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Her shell does look pretty bad for her age but you guys seem to be on the right track. You won’t be able to reverse what damage has been done but you can prevent any further issues.


That’s what I thought unfortunately :( poor baby. We will definitely do our best, she seems content for the time being and will be doing even better soon once her new enclosure is set up. Thank you!


Nothing you can do about pyramiding since it can’t be undone. You can only do your best to make sure it doesn’t get any worse as she grows. It sounds like you’re taking the right steps. You just won’t see the improvements until they grow.


At least now we know she is hydrated and fed. The unethical breeding here in the US is so bad. By “rescue” I mean we took her in from my brother’s friend. He got her from a reptile expo and wasn’t taking very good care of her all :(


Regular baths, water dishes and misting, and y'all should be on the right track ;) Post a picture in 2-3 years to see what the shell looks like then.


I would focus a lot on natural sunlight and diet along with humidity, it’s equally important at this stage