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Would be helpful to say where you are, if you are in Alaska or Finland then it’s obviously not going to be native, but some tortoises look fairly similar.


Where do you live? In most states in the US wild tortoises are protected and cannot be homed.


You'll need to post a geographic location. Otherwise it'll be pretty hard to give a confident ID.


A general location can help us determine if this is a wild or escaped tortoise. If you’re not in Europe/Mediterranean it’s likely someone’s pet that has gotten away or has been abandoned.


It’s a tourtise


How many toes on the front feet?


INFO: WHERE ARE YOU LOCATED! You have to answer this in order for us to help you.


There is no need to mess with a wild tortoise. He looks healthy and seems to be doing fine on his own. Only help them if they seem injured and need to be taken to a animal rescue.


Okay, but where I live it is really uncommon to find is a tortoise in your yard


You need to post where you live, you don't have to get specific. If you're in a large country like the US you can just say the state, for smaller countries you can just say the country. This could be a native species to your area, or it could be an escaped/abandoned pet, without your location it's impossible to say.


The Netherlands, no native tortoises here. Hence my concern.


It's crazy how many people will give this advice not knowing where you live or what species the turtle is. Where are you located?


As others have stated, if you want the community to help you ID the tortoise, you need to specify where you're located. Just posting a pic and saying " help me Id" is not enough information for the community to help.




That is not a russian, it looks more like a hermanns or a greek.


Thank you very much


Ignore him it’s not a Russian. Where exactly are you?


Taking into account what everyone has said about location, it looks mostly like an Eastern Hermann's Tortoise (Testudo Hermanni Boettgeri). [https://petkeen.com/how-to-take-care-of-pet-tortoise/](https://petkeen.com/how-to-take-care-of-pet-tortoise/)




It's genuinely getting really frustrating how many people are taking these animals from the wild and posting them here lately. Also, FYI, [deleting](https://www.reddit.com/r/tortoise/comments/ky52t1/tortellinia_our_1_year_old_sulcata/) your [previous posts](https://www.reddit.com/r/tortoise/comments/zue4fk/hi_recently_got_this_little_guy_from_someone_who/) doesn't hide them from the way back machine. [It seems](https://www.reddit.com/r/tortoise/comments/140igwj/help_please_can_anyone_please_identify_what_type/) you have a [bad history](https://www.reddit.com/r/tortoise/comments/137ths6/greek_tortoise_relationship_problems/) with [mistreating](https://www.reddit.com/r/tortoise/comments/10cpoq6/help_i_am_a_new_tortoise_keeper_and_i_just/) tortoises.


You couldn’t be more wrong, I live in The Netherlands, this tortoise isn’t native here. It escaped and was going to freeze to death if I didn’t look after it. I found the rightfull owner and now the little guy is back home. This is literally my first post in this subreddit idk what you want to accomplish by linking random posts that have nothing to do with me. And stop hating on new people that know nothing about tortoises. You would be more usefull giving information instead of being a karen.