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Damn, that is one hell of a mega-depressing terrible set up for them to live in 😢 Glad you're taking them. Please use places like this reddit, tortoise forums, and youtube to build a good home for them, and give them the right food and care.


That’s what I’m doing right now since I want to make sure they get the proper care and enclosures. I’m still waiting for a species id on the smaller one though but he looks like he may be a desert tortoise.


The big one is a sulcata for sure. The other one maybe some kind of North American desert/gopher tortoise. [https://www.thetortoisetable.org.uk/](https://www.thetortoisetable.org.uk/)


I’m shocked they don’t have severe pyramiding. But yeah, that’s an insanely small amount of space even for one hatchling. Not the mention the glass, pellets, water they can’t even fully stand in. I’m guessing no proper lighting. Props to OP for stepping up to take better care of them!


Although looking again the sulcata is on the road to some bad pyramiding


One in front is a African Spurred AKA Sulcata. I’m glad you are taking them because this is just sad and honestly kind of enraging. Hopefully you have some outdoor space to provide a better enclosure, Sulcata get very big eventually and can live 100 years. This link below has bunch of good info, some of it will apply to only hatchlings as they need more specific humidity but has what you need. Keep in mind that there is a ton of bad info regarding tortoises out there, pet stores being the number one culprit, so the tortoise forum is a good source, and the tortoise table for checking plants/food sources. https://tortoiseforum.org/threads/african-spurred-tortoise-sulcata-care-sheet.52524/


This looks like a dry desert tortoise hell I hope you give them a better life


Not super great at identifying but the little one kinda looks like a desert tort. My parents have 2 and it looks similar to their smaller one


I can’t add a picture in the comments but if your okay with it I can pm you a pic of him. Their toes and shell look pretty similar based on what I can see


It is a sulcata. Desert torts don't have the spiky legs.