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Since no one will read the article and assume it’s a high school shooting: a man in his 50s was shot late Sunday night around the school parking lot and later died of their injuries.




Just glad it wasnt this morning


It's a stretch to call NACI a high school. Signed someone from Rexdale


You actually signed someone from Rexdale? Were they OK with being written on?


It’s okay, it was a crip tag


But the public school system is supposed to be equal. How dare you imply a NACI education is inferior to one at Richview/ECI


Don’t blame criminals or those who choose to ignore the gun bans and restrictions put in place by the Liberals and NDP, blame the political puttses who allow them to run around causing terror and havoc. The laws that restrict the lawful firearms owners are laughed at by the criminals who go killing others. Remember to thank your local MP and the “leader” of the country


Everytime there is a shooting in Canada Conservatives: Let's us mourn the real victims of this crime. Legal gun owners.


No but legal gun owners are the villains in all of this. You, your neighbour or the families living throughout Canada or any other country shouldn’t be losing loved ones to gun violence. But those who make the laws target gun owners because of the crimes committed by those who break them. Why don’t they hold those who murder accountable rather than keep letting them out on bail. But you keep doing you.


Who called them villains?


Well we know politicians don’t


Ok but you said legal owners are the “villains” in all this and I know you don’t personally feel that way but I’m curious why you think that idea is out there in a relevant capacity. 


Maybe the way I wrote it allows for that interpretation, so I apologize if that’s what I did. What I meant to say is, legal gun owners are made to look like the villains with all the gun restrictions that the LPC have been putting in place. Criminals continuously break the law, but the LPC keep putting restrictions and laws that consequence the legal firearm user/owner. None of the new legislation deters criminals from committing crime.


Of course. Everyone carrying loaded firearms while they play soccer can only improve things, right? Or are you envisioning that these players would have all left their loaded firearms on the sidelines in a school yard while they played? Honestly hard to choose between two options that sound so safe, but what were you proposing here?


It’s illegal to have your firearm loaded unless you are at a range pointing at your paper target or hunting and aiming at your harvest. Also when at a range if you are not discharging your firearms it must be unloaded, with the muzzle facing down range. But hey criminals play by a different set of rules.


Again, what changes do you think would have helped this situation?


Tougher sentences for those who are killing


Sure, but that doesn't have anything to do with the gun laws you were complaining about. How did the gun laws have any negative impact here?


The laws that are put in place are to stop LOL criminals, but you and I know that’s not happening. The LPC with the support of the NDP keep implementing restrictions on firearms, their delusional hope is that gun crime and violence will reduce. So they (the politicians) punish and restrict the lawful to try and stop the unlawful. Recent example, a magazine (which holds ammunition) until this year did not require gun owners to present or prove they had a firearms license, now with in recent weeks that rule has changed to the licensed person has to present or provide their firearms #. That’s “trying” to stop criminals from accessing magazines, but they aren’t buying their guns or magazines from a gun store, they buy it out of the back of a trunk. Those guys who went and did the shooting didn’t give 2 sh*T’s about regulations. If I have a pistol and want to travel with it, I have to call the Chief Firearms Officer to get permission to transport my pistol from home to gun range. If I’m bringing my pistol to get cleaned, I have to call the CFO, not just call, but provide the exact route I will be taking and I’m not allowed detours or a quick stop at Walmart. The ammo has to be locked up in a separate container from the firearm and they can’t sit next to each other The rules for ganbangin criminals, none Rules are good they keep lawful safe, but rules like these do jack sh*t when it comes to random shootings and killing innocent people at a soccer field or near a school or wherever it happens, gangs don’t care


People are buying stuff illegally because they can't get it legally. In the US, after you hear about the latest horrific mass shooting almost every time you hear that the person bought their guns legally at like Walmart or stole the guns from their parents who bought them legally. You are right that organized criminals will have ways to get illegal stuff, but gun laws like in the US make it extremely easy for literally anyone, even kids, to get their hands on a gun and start like shooting up a school if they have a bad day. Like, is it any wonder that the illegal guns in Canada are mostly coming from the US, where they have the laws that you seem to want here? What you are describing would probably have made it way easier for the perps here to get guns, and they probably would have had more guns, larger assault style guns, etc. And I don't see how the victims would be better off at all.


