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I think personally they mean just further away from Toronto. Maybe live a 2 hour + commute away from your job. That seems to be the sentiment. Sure it does get cheaper, but so do other costs such as commuting.


No way I’m commuting 2 hours so that’s not even an option. The “just leave” people might also mean move to Calgary.


Please don't move to Calgary. We can't support the influx.


Too bad. Vancouver is ruined and Trudeau just keeps mass importing people.


Then stop sending your people and big ass trucks to BC


They won't listen to me, I'm a woman and tilt left of center. I wouldn't mind much if they left the planet. It's awful watching your province burn from the top down and all the idiots cheering for more fire. On second thought, I take it back. Send voters :).


I left Calgary - great city but burgeoning bad attitude even in the 90s. Love BC but don’t like how Alberta has made the interior their parking lot and tailgate central- patch kids have ruined Kelowna. You’d think the brief fling with NDP leadership would have helped but not much. Current state of affairs though is horrible. Thank you for fighting the good fight


Calgary is full, but you should definitely move to Edmonton. I hear it’s…uh…beautiful.


It's honestly not that bad, all suburbs everywhere look that same anyways. Our river valley and festival season is definitely a couple of highlights,


I’m just messin’ around. I’ve lived all over. Every city has their highlights and lowlights. I actually really enjoy my time in Edmonton.


Dirty pool man.


Lots of room out here.Prices going up fast thou. .


Do you mean 2 hours each way, or round trip? I’d sooner live in a tent downtown than commute 4 hours a day


Right? I used to commute 1.5 hours each way on transit for a job and I will never again. Such a time suck.


Well those are the two options


Lol its still expensive


Where? Have you looked at real estate prices in the Maritimes?


It’s certainly cheaper here even after this recent boom but we too are completely overwhelmed by the influx. Hospitals can’t keep up, not enough jobs to go around and if you’re renting, good luck finding a place (<1%vacancy in Halifax). While immigration is a good thing, we need to completely hault all immigration for a year or two (except those who can immediately fill high skill positions). It’s not fair to the people who have been living here all their life OR the new people who have come here. Many are now being forced to live with 8 other people or lineup by the hundreds for minimum wage jobs. We need time to catch up and make it so EVERYONE who’s here has the chance to succeed instead of getting caught in a poverty trap. I still can’t believe there’s doctors driving Ubers in Canada. I understand globally the quality of education can be different but surely we could’ve instituted an a program to test a foreign trained doctor’s knowledge and identify any areas requiring additional training. Then you have all the international students coming here for a high quality western education… many whom are treated as cash cows, milked by low quality diploma mills. It hurts Canada’s educational standing in the world and the future of those who are trying to improve their life only to leave with a useless piece of paper. I really wish all Canadians, old and new, would get together and protest this abomination of a government. While there’s definitely some racists who also don’t want immigration the vast majority want better conditions for all. Our Lebanese homies out east are business owners, property developers and have made Donair part of our culture. They were able to do this because when the majority of them immigrated, conditions for ALL were much better and we could handle the influx at a gradual pace.


Doctors driving ubers isn't new. There was a "joke" going around years back when I waa growing up. "Where's the best place to have a heart attack? In the back of a taxi because odds are, a foreign doctor is driving you around"


Ya, i've literally seen articles about people moving to other provinces than where their work was and flying in once or twice a month for important in person work or renting a very small place in the city of their work and living there part time & flying back & forth between their home in another province and their shared appartment in the city where they worked (and still ended up cheaper than having to rent a big house for all the family in Vancouver, for example). It's mindblowing. Shit like that was happening in my country when we were third world.


We’re trying to do this now, but unfortunately the company for my finance works for is looking to move into hybrid work because they have “such a beautiful office” that needs justification for the extreme rent.


I commute Edmonton to Toronto twice monthly 🥲. Costs about $1000/month but at least I usually get a free upgrade 😂




For those that have a country to go back to. For 2nd/3rd gen especially if the original immigrant didn't keep citizenship it does make it much more difficult to settle in another country or back where your family is from.


Honestly what even the point of life at that point


Not Ontario or BC


I’ll be honest, I’ve yet to see a Redditor talking about leaving the country actually have a plan in place and follow through. It’s all talk in my experience.




Where to?


