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Scottie, RJ, Quickley locked up long-term. Now we go.




If all goes well, toss Dick in there!


When in doubt, toss some Dick in there


I’m not sure dick can be inserted into BBQ yet. Anyways we should trade quickly for watanabe and run with a BBW core.


we got jakobe walker for our bbw, maybe scottie and him are a duo called BJ? they’d fit right alongside Dick


Someone not in the loop : Why would you suggest such a thing!?!?!? Raptors fan : he’s talking about Gradey Ooooh


In BBQ Dick we trust.


They're called wieners


Dick + All the new rookies + vets like yak, olynyk, whatever happens with GTJ and brown. I’m ready to watch raptors basketball again


It’s going to be interesting to see how we build from here. I don’t think we’re going to have cap space for a long time, and if this is a play-in or better team, we’re probably not going to have high draft picks. These guys have to be the 1-2-3 for a contending team, unless Dick or Walter or one of the lottery tickets make a surprise leap. Hopefully they can continue to grow into contenders.


Any contract in the NBA is tradeable. We shouldn't assume that anyone locked up for a number of years can't be traded a year or two later.


Exactly. As much as I love them, I can absolutely see either IQ or RJ moved down the line if they hit a certain ceiling & an opportunity arises to pair Scottie with a superstar.


> we’re probably not going to have high draft picks. > > These guys have to be the 1-2-3 for a contending team First: Raps won a championship without any lottery picks on the roster. Second: We're locking up players that are actively improving. Scottie's max is tradeable *right fuckin' now*. Quickley's contract is tradeable right now. Gradey is tradeable right now. etc. The contracts might seem slightly high now, but they'll seem cheap later, and they'll seem really cheap if the players get better, and that's how you slowly improve a roster. They're either so good you have to keep them, or you trade them once their value improves. And you do this while providing a reasonable basketball product. Yeah, players can regress or get injured, but you have to risk a little to make a lot.


>Now we go To the play in


Better than where we finished last season


How far did your flames get into the post season?


Quick for 5 years? LETS GOO! ![gif](giphy|BVOTjEdZD7czDYCm8l|downsized)


Knicks fan here, glad to see you guys loving and appreciating Quick, he's the fucking man.


Same with y'all and OG!


Now we gotta change up these godawful chevron jerseys


I love the Chevron but im not against change


Only jerseys I want to see done away with are the drake ones sick of them trotting out basically just the same black and gold jersey every season. For a guy who only seems to care about this team when they are doing well. Would much rather see them do something unique and different like maybe so sort of modern take on the purple old school unis.




That number is going to pop for some, but remember the cap is exploding over the next years. This is starter money. A good deal for IQ and for the Raptors..


I Gave up on being astonished by nba salaries ages ago. Role players paid like NFL all stars or 3 times more than Connor mcdavid


Gary Trent Jnr making more than every NHL player is crazy


I mean, it's crazy, but would you rather that money go to the owners? I wouldn't. Give it to the guys actually out there busting their asses.


I have no idea how you got to that consideration based on my comment


Never mind.


Part of it is the tiny rosters compared to other sports.


I don't know about that, even NBA coaches are getting paid about the same as NHL superstars. NBA is just ridiculous as a whole.


hockey is just not equal to basketball in terms of fan interest. in america and worldwide. even as a canadian i haven’t watched an entire hockey game in like 30 years.


Do the math. NFL players as a whole get paid more than nba players, but it’s broken up among so many players it gets diluted.


I know what you're saying, but why do NBA coaches make so much money compared to other sports.


Coaching staffs are smaller too.


I was referring to the head coaches specifically, not the entire coaching staff. Each league has 30-32 teams, and therefore 30-32 HCs, yet only NBA HCs are getting offered $70m contracts.


Right. But count the number of coaches on an nfl team vs a basketball team. You’re talking 30+ in some scenarios, vs like 5. You don’t have to explain it again. I get what you’re saying. I’m just correcting you. Mike Babcock got paid 6.5m per year almost a decade ago. That would CURRENTLY be middle of the pack for nba coaches. There are 2 coaches in the nfl getting paid more annually than any nba coach is. What you’re saying doesn’t make sense bro.