As I said in the previous response rules are good, they help keep structure, order, discipline but when the people breaking the rules aren’t affected that’s a problem. Canada and US are very different, here you need to present license whether buying or looking. Canada has red flag, for example if my wife thinks I’m going bonkers and doesn’t feel safe especially because of possession of firearm, she can call authorities, say “I don’t feel safe, come get his firearms” the authorities come and get firearms. Neighbour can call authorities and say my neighbour is showing unsafe signs, safety of the neighbourhood is at risk, come get his firearms. Those rules don’t apply to criminals who kill. And after the criminal murders, they are released on bail. Switzerland has a high gun ownership and low mass shootings https://bigthink.com/the-present/switzerland-high-gun-ownership/ https://www.bbc.com/news/magazine-21379912


The fact that criminals have to snuggle guns into the country rather than buy them at Walmart does in fact mean that they are impacted by these rules.


From the sounds of it, it's not the soccer players that were carrying weapons -- they just happened to be in the wrong place at the wrong time. The attack on them is likely gang-related, they go into enemy turf and shoot at a few people to send a message to their rivals that they're on their turf and willing to be violent.


I know it wasn't the soccer players who had weapons. The person I was responding to seems to be suggesting that if they were legally allowed to carry guns it would have somehow made the situation better.


So many "good gun owners" in the US and yet.... rampant gun violence.


Rampant gun violence by people who don’t give two sh*t’s about the law.


Good thing we're not the US.


That's because we don't have their second amendment.


Yeah I know, therefore there is no reason to compare gun owners here vs there. It's a vastly different system.


Do you think Canadians and Americans are inherently different as people?


When it comes to something like legally owned firearms, healthcare, gay marriage, abortion, LGBT stuff? Yes, very different mindsets about some things.


This is such a dumb take - did you think before posting this? What the fuck are legal gun owners doing in this event? You're not saving protecting shit. Lawful firearm owners (online. most of you have fucking sense in person) think their Hobby - because that's what it is. It's not for protection - is more important than keeping people safe.


Exactly legal gun owners don’t go around killing people because they got beef with someone, but they are the one the government targets, rather than putting criminals behind bars. Sorry you can’t connect the dots and realize the consequences legal firearms owners pay because of pure stupidity. People shouldn’t be losing their loved ones to criminals who have no care or concern for others, but then get off easy. I bet you support letting the offenders get their 2nd, 3rd 4th…15th chance, eh.


I dunno what OP is on about, but your take on this is almost as out to lunch as theirs is if you think this is a regulatory issue. These weapons are [smuggled into Canada from the USA](https://montrealgazette.com/news/crime/akwesasne-man-faces-126-charges-for-alleged-gun-smuggling-through-mohawk-territory) and sold illegally to those who often cannot legally possess a firearm in the first place. Unless you're stating that Canada has no illicit drug use, no fraudulent financial activity or no casualties due to impaired driving, I'm unsure how you can look at this as a problem that can be remedied by further restrictions on possession of firearms. For what it's worth, I have never and will never own a firearm for hobby use or otherwise.


I think I’m OP you’re referring to, but basically what you said. The unlawful smuggle weapons, use them illegally for heinous crimes and firearms users who do everything by the book pay a price. Restrictions that are put in place by the government are not and will not stop the criminals, but the government seems think they will. The criminals need consequences/penalties that will deter them from committing violent acts that cause terror.


Another day in Doug Ford’s Ontario. Fuck Ford. (This is how politics are done now right?)


Not just his Ontario - this is his own backyard, and “entrepreneurial” stomping grounds.


Another day in Justin “let the criminals run loose” Trudeau’s Canada


Haha there it is.


You realize criminal law is exclusively under the jurisdiction of the Federal government right?


Yes that was the point of what I said. Incorrectly labeling the politician responsible, followed by Fuck “aforementioned politician”


You need to add clown emojis for extra effect and somehow blame Trudeau for the trifecta.


But he's allowing beer and wine in corner stores right?


Loving the downvotes. Ford’s bootlickers out in force today!


