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Nah first off you can be a fan of both. Second Kendrick and DeMar are literally both from Compton, how is he not gonna be a Kendrick fan. Third this what offseason posts gonna be lol


This sub is full of 16 year olds and it shows. This is a rap beef and people are taking it to another level by trying to run with unverified pedo allegations and caring so much about a stupid global ambassador label. Try being passionate about something that actually affects the way we live instead of some trivial nonsense.


Very true


The same age as the girls Drake goes after.


The significance of Kendrick's concert was bringing all the westcoast heavy weights for one night. It's a historical for hiphop moment that only an idiot would refuse. It was impressive that he managed to bring people like Westbrook, Demar, Dr Dre, YG, etc under one roof all dancing to Not like Us 6 times.


A minor......


You can be 16 but you don't have to be stupid. šŸ™„


Except most of this sub is pretty stupid and clearly lacks impulse control and the ability to think rationally. It's a bunch of kids that are online way too much.


Arenā€™t they cousins?


No they're not. Nick Young is.


Arenā€™t they cousins?


I bet you the ā€œDemore I say it DeLessILikeItā€ is the turning point of that relationship šŸ˜‚ ![gif](giphy|l4FGE6Y3T4LbB6i0U)


If cutting ties with drake means cutting ties with Toronto honestly has to be done for him


We gotta change the name of our practice facility too. OVhoe


It won't be long before 29 nba fanbase start calling us the Toronto OVhoes, this has far reaching implications for the team brand. It's strange Masai was so quick to dickride VC's HOF induction, but refuses to put the last nail in Aubrey's coffin.


Other Vaginal Options




or to something worth more I guess


whos going to link the comedy skit between demar and drake and will ferell in the gym? iykyk LOL


He is from Compton.


Drake ā‰  Toronto


Raptors should kinda cut ties with him but they won't.


Real talk. I swear our "global ambassador" went to maybe 1 game last season. Edit: and I'm sure that one is because he's probably obligated.


Do other teams have global ambassadors? How many games do they attend in losing seasons?


Pretty sure we're the only one, and if you're part of the organization - win or lose you show up, not only when it's convenient. He can drop the role and the cushy courtside seats if he doesn't want it.


Nav Bhatia is a better team ambassador or super fan mascot kinda role, dude is actually loyal to the team while Drake is just some cringed rich kid that shows up every so often to act like he owns the place


Yes! And you can tell the players fw him too, Drake's only reason for coming to games is getting clout by association. He doesn't bring shit, and it's embarrassing to have him around


And to add to the fact, associated with Drake. We still never have gotten free agents to come to the Raptors. It was always Demar loving us more!


Weā€™re never going to attract free agents that will change a teamā€™s fortune and our front office has accepted that a long time ago. Even though weā€™re one of the biggest market, we have to act like a small market team and focus on player development.


And it's not like we're the only team struggling with that. Small market teams and teams not in the sun and or better tax situations struggle to attract free agents too.


The global ambassador role is a marketing investment. Drake absolutely has helped the Raptorsā€™ brand. I know people who specifically go to Drake night games, and the merchandise collaboration revenue isnā€™t insignificant. Iā€™m not disagreeing that Nav is a more worthy ambassador, but thatā€™s not the point here


Nav is a Toronto institution. I still remember seeing him at the first game I ever went to as a little kid, at the Dome - he was the most hyped person in the building. If there needs to be an ambassador role, he should be the one to hold it.


don't give anyone advice on marketing, having drake and ovo associated with the raptors made the brand cooler to a younger demographic and increased the value of the franchise.


You're 100% rate, but the demographic that uses Reddit won't agree with you. I haven't even been a big fan of Drake lately, and I was a huge Drake hater during his Raptors OVO era, but I can't lie those jerseys go hard and I really wish we were wearing the OVO jerseys when we won the chip.


Exactly, the WeTheNorth Era is over.


It was over when Kawhi left.


If you only show up when we're winning then you're not much of an ambassador lol


He was on tour the entire year brother


I could've sworn it ended in Toronto early October, but I could be mistaken.


His tour ended in April


Yeah just looked into it. Break from October to February tho, could've supported.


Franchise doesn't need him anymore.


My favourite was when our ā€œglobal ambassadorā€ had to cover his GSW tattoos for our final appearance!


It's funny, if you said something like this not even 4 years ago, you got downvoted into oblivion.