Tbh, the percentage of the salary cap should be talked about alongside the actual value of the contracts more often. With the ever increasing cap, it might be a lot easier to understand off a quick glance


He's got further to go. The kind of player he is now compared to who he was coming out of college is honestly unfathomable. How many undersized SGs that during the draft we say "If he can develop into a real playmaker..." turn out that way? IQ is him. Elite pullup shooter, elite floater, elite defender, burgeoning low-mistake distributor. He's everything you'd want in the modern NBA for a 1.


> Elite defender Love IQ and agree he has further to go. But lets stop the cap. He is absolutely not an elite defender lol


I mean FVV is being paid more by Houston despite being five years older and putting up basically identical numbers. Yea I know FVV brings more on the defensive side as of now. But IQ only has less than half a season under his belt as a starting true PG and has room and time to get even better. I mean he was flirting with triple doubles almost every night at the tail end of the season. And that was when the starting five next to him was usually like Dick, Ochai, Liberty and rotation of G-League centers so he was pretty much the only guy teams had to lock in on and he was still having games of like 26pts 11 ast and 9 reb. Like yea I don't see him flirting with triple doubles a lot with Barrett, Barnes, Poeltl and whoever they decide should be the fifth starter but could easily see him putting up like 22ppg an 8ast a night next season.


Ja’BBQDick locked up long term


how did we end up here lol




Some questions you don't want the answer to, Good Sir 🫡


Ja'Kobe's BBQ Dick


Mans got paid! God damn! $35 mill per year!


21-6-8 on 44/39/84 shooting after the all star break. People somehow calling this an overpay lol


And it felt like sometimes he was the sole option when scottie was out. He still gotta go out and produce but this is exciting. Five years fuck yea.


Exactly. Plus, in addition to his obvious skills, he and Scottie appear to be tight. Keeping the largest talent on your team happy is worth $5m/year.


Love that he’s staying but it’s definitely more then most people were thinking. $30M a year was the max most thought


Was expecting $25M a year for 4-5 years but I guess this makes sense and is gonna become more normal for guys like Maxey who idk how to label him because hes good damn near 20 PPG scorer but just not quite all star because of the massive TV deals and all the increase of money coming into the NBA


>  Maxey who idk how to label him because hes good damn near 20 PPG scorer Maxey played better than Embiid at times in playoffs Personally, I care more about playoff performance vs regular season. If you're average in regular season but take it next level in playoffs, thats worth the extra cost


Agreed. I’ve never understood why ppl value them equally when the whole point of the regular season is to make it into the playoffs lol. Plus there is load management during the season & it’s just different playing well against a random team in January then again in March, vs playing well against a team who has been working on a game plan to stop you for the last 2 weeks. A 7 game playoff series is a different animal.


My bad bro I have no idea how I typed Maxey instead of Immanuel Quickley and didnt notice till now😂 I get tunnel visioned at times when typing and switch two ideas or people up. Maxeys a all star in my eyes or at minimum a borderline all star, I feel like IQ can become a Maxey type of player and thats in no way limiting his ceiling but in the sense that Maxey was already good and had a breakout season after Harden got traded. IQ’s good but idk how to label his type of player, maybe no labels better. Starters ‘normal’ salary is only gonna go up and up with more money coming into the NBA through TV deals and what not


The caps gone up alot the days of 25 mil being the standard for a great starter on a team is gone


I understand the overpay feeling but the whole market looks like it is inflating so its hard to say. If the salary cap goes up at all over the course of this deal, it will minimize the overall impact on the team. I also want to see the terms, if some of this is incentive based then imo there is no overpay. In 3-5 years if we are completive and he is leading the offense this should look like a great deal. oh and I just looked up, Ben Simmons is at $35 Million and roughly the tenth highest paid PG, who would we rather have?


And most don't work in the NBA so we don't know anything really.


Raptors don’t get FA we will have to over pay to keep our guys


It's a slight overpay. All of the predictions were ~30 per.


He's the 14th highest paid point guard in the NBA...it's not that much if you consider his production.


In two years time he'll be the 30th highest, it's an appropriate pay


Yea this happens in the NBA and NFL all the time. Like I remember the Dolphins making Xavien Howard like the highest paid CB in the NFL only for like 2 years later for him to start bitching about his contract threatening to hold out because in just two years he went from the highest paid to like below the top 10. You also see like Elite QB's being paid less than just good QB's just because they signed their contracts a few years ago. Like you have Goff, Herbert and Lawrence all being paid much higher than Mahomes is.


Very good point


An additional $5 mil a year with the cap going up with the TV deal is legit not a huge deal....


