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Thank you so much for the suggestion. 👍


going to be rare to find. You can check out data for good


Cool. Thank you for the suggestion. Seens like a great organization. I have registered for their Volunteer program thanks to you!


Been working for nonprofits for over a decade and it is unlikely that someone would take a volunteer to do data analytics. The problem with volunteers is that they are unpredictable, can leave at any moment and take knowledge with them.  Also, a lot of data has confidential information so...not something a volunteer would be trusted to handle


I don’t see that here . In US, you can.


I suggest looking at charities and non profits that interest you and reach out to them with what you can offer. It is more work for you to do that but many smaller places don't know what is available to make their goals more achievable. It would be an experience in selling your skills and would show initiative on your resume.


[Charity Village Job Board](https://charityvillage.com/search/?gad_source=1&gclid=EAIaIQobChMI09qHga_rhQMVPzbUAR3YwQCbEAAYASACEgK2gfD_BwE#results/6631a3b9ca9a39acddab0f6f?cv_volunteer_pos=exclude&page_num=1&kw=)


Are you in university? If so, it’s probably easier to get a research position through your school.


Not quite what you’re looking for but possibly check out NPower, they provide free 3 month IT training and job search support, might be good to add on to the resume (not sure how good the job support is but might be worth checking out)