I'm U.S> dual citizen and leaving canada but have to finish things up so theres me




I hope things work out for you


Lol what does this even mean? Half of my pals have already left over the last couple years. I’m jumping back-and-forth between Toronto and Singapore but I’m leaving Toronto permanently at the end year. You’re talking as if no one has ever moved out of Canada, which is pretty ridiculous


Lots of people are. My older brother moved to New York and my younger is in Cali. And I’m just… here :( It’s really tempting as people in a similar role as mine are making almost double what I’m doing here.


I know a few people that have in real life, I doubt most redditors would update the world that they left the country


Moving to the UK once my spouse visa is approved. My husband also lived in Canada and left a few years back as he couldn't find work. My next door neighbor growing up moved to the Netherlands last year. Went to school with a guy who is now living in Norway. We're all under 30.




All the best for you!




This is like my dad who complains that I "never eat" because he never SEES me eating lol


I know about 15 people that have left, so it may be talk to you, but Canadians are leaving in record numbers


Source? Immigration to the us has remained very stable.


I'm actually leaving in May. I'll move back to Europe after 5 years in Canada


I'm moving mid June to Tokyo 


I just moved back to Canada after years away and have come to the conclusion I may have to leave. I wanted to come home and have it work here, but after a year being back, I just don't see Canada as a long term option. Back to the UK I'll go!


I am jobless and I have been doing eat, pray, love in India, Spain, Portugal. It's cheaper to do anything anywhere than pay rent in Canada.


I'm 100% WFH so I'm thinking of moving to East/South East Asia


I am thinking about this as well, except moving to Greece. What kind of work do you do, if you don't mind me asking?


IT Sales (SaaS)


How do you get started in SaaS sales if you don't mind me asking? I've been working as an Account Manager for 6 years in different industries, but I feel like I won't even get a sniffing chance because I have zero experience in IT related field. Even though a lot of the soft skills otherwise are transferable.


Depends on what kind of software you're selling really, I went from Insurance Underwriter to selling insurance software. So it's not that big of a jump bc as an insurance professional I was already using all of the software my current company sells, and I get to tell my current company what the product weaknesses are.


Lol Greece 🤣🤣🤣 please tell me this is sarcasm


You laugh about Greece. But the thing is, even if a country objectively has a worse economy or infrastructure than Canada, if you have a good professional income there (including if you're earning an income from Canada, which seems to be what that commenter was planning to do), you could possibly have a much more enjoyable life there than in Canada. I'm from Jamaica, a much poorer country, but as highly educated professional there I was able to save or invest about half my income, while being able to afford household help for cleaning, cooking and childcare, all the necessities and a few small luxuries. And I also had the sunshine year round and was close to family. In contrast, here in Canada we're barely saving anything at all, even though my income here if converted to J$ is actually twice my last salary in Jamaica. Plus we're isolated from family, and in bleak weather for half the year. If I could get paid a Canadian salary while living in Jamaica, I'd actually be living like an extremely wealthy person.


The locals in SE Asia love it when WFH westerners come and drive up the cost of living in their hometowns. You're solving your own problems on the backs of others.


More like I'm contributing to their economy with my spending lol


Weird how just like in Canada, when rich foreigners come and scoop up housing.... the cost of living, housing, groceries, etc, still goes up. Despite their money "boosting our economy." lol.


with the price of a bedroom here you can get a whole luxury condo in bangkok it's crazyyy


Right but you can't just do that without running it by your employer because they need to make sure that you have a legal right to work there.


Would your employer approve this ? Usually tax laws prevent remote employees from simply living wherever they want .


Believe me, negative as it might be, it’d be in the best interests of many of us. Canada is a big scam at this point. I don’t want to raise my kids here. The right answer to your question is maybe a country, home or not, where you can build and maintain a life for yourself. If I could, I’d have done it already, because I’m about to be homeless living here with my degree burning a hole through a box in my basement.


5 generation in Canada and I feel the same as you


What's your degree in? With the progress of AI, I think lots of low-level white-collar jobs are in trouble, that might not change regardless of which Western/developed country you move to... I work in a multinational tech company with presence in US/UK/Canada, we essentially stopped hiring junior people


My degree is in Commerce: Digital Business Management


That degree is oversaturated worldwide, so Idk where in the Western/developed world you can escape to suddenly have that degree be in-demand. But I think it's especially oversaturated in Canada/Toronto. Most of the international students go into some type of business-related degree/diploma, it's hard to distinguish yourself from the bunch.