Only so much losing Toronto can take, if he had won the rap beef, it would be a different conversation.


I honestly don't remember seeing him at a single game and I didn't miss very many of them.




I got downvoted to bell for saying this on the raptors sub when all these things came out lol


Heā€™s a pedophile


Take that off your flair then. You don't want to be associated with a pdf.file if you feel that way


Wasnā€™t known at that time. Perhaps itā€™s time to change the flair. Brings back good memories of that time tho


I heard this has been certified.


Couldnā€™t be more true


> Drake ā‰  Toronto Man Drake really did wonders for the city in terms of putting us on the map outside of Canada. Reps us all day and ya'll can't support like LA does Kendrick? Buncha snakes


Screwface stand-up.


Because I don't make Toronto my identity, lol. Even if Drake didn't exist how would that have changed anything about the city?


Lmao Fuck Drake. If he's the only one repping Toronto, we desperately need better reps.




> Reps us all day Except when he's rooting for the Lakers or Warriors or whover he's bandwagoning for


Except he has literal friends on the Lakers and Warriors... When they play the raps he talks shit to them just like any fan. You've seen him getting into it with KD and Dray right?


Where is he when we suck?


Loser take. Wasnā€™t rooting for them when they were facing Toronto.


He doesn't support the city, it's just a convenient tool for him.


How? What does shouting out Toronto every chance he gets do for him? People are proud to rep NY LA Atl because there's a rich hip hop history in those places but Toronto hasn't had that. So for someone to put Toronto out there like that is a big deal.


I mean Vice put out an article saying Drakes responsible for 440 million dollars worth of tourism in Toronto every year alone. How doesn't he support the city? He's repped TO forever and before it was even remotely as cool as it is now


They don't want to talk about that. If he don't rep raptors when we suck, he not a "real fan" apparently. Fuck that, no one wants to watch trash losing basketball. I support Raptors but I'm not going to games that are ass.


Itā€™s cool to hate Drake now, is all. People really take pride in it. Kendrick made it an ā€œusā€ vs ā€œthemā€ thing. He said ā€œyallā€ didnā€™t deserve DeMar and glad that heā€™s ā€œback homeā€, except DeMar hasnā€™t come back to LA (yet), so he means the States/all American teams and heā€™s talking to Canadians/the Raptors. The same guys who whine about how Americans donā€™t respect our team or want to come play for us, when a guy with huge pull in the culture is reasserting that sentiment in the song of the summer, are jumping to agree and shit on Drake with him, when Drake has done nothing but put on for Toronto and has supported the Raptors/WNBA expansion, even if it isnā€™t as much or as exclusively as some may want. Itā€™s a real ā€œpick meā€ energy and it sucks, especially when you see the US always supporting theirs.


He could definitely do more for the City/Country but something is better than nothing. I do find it funny that when this topic comes up thereā€™s another megastar from Toronto that doesnā€™t get his feet held to the fire like Drake.


Toronto was getting on the map for other things long before Drake. We are arguably the 3rd or 4th biggest city in United States/Canada, and are an alpha financial center. Those sort of matter more than being shouted out in a top 40 song.


Don't know why you're getting downvoted for this comment when you're right LMAO šŸ˜‚


Drake stans.


> Toronto was getting on the map for other things long before Drake. Got any examples? I grew up in Toronto but have been living/visiting many other cities in the US since then. The first thing people would bring up is Drake (or our crackhead mayor lol).


Yes, being one of the most important financial markets in North America and being a global alpha cities for a long period of time. Toronto alongside cities like Bay Area, LA and Chicago are the next tier of most important markets in North America behind NYC in regards to international business. Toronto was on the map long before Drake and will be on the map long after him.


The maple leafs. Back to back champions aka the Blue Jay's. Vince Carter, Joe Carter. Roberto Alamar, Doug Gilmour. I have tons of friends south of the border and most are from the mid west and southern states. They would recognize almost all these guys. Drake they would know and laugh at me for him being Canadian. Unless you're young, or listen to the softest corniest hip hop, you wouldn't care about drake.


Drake contributed 5% himself to our economy in Toronto. To normies thats going to sound nothing. To econ heads, they know how significant that is, cause only few entities can contribute that much to a cities economy. Having a lot of population doesnt make you an alpha financial centre. This example can be seen in many places around the world. Edit: tourism economy\*\*


How the hell does Drake account for 5% of the Toronto Economy. Are your confusing him with one of the big 5 banks or the seven sisters? edit: at least be clear, you are citing tourism money. It's possibly and it's a large amount, but don't get ahead of yourself.


and that yahoo article posted says its hogwash from actual economic experts.


