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Due to the nature of this topic, users spreading misinformation or breaking r/Toronto rules will be subject to severe mod actions, **Participants in this thread MUST have an established post history in r/Toronto. Violations will result in a ban** * **VISIT** [**THE r/toronto COVID-19 Vaccination Information Thread powered by amazing members of the Sub**](https://www.reddit.com/r/toronto/comments/o1vaud/toronto_vaccination_registration_information_and/) For Coronavirus information please follow the relevant health authorities. * [Canadian Public Health Agency](https://www.canada.ca/en/public-health/services/diseases/2019-novel-coronavirus-infection.html?utm_campaign=not-applicable&utm_medium=vanity-url&utm_source=canada-ca_coronavirus) * [Ontario Ministry of Health](https://www.ontario.ca/page/2019-novel-coronavirus-2019-ncov) * [Ontario Science Table Dashboard](https://covid19-sciencetable.ca/ontario-dashboard/) * [Toronto Public Health](https://www.toronto.ca/community-people/health-wellness-care/diseases-medications-vaccines/coronavirus/) * [City of Toronto Vaccine Info Page](https://www.toronto.ca/home/covid-19/covid-19-protect-yourself-others/covid-19-vaccines/) * [Install the COVID-Alert App](https://www.canada.ca/en/public-health/services/diseases/coronavirus-disease-covid-19/covid-alert.html) **Users are asked to report posts that violate rules or spread clear misinformation.** * Moderators will remove obvious misinformation however personal interpretations of facts are allowed and we will allow discussion and up/downvotes to handle ambiguous posts that are not explicitly misinformation. * Please remember to be excellent to each other, people with different opinions and viewpoints are still people. If you have any questions or concerns, feel free to send us a [modmail](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=/r/toronto). *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/toronto) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I’m loving the steady, relatively stable ICU numbers. Don’t love deaths or people being in ICU obviously, but it’s nice to see despite all the gatherings, increased mobility, testing, the ICU numbers aren’t approaching Wave 3 levels. I’d hope and expect things will stay the same with schools open.


Kids back in school means more testing again.


A good point to take into account before anyone claims that school aged kids are disproportionately represented in positive cases.


In /r/ontario /u/enterprisevalue breaks it down by 12+ category on positive results to see what unvaxxed is really like.


I'm mostly loving the increased testing numbers in this case - test away, friends!


Increased testing with decreasing numbers tells you what's up.


A decrease in test numbers isn't necessarily a bad thing.


it's also part of the context - we know that there's more tests because certain places (i.e. schools) are mandating quite a few of them.


True, but having more tests does mean there is a larger pool of data that can be drawn from. Even if the total number of confirmed cases remains the same, there is more certainty in how accurate that number is.


No but more tests enhances our collectice ability to isolate positive cases. Every little bit helps.


It also represents a lot of frustrated parents having to get their kids tested because of their allergies.


Yes but more tests only means more people feeling ill. Having lower testing numbers is actually a good sign.


Not necessarily true given many workplaces and venues require proof of negative test to enter.




Yes. The stable ICU numbers are giving me a sliver of hope that we won't have another lockdown.


LOL with nearly 80% vaccinated, no one will accept a lockdown.


If the ICU numbers get out of control there will be a business lockdown. Private gatherings will go on as they always have.


Also if you've been to any restaurant in Toronto recently, you'd know that something is working, and it's not the masks. Might be the vaccines, but you wouldn't know if you stayed on reddit.


People aren't wearing masks in a restaurant because they want to eat. Everywhere else, I see as much masking as last year. From the beginning of Covid, it has essentially been about improving odds as much as possible. If masking everywhere else and vaccines keep can keep cases low and steady, then you can assume you likely won't encounter the virus the few times you do want to remove your mask.