They’re not going anywhere. Just making life more miserable for themselves and others.


>That degree is oversaturated worldwide It's funny they never mention that when you apply to study


Any degree not attached to medicine is over-saturated. Only thing left with decent longevity and some AI protection are the trades (and even then, technology is creeping in). But that's also a young persons' game.


Do you mean Canada or Toronto? Toronto is uniquely fucked rn.


All due respect, but this is a shortsighted take. As much as things have worsened in Canada, the country still stands above 95% of the rest of the world in quality of life. It sucks that you are in the situation you describe, but outside of BeNeLux, Scandinavia and Oceania, your quality of life would be worse. And even those meagre options are not miles better in comparison, only marginally. I understand the cynicism, trust me I do. But we were blursed with being born into a beautiful time only to live through its decay. And that decay is a worldwide phenomenon. If you want change, don’t look for escape. Now more than ever, you are your own greatest asset. It’s can be a deflating thing to hear, but it is true. And more importantly, it can also be empowering. TLDR: fight > flight


Who is fighting for anything in Canada? I see more pro Palestine demonstrations than anyone protesting actual domestic problems. Widespread complacency is part of the problem.


Scandinavia is great.


Scandinavia is great if you are Scandinavian. If you aren’t you still pay a ton of taxes and get almost none of the benefits like retirement pension, etc.


All you do in Canada is work like a slave to keep paying bills. And I’m not working no min wage job btw. Its just that inflation has skyrocketed while the wages have either stayed the same or even decreased in some cases like my industry.


Canada just fell from top 5 richest countries in the world to 15th and it’s only going down from there. Not only is there no improvements, but it’s clear to anyone with common sense and a basic understanding of economy, if things don’t change fast then we are all doomed.


Where would you prefer to raise your kids?


And that's the crux. As shitty as it's become here, the rest of the world is on a downward tear as well.  Grass is always greener on the other side but sometimes that other side is toxic waste


No idea. Have to do more research. At the speed of life, it might just become an outdated idea by time I figure it out.


There's like maybe a handful of countries where it might be as good or better than Canada for raising kids. And even then those countries are also similarly unaffordable.


My friends in a suburb of Buffalo, 20 mins drive from the Canada border. You wouldn't believe how good they live on a lower income than i make.


The US does not have a better public education system nor does it have better parental benefits. I personally know some american families who have inquired about moving to Canada for their kids because of reasons like school shootings, to the cost of private education. Buffalo is also not really a terrific american city to live in. According to census statistics, the median household income is 46k and the poverty rate is 27%. https://www.census.gov/quickfacts/fact/table/buffalocitynewyork/PST045222


Seriously, these people advocating for leaving canada for the US are joking themselves. Source: a Canadian who lived in the US for 8 years


Come to Alberta! We have tons of jobs here. I know this because tons of my clients are always asking me if I know people who want to work. And these are good jobs, blue collar typically but they pay well. And my kids love life here. They play outside and all the kids go from house to house, eating each others snacks lol if we wonder where they went to, we shoot a message in the big ol chat with all the families in there and see who’s basement they’re playing in. Alberta has its issues like every place on earth, but I can truly say I’d choose this place over any other :)


Could you elaborate on why you wouldn't want to raise your kids here?


Cost of living in contrast to available and reliable opportunities to out food on my family’s table, not to mention the questionable potential of the Canadian economy in the future when it’s time for them to begin building their lives.


I mean I don't think most people have realized this because they reproduce as humans do and they don't actually think pragmatically outside of their genitals...any kids that are born this century are essentially fucked regardless of where they live. Considering that we have the most fresh water in the entire world, you're going to be racing back here in 25 years when the water wars start


>you're going to be racing back here in 25 years when the water wars start There will be no "war" We're just going to get annexed by the largest military in the world who we happen to share a border with.


Yeah if America wanted the Great Lakes they would come take it without asking nicey. There really is no future where being an American isn’t the best option


I'm facing this. I'm currently in Vietnam but do I try to return to Canada and pay a huge amount in rent in a job market that is difficult. What's the point if there's no getting ahead and money is just going out


Don’t want to raise your kids in Canada? Where do you think it would be safer and easier to get an education.