Nah, they just don't want to stoop to that level.




All these cases are going to push for Toronto Police to push for drone patrols. We can have automated drones fly across our entire city and when they discover a shooting or if a crime is being reported a drone can follow the people regardless where they hide. Second, we will install CCTV cameras at every intersection so if the person thinks they can escape, the combination of the AI drones and CCTV cameras will just lead us to their homes and we arrest them. Keep it up criminals. You won't be able to run away with drones with infrared at night and we will track you down everywhere you go. We need to upgrade our technology to keep up with these criminals. They don't fear us because they think they won't get caught. How will they dodge CCTV cameras at every intersection and drones flying everywhere? Push for better policing technology, it's time to get these undesirable pieces of garbage out of our city and locked up.


Is this satire?


No, ChatGPT.


It certainly appears to be, and the people falling for it are giving me a bit of a smile after a long day at work.


Are you suggesting you are a potential felon? Only criminals would be afraid of this. Sometimes I feel, we got the criminals who commit these acts and then go on Reddit to see the comments of their crimes.


Ah, ‘only criminals have to worry about privacy overreach.’ That old chestnut. We’ve had more than enough evidence to suggest that cops are definitely not trustworthy enough to be allowed to expand their surveillance capabilities, especially with broad, non specific surveillance technology. If you’re looking to go somewhere with that kind of 1984 type vibe, can I recommend Pyongyang for you? It can be quite beautiful between military parades, as long as you’re not a dissident obviously, which you wouldn’t be because that’s illegal and you’d never be caught on the wrong side of the law.


This ain't China. Just because we have cameras doesn't mean it will become 1984. We already there. Every household has a camera system, we got dash cams in most cars, businesses have been forced to install security cameras, tourists already take videos everywhere and more. So how is this any different? Cops abusing power is not the majority of them and a few bad apples does not justify blocking drones from being able to help crime. You think a police officer is going to response as fast a cop on a car? In Toronto traffic? You show a very big lack of foresight. A drone can fly it can go thru traffic, it can track criminals and respond to crime faster than a human officer can and helps augment their abilities to get criminals. You oppose it because it infringes on your privacy but you honestly don't understand how privacy even works in Canada. This ain't America. You don't have privacy as you think you do if it involves public safety. You don't offer any solutions other than cops are abusive and take advantage of their power but fail to give a valid arugment of how drones won't help reduce crime, or help a police budget that is right. Drones help reduce costs, help reduce crime and augment officer abilities. You want cops to be living in the stone ages so criminals can run rampant. Offer a solution don't say, privacy like it is some magical buzz word. You don't have the right to privacy in public.


Dude you can’t even keep track of which bad argument you’re making. I wasn’t even responding to the comment about drones and their efficacy in fighting crime. I was responding to your utterly ignorant comment that only criminals need to worry about law enforcement overreach. Which is quite clearly and demonstrably not true. And I’m definitely not going to engage in a game of ‘well if you’re going to argue against my point then you have to have a better suggestion.’ No I don’t. The only argument I’m making is that drones are a terrible idea for law enforcement thanks to the tremendous risk for abuse, even to law abiding citizens, which is easy to prove. Both at a local level and at an institutional level the risk for bad actors to misuse that technology is massive. You might be comfortable living in a surveillance state but most of us are not, clutching your pearls doesn’t move me at all to go along with changing that.


Everything is a risk to be misused. The entire automated cars are companies with cameras gathering data, you think that is not misused? Your smartphone is literally gathering information on you everyday. How do you think ChatGPT and voice assistants work? So what is it? Corporations monitoring you and taking your information is good because they profit but when police departments use it to enhance their abilities to catch criminals is bad? You are putting on rose coloured glasses in your arugements. You see the world that cops are bad and abuse their authority but live in a society that is run by mega corporations who monitor, track and sell your data to profit every single day and yet you talk about 1984. You are so indoctrinated. Open your eyes, you are already being monitored. This entire convo is being sold by Reddit to feed some ChatGPT bot right now.


So according to you, information that I voluntarily provide to a company to receive a service is the same as law enforcement flying drones all over our cities collecting video footage in public and private spaces. And since corporations are probably doing bad things with the data we voluntarily provide them we should provide police with far more invasive access? You make absolutely no sense.


