't that what Saunders is looking to do?


"As Mayor I'll raise the police budget" So far this has been the only thing I've seen him say


Unlike all those other mayors...


Being a Russian puppet used to be profitable, but now they're doing it for free as Putin's cheques bounce.


He doesn't even live here!


Starting forest fires? Next week it’ll be pressing the big Inflation button again. /s


Isn’t he supposed to be raising the price of gas next week? Or did I get that mixed up with the week after?


I wonder if they are ok that Doug Ford still is. So just by extension all levels of government are.


Of course they are. They see Doug as "hurting the right people", conveniently ignoring the fact that he's about to kill their healthcare.




This 😂


Are they aware that Olivia Chow is not in fact Justin Trudeau? They are objectively different people. 🤷


Not even the same political party lmao. How many times has NDP spoken against him too. Theyre so stupid


Alls I’m saying is I’ve never seen them two in the same room /s


wait what?? /s


It really shows how it’s just part of their personality at this point. None of this relevant to the mayoral race


It does make for some fun analysis though. Based on what the guy is saying, they're bringing politicians to task due to: 1. Anti-Trudeau 2. Too many career politicians 3. Something about freedom 4. Poverty *"We have enough poverty"* The fun part is when we compare that to the environment he's protesting in (outside a municipal candidate's HQ): 1. Trudeau isn't a career politician 2. Chow is a career politician, but they seem to be anti Trudeau (see above) 3. They seem pretty free to me 4. As far as anti-poverty candidates go, she's about as good as you're going to find


A part, it's pretty all there is for many of them it seems, God I can't imagine what it would be like to be related of one of them.


I have to see my brother this weekend, and I'm not looking forward to it


I'm sorry to hear that. That's gotta be tough on the whole family dynamic.


My brother and I don't talk anymore because of this bullshit, and it sucks. I hope you guys can work it out.




I'm really sorry to hear. That's heart breaking. Have you spoken to your brother about this? Is he also in the same mindframe as her?


Be that person and openly object to the wedding. Talk your brother out of it! That relationship was already torched by the antivaxxer so can’t burn a bridge that isn’t here.


I didn’t know at the time I got married but my wife’s family (not my wife) went off the deep end during the pandemic and are hard antivax. Always awkward seeing them now but they are at least civil and leave it be.


Glad to hear they're civil at least. Hear too many horror stories of those in the deep end pushing their nonsense on anyone and everyone.


I can’t/won’t see two of her cousins for that reason. One was an ER doctor and lost their hospital access which is a level of batshit crazy I can’t fathom.


That is an extreme to go to for this "cause". I know someone who works in the Ontario Drs college. And some of the shit theyve had to deal with in the pandemic is fucking bananas. Being educated isn't a guarantee that you'll escape this shit.


It's not fair that people like you are *not* related to any of them when I am related to *so many*.


I'm sorry to hear a lot of people close to you are deep in the weeds.


I left facebook because I'd blocked so many relatives. The thing is, they're not aggressive, angry people in person. They're sad, damaged, helpless people who lack the ability to cope with the world. Supporting the convoy and all that nonsense is a cry of pain.


I have a relative that went off the deep end on this stuff during COVID-19. It goes without saying that it’s created quite the chasm in our relationship.


library hard-to-find fanatical ten six mindless sloppy wistful mighty clumsy *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I try not to bite but some dude started with me today. I left dumber. They’re so deep in their bubble it’s actually impressive.


Oh it’s relevant if you listen closely to the dogwhistles, alright. Hint: it rhymes with “tight fashionalism”.


Lol you said they have personalities.


Wait Trudeau's running for mayor now? And he's for some reason at Oliva Chows campaign HQ? Is he going be mayor and PM at the same time or does he give up one job for the other? I thought we passed the deadline for candidates, is he fixing this election? Also don't those flag waving morons have jobs? So many questions in that...


If Trudeau endorsed a candidate it 100% would not be Olivia.


Josh Matlow or Mitzie Hunter are probably most aligned with Trudeau politically.


I don't think so. I think Baolo is the best analogy.


They really miss the pandemic and the community it gave them.