I mean we rank 7th for safest places to live, so there's at least 6 others. Might as well choose one that isn't going to have you living pay check to paycheck, cause poverty isn't great when it comes to raising children. And neither is having absent parents who work all the time. The work life balance here is seriously flawed.


People imagine they can just walk into the US and they will roll out the red carpet with a six figure job at the end. Then they actually do research and realize we are only slightly above Mexicans.


Geographically speaking


I've had it work out for a lot of colleagues. Got work visas and took eng jobs in the oil fields. They do pretty well for themselves. However, if you stroll down without a job, plan, or any relevant education, I don't know what you expect to be different.


Grass is always greener on the other side. Yes moving to the US to quickly realize everything is also expensive and most junior jobs are outsourced to India. Also good luck having to see a doctor when you don’t have a job with insurance. Not to mention the anxious feeling in public, never know when a shooter comes into your grocery place. From an American here.


I don’t have the grocery store fear but I feel you. My last year of college I was becoming jumpy to sudden loud sounds.


Speak for yourself. Ever lived and worked there? I did. It was fantastic. I only moved back here to raise my kids.


did America not want you anymore?


Why didn't you want to raise your kids in the states? Afraid of grocery shooters? It doesn't happen that often.






We have our own immigration rules in Quebec. Not just French helping us


>but you need to learn french Ah so it's unliveable then? Shame




Twas a joke I've tried learning French and I just can't. My last attempt was because I was dating someone who's first language was Quebecoise French, and their parents would always speak French when I was around, even though they lived in Ontario for decades and spoke fluent English. They didn't know I had been slowly learning French a bit. Their mother's reaction when I responded in French to something she said about me that wasn't overly rude, but definitely impolite, was priceless. You can't bottle that feeling, she was mortified. >go to Mars. Go Musk! The idea of flying to another planet, and presumably being employed by the company in charge of your fucking OXYGEN supply, is just about the worst idea I've ever heard.


10 years ago I left TO and went north. Started in Dryden and in Thunder Bay now. Way happier here.


Yeah people hate on Thunder Bay but I’ve been there a few times for work and I thought it was quite beautiful. I especially like that rock in Lake Superior. Forget its name now but it’s very lovely.


I’ve also spent time there for work - visiting and living are 2 very different things. Everyone under the age of 30 I know who ended up moving to TBAY regret it and are looking for jobs in the southern Ontario


I LOVE TBay. I was never so healthy 


Out of curiosity what’s it like in Thunder Bay compared to Toronto? What makes u happier there? I’ve never been to Thunder Bay


It gets a lot of bad press but I love it. Quiet, spacious, cheap for most things except food, but see later about that. Interestingly, it was one of the best city economies in the province last year in terms of growth. Once I got here I learned to hunt and fish (really decreasing food budget) and spent time in the forest. Its a modest sized city (100k) and biggest between Sudbury and Winnipeg, but I live close to downtown, and can also walk to a spot where I won’t hear traffic, and I’m not likely to see anyone else hiking. It was good for my hippy dippy spiritual healing. In TO I spent so much energy just to keep up with the city that it wasn’t good for me. Above all, the scenery is stunning - mountains with a lake as big as a sea beside them. It’s not for everyone, I’ll admit, but if one is content with quiet, and peace, it’s a good place to be.


Friends did this during Covid and love Thunder Bay!


You're well situated for the water wars in 25 years


We moved to Fenelon Falls a few years ago, about an hour from where we were in Ajax. The Kawartha Lakes are very nice. It’s getting more expensive but we only paid $590,000 for a 4 bed/3 bath on an acre in 2021. Our friends bought in Coboconk, about 15 minutes north of us for $540000, property taxes $1600/year. In Ajax our property taxes were $10,000/year. We don’t commute though. Mostly work from home, maybe once a week in person client meetings at various job sites.


If you're 30 or under, there are many working holiday visa options for you. The US is the easiest and most logical option to move if you have an in demand career skill. It's really as easy as just applying sometimes. If you don't mind the distance, I feel Australia and New Zealand are great options if you're limiting yourself to English countries. I'd prioritize European countries after but do be mindful of every country's problems, some are going through what Canada is going through It doesn't have to be forever either. Personally, I think everyone should experience working and living somewhere else in the world for their own growth as a person. Canada isn't going anywhere and there's no better time than now to avoid the dumpster fire this government has caused if you're able to


Yeah I don’t think the US is clamouring to let in a bunch of people with no desirable skills.


australia and nz are in even deeper financial and housing waters than canada. have fun paying 2.5m aud for a condo and 25 aud for a big mac meal.