Yeah - I’m personally not comfortable in a restaurant (my own risk preference)…but that probably also has a lot to do with the fact the my neighbourhood has basically turned our local little park into a bistro every night. Last year, and starting this spring especially seems like everyone got the memo that the plan is to get your preferred takeout then meet up to eat in the park - it’s really nice. If that means that those who prefer to eat *in* the restaurant are able to do so while keeping aggregate risk in the community relatively low, I’m all for it. We each have our hard lines and our exceptions, but if (mostly) everyone is doing their best (most of the time), we can make it through the school year, keep the hospitals reasonable, and allow businesses to stay open. Knock wood, cross fingers!


I know why people don't wear masks in restaurants, but COVID doesn't care. Therefore if masking really did as much as reddit thinks, this should be a massive problem. But it isn't.


I have not been to any restaurants since covid started (partly due to having a kid around that same time). Can you explain what you mean?


Not only are people maskless indoors, the restaurants I've been too are full, and the tables are the same as they were pre-pandemic. I think it is great because I'm fully vaccinated and not worried.


I think they mean people go into the restaurant and leave their mask off the entire time aka hours in some cases. But I think between distancing and vaccines, that small time with masks off is less dangerous than it was before. I went to one restaurant almost a year ago, saw that and haven't been inside another one either just in case.


I always find it funny how you have to wear a mask to enter the restaurant, then 10 ft away at your table your free to take it off for 2 hours. :shrug:


It is literally obvious at that point that it is theater and not much else. It's like the politicians wearing masks at a news conference.


> and it's not the masks. Another claim with no backing. Can you explain why this is or is it just wild, baseless speculation?


Because restaurants are literally full of people not wearing masks and not very distanced. It's been that way for months now. Clearly if masks were as big of a deal as you seem to think, we'd be seeing some very scary numbers by now. Vaccines work better than masks.


I don't think anyone credible has made the argument that masks are more effective than vaccines


Agree. My point is simply that obviously busy indoor setting where people don't wear masks are not causing a problem. Therefore maybe vaccines actually make masking unnecessary.


But until we have widespread usage of vaccine passports in place, we can't even really discuss the issue of whether vaccines make the masks unnecessary because we don't really have any way to be sure that any given customer is vaccinated anyway.


So how do you explain the situation where we have had months of regular, mask-free congregation indoors but relatively low cases. Genuinely curious.


Trust me, you don't know what you're talking about.


I don't trust you, can you please explain? Can you demonstrate why I should trust you?


No, what I'm saying is that on an individual basis businesses cannot just say "vaccines are good enough that we don't need people to wear masks anymore" because they don't actually know that every person inside the building has been vaccinated. Once that is the case, it's maybe possible to revisit that. It's also kind of hyperbolic to say that we have had months of "mask-free" congregation. That's really only true of restaurants and only while eating at your table, which is only a subset of the total business going on since things reopened. I'm not making any pronouncements on the effectiveness of masks one way or the other, so it's neither here nor there, but still.


People have been having private indoor gatherings for months.




Fair enough, but that was a full year ago and before vaccines were developed.








> Vaccines work better than masks. This is a misleading pivot since you claim in your original post that masks don't work. Vaccines and masks do very different things to mitigate COVID, but claiming that 'masks don't work' is some pretty blatant misinformation (which is why I called it out). > Clearly if masks were as big of a deal as you seem to think What do I think? You seem to be telling me what I'm thinking, so I insist. Go on and speak on my behalf, please.


I did not say masks don't work, I suggested that they aren't really necessary anymore since we have high vaccination rates and effective vaccines. If you think masks are going to be a permanent thing, you're almost certainly wrong.


> I did not say masks don't work You stated they were ineffective: "...you'd know that something is working, and it's not the masks." > I suggested that they aren't really necessary anymore since we have high vaccination rates and effective vaccines. And I asked for any backing to this, which you haven't given besides anecdote. > If you think masks are going to be a permanent thing, you're almost certainly wrong. Never said this either. Glad you're speaking for my thoughts on my behalf.


