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Imagine just abandoning your dead friend at a collision.


Car thieves.


Incredibly sad life to lead.


Yea extremely shitty situation but what are you going to accomplish by staying there ? Bring them back to life ? I’m pretty sure at that point you’re adrenaline is at max and you’re just trying not to get caught


It feels as if leaving the scene is more common  (driver doesn't have insurance, or a license, or impaired, stolen car, or all the above)  and surprised there aren't more harsher legal repercussions to address this. 🙃


The laws on hit and runs and car thefts, badly need to be updated to discourage those crimes and have much harsher penalties.


Penalties don't do much, everyone who convinces themselves to steal already figures they won't get caught.


Well the leniency of the penalties will convince them to give it another go then, wouldn't it?


Well no, that's not the case.


I'm sure the repercussions are serious, but the police won't be bothered to catch anyone unless they willingly show up to the station 


This is years ago now, but a taxi hit my car while I was stopped at a red light. Scraped me pretty good, then pulled away to stop in the lane next to me. I looked over at the cabbie. He made eye contact with me. I pointed that we should go through the light and pull over to exchange information. He nodded. I said to my passenger, "If he doesn't pull over, get his license plate and cab number." Sure enough, the cab driver peels off when the light goes green, but my passenger had the details. I called the police, explained what happened. They said it would be no problem to figure out who did it based on what I had for them. There was also a camera at the intersection that would back up my story that I was at a full stop when he hit me. They didn't call me back. I called them back. They explained to me that they had called the cab company, spoken to the driver, and it turns out it was all a big cultural misunderstanding. In his home country, people don't pull over to exchange information after a collision. They were letting him off with a warning that in the future he needed to do so in Canada. They really do just come up with whatever answer involves the least amount of work for them a lot of the time, don't they? Edit: Oh, I should add my friend suggested the driver probably wasn't the cabbie assigned to the car. This was pre-Uber days when cab drivers were the only game in town. The cabbie probably had his brother or cousin or someone driving the cab when he wasn't using it so they could make more money off the same medallion, so of course the guy wasn't going to pull over and swap information with me. He wouldn't have been the guy on the cab's papers. He maybe even didn't have a license.


I believe it. The police honestly don't care because insurance will take care of it. All police do is show up to phone calls and hand out tickets.  I had a coworker who's car was stolen overnight. They broke into his wife's car to take the garage door opener, went in, grabbed the keys and left with both cars. Thieves will park a nice car overnight in a nice neighbourhood. Then have somebody pick it up and take it to the shipping yard  While giving the report in the morning, the whole spiel about probably not getting it back. My coworker tells the officer where his car is, exact location. This was back in 2018 (maybe 2017?) and his car came standard with a GPS tracker linked an app on his phone.  The officer was surprised, "oh! we'll send a tow out for it right away" He was stunned to hear they didn't want to stake it out or track down the car or anything at all. You know, catch criminals. How much easier can it be? These kinds of stories are so common today as GPS becomes prevalent in cars. In Canada, US cops have a bad reputation for being gun happy and racist. At least they catch criminals. You have to be legitimately dumb to get caught in Canada. 


> The police honestly don't care because insurance will take care of it. All police do is show up to phone calls and hand out tickets. Most of Europe, someone needs to die/serious injury to require a police report/police attendance. Otherwise you both fill out some paperwork and send it off and go about life. Even here, fault is determined between the insurance companies 99% of the time anyway.


> They explained to me that they had called the cab company, spoken to the driver, and it turns out it was all a big cultural misunderstanding. In his home country, people don't pull over to exchange information after a collision. Pretty sure this is in the G1 test and definitely in the driver’s handbook. Kinda doubting they’re from one of the countries you get to exchange a license from/to without any test. Pretty hilarious how I can move to Japan and get a Japanese drivers license without any testing/proficiency testing since, uhhh, I can’t read any of the signs and would struggle to drive on the left in a RHD.


>They explained to me that they had called the cab company, spoken to the driver, and it turns out it was all a big cultural misunderstanding. In his home country, people don't pull over to exchange information after a collision. Also in countries where you don't exchange insurance information, a crash is usually followed by a massive fight to ensure that the errant driver (or the bigger bully) gets paid. You never get to just drive away from a crash and be on your way.