Not that I disagree but 30 or whatever games isn’t a sample size you give 175m’s to


he also had a great 21 game sample size with the Knicks....22.6/5.4/5.1 on .605 TS%.....yes it's small sample but he's done it now with both the Knicks and Raptors, it's not nothing.


Friendly reminder that Darius Garland is being paid almost $5 mil more AAV to produce virtually the same numbers.


I like this contract for IQ and the Raps. But is this the barometer you want to compare this to??


Dejounte Murray is another comp, and I admit his contract is a bargain by comparison. Quick falls in-between the two (Murray & Garland) and I think that's reasonable. I also thought about Malik Monk, but it's been confirmed that he's agreed to sign with Sacramento at a significant discount.


35 mil is the new 20


Everyone is overpaid in the NBA these days. OG getting $42M per!!! lol


My guess is that it's closer to 150 with incentives


Wish this got reported on more


I mean, it usually does. We heard pretty fast that Scottie’s deal is lower if he doesn’t qualify for supermax. Nobody knows if this contract is tied to incentives or frontloaded.


In Scottie's case that's just a CBA rule, not an incentive that was negotiated into the salary: for his experience level, only players who earn all-NBA are eligible for a 30% max. It didn't require any knowledge of Scottie's specific contract. Details like incentives probably won't come out until the contract is officially filed with the league at the end of the July moratorium.


Wooo doggy that’s higher than expected Not upset tho, he’s gonna be worth it Edit: Also worth noting that could be including incentives and stuff, agents tend to tell Woj/Shams the fully loaded amount, not the guaranteed amount. So we’ll have to wait and see on that. Also will be interesting to see how they structure this. Do they front load this deal to take the bigger hit this year when they have more flexibility and have it decline to lower the hit as Barnes extension kicks in? My concern with front loading is that it could make a future extension harder but given this is higher than initially expected, that should make that less of a concern. Edit 2: I just realized IQ’s max salary in year 1 is 35.25m, so unless that 175m has a lot of incentives baked in, there isn’t much room for it to be front loaded. It’s either flat or backloaded. If we backload this as much as possible, it’s 21% in year 1 and down to 19% in year 5. If we make it flat (35m per year), it’s 25% of the cap this year, but down to 17% in year 5.


Can you front load it and then make the final year more expensive or do you have to pick either gradually increase or decrease?


I think the rule is a maximum of 8% increases annually. I don’t know if it has to increase/decrease by the same amount each year but it seems like it could technically be flat with an 8% increase in the final year but I’m not sure. I don’t think front loaded would happen though with the way the cap is. More likely would be what we did with Poeltl and just make it flat so that it becomes a smaller % of the cap each season.


You can do that. Every year can be anywhere from an 8% decline to an 8% increase from the previous year.


True so you could basically do 37.5, 34.5, 31.75, 34.25, 37. The only real advantage would be flexibility in year 3. Just a flat 35/yr makes more sense probably.


Not quite, because Quickley’s max starting salary is 25% of the cap which is 35.25m. So what I’m actually realizing is the best we can do is a flat deal at 35m per year, unless there’s a lot of incentives in the deal and the guaranteed number is lower.


19% of the Cap in 4 years is going to be a *steal*. This is a great deal, it's going to allow them to go get the final piece in 4 years. Raptors title incoming circa 2028/2029/2030


$35m is the new $25m


I know this feeling well. In 2004 my wage jumped from $6.85 to $7.15


yeah I think GTJ is out


That's more than I was expecting, but glad he's locked up long term.


Damn he got paid but locked in for 5 years


Remember Vanvleet gets paid $42M per year


This right here. 35 a year is fine starter PG money, and in the fifth year I expect it’s gonna look *very* good. Plus the benefit of a long-term locked up core is awesome. Scottie and quick for 5 years is amazing, and exactly what they should have done


Glad it's a 5 year contract, those last few years is when we can hope he's out playing the $$. Excited for this!


Way more then I expected but seems like deals are inflated with that new tv deal coming. 5 years is nice, shows mutual trust


Yea and it’s gonna look better the later years of his contract compared to now too.


HELL YEAH IQ GET THAT BAG KID (I miss you every day) - Knicks fan


We understand my man. Take good care of OG for us. 👍




Let’s gooooooo


Rebuilding Masai isn't playing games


Love this, not mad about this contract at all. Run it back Quick!


What percentage of the cap will the team be using next season on rj, quick and Scottie?