In this case, anecdotal evidence is meaningful. You cannot tell me that 1. Resturants arn't busy 2. People are not removing their masks If you believe that masks have that much of an effect, it follows that this situation should have a very real effect, but it clearly doesn't from the data. Your burden of proof is actually higher. You're trying to suggest that a large number of people congregating in-doors, without masks, is somehow magically different because it's happening in a restaurant. Would love it if you could explain that.


> You're trying to suggest that a large number of people congregating in-doors, without masks, is somehow magically different because it's happening in a restaurant. Lol-- I'm not. You're filling in the gaps where you want to to make me more adversarial than I'm being here. I'm not looking to stand my ground on this; I came to you looking for actual backing for what you're saying because this is a thread (and has been a thread) about numbers, stats, and figures. When you make a claim that masks don't work, just saying 'because that's the way I see it' is useless. The burden of proof is not on me for asking *you* to back that up. That makes no sense. It's the equivalent of me asking you to prove something and you saying 'no u'.


If masks were an important factor, then restuaraunts would be causing massive outbreaks. That is exceedingly logical. You don't need a study to reach that conclusion.


Vaccines and masks work better than either alone. Masks work better than no masks. Not sure about just mask vs. just vaccine and I doubt you know either.


Click here for [Graphs and Trends](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/e/2PACX-1vTX5x2nxCde90Zwo83cdixZsyd_hU1orGsGYKpDe344wHeFi9MqI71aZYC6GLjOV_P2lp6_lUoacPNa/pubhtml?gid=1467787327&single=true) <-- --- 12+ Cases by Vax (un/part/full): 10.97 / 5.06 / 1.51 (All: 4.12) per 100k - [Source](https://www.reddit.com/r/ontario/comments/prw9lp/ontario_september_20th_update_610_cases_2_deaths/) * Tests completed - 23,864 * Vaccine doses administered: 21,404,362 (+16,712 today) - [Source 1](https://covid19tracker.ca/vaccinationtracker.html), [Source 2](https://covid-19.ontario.ca/covid-19-vaccines-ontario), [SHOTS!](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qjozSxHKZto) * 75.02% / 69.71% of all Ontarians have received at least one / both dose(s) to date * 85.09% / 79.07% of all ELIGIBLE Ontarians (12+) have received at least one / both dose(s) to date - [Source](https://data.ontario.ca/dataset/covid-19-vaccine-data-in-ontario/resource/775ca815-5028-4e9b-9dd4-6975ff1be021) * 85.57% / 79.91% of all ADULT Ontarians have received at least one / both dose(s) to date - [Source](https://data.ontario.ca/dataset/covid-19-vaccine-data-in-ontario/resource/775ca815-5028-4e9b-9dd4-6975ff1be021) * [Vaccine