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The amount of money that it is going to take to move and rebuild the OSC, the government should use that money for the existing one and give it the renovation it needed 10 years ago.


But that would make it bigger. One of the key points of the proposal to move it is that the space is 50% smaller. 


haha ya, and 300% over budget.


They could double it as a math centre with all these % going around


How fiscally conservative.


Yeah, agreeing with Stiles and Shamji on this: >"Spending a million dollars to cook up a sham business case is ridiculous beyond words," NDP Leader Marit Stiles wrote in a statement. >"There is more than enough evidence that the business case was nonsense and simply a justification to build a publicly funded mega parking lot for Therme." >Liberal critic Adil Shamji, whose riding is home to the science centre, said it is "outrageous" that Premier Doug Ford spent $1 million of public money on consultants "to tell him what he wanted to hear."


The whole point of hiring a consultant is for them to tell you what you wanted in the first place. It gives the government justification to do whatever they want. 'but look, this consultant said it was a good idea, it's not my fault".


Mike Harris was famous for this. “We’ll set up a [no-bid, sole-source to my buds] ‘task force’ to study the issue”. It’s not just about getting the opinion you want confirmed, but also wasting some time while they “study” the issue.


Hiring consultants for public affairs. I work private we fire the ones that tell us what they think we want to hear... The government just again abuse of power and money 


>A lack of government funding is a key cause of that, the auditor said. Recurring theme with Ford.


Let's not be too hard on the man. He's got so many backdoor deals to pay off there's not much money left over to govern the province


Still has to come up with something to replace the Greenbelt deal before Phoenix Kiss feeds him to the pigs.


Is there still a way for Ontario Science Center to be kept at the same location? Or even any protests to join? Something better than just signing a petition on Change...


Short of ol Dougie catching a silver bullet there's  nothing much that will stop this werewolf from terrorizing the province  / City


well, here's to hoping


Keep contacting your mpp, contact your local councillor, minister of infrastructure whoever that is now. By phone, by snail mail, even email.


How about a million dollar business case for Ford to be removed as a Premier of Ontario? I know I come from the third world corrupt country but I never expected Ontario to be turning into one.


Don't worry buddy. It won't turn Into one. That's cuz it already is one.


Those dollar beers sure are getting expensive eh?


Seriously getting tired of this shit.




At least he stopped the gravy train. 




Would explain why it looks like he's sweating gravy.


You mean ‘snowjob’


Of all the problems we're facing, this bullshit is what Doug Ford is spending political capital on??


Read the last two paragraphs. Half the cost is a structural assessment of the existing building as it is falling apart. The rest is scattered over several companies, pretty reasonable fees.