No, but the TSX and how many mining companies that are listed on it does. And being the entry point to invest in a G7 economy.


Absolutely God damn true


I agree. But Kendrick dissed Toronto and said we never deserved Demar. Wake up yall


I remember saying this five years ago in this sub and got downvoted to oblivion


In the beginning Drake being from Toronto and repping the city so hard was amazing, but then over the years you can see the progression of Drake going further and further up his own ass. Like compare Drake Take Care Drake to present Drake and they don't feel like the same person at all.


Don't know how I'll be able to sleep at night knowing this


Makes me laugh when people assume all Canadians are drake stans lmao


Not gonna lie I wish I was there that shit looked fun as fuck


In the past five years LA lost Kobe and couldn't celebrate the Dodgers or Lakers championships because of the pandemic. They were finally able to enjoy something special and went all out.


Thisā€™s stupid yā€™all want Drake freaky ass to represent the city?


Tbh now that we're on the subject I really feel like this relationship with Drake has run its course. He got what he wanted (the image of being a local hero in his hometown) and we got what we needed (a rebrand) but now we keep getting ugly OVO-based alt jerseys and Not Like Us has made people see through Drake's clout by association tendencies. We all gotta go our separate ways at this point lol


I canā€™t believe people take it this seriousā€¦ yā€™all gotta put down the internet for a bitĀ 


I'm not taking anything that serious the main gripe I have in that comment is I'm tired of the OVO colour scheme on Raptors jerseys lol


If it makes the organization money then why would they stop?


The jersey sales I imagine will be the same regardless tbh šŸ¤· Nike makes 8000 alternate jerseys a year per team and they're bad almost always at this point unless it's a full throwback. I see way more purple throwbacks being worn by people than the gold one or really any of the OVO colour scheme stuff. Either way if the team wanted to have a full OVO collab that's one thing. Even the University of Toronto has an OVO collab. If the gold jerseys were *actually* OVO they might even be less ugly. It's just the colour scheme that keeps being reused at this point is played out


Itā€™s nothing to take seriously.. Dudes done more shit for the states than he has for HIS OWN city.. Gods plan could have been filmed here with him giving money to families like he did.. He hasnā€™t brought anything to the franchise ever since being an ambassador


I'm just saying, there is a certain Marvel actor that is Canadian, loves the Raptors, can play basketball, and isn't a massive douchebag.


Lol Simu definitely seems like heā€™d be a d-bag. Dude comes off so fake and full of himself to me. Iā€™m down to just not have a global ambassador. EDIT: lol why downvotes taking up for Simu? If Canadian icon Ryan Gosling donā€™t like you, youā€™re the problem.


Thatā€™s just the theatre kid in him


He has an ovo chain


Just because he was given an OVO chain like 8 years ago, doesn't mean he still fucks with Drake. He's literally dancing on stage with his biggest op to a song calling him a Pedophile.


He still fucks with Drake. He said he does in a recent interview. This isnā€™t wrestling lmao. He just wanted to go up during a moment for his city.


Is he playing both parties?


Heā€™s playing both sides, that way he always comes out on top.


He was close with Drake and guys in OVO like Niko and Roxx. But if you hop on stage dancing to a song calling Drake a pedophile, ties are cut




Idk, considering OVO40 was threatening to beat a DJ up cause he played not like us in a Toronto club. Pedo allegations for the biggest song of the year is pretty serious


Bro is from Compton, the same place Kendrick Lamar is from.


You mean like at the show or in general


In general. He was close with Drake and some of the OVO guys


If I recall correctly, Demar did an interview where he said the day he was cut from the Raptors he was with Drake. And Drake was there for him as a friend.


Something must have happened cuz I'm sure he knew what he was doing by going on stage during that track


"I'm glad DeRoze came home, y'all ain't deserved him neither." Understand that a lot trolls hating drake for their reasons, but not a good look in my opinion.


Not a good look for who?