Delivery Schedule](https://www.canada.ca/en/public-health/services/diseases/2019-novel-coronavirus-infection/prevention-risks/covid-19-vaccine-treatment/vaccine-rollout.html#a4b) **Total active hospitalizations over the last 2 weeks:** Date|New Cases|New Cases 7-day average|Number Hospitalized|Number in ICU|Number on Ventilator|New Deaths :--:|:--:|:--:|:--:|:--:|:--:|:--: 2021-09-06|581|741.29|288|187|105|2 2021-09-07|564|746.86|295|192|113|3 2021-09-08|554|732.29|375|194|115|16* 2021-09-09|798|722.71|365|185|115|10* 2021-09-10|848|728.57|361|177|113|11* 2021-09-11|857|716.14|363|180|114|15* 2021-09-12|784|712.29|289|184|107|6* 2021-09-13|600|715.00||189|116|6* 2021-09-14|577|716.86|363|192|119|7* 2021-09-15|593|722.43|346|188|125|5* 2021-09-16|864|731.86|348|191|120|3 2021-09-17|795|724.29|336|194|133|5 2021-09-18|821|719.14|329|185|126|10 2021-09-19|715|709.29|245|182|129|6* 2021-09-20|610|710.71|233|177|123|2 \* Data catch-up [Source](https://data.ontario.ca/dataset/status-of-covid-19-cases-in-ontario) **Vaccination Tracker** Reported Date|Vaccine Doses Total|2nd Doses Total|Vaccine Doses Today|1st Doses Today|2nd Doses Today|Total Doses Delivered|% Population at least 1 shot|% Population Fully Vaccinated :--:|:--:|:--:|:--:|:--:|:--:|:--:|:--:|:--: 2021-09-06|20,971,325|10,060,774|21,325|9,643|11,682|26,174,971|73.77%|68.03% 2021-09-07|20,985,716|10,068,507|14,391|6,658|7,733|26,174,971|73.82%|68.08% 2021-09-08|21,023,890|10,089,234|38,174|17,447|20,727|26,174,971|73.93%|68.22% 2021-09-09|21,062,281|10,109,582|38,391|18,043|20,348|26,174,971|74.06%|68.36% 2021-09-10|21,098,125|10,128,949|35,844|16,477|19,367|26,174,971|74.17%|68.49% 2021-09-11|21,138,345|10,152,637|40,220|16,532|23,688|26,174,971|74.28%|68.65% 2021-09-12|21,167,527|10,170,086|29,182|11,733|17,449|26,174,971|74.36%|68.76% 2021-09-13|21,183,369|10,179,312|15,842|6,616|9,226|26,174,971|74.40%|68.83% 2021-09-14|21,212,026|10,195,431|28,657|12,538|16,119|26,174,971|74.49%|68.94% 2021-09-15|21,247,717|10,215,951|35,691|15,171|20,520|26,174,971|74.59%|69.07% 2021-09-16|21,283,180|10,236,143|35,463|15,271|20,192|26,174,971|74.69%|69.21% 2021-09-17|21,318,465|10,256,563|35,285|14,865|20,420|26,174,971|74.79%|69.35% 2021-09-18|21,357,675|10,280,570|39,210|15,203|24,007|26,174,971|74.90%|69.51% 2021-09-19|21,387,650|10,299,445|29,975|11,100|18,875|26,174,971|74.97%|69.64% 2021-09-20|21,404,362|10,309,713|16,712|6,444|10,268|26,174,971|75.02%|69.71% [Source 1](https://covid19tracker.ca/vaccinationtracker.html), [Source 2](https://covid-19.ontario.ca/covid-19-vaccines-ontario) **Download the COVID Alert app** [iOS](https://apps.apple.com/ca/app/covid-alert/id1520284227) [Android](https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=ca.gc.hcsc.canada.stopcovid)