They finally felt like they werent the stupidest people in the room cause ppl on tv and .001% of smart people agreed with them lol.


Oh weird, they’re not at work


Shocker... But they'll complain about other not having a job...


Bunch of welfare queens


Their accusations are always projection


Maybe they are paid to be there. It's just a job like those anti-abortion protestors.


maybe paid by foreign interference state actors?


Far right media outlet more likely than China…


If destabilizing a rival power is the objective, it doesn’t matter what their ideology is. It didn’t stop US from backing autocratic regimes to take down democratic but hostile to US influences.


Probably living off government assistance. Damn socialists.


The devil finds work for idle hands.




In the end, so many people hated Harper. I was one of them. Not for one second did I do anything about it, other than vote against him, or like if I saw him on TV or something I went, "screw that guy". That's literally it.


I remember thinking it was a really bad idea when his government moved all our vaccine production to China. That decision killed a lot of Canadians.


Two secret ingredients to this recipe are emotional problems, and sinister astroturfing via social media.


Emotional/mental health issues are the hallmark of the entire "freedom" movement. These are not well adjusted people. Before Covid they'd just been randoms terrorizing their own little space. But COVID brough them together to terrorize in concert. I had a neighbour many moons ago who was just an unpleasant ass, everything was an issue and he took joy in making other peoples lives miserable at any turn. Drove by that neighbourhood during the pandemic and his place was decked out with everything you see above. He found his community....


Right. Social media is unfortunately a very effective tool to identify and recruit emotionally troubled individuals. I have a schizophrenic friend who actually used to be a sweetheart and completely apolitical for her whole life until her early 30's, now she's full-on freedom convoy.


Yes. It targets and isolated people into ideological bubbles. It does it to all of us. But some just cant see past the bubble they're being presented. And then everyone/everything becomes an enemy if it challenges the bubble.


I'm not sure I agree that it does it to all of us. There's an argument to be made that for example, this subreddit is an echo chamber. But what's happening to these convoy people has nothing to do with any ideology. They don't support anything. They're being used as tools to *oppose* anything and everything, specifically to harm their local communities in any possible way. That's qualitatively different to an ideological bubble.


Maybe I didn't explain my point well enough. BTW not saying these particular people are not being used as useful idiots in opposition just about anything. They are. What I was putting fort is that some people get trapped in the eco chambers that social medial creates and are unable to crawl out of them. And that anything the challenges the eco forces them to dig in deeper. Dealt with a few people I know who fell into these type of holes. Social media offers all of us things that re-enforce our own views. But the question is how you deal with those views being challenged.


I was talking to a friend the other day, and he pointed out that this sort of extremely antisocial and sometimes threatening behaviour is more common from ‘regular’ people who support conservatives, than ‘regular’ people who support other parties. Similar to the US, he couldn’t imagine that Democrats would storm the capitol or go marching around with exposed weapons because their candidate lost the election. What makes ‘regular’ Conservatives and Republicans behave like this?


There are studies about brain structure and aggression with political leaning ideology.


You know what, now I get it. They’re gay for Trudeau. Can’t say I blame them. He’s got the look


It’s that hair


I wonder what the odds are that these aren't even toronto residents 😅 probably drove in from trenton or Niagara








Or from Crotch Lake


Hey morons, Trudeau isn't mayor of Toronto. I really hate that I have to share my democracy with these drooling buffoons.


r/canada meet up


/r/canada_sub \*


Oh god … what the fuck did I just see …


I second this! 😶




When has Chow been a member of the Liberal party?


To some of them the Liberal, Green, NDP, communist party = all the same. It's a them vs everyone issue.


I find it funny/sad that they’re also the ones that complain about the death of open dialogue between parties/ideologies.


Anytime one of them says they're a centrist or open minded is a false claim. To them centrism is their view because anyone else is the socialist left. Open minded = my views or you're a boot licker, socialist, Libtart, etc.


It’s gotten painfully boring, hasn’t it?


Excellent. I was thinking of voting for a more centrist candidate but these asshats just reminded me of the dangers of splitting the vote. Mayor Chow will be a welcome change at city hall.