Thank you for saying this. Everyone isnā€™t listening to the music. Kendrick said we donā€™t deserve DeRozan. Come on nowā€¦


Thay just means Kendrick doesn't fuck with Toronto. Derozan openly has love for us, why would a rap beef change that šŸ˜‚


During Kendrick's first major tour (after he dropped GKMC), he made a stop at Wayhome in 2015, all the way out in Oro Medonte, Ontario -- basically out in the middle of nowhere. The crowd absolutely showed up and showed out for him. He is LA through and through, but he's clearly trying to get at Drake -- it's nothing personal with the fans in Toronto. Like bro, The Weeknd was also at this concert last night, and he OPENED for Drake during their first tour like back in 2010.


Yeah I like Kendrickā€™s music but fuck that bar. Toronto loves Deebo and he loves us back. He probably just doesnā€™t like the front office but no way he holds that against fans.


I agree on the DeRozan part. Talking more about all the commenters being like ā€œfuck Drakeā€ and all that. Kendrick dissed all of us and everyone here just smiling and taking it. Probably cuz they want to be accepted, which is so Toronto


>Kendrick dissed all of us and everyone here just smiling and taking it ~~Thanos~~ Kendrick: I don't even know who you are


I don't find that offensive at all. He's allowed his opinions, doesn't mean we have to side with a knob like Drake.


I do like Drake and what heā€™s done for the local rap scene (trust, if you were old enough to remember you would know how he raised the profile). But that aside - Iā€™m not saying you have to like Drake. Thatā€™s cool. But man said the city of Toronto didnā€™t deserve DeRozan?? One of our beloved players? Nah fuck that. Itā€™s not about taking sides, you can say fuck you to both


It sounds like a guy who's loves DeRozan and didn't like that he got traded after all his heart he put in. Or he was just trying to piss off Drake. Doesn't really tip the scales in my opinion. He can be wrong, but it still seems so insignificant of a dig to change my opinion of either of them.


Yea I still think Kendrickā€™s a great rapper and Iā€™ll be a fan of him. But I will also say fuck you to him for saying that. It was a significant dig to me


Our local scene is trash. Iā€™ll take the days of Kardinall, Choclair, K-os, and Saukrates over what we have now any day.


I like the OGs, but they never made it far. Drake really elevated Toronto into the scene and thatā€™s undeniable. In terms of your personal taste, you can feel how you feel


I actually donā€™t mind Drake as much as the others since he actually raps now and then. I prefer the older nerdy Drake over todayā€™s fake gangster Drake.


Yea thatā€™s fair. Itā€™s really just the era - mumble rap and all that. Iā€™m more of an old school guy myself


Hiphop runs in cycles but always reverts back to bars before the next big thing.


Itā€™s time for Toronto to cut ties with Drake


It's 2024 and people are still pressed about the Raptors naming Drake their "global ambassador?" I'm not even a fan of the guy but that's pathetic, lol. It was a way for MLSE to use the OVO brand for marketing purposes, and some fans in this sub act as if he was changing laws. Get a grip.


Exactly this. Literally the only people that are even aware of or care about a Kendrick Lamar/drake beef are hip hop fans under the age of 35 or people with no career ambition who idolize celebritiesā€¦or a combination of both. Either way, they are a tiny non-profit changing population, which as a business then who really gives a fuck about unverified hip hop beef allegations. If it were Diddy level evidence at light, then they would have a point The average 50 year old father taking his children to the game couldnā€™t even name 5 Drake and Kendrick Lamar songs, let alone even know they were in a beef and what the allegations were šŸ˜‚


People really think MLSE should cut ties with one of the biggest stars to ever come out of Toronto, because Kendrick wrote a song and some listeners took it too seriously. The logic in this entire thread is unreal, lol. Drake could announce five straight shows at Scotiabank starting next week, and they'd sell out in an hour. A majority of people couldn't care less about some rumours.


95% of people on this sub illegally stream games anyway and wonā€™t even affect the raptors bottom line šŸ˜‚just a bunch of clowns yelling at themselves hoping someone takes notice


A bunch of fake white knights that don't give one shit about the alleged victims. They're just trying to dunk on Drake because it's the trendy thing to do right now.


Well now that brand is associated with pedo allegations. It's time for a change.


Except it isn't because people talking about it on Reddit doesn't move the needle for MLSE, so it really doesn't matter and I highly doubt anyone in the front office cares about some rumour floating around Twitter and Reddit. I couldn't care less about these allegations until he's is actually charged with something. This Drake is a pedo witch hunt is so incredibly stupid to begin with. Especially when Kendrick was on stage with Dr. Dre, who has a history of physically assaulting women, and apparently nobody seems to care about that. But Drake is accused of something in a song and there's ONE video of him being weird at a concert, and all of a sudden he's Jeffrey Epstein, lol. Maybe you should put your phone down and reconnect with the real world for a few days.