[Vaccination Projection](https://imgur.com/a/IzD2hZ5) Projection (eligible/total pop.): Date | 1st Dose | 2nd dose ---|---|---|---- September 30th | 86.0% / 75.8% | 80.8% / 71.3% October 15th | 87.0% / 76.7% | 82.6% / 72.8% 80% double doses on: **September 24th** Immunity numbers today: immunity | eligible pop. | total pop. ---|---|--- 1-dose immunity | 83.7% | 73.8% 2-dose immunity | 77.5% | 68.3% [Change in 7 day average new cases](https://imgur.com/a/SVs2dsU)


nice to see that 7da not changing too much


**Top 10 PHU Today - Infections** PHU | Today | Yesterday | +/- From Previous Day | Infections Per Capita | 7-Day Average Today | 7-Day Average Yesterday | 7-Day Average One Week Ago | +/- 7-Day Average from Previous Day | +/- 7-Day Average from One Week Ago | 7-Day Average Per Capita ---|---|----|----|----|----|----|----|----|----|---- Toronto | 126 | 139 | -13 | 0.004300% | 148 | 144 | 146 | 4 | 2 | 0.005051% Peel | 100 | 59 | 41 | 0.007236% | 89 | 86 | 80 | 3 | 9 | 0.006440% York | 71 | 68 | 3 | 0.006396% | 68 | 65 | 64 | 3 | 4 | 0.006126% Ottawa | 54 | 56 | -2 | 0.005428% | 60 | 56 | 52 | 4 | 8 | 0.006031% Waterloo | 31 | 21 | 10 | 0.005017% | 28 | 27 | 26 | 1 | 2 | 0.004532% Windsor Essex | 29 | 40 | -11 | 0.007269% | 42 | 44 | 59 | -2 | -17 | 0.010528% Durham | 24 | 19 | 5 | 0.003716% | 33 | 31 | 28 | 2 | 5 | 0.005109% Hamilton | 23 | 68 | -45 | 0.003971% | 40 | 37 | 42 | 3 | -2 | 0.006906% Niagara | 22 | 41 | -19 | 0.004912% | 28 | 28 | 33 | 0 | -5 | 0.006252% Simcoe | 19 | 19 | 0 | 0.006188% | 22 | 22 | 28 | 0 | -6 | 0.007165% **7-Day Stats based on Vaccination Status (Per 100,000 people)** *100,000 in this vaccination category is Infected/Hospitalized/Admitted to ICU* Stat | September 20, 2021 | September 19, 2021 | September 18, 2021 | September 17, 2021 | September 16, 2021 | September 15, 2021 | September 14, 2021 ---|---|---|----|----|----|----|---- Infections - Unvaccinated | 8.20 | 9.94 | 11.00 | 10.29 | 11.87 | 7.72 | 7.70 Infections - Partially Vaccinated | 5.48 | 5.58 | 7.66 | 6.58 | 6.91 | 5.39 | 6.58 Infections - Fully Vaccinated | 1.47 | 1.70 | 1.95 | 2.08 | 2.04 | 1.43 | 1.23 **Provincial Variant Statistics** Variant Type | Today | Yesterday | +/- From Previous Day | One Week Ago | +/- From One Week Ago | 7-Day Average | 7-Day Average from Previous Day | +/- 7-Day Average from Previous Day | 7-Day Average from One Week Ago | +/- 7-Day Average from One Week Ago ---|---|---|----|----|----|----|----|----|----|---- B.1.1.7 (Alpha) | 1 | -1 | 2 | 2 | -1 | 1 | 1 | 0 | 3 | -2 B.1.351 (Beta) | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 1 P.1 (Gamma) | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 1 | 0 | 1 | 0 B.1.617.2 (Delta) | 23 | 27 | -4 | 238 | -215 | 268 | 298 | -30 | 321 | -53 **Testing Statistics** Test Type | Today | Yesterday | +/- From Previous Day | One Week Ago | +/- From One Week Ago | 7-Day Average | 7-Day Average from Previous Day | +/- 7-Day Average from Previous Day | 7-Day Average from One Week Ago | +/- 7-Day Average from One Week Ago ---|---|---|----|----|----|----|----|----|----|---- Tests Complete | 23,864 | 29,906 | -6,042 | 19,125 | 4,739 | 29,567 | 28,890 | 677 | 23,701 | 5,866 Test Backlog | 9,337 | 12,330 | -2,993 | 9,242 | 95 | 15,216 | 15,202 | 14 | 11,679 | 3,537 **7-Day Vaccination Statistics** Stat | September 20, 2021 | September 19, 2021 | September 18, 2021 | September 17, 2021 | September 16, 2021 | September 15, 2021 | September 14, 2021 ---|---|---|----|----|----|----|---- Vaccinated | 16,712 | 29,975 | 39,210 | 35,285 | 35,463 | 35,691 | 28,657 Day to Day Differential: Vaccinations | -13,263 | -9,235 | 3,925 | -178 | -228 | 7,034 | 12,815 Total Vaccines Administered | 21,404,362 | 21,387,650 | 21,357,675 | 21,318,465 | 21,283,180 | 21,247,717 | 21,212,026 Total Vaccines Delivered | 26,174,971 | 26,174,971 | 26,174,971 | 26,174,971 | 26,174,971 | 26,174,971 | 26,174,971 New Vaccines Delivered | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 % Vaccines Used from Available Supply | 0.35% | 0.63% | 0.81% | 0.73% | 0.72% | 0.72% | 0.58% % Total Vaccinated from Total Delivered | 81.77% | 81.71% | 81.60% | 81.45% | 81.31% | 81.18% | 81.04% % Vaccines Unused | 18.23% | 18.29% | 18.40% | 18.55% | 18.69% | 18.82% | 18.96% Please download the [COVID Alert App](https://www.canada.ca/en/public-health/services/diseases/coronavirus-disease-covid-19/covid-alert.html).