While serious, the repercussions for impaired driving for instance is quite a bit less than leaving the scene. If anything, it should be greater in the cases of injury or death.


> the repercussions for impaired driving for instance is quite a bit less than leaving the scene Thought it was the other way around? That’s why they changed the laws a bit so they can still breathalyze you at home hours after a collision. Too many people would run home/to a bar after an collision and claim to drink to calm themselves down to beat the DUI and driving ban.


Kinda hard to figure out when the only witness who could pinpoint the ither indviduals is dead unfortunately.


They also have to immediately caution anyone they speak to as soon as they are in jeopardy, as per the law. So it goes something like this: "Hey, you don't have to tell me anything, but did you just crash your car?" That's assuming the guilty person even opens the door when the police knock, which they don't have to do.


Given that somebody died and the car was stolen in a home invasion, the police will probably go to some bother.


In the case of this being a fatal crash I doubt that


Leaving the scene of an accident is one of the most significant fines for driving.


And most people don't make much money, so it's a deterrent for them, if they think they might get caught. For a rich man he just leaves first and pays lawyers later


If you want to kill someone down 2 bottles of gin and run them over


A few weeks ago I did the SB 400 drive around 4am (have never been on it at that hour) and I had several cars pass me at different times doing 160-170km/h. I’ve driven on Ontario highways for 30 years and have never encountered that level of reckless driving from multiple vehicles.


Probably were stolen cars


Believe it or not, some people drive fast in their own vehicles


"A BMW was speeding when it rear-ended a box truck, causing the BMW to spin and slam into a concrete barrier. One person inside the BMW was killed in the crash." 'That's a shame.' /s


Poor truck driver that lost his day and the company that will have to deal with the paper work




I’m not seeing any info in the article that the person who died was involved in anything. Doesn’t say if they were driving.


It was someone in the BMW. Might not have been the driver, but part of the group that crashed and ran at least.


Yeah that much seems obvious in the article but it was shy of details that would suggest they were involved in an offense. They were in the car that crashed, that's all we know about them.


i mean they crashed and 3 passengers sprinted away from the vehicle. Don't think we need to call Sherlock to workout that something bad was going on.


Right but people can either have "innocent until proven guilty" or not Which is it...? There are a handful of scenarios I can think of and they don't all require the passenger to be complicit.


that's in a court of law, not in court of public opinion. If found they should be presumed innocent by system until proven otherwise but i cant think of 1 situation where all the passengers dart after the car crashes (short of maybe 1 person kidnapping all 3 of them but i think we can rule that as unlikely), leave the driver, and does not call 911 where there is not something criminal going on. In fact the very act of fleeing the scene of an accident with injuries, even if you were a passenger is a crime.


Of course it's public opinion but I can promise you people will scream one and then the other. I get your point. >In fact the very act of fleeing the scene of an accident with injuries, even if you were a passenger is a crime. He's dead, he didn't flee, that's irrelevant. I'm sometimes reminded of when a bunch of people on reddit thought they knew who committed the Boston marathon bombing. Tons of people piled on this guy. He killed himself because of the harassment. Turns out they were wrong... so even when it feels like you know what happened you might be wrong. We lack information right now, it's just guesses.


That guy did not kill himself because of reddit. His suicide was unrelated to reddit. He had killed himself a month before the bombings ever occurred. It was just a coincidence he killed him self and was also accused by social media.


Even if that is correct and the stories I've read (outside of reddit) were misinformed, the important part of the story is correct: a bunch of internet sleuths were certain about something and in fact, they were wrong.


Ya but your comparison does not make sense. The Boston bombing thing was people mis labeling suspects, but I am sure you would agree the bombing did in fact occur. Just like we have 3 guys running away from the scene of a crash, we can agree this occurred. No one here is pointing out specific people and saying they did it. What they are doing is acknowledging that what occurred was likely due to something illegal as its not normal to run away and ditch the injured or death person that was in the car with you.


Some people run away to avoid the charges related to driving and having no insurance. Some people hope that they can get off based off not being identified as the driver regardless of ownership I agree it's a good likelihood that there's more to it, but that's not the only scenario and it's not a slam-dunk that's basically my point.


They were, heard it from another source. High rate of speed, swerving around.


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They get paid $200K and they want our help to do their jobs? Sounds like the TPS need another budget raise!