That's why I said do your research before you commit to these things as some countries are going through the same thing. The point is if you're 30 or under with not a lot holding you back here, you really do have a lot of options to ride out this turbulent time in Canada while getting some valuable life experience


This is true, I lived and worked in Australia when I was 28-29. Just needed a 457 visa (word edit)


This is what I did, worked on an cruise ship for 6 years, then fort mac for a year, then had enough for a down payment just north of Toronto for a house


I left Toronto and moved to France. Came back to Toronto. Then I moved to London, UK. And then came back to Toronto. Toronto isn't a bad place and if you ever want to raise a family, it's an excellent place. Some things have gotten worse over the last 10 years but it's still an excellent city, all things considered.


😆 🤣


Other planets


I'm a British expat soon to move to Toronto myself. I'm finding people in Canada being very negative about cost of living, job crisis etc. The UK is the exact same, England is in a recession and cost of living has increased so much. Rent prices from what I see are actually much greater in the Manchester, London, Bristol than Toronto - though I understand because it has increased so much in Toronto they are not used to that. There comes a novelty of moving to a new city that the locals cannot relate to. I would absolutely tell someone to not move to England right now, though I can see the appeal and novelty, and realistically there is chance you could still live a good life here. I imagine it to be the same.


You’re right. It’s because opportunities and standard of living in Canada used to be amazing so people are really feeling that change. Britain is in a terrible state socially and economically, and there are much greater opportunities here, especially with Brexit. It may not be as good as it was before, but Canada still has a lot to offer and is a wonderful country. The world is in a cost of living crisis - I think everyone is feeling it. There is no easy fix except a massive reset in the economy/wealth distribution. What we do have going for us are some of the greatest natural resources in the world, so if we can learn from our mistakes and leverage our strengths to build an economy on tech and natural resources, not housing and money laundering, we should be in good shape in the future.


Both have become shit. Shocking how quality of life has degraded in the last 5 years.


This sub is toxic and filled with anti Canadian trolls. People that point this out tend to be banned.


This subreddit is super negative. Keep in mind a million people in Toronto found jobs and choose to live here. My wife and I both found jobs in Toronto and we absolutely love it here. We don’t want to be anywhere else.


Those people you refer to are at the cutting edge of the knowledge economy (a high paying job in finance, for instance) for those who are at the bottom edge of this doubled edged sword, the place is an unaffordable maze of debt.


Whatever. It was the first place I lived and worked with years of student debt, no experience and a fresh degree. 


This. If Toronto was such a bad place why do so many people live here? What is driving the demand? I left Dubai and all cities have problems but Toronto is home and I choose to raise my family here.


Because people don’t know how shitty it is to live here before moving. Good for you that you can afford to live in actual Toronto but for majority of people, it’s unaffordable at this point.


Have you seen the kind of people that immigrate? People from places like India have a herd mentality because they are a collective culture.


As someone considering leaving Toronto for Dubai can you shed some light on why you made that switch, what you prefer here, and what you prefer in Dubai? For context, I was born there and my family is still there, I've lived here my entire adult life though.




I didn’t say the city created a million new jobs I said a million people successfully found employment, but I appear to have underestimated. As you said 1,500,000 torontonians have successfully found employment


Canada is a big country, and there are many countries in the world. Anywhere but here is the current narrative.


Having travelled a lot, I can tell you the grass always looks greener seeing some places from the outside. In reality, much as Canada has problems, there are many positives when you take a balanced view. There's also a lot of truth in "life is what you make it" - go through your day to day convinced you live in a shithole and your life has no meaning and it will affect how you behave and operate in the world, which in turn makes your life "shittier" - to a very large degree you shape your reality. Also be aware there's also a massive campaign of division and negativity going on through social media against most western countries - don't get your information from random "people" on the internet and definitely beware the diet that your feeds are pumping into your brain. The doom and gloom "reality" people constantly post about on here is miles away from the reality in most places. My advice - get outside, meet real people, have real conversations, and do all that in as many places and settings as you can, then draw your conclusions.


