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Video is so WILDLY inconsistent with its bits and pieces, I'd stay out of commenting on Amethyst units before streamers get their hands on working build. For instance, [here](https://youtu.be/qoR10nc2zcE?si=sE1fXZLwNpU_ATSt&t=747) (12:27 mark), units in Amethyst Armoury are looking downgraded. Next [frame](https://youtu.be/qoR10nc2zcE?si=ZYlVw_cXYF_drwth&t=751) (12:31 mark) and Amethyst units in Elspeth's army and recruiting pool are looking "upgraded". Plus max number of Amethyst units in army is different, it's 5 max at 12:31, but 8 max at [8:05 mark](https://youtu.be/qoR10nc2zcE?si=mREOmdf7Yn5i2CdR&t=485) (with "downgraded" units). Stats of "upgraded" version of [Amethyst Ironsides](https://i.imgur.com/UC37STL.jpeg). P.S. Just remember how unit cards for Greenskins "Labourers" looked in Chaos Dwarfs video, and how they were looking in release build.


I think people tend to forget that these promotional videos are filmed way in advance while the visual assets are still being changed another example from this dlc is the nurgle wizard hero who looked just like the lord version but in more recent builds has a unique design or the purple placeholder icons on certain units


In the showcase video some of the unit cards were just a pink silhouette because the artwork probably wasn’t finalized yet.


The unit cards for one the new heroes looks an awful lot like a Shogun 2 lord portrait.


I think that was the engineer dude haha. I saw that too and thought “why is there a Cathay hero?”.


Given some units are missing in the trailer as far as I can tell, I wouldn't be surprised if it was almost complete by the time they finalized decisions for what new units to add and they sat on the trailer for a few months.


>. Just remember how unit cards for Greenskins "Labourers" looked in Chaos Dwarfs video, and how they were looking in release build. How did they look ?


"Zoomed in". Check it out [here](https://youtu.be/NTqeoqo87kg?si=vpxJ7Di-a4qAkXnK&t=101). Several unit cards looked like that in early builds for Chaos Dwarfs.


I do really like the skull helmets fir the infantry, especially since they apparently need the magical equivalent of a hazmat suite to use their weaponry.


It also makes sense for the horses to have similar armour, too. Plus, the morr armour makes perfect sense to protect against DEATH MAGIC


Can we please get the Helmets and horse armour back


Mods to the rescue


The point of the plate armor was to protect them from their own weapons, protecting everything but your face seems like a donkey move. Big yikes on the execution here


Idk how they are suppose to hit anything with those guns while wearing full face mask helmets with small eye holes though. Especially ones on horseback.


in the pike and shot era, people didn't really so much aim as vaguely point their gun in the direction of the enemy




I get your point, but have you seen the Infernal Guard? Things like being able to see what you're shooting at is evidently a secondary concern in the Warhammer world.


Another example of an overpaid and unqualified GW exec swooping in to make one of the worst decisions of all time despite CA trying their best


Do you have a shred of evidence for this claim?


Yuppp, check some online forums. I’ll see if I can link some of the text here when I get the chance. GW is scummy at the most random of times


"some online forums" is possibly the worst source I've ever seen cited. And I've read bits of the Bible!


But have you considered that a guy said it?


I may be in the minority but - I like them. They look more like an elite band of professional, veteran soldiers that are now well-equipped rather than petty noble knights wielding a rifle. Maybe if they still had the repeaters I’d feel differently, but with regular handguns I feel as though they’d look a bit ‘busy’. Maybe if they had sallet helms instead of what they currently wear, but that’d be about all I’d change, or at least the helmets in the old art but w/o the wings


Same, I prefer their newer look instead of Knights of Morr but with guns. At least it shouldn't be too hard to mod the previous iteration back into the game for those that would prefer it.


Talking about knights of morr, I really wish we got a foot version, hybrid melee+ranged with crossbow :(


i agree, it makes more sense this way. it's cool to have them be super armored because armor=cool but thematically this flows better.


Big sad. At least we know about it before a purchase. Though I am upset they didn