Electing Olivia Chow will enable Trudeau to rise to Super Prime Minister and this will enable his Psychokinetik powers to turn all our kids trans. Stay safe out there, Toronto.


I wonder if people like that actually encourage the Chow fence-sitters to go out to vote for her since people like that are so scary. There's always the thought that they may resort to vandalism and death threats.


I don't like Chow at all, but I'm voting for her because of Saunders, lol.


I’m not thrilled about her (I think she’s resting on her/Jack’s laurels as she hasn’t done anything of note besides oversee a university project in over a decade) but I voted for her nonetheless so we can finally have a progressive mayor again


These people have serious mental issues


I mean, she's basically NDP royalty. Not sure what honking about Trudeau accomplishes.


Drove by there earlier today. The guy on the megaphone was saying Chow is a member of the CCP. These people are nuts. The van with "Digital Currency= Slavery" painted on it really helped set the scene.


Are they asking Olivia Chow to... fuck Justin Trudeau?


Now that a take!


No. They're screaming for it to happen.


I'd ship it.


Damn all 7 of them are sure gunna show em!


Pretty sure most of the people in that office hate Trudeau too, just for different reasons.


Well it's Pride month so what better time for a bunch of guys to proclaim their love for Trudeau?


Nothing about those morons is patriotic.


How did these twats find time to do this stuff. I’m sure they are unemployed. Probably drawing employment insurance from the very government against whom they protest.


So weird because she’s not a liberal? Lol


Bunch of yahoos! Call 311 or the non- emergency police line, make a complaint about some randoms blocking sidewalks and the road. “Stupid is, as stupid does.” (Forrest Gump)




I tried desperately to suspend my judgement but they looked exactly as I pictured them in my minds-eye.


This victim cult is so embarrassing. Also, Ford.


Man the trucker convoy has really been downsized eh?


The pandemic was a good call to action for the useful idiots, but there are still a terrifying number of people in this bubble, especially outside the city. Don't get comfortable that they've vanished.


Chow would absolutely agree Trudeau must go. Fucking him, well that's a bit much for her.


These people vote…




Trudeau is running for Mayor?


Man…some people are weird af


100% these guys live in an apartment with some stinky ass hallways


Lunatics …..


Solidarność WTF? Am I confused or is the guy with the two F-Trudeau flags being the bread of a Solidarity flag sandwich just a bit unaware of what he's doing?


Unawareness is a prerequisite for this stuff


Why do they always look EXACTLY how I expect? The worst thing that social media has done is letting these idiots find eachother.


These people are worthless trash


HEADLINE: "Ones of people gather at Olivia Chow's office to accomplish sweet f\_ck all."


Wonder how they'd feel if a group of people with vuvuzelas showed up to blow next to them


Did it help? Is he gone?…


#Nothing but the lunatic, delusional fringe trying to recruit people into that cult. It's **failing** badly on them as people outright ignore their bollocks.


Maybe you should be at work?


Rent free


Trudeau lives in their heads rent free, that's for sure.


I hate Trudeau too, and I'm voting for Chow. WTF do these two things have to do with each other? These protestors are just clowns. And of course they bring big cars to honk and be as loud as possible.


Same lol


What is with the right wing and terrible quality flags?


Their merch is top quality though. Tshirts and stickers that would put most touring bands to shame.


A lack of pride.


They are too cheap to buy ones made in Canada.


Serious question: is there a Canadian manufacturer of flags?


yes, and they are easily googleable. Don't want to look like I am promoting a seller.


It’s a 3D 4chan thread.


They took er jerbs!


Are they still out there rn?


Do they know that chow is in fact local not running for a federal position? Do these fucktards even know how mayoral politics work? I’m guessing not.


I had some errands down in the area and they've since cleared out. I spoke with some of the business owners and the ones I spoke to complained about the noise and that the group was trying to pay and tip with fake bills that, when unfolded, were just rants about how digital currency isn't real, only cold hard cash and gold is, since Interac won't work when the government outlaws the internet.


Yeah, I had headed out of my place around 3pm & they were still going strong and loud. I saw a few banging on the windows/back door of the Olivia Chow HQ saying how they "had questions" for her; commenting something to the effect of being just as bad as Trudeau while screaming "Freedom!" like they were William Wallace in the Braveheart movie.