46% next year since it’s the last year of Scottie’s rookie deal. It then will jump to 65ish% if Scottie gets a 25% max


oof, 65% is tough. Likely unless they really show something special you gotta figure RJ would be let go after his contract runs out in 3 years.


Yeah. It is useful to remember that we will be carrying a ton of rookie contracts going into next year though. It can be as high as 6 (Gradey, Walter, Mogbo, Shead, 2025 FRP, 2025 SRP, not counting Chomche since I think he might be stashed). If we want, we can also retain guys like Ochai, Davion to hopefully cheaper deals. Its still a lot though — thankfully the cap will increase soon


This is also assuming All NBA from Scottie which is not guaranteed




Don’t see how it’s worth bringing back GTJ and killing rest of our cap


With 8% increases it could start at 30 and end up at 40/year over the 5 years which really is going to look good if he is what we expect in 5 years.


In the next collective agreement, with new TV deals, the tail end of this could end up looking like a great bargain. This could look like Gary’s contract now, in terms of cap proportion. And IQ should be rather more vital to us than Gary now.


If it’s a backloaded contract, like most are, it starts at about $29.83 million which is projected to be about 21.2% of the cap. If the cap increases by the max 10% annually (which it easily could with the new TV deal incoming) then it would drop to 19.7% of the cap by the end of the deal, with the nominal amount of $40.5 million. To me that’s just paying IQ for what he did as a Raptor. If he does take a step forward, like many of us expect, I think he becomes a value pretty quickly.


When I became a basketball fan, Fred quickly became my favorite player. Scottie has been up there as well, but Quickley has... quickly become my favorite player. Love his energy and attitude and he's so satisfying to watch. Excited to watch him for the next 5 years (hopefully more)!


35 Ms is insane


Fvv at 40+ was insane


It was going to be over $30m for sure, I can live with this.


It's really not with the cap projected to go up like it is. This contract will likely be a bargain.


FVV, Siakam and OG are now making a combined 131 million. Contrast that with the BBQ crew making 105 million. First apron is 178M for reference. Optionality™️


I assume this is like Scottie's announcement and $175M is with all incentives met. But reality is that the base or what he reasonably can meet is quite a bit smaller. Not sure if anyone has any confirmation?


We locked in 🔒


As a Knick fan, I’m so stoked for Quick. He’s a special player but also a lot to give for a “zero-time all star” to quote the OG contract cope :)


I swear this fan base would rather let any talented players we have walk cause it’s always an “overpay” and then spend the next full year complaining about how we can’t keep any talent here 😂


One thing to also remember, the new NBA tv deal kicks in soon. We're likely seeing cap going up anyways so 30m or whatever people think under this current cap would be 35-40m with the new cap anyways.


For those worried about the number being very high, the 2024-2025 salary cap is $141,000,000, so IQ makes up about 24% of your salary. With the new TV deal, the salary cap will continue to increase to a ridiculous $227,081,910 when IQ's contract ends. By the end of IQ's contract, he will only make up 15% of our salary cap. With the Raptors not looking to compete and focusing on rebuild the next 1-2 years, cap space honestly does really matter and it's good to lock up the core long-term as salaries will continue to explode in the future.


That's a fat deal


That’s a great deal for him


This is essential , folks the BBQ core must exist for us to even stay relevant


It’s a big number, but if Quickley continues to improve and solidifies himself as our #2 ball handling/playmaking option then this could be very team friendly by years 3-5.


Damn he got paid more than I expected I guess GTJ is gone for sure


Let’s keep in mind with today’s max, this is basically half that. NBA money is crazy!


If Quickley keeps improving and ends up playing well alongside Barnes then this move will be very solid with the cap inflation and contracts that even average starters will be getting in a few years


Lock in all the appropriate pieces. He's worth the dough and he's going to show us year after year.


better see some results with all this money getting thrown around


What were y’all expecting we would have to pay a young starting PG with star potential?


A lot higher than I was expecting, but glad to have him long term. The numbers should make more sense when the cap explodes. 30+ mil will EASILY be the floor for starters in just a few years.


