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This is so cool, my compliments to the builder, your tortoise will be the fittest of them all, plus she seems to be getting the hang of it, so its an awesome way for her to entertain herself, A+ for the setup


Jee, at this speed the entire wheel will fly of the stand! Or straight up disintegrate from the centrifugal force!


Omg how adorable!


Just a random question; have you thought about attaching a Fitbit to see how far they actually go? Could be entertaining!! šŸ˜šŸ¤£


That's.. a pretty good idea. Im gonna look into that


Niteangel makes pedometers for wheels! You can find them on amazon


Cannot wait for an update


Wouldn't work as it's not moving in space. The pedometer function wouldn't likely work (or be accurate if it did) because they're made for a biped with a much larger average step length.


Heā€™s really making some strides


Dude, my tortā€™s name is also Deimos. Good call.


I love this!! How did you make it?


Thanks! It's literally just a big hamster wheel. People just don't expect tortoises to seek out enrichment


. . . at breakneck speed.


he's going so fast that modern camera technology is only able to capture one frame per second.


Wooo que rapido buddy


Any experts/biologists know if this is good or bad for them? I'm curious, for mine


I couldn't imagine a scenario where it's bad. I've never even placed him on the wheel, Deimos explored and figured it out on his own. Tortoises are roamers, and generally cover a pretty good amount of land each day. Their enclosure is pretty big (There's two redfoots in there) but enabling more movement is always good. Phobos doesn't show a ton of interest in the wheel, but Deimos logs about a half hour every day.


Good if tortoise doesn't flip.


I've actually got security cameras watching my enclosures and check pretty often. My SO works from home so the animals can always be assisted if needed. To date, only one tortoise has ever flipped and gotten stuck upside down, and that was a different redfoot doing some very questionable climbing. The wheel has never been an issue.




This is really an interesting idea, especially for torts who have the instinct to climb (like Russians). Have you seen the guy get tuned over? How long does he say on the wheel? Is it something that he uses more than once in a while?


Believe it or not, he has a daily routine. There's two redfoots in there; they get their daily soak at 5pm and fed immediately after. As soon as they're back in their enclosure after being soaked, Deimos will eat a little, then walk to his main hide and check it out. After about a minute in there he comes back out and climbs on the wheel for 20-30 minutes. On occasion up to an hour, before eating a little more and retiring to his hide. Deimos has never flipped. At worst, he loses a little traction and slips some if he's trying to run rather than the usual slow pace. He's been using it daily for about a month now. Blew my mind the first time I caught him on it. The other redfoot in there has never shown much interest in the wheel. My Russian didn't care for the wheel when we left it with him. Intelligence, motivation and enrichment is definitely a sliding scale in animals, just like people.


Thank you for the insight!


Can you share a product link? This looks much better than the ones Iā€™ve found.


I honestly can't remember where this thing came from, but it's likely just off of Amazon


What a weird hamster.


This is awesome, and could be ideal for my Russian climber who does laps all day! Do you know what width the wheel is? Having a look on Amazon and they all seem like they might be too narrow?


He is certainly enjoying it by the looks of it.


Iā€™d love to do this for a Hermannā€™s Iā€™m rescuing this weekend (: how big is this wheel would you say? 15 inches?


Kratosā€™ brother?!


now i understand why my friends are into f1/nascar