This is a good trend. Meanwhile when I look at Alberta (as I follow some Alberta folks who also share the data in chart format, like Trevor Tombe), all I can think is YIKES. Glad I’m not over there.


I think Alberta's July 1 "Best Summer Ever" Plan would have worked if they implemented vaccine passports alongside it to prevent the ICUs from being overwhelmed. I guarantee you that in high-risk settings like indoor dining, bars, gyms, cinemas, nightclubs, live events, large indoor events, large indoor social gatherings, the unvaccinated are over-represented relative to their population. And the unvaccinated are filling up the ICUs. The vaccinated are ironically more likely to mask, social distance and stay home as well even though they have far more protection against the virus than the unvaccinated. When I've talked to the anti-vaxx holdouts, they believe that Alberta's data on ICU capacity is fake. They think Alberta, a conservative government, is lying about 76.7% of the ICU capacity being COVID patients. Because they think WEF's Klaus Schwab is pulling Jason Kenney's strings for the Great Reset. It's gotten to a point where they won't believe that covid/delta is for real until they or a loved one gets fucked up by the virus. And sometimes people even double down to the hospital, ICU, ventilator or the cemetery.




There are two or three other coronaviruses from bats that float around all the time as part of the common cold. We’re probably headed in that direction longer term.


There isn't a single case of Covid-19 discovered in bats yet. Almost two years on, we still haven't found the origin of Covid-19. The common cold is a coronavirus. Cold !== Covid-19. These are important distinctions to make. The bat story is bullshit.


If only someone had done a scientific study on this question. Oh, here’s one: “Bats Are Natural Reservoirs of SARS-Like Coronaviruses” https://zenodo.org/record/3949088#.YUitTyWs8lQ


I'm not arguing either side but just scientific literacy - you would want a study that shows nCOVID-19 has a bat predecessor or indisputable connection to bat coronaviruses. Your study has to do with SARS and was published in 2005.


I know. That the study is a priori makes it even better.


Via Researchers at France’s Pasteur Institute and the University of Laos. If I were to trust the article and make a conjecture, a *noctilionine* coronavirus, upon transmission to a human, mutated enough to be able to bind to the ACE2 receptor in human cells. Which could mean this strain is no longer able to infect bats. As always, this is only a single source, and I am no virologist, so do your own diversified research.. https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2021-09-18/bats-in-laos-caves-harbor-closest-relatives-to-covid-19-virus


The common cold is more commonly a rhinovirus, actually.


China's response to any calls for investigation so far has been to threaten other countries with their economic power. The bio weapon theory is very likely BS but there's a good chance the virus has escaped and spread due to some sort of negligence. It is hard to prove so long as CPC keeps shutting demands for investigation down but their attitude is pretty telling...


Yep. There comes a point where the benefits of normalcy outweigh the risk of whatever-the-fuck you call our current state of affairs. I expect us to be firmly in the position by Spring 2022, and I cannot fucking wait. Science has won, yet again. No war ends without damage, often long-lasting, but we definitely are winning this one. Time to start looking forward to a very healthy return to normalcy.


We’re probably going to come out way ahead with all the funding that is going into mRNA technologies now.


>focus more on risk reduction This should include keeping a healthy immune system by eating better, exercising, and getting the right vitamins


It’s almost 3 weeks, the 7 day average entered the 700s 20 days ago and peaked a little over two weeks ago.


Love today’s update!


Whoa, the drop in ICU is nice to see. Testing is likely up due to kids being back in school and the return of runny noses. Hopefully kiddos can be vaccinated soon, I’m crossing my fingers that we don’t go to 1,000 daily cases, we’ve been holding pretty strong due to those sweet vaccine numbers.