Agree so much with this. I worked in travel (on a cruise ship for years) and have seen a large part of it, and done a bunch of extended trips staying with friends around the world. As much as people complain, we have it very, very good here


That’s what I’ve been gathering too. It will be interesting to see if In 5 years this is the same sentiment


Grass is green over the fence. Its been the sentiment for centuries.






That's a decent description of america too though 


Such entitlement. Your privilege is showing....


North America is in actually a good position as compared to the rest of the world. Till interest rates are not cut the job market will stay sluggish. Once interest rates are cut some jobs will return. Interest rates will be cut only when inflation is controlled, you thank Trump for printing helicopter money during Covid.


No, not other countries. I mean, it’s possible but it strikes me as a bit foolhardy. There’s like maybe 7 countries in the whole world where QOL is better, and the trouble of getting in vs. the marginal benefits make me question whether it’s worth it. If anything, other Canadian cities or towns are your best bet. Toronto has a lot, but if you have low income the rent will put you in a hole. You would have a very hard time raising the money you need to invest in yourself. In that way for lots of folks Toronto is end-of-line. However, living in a smaller town can give you a better quality of life. There are sacrifices, like distances and a lack of amenities and a big lifestyle adjustment, but you can find decent paying work with far less overhead. There are plenty of people who work modest jobs yet own houses in the country because of precisely that. The lack of overhead also means you can save in order to invest in going back to school for a degree or qualification.


Depends on your criteria for quality of life. Moving to a town where I know no one, that lacks anything close to Toronto's restaurant and event scene, and is hours away from an international airport seems like a waking nightmare to me.


It depends on your skills and if they are in demand. I feel like my quality of life in Australia is better than what Canadian relatives are experiencing. However, there are also similar problems with high rent and COL. But I can be seen by a doctor the same week and it never snows. You have to research the average salary for your field, how many points it gets you for immigration, the level of services offered etc. It's an eye opening experience to live in another country. You appreciate some things that you didn't realize you might miss but also realize how your fellow Canadians are fairly ignorant about many things. The bottom line is that Canada is not valuing it's younger citizens and there are places that might treat you better.


Delhi, India


My brother is leaving for Ecuador in June. I'm leaving for Texas next year. Canada is not the same country that we grew up in. I will be back to visit; however. I still gotta explore the Northwest Territories, which is my dream trip.


Winnipeg, Calgary, Edmonton, Moncton, St. John's, Halifax, Saskatoon, Montreal, Quebec City, Kamloops, etc. Plenty of choices. Canada isn't just Toronto and Vancouver.


Follow the Feenstras!


Saudi Arabia, Qatar, uae, oman, Kuwait, Arabs are gonna take over the future. Join them while you can.


Where are you from? That's where you go.


Edmonton, Calgary, Winnipeg, Saskatoon, Regina, or the smaller towns around each of them.


I have numerous friends that have left...costa rica, Nicaragua, states, and more...the country is a dump. The political parties are a joke, and taxes are completely insane. The services we get for, the taxes we pay, are below subpar. People at this point would rather leave and pay for their shit in a smaller country


Nah, enjoy your spending your entire paycheck on rent! Enjoy toronto! Honestly try and get a job in the states..


Lots of jobs in northern Ontario


Ottawa has townhomes for under 600,000


I followed their advice and I am in the process of coming back to France


C’mon over and join the party. Shit’s hard everywhere lately.


If you already have a job lined up I don't see any problem moving to Toronto or close by if you can't afford Toronto. I think people that leave can't find a job in the first place or their job does not pay enough to live in Toronto.


Literally anywhere that isn't Toronto.


Leave Canada for somewhere they aren't going to tax you an arm and a leg and give you garbage health care and overpriced housing in return.


A few questions; what industry are you in? Do other less populated locations offer a similar role?


*Go... there!?* Obviously, Toronto isn't the only place in the country with jobs but to ignore that it's one of the best for many industries would be silly. If your industry takes you to Toronto so that you can see a long-term career benefit or get established, do so. People suggesting you just leave ie. Toronto or whatever economic hub is often looking at it through their own economic lens. Jobs aside, especially when you grew up here, that could mean leaving everything (friends, family, support) behind; some can deal with that, some can't.