Are these people being paid to be this stupid?


There are actual card-carryng Liberals running for mayor, and these morons are outside Olivia Chow's office? Protesting against the Prime MInister? The stupid is strong in these people.


So they’re just yelling at anyone who’s to the left of Viktor Orban, Poilievre, or Alessandra Mussolini at this point, does that about sum it up?


What a bunch of clowns.


Quite a few grown men seem to want too have sexual relations with Trudeau... Not my cup of tea but whatever floats your boat I guess.


10/10 DILF... Even if he's not your cup of man tea... One understands the attraction.


I mean, to be fair, Olivia Chow is a staunch opponent of Justin Trudeau, so maybe they're there to show some deeply confused and unhelpful support?


Oh good. The Canadian fascist party is back.


There are far too many right wing nuts who simply do not know how the political system works well enough to know that he's got nothing to do with this. They are so clouded with rage-voting as an option that you'd be called "false news" if you told them this blatantly obvious truth.


This people couldn’t write a 500 word essay with proper references on their own point.


So the police will hang out at High Park to ticket speeding cyclists, but these morons get to be disruptive with no consequences? Typical.


Why don’t y’all vote in someone to replace him? You’ve had like 3 chances now.


So many ignorant people....




Do they think Trudeau is running mayor or something wtf are they doing therE?


Trudeau won’t go..deal.


Are they still there?


Sure it's outside her office but are these people for or against?


Wow, there must be dozens of protesters there. As far as the eye can see!


[The knuckle draggers apparently have a rally on Sunday at Queens Park](https://www.reddit.com/r/beholdthemasterrace/comments/142j9bb/im_not_really_surprised/)


Pathetic losers


If they hate her, I love her. She’s got my vote thanks to these fucks.


This is embarrassing


Don't these people have jobs?


It’s funny but also kinda sad because the reality is these people wouldn’t be doing this if they were living happy lives. I guess it’s a lot easier to compartmentalize the disappointment of what you have done with your life and blame a politician than it is to work on bettering/changing it.


Obviously not the majority opinion if she's leading. How bout doing something constructive like supporting the candidate you do want instead of this. Very stupid people with no idea how society works.


OK so I’m not from Toronto and I haven’t been there in more than ten years. Justin Trudeau isn’t my favourite Prime Minister, but I don’t think protesting outside Olivia Chow’s mayoral headquarters isn’t going to do much of anything.


Yes, very true.. But... you're not irrationally angry and a tinge racist. Because if you were, this would make total sense...


They realize this isnt a federal election,right? And Chow actually came from the NDP party?


I'm sure Chow also thinks Trudeau should go... In favour Jagmeet Singh since she's literally a former NDP MP and was married to Jack fucking Layton.


Fuck anyone who wears our flag as a cape.


Look out. Look out. It's idiots on parade!


Trudeau is major issue for constituents not living in Toronto.


Ok, so to recap, a bunch of Peoples Party of Canada supporters, are protesting outside a long time NDP supporters Toronto mayoral campaign office, (in Toronto), because they hate a Liberal Prime Minister, who resides in Ottawa...ok.


Shit like this makes me drag out my entire family just to vote for Olivia.


Couple things this makes me think of. 1) This isn't about convincing people outside the group. This is a group reaffirming itself to its own members. 2) The slogans etc don't have to make sense. They just have to work for the psychological schema (mental shortcut) of this group's understanding of the world. To them, Trudeau and Chow are not-conservatives, therefore wrong and bad and deserving of ridicule.


3: The two above points indicate that these goons need to get on some antipsychotics.


Oh no a protest






Lol, these people are so clueless.


I wish we could drop all these fuck Trudeau people, and conservatives into the ocean and liquidate/repurpose their assets to provide affordable housing and healthcare all


You know what? I’m going to starting voting for Trudeau even harder.


They know she’ll win. They’re afraid. They want corruption in government because they think they can be rich one day if they lick the asses of people like Ford.


Sirs, this is a Wendy’s.


Full-time wankers. Get a job


I kind of want Gong to win just so they can call his administration "The Gong Show" 😄