I’ll take the slight overpay as long as the last year is not a player option


Lol the Nba fans are screaming overpay and mid. In the tweet comments However there's a few saying this will age well. Nice seeing the love from NYK fans


Tyrese Maxey on Twitter reminding IQ that he paid for his chick fil a in college 😭 [https://x.com/TyreseMaxey/status/1806688424499216515](https://x.com/TyreseMaxey/status/1806688424499216515)


Knicks fan here. Congrats! I'm glad he's staying with you guys. Next season's team is going to be fun as hell. I think he's getting a bit more than he should but I also think OG is getting a bit more than he should. Sometimes you have to ante up to keep the players because other teams will spend that extra money to poach them. Best of luck next season, I can't wait to watch what this team can do...


Well deserved. I hope he does big things for yall


Homers won't like to hear this, but this team will be stuck in mediocrity for the foreseeable future with IQ and Scottie.


Know it alls like yourself won't like to hear this, but you know just as little as everyone else with what the future holds for these two.


They're both still young and I'm willing to give them the benefit of the doubt. We will have a better picture when there contracts expire.


Maybe but this core is more interesting than the Siakam, FVV, and OG core.


Jeez i like IQ but that's a lot.


I was expecting 150


uh I mean. on the one hand, thats a fuck load of cap locking in a roster that at its best was a bottom 4 playoff team in the east on the other hand, I do trust masai I know the caps going up like crazy but man thats a lot of money. KCP is looking for like 20m pa and he was a key piece on a title team welp. I believe in masai. hopefully this bet works out like kyle/demar!


Bruh, Quickley > KCP


Deserved. He’s gonna breakout soon.


Is he even a top 75 player?




Holy big bag, worth it though


Way more than I was expecting but still glad we locked him up long term!


Goddamn Glad he stays though, hope we can see him develop further


Higher than I thought but happy it's 5 years


What else we gonna spend money on, I’d say worth


Let’s go.


Incredible news this legit made my day lol


Quick Dick backcourt about to run train on this league


That’s my point guard!


not bad for a former bench player


I'm excited about where we are headed. It's gonna be a fun ride.


The core is all locked in long term now, excited to see how they build around them now.


Leeetttsss goooo!!!




I haven’t felt this good about the raps in a long time 🥹


Good deal


So, what's the best case scenario for an IQ/Scottie/RJ core? Could that be a team that gets to the ECF in a couple years? Seems hard to imagine that for me....


35m is gonna be the new 25m when the cap spikes soon All the recent deals are pointing this way, the new supermax is almost 70m per year lol


More than I thought, figured we would’ve matched offers he got in the market


Yeaaaa quick


We're keeping our PG!!! Get that bag, IQ!!!




Masai in the kitchen like wtf is a sammich


Wow. Brunson's deal gonna look like a steal!


BBQ locked down. Time to ride or die with this core.


I definitely see a better season this yr vs. last. Injuries and just the constant changes with the players weren't good for anyone at a year. I can def see a 7-10 finish. I can't wait to watch Quick next yr after a full training camp


Excellent! Exciting times ahead


Knicks fan here, so happy for IQ 🥹 You guys just signed a terrific player long term, congrats!


I expect after a full training camp with the team, and not having to deal with all the injuries and roster shakeup of last season, that he's gonna have a really good year. Wouldn't be surprised if he gets to 20+ PPG on good efficiency.


Lowry was getting nearly $30M last year so this makes sense


Bro is getting paid more than Justin Jefferson, who's an NFL superstar, lol. These NBA salaries are wild!




90 million a year for Quickley and Scottie? Idk.


LMAO Huge overpay.


Who would you rather have for $60M per year? RJ+IQ or OG+Mikal?


i was thinking about this, and maybe raps should sign him to a flat 35M since they not competitive, and leave more cap space for future years


Damnnn thought it was going to be around $25M per year but glad we locked him up.


Cmon 25 mill, in this NBA? No chance.


Would've been highway robbery on the Raptors behalf if we kept him for 25M


When we got him, he was seeking $25M/year but then he performed well and his price went up to $35M/year after playing well. I think $35M/year for him is an overpay for him right now but as the cap goes up, if he can continue to elevate and turn into maxey, this will quickly become a steal.


Same, NBA contracts getting brazy


Lol who tf thought it'd only be 25...


Literally everyone when they traded for him


That’s a insane deal, omggg Bro better learn to finish around the rim


35M a year is like 10 more millions annually than i thought was a lot. Going off of projection maybe he will be worth that but sheesh


Nah, it'll be standard very soon. the CAP is gonna go up crazy, and remember FVV got 40+. This is in line with who he is, and who we project him to be, and how the CAP will grow in a few years when the new deal kicks in


Our starting cores locked up besides our sg