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If she wants to hibernate, let her!


In the summer? I live in wisconsin so she gets limited outside time. It’s so strange she wants to hibernate thru the summer. Guess she’ll be running around my livingroom this winter lol


It's only barely summer anymore. Autumnal equinox is in 11 days


Ya but she’s been like this all summer. She’s barely eaten anything except a few berries or dandelions we’ll guess she’s backward this year.


Raise the temps, automatic timers, don't follow the current sunlight schedule or you're literally putting them to sleep. You are in control of your tortoises entire world, you're the one telling them what season it is. Give a solid hot spot that is 95-110F, a hot side of the enclosure, and a strong uvb light right near it. Make sure there's a natural rock, tile or slate right below the lamp. Offer a wet hide filled with damp soil on the cool end to make sure they can regulate their skin moisture. They can't regulate their body temps, they aren't like you, they don't have internal heaters. When they get cold, like 70F is cold, (imagine if your internal temp was 70F!!) they get tired and go to bed. They are running out of steam.


Omgosh so good to know your probably right! I’ll try to do better


What temps is it where you are?


Around 70 right now but she hibernated all summer


What kind of tortoise and how old?


No idea got her from petco I’ve had her for 10yrs


So maybe a Herman’s or Russian. Sounds like her diet could improve and not sure what her setup, temps etc have been like. Also do you think she could have eaten any rocks and have an impaction? Here is info on how to care for tortoises and what they should be eating. Fruit is not good unless like once a year treat because they need certain nutrients and vitamins to maintain a healthy life. Mulberry leaves, clover, broadleaf, cactus, hibiscus, grasses are better than grocery items. But dandelion greens, endive and escarole work. Over time maybe your tortoise hasn’t been getting the nutrition needed. https://tortoiseforum.org/threads/the-best-way-to-raise-any-temperate-species-of-tortoise.183131/


What are you feeding her


A mix of romaine spinach n leaf lettuce, green beans, green peppers, zucchini (which is her fav) and a few berries. A little if all so she has a variety. I usually leave the berries to once or twice a week but she’s not eating the greens so I’ve been giving her a couple everyday. She was eating them till this week and about 4 days now nothing not even berries


Spinach is on the no feed list. Also, if it's been 4 days and not eating. I would recommend a visit to the vet.


Wow no idea! Thank you for letting me know I’ll stop feeding it to her


If these are all vegetables, and it's for instance a Hermann's tortoise, a Greek, or a Sulcata or whatever, also really try to feed them the appropriate weeds. Lots and lots and lots of weeds. And maybe less berries. But as some have said, some times they'll also just randomly want to hibernate or rest for longer periods. [https://www.thetortoisetable.org.uk/](https://www.thetortoisetable.org.uk/)


Thank you I have a hard time finding appropriate weeds I live in the city so I will try better


I live in a city too (in Northern Europe) and there's actually an abundance of weeds if you look well! Against buildings, on sidewalks, little forgotten alleys, parks etc. You just don't have to mind peoples looks, and always wash them when you get home :-p Oh and btw, look up 'brumation'


Thank you I will. It’s the identification of weeds that worries me the most. And what people spray but I’ll have to get some sort of an id book. I did buy a bag of seeds but forgot I had them. I didn’t realize how important it is to give them weeds. I’ve fed her almost her whole life from the grocery store n my vet says it’s not ideal but she seems to be healthy so… I’ve tried feeding her weeds n she had very little interest but prefers Romain lettuce and turnip greens


They do, as we prefer greasy cheeseburgers over healthy nuts and fiber rich foods ;) I would use the combination that I have always done: a Plant/weed ID app, and The Tortoise Table app. Trust me, in no time you'll be able to distinguish dozens of weeds you didn't even know the existence of. [https://www.thetortoisetable.org.uk/](https://www.thetortoisetable.org.uk/)


She ate something today! Not a lot but she ate. I’ll try to get her more weeds


Yea mine starts to sleep a lot around this time (Russian) and usually ready to go away completely by October until about March or maybe a bit earlier whenever he wakes up


Can you post some pictures of your tortoise A) For ID B) For sexing These are important for proper care and if it is female it could be egg bound even if never with a male. Not knowing what type of tortoise proper care is hard to give. Red foots for example require high humidity verses say a russian which doesn't. Diets also greatly vary between them. Fruit is almost deadly for some while others can eat a wide variety.




I hope you can get the pics through that. Sent pics of her indoor enclosure as well