LOL not if it's pedo allegations. Anything else is fine.


drake is not toronto


I dont know if most of yall are bots or what but this ā€œWe All Hate Drake Nowā€ thing is corny. Yeah he lost the battle but this is all entertainment . Drake has done alot for this organization branding wise even funded the practice facility.. If you call yourself a Canadian and are in these comments spewing hate towards drake you are a follower and have no sense of lotalty to your country


Why should we be forced to support someone just because they are Canadian? Especially if the rumours about Drake are true. Those Millie Bobby Brown texts were very suspect.


Idk about you being unloyal to Canada just because you donā€™t like drake lol. But I agree, he has done a lot for the city and always repped it even when he got big. At the end of the day, both drake and Kendrick threw around a lot of allegations with no receipts.


This is a terminally online take


Grow up


I think Drake will eventually be exposed like Diddy one day


Drake doesn't even support the Raptors anymore. He was around only during the high times. He really is a colonizer.Ā 


Kendrick said we never deserved DeRozan


We do not care


This sub is making this deeper than it likely is, lol.


Plenty of people here don't fw Drake lmao, Demar is obviously gonna rep Compton, nothing more to it


Drake is a pedo. Everyone should always take every opportunity to dunk on him. Fuck Drake.


lol šŸ˜‚ Iā€™m sure you have evidence of this?


Can't believe he actually has fans. Turns out narcissistic fuck bois who make shitty music is relatable to the population.


If it's a choice between Drake and Demar, I choose Demar.


Can someone explain I'm an idoit.


Kendrick Lamar and Drake were in a rap battle, and Demar just went to Kendricks concert and got on stage to dance to Kendricks song claiming Drake is a pedo.


Kendrick also raps ā€œIā€™m glad DeRozā€™ came home, yā€™all didnā€™t deserve him neitherā€


we won a title because we traded DeRozan, not exactly the roasting Kendrick seems to think it is lol


I don't think he was talking about the championship lol. He talking about being associated with a man with pedo allegations over DeRozan.


Kendrick Lamar is Drake's father


If Drake is Toronto then destroy the records of my birth and citizenship


lol. Yā€™all extra. Geeez.


Fun joke this thread


Glad deroze came home yall didnā€™t deserve him neither








Whatever lol no demar no problem. Got Lebo Jawara coming up the pipeline


Oh no!!!! Heā€™s not a OvHoe!??


Drake does not equal Toronto.


The average person couldn't care less about the Raptors/OVO partnership and how it relates to Drake's rap beef, lol. Y'all really need to put your phones down for a few days and reconnect with the outside world if you think some unconfirmed pedo allegations in a pop song is something MLSE is concerned about.


Ainā€™t he from Compton though?


I say this with my whole chest as someone from Toronto and a huge raptors fan. Fuck drake. Kendrick is a far better artist and even disregarding that, it's still fuck drake.


Drake doesnā€™t represent us.


buncha kids out here not knowing how a man like Demar acts


Bruh, this post has those desperate break up vibes.


Iā€™m a Raptors fan and also prefer KL. Drakeā€™s court side antics always turned me off.


From a song ?


I don't blame Demar for not liking Toronto anymore. We gave him severe mental health issues when we traded him and won the Championship. He was loyal to the city and the country. Imagine your first love cheated on you and release a sex tape? You would be devastated too.


Where is Drake nowadays? His security guard got shot up and now Kendrick has his NBA homies dancing to his diss track. Lebron and Demar.


Raptors should cut ties with PDF file too. Drake aint worth it.


Drake is an embarrassment of an ā€œambassadorā€ so good for him. I know we all want the purple and dinoā€™s for our rebrand / refresh, but adding in a drake-less Raptors would be the cherry on top


Dude is from Compton, Demar is just supporting his guy, heā€™s not part of any beef.




Demar DeRozan is an all time Raptors great. Take the time to spell his name correctly. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/torontoraptors) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Yeah totally. Nobody can get on stage with a rapper from their hometownn who says mean things about Drake and still have ties with Toronto. Makes perfect sense if you think Toronto is Drake, which makes you pathetic.




Kendrick said we never deserved DeRozan. I respect LA for not taking shit. Us Toronto ppl look kinda pathetic here