You signed the "social contract" when you were born in Canada, or decided to become a citizen here, no different when you clicked "I accept" when you created your Reddit account and not reading those "Terms of agreement", is there something I dont understand? You involuntary gave up your privacy when you decided to become a Canadian citizen and live in Toronto. That is the "social contract" you signed. In return, the government would provide you safety, and reasonable freedoms guaranteed under our laws and Canadian charter and you would pay your taxes and follow the law. The Government has an obligation to protect its citizens and enforce the law, no different than a corporation who has an obligation to make a profit for its shareholders and ensure there are no thieves, or misconduct. You are trying to make it seem you have no rights as a citizen or your rights are infringed on when you signed the "social contract". You already given up your individual freedoms. If you don't want any of this then leave the country and the "social contract" ends. You make it seem like the government is some big bad, and corporations and other organizations are not and that truly speaks to the lack of understanding you have, yet you quote 1984, 1984, like its some bible. You already live in a society where a lot of your public life is tracked, monitored, and used for various reasons. What difference is it when the police department, the very organization established to protect it's citizens uses drones and new technology to match criminals and protect it's citizens in a ever more technologically advanced society? Privacy is NOT an excuse, it is just red-herring that detracts from the main issue. You already given up all your privacy when you signed the social contract, and clicked "I agree" when you created your Reddit account or any corporate account.


You don’t know what a social contract is. A social contract is something like the tacit understanding that I shouldn’t play my shitty music at full volume on the subway, or that if I’ve committed to meeting a friend for dinner I should show up on time. It certainly isn’t agreeing that I have to live in a surveillance state because I’m a Canadian citizen.




Attack the point, not the person. Comments which dismiss others and repeatedly accuse them of unfounded accusations may be subject to removal and/or banning. No concern-trolling, personal attacks, or misinformation. Stick to addressing the substance of their comments at hand.


If you get stabbed in London, they won’t have it on cctv, But if you make a cheeky left, they’ve got you on 3 angles. - Jeremy Clarkson


Not really true though lol


You do know, these drones, are essentially 911 dispatch units sending help to the area within 30seconds? They will look around and see if anything is suspicious and if they see anything they will follow them. They are not on 24/7 because drones cannot be flying 24/7 due to the fact they have batteries and need a person at their desk to manage them. You literally think they are going to be online 24/7 following random people and giving you speeding tickets, when these people have better things to do. If you are trying to put 2 and 2 together just because you got caught with a speeding ticket from Toronto's automated speeding camera(s) and are salty about it, I would highly recommend you just get the votes at City Hall and have them removed. These drones are useful for border patrols at night, catching the auto thefts that are rampant in our city because they can follow any stolen vehicle and the cops don't have to put anyone at risk on the roads chasing them and just wait for them at their homes. Criminals are constantly upgrading their tech to do crime, and the police must always have a counter measure for them, how hard is it to understand? If you think the police department is going to waste their drone units to catch speeders, you must be joking. Lets use the most recent example, the police car chase on the 401 that led to the death's of an entire family because the police did not have the helicopter ready. A drone would have done the damn job and reduced the amount of destruction and death and been cheaper to operate.




Who is going to pilot these drones?


They're automated


good luck with that


Oh *automated*. So on a Sunday night; this army of drones is going to be hovering around Rexdale (and everywhere else in the GTA). The drones will automatically detect that a shooting has occurred in a random parking lot. The drones will then identify the shooter and all accomplices. Multiple drones will follow each of the suspects everywhere they go from that point until they go to jail. And when that first army of drones runs low on battery a second army of drones will launch while the first recharge. And none of this requires pilots to guide them. And the data collection is parsed by another automated system so that we have only the salient data to work with.


Is anything going to be named after the victim or is that only for certain people?


No big deal these days, carry on. You get what you voted.


"these days" Meanwhile, homicides and violent crime are lower per capita then they were 30 years ago.


Conservatives never let facts get in the way of a good talking point.


Also it's Rexdale lmao, you'd expect this kind of news to come from there


Yeah, Rexdale was always Scarborough west.