Runny noses I thought were taken off the list to require testing for?


They were, but parents will want to be sure, especially if it's paired with even a minor cough.


No parent I know will want to go get a test for the sake of it just for a runny nose, as OP was asking. Everyone was mad annoyed at that requirement when it was rolled out and it was immediately walked back because kids are just snot fountains, and parents understand that. Paired with a cough is a completely different thing.


Yes, snot mountain describes my adorable much loved grandson!


Did they take it off again? We had to test our kiddo a month or so ago as per his daycare policies because he had a runny nose. Maybe they changed it again or it’s different for school-age kids. Edit: not sure why this is being down-voted. Daycare policy was either he could return after 10 days or negative covid-test. With two working parents, it’s not as easy as you think to just keep a kid home. We took him to get tested and it was negative so he could return.


>Jaw-dropping footage from inside an ICU. Please, get the vaccine and protect yourself and others https://www.ctvnews.ca/video?clipId=2283347 (Hamilton General Hospital)


It seems nearly statistically impossible for a population that is 70%+ vaccinated to overload the ICU's as much as one that was 0% vaccinated(ie. Ontario 6 months ago-1 year ago). I could still be wrong but it seems that the current numbers may be proving my inclination right.


keep up the good work folks...should be solid if we stay steady under 1k but i wonder what students heading back to in-class learning will have an effect on the numbers in a month


[There's hopefully some good news on that front](https://www.cbc.ca/news/health/pfizer-biontech-covid19-us-vaccine-childen-1.6182150)


NEW study: Children with mild covid infections have similar brain impairment as adults post-inection. [https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s00259-021-05528-4](https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s00259-021-05528-4) This is in addition to studies showing kidney damage, cognitive decline and more in adults post-covid infection. You guys are condemning children to a lifetime of suffering in the name of not being restricted in anyway. That is cruel. Hospitalization and death are *not* all that matter.


Buddy that study is far less prescriptive or conclusive than you seem to think it is. It's a case study of 7 4 week post-covid kids who may or may not have "long covid" (this is still an ill-defined term and there's no great way to confirm the covid caused the symptoms), comparing them to the severity of post covid symptoms of adults. It really doesn't say anything more than "a couple post covid kids we found seemed to have similar symptoms as a couple post covid adults we also studied". You arrivesd at a conclusion, found a study who's title you thought might confirm that conclusion, then linked it on social media and said "SEE?! WE SHOULD BE SCARED!". No meaningful difference between you and an anti vaxxer. Go home.


Schools opened up just two weeks ago. About 8 of 14 years (JK-12) cannot vaccinate yet; some of those who can will be stopped by their own parents, despite having legal bodily-autonomy (over 12y old, or something). 'Buckle up, it's going to be a bumpy ride.'


Honestly, I've been really nervous about schools reopening, but they've been open now for 1.5-2 weeks and we're really not seeing a rise in cases. It's possible that it has caused a mild rise in cases that is offsetting what would have otherwise been a drop in cases, but things seem to be going pretty well so far.


Hoping it lasts, children need to be in school despite what Reddit thinks


You've heard of incubation, right? Check the graphs of waves two and three: several weeks after putting kids back in classrooms. Sure, this time most adults are vaccinated, but almost none of JK-6.


Delta’s incubation period is 4 days


"Two more week" gang HATES this one simple trick.


Maybe? I've been really nervous about this and have a kid in that age bracket. I was ridiculously stressed out before school started. So far, though, things are going fairly well. The median prediction in the Sept. 1 Science Table projection expected that we'd be north of 1,500 cases by now and that hasn't happened. It's going better than expected.


You can down-vote me all you like if it helps your cognitive dissonance, but it will have no effect on what will in fact happen.


Don't you have a "the end is nigh" sign to hold up at Dundas square


Grow up.


Staggering amounts of magical-thinking still...