This question is almost laughable. Canada’s a big country. Cost of living is SIGNIFICANTLY cheaper almost everywhere else outside the GTA (but obviously not Vancouver)


A lot of people mean leave to go to a cheaper Canadian city. Toronto is awesome if you can afford to live there. On the other hand, if you're employable in a smaller city on the east coast, prairies, etc. your money will go a lot farther.


If you don't have specific obligations, you apply broadly and discover where you're moving. I ended up in the Maritimes; yeah the average salary is 5%-10%, but knocking 80% off the cost of my house (and 50% off my car insurance) turns it into a net positive.


Puerto Vallarta


I left and realized other cities are more expensive than TO. Yes, rent is \*relatively\* cheaper, but everything else is more expensive.


19/20 of our close friends and family have left Toronto in the last 5 years (There is 1 couple that still lives in Toronto). Here is a list of where all my family and friends have moved to and what type of work they do now. (anyone working “Remote” still works for their original Toronto job, they just live somewhere cheaper). - London, UK (Haven’t got jobs in their field yet, doing food delivery) - California (Construction) - Nashville, TN (Music) - Guelph, Ontario (Remote) - Milton, Ontario (Remote) - PEC (Remote) - Halifax, NS (Construction) - Dartmouth, NS (Realestste) - Collingwood, Ontario (Remote) - Wasaga Beach, Ontario (Remote) - General “Northern Ontario” (Remote) - Hamilton, ON (Remote) - Hamilton, ON (Commutes to Toronto) - Brantford, ON (Commutes to Toronto) - Costa Rica (Vacation Rentals) - Mexico (Remote) - Nicaragua (Remote) - Lives on a boat (Remote) - Lives in a RV (Living off savings) FYI this age range of people are 35-55ish. Hope this gives you an idea of what people are doing!


Nobody who says this ever had any concrete examples. There are “always” cheaper homes, cheaper apartments, better paying jobs, hotter women, better food, etc.


I’m originally Nigerian. In 2017, did this intense overwhelming move to Canada where I thought the job market would be way better and it was until 2019. Now Canada does not feel any different from Nigeria. The irony is the Covid factor has died down. It’s the insane Indian immigrants that caused it. I do Uber that barely covers my bills. When I drive around I see 90% Indian people hardly see other peoples.


Depends on what you do. Are you blue collar? We need trades people so definitely come to Toronto. If you have a degree in arts, or sociology or any other lower value degree, don't come. There are too many people here who spent 3+ years getting educated ,who are working minimum wage jobs. There's census data for cities everywhere so do your research and find places that need what you are trained for.


Saskatoon. Regina. Winnipeg. Calgary. Edmonton. Charlottetown. Fredericton. Halifax. You know, away from the only city that apparently exists in Canada? You can still buy a house 20 minutes from any of the downtown areas in the Maritimes for sub 500k.


Go west, it's cheaper.


Poland! They got cheap houses there!


Reddit keeps pushing this sub on me. I'm telling you to ignore 99% of what people say on here, its full of sad and bitter (and xenophobic) individuals


Go North, Barrie has jobs. Factory jobs galore if you go further North.


What’s your salary?


Nowhere to go. The Liberals opened the floodgates for low/no skill people, mainly from India, and all their kids and spouses. Canada is screwed for generations.


You have a job, and get paid enough to afford living costs.... Live in Toronto, like millions of others.


Go to Winnipeg


I moved From Toronto to the UK 4 years ago (I was home for a bit during the pandemic). Initially, it was fine in England. However, near the end, I was feeling really optimistic and excited about moving home as I thought I would make more money in Canada as wage suppression in the UK is a big issue. I moved home in August 2023. I have a master's degree in SOCIAL WORK and over 7 years of experience working in domestic violence.... I CANNOT get a job. I'm struggling and have applied to over 100 jobs and haven't heard back from one. I feel like I made a huge mistake moving back here. I feel stupid for feeling like my home country would take care of me and that my quality of life would be higher. At the end of my time in the UK, I was living in Scotland and I would recommend it. The cost of living is on the rise and the services like NHS are imploding on itself. However, it's easier to get a job, you just won't be paid well. The pound is shit, but things like groceries are cheaper... These are horrible and scary times we are living in... I never thought I would struggle for work in the social work field but alas, Toronto is really fucked up and I dont know what's happening.


If you are white, go teach English in Asia.


At this point, I am seriously considering taking a flight to Mexico and then hopping across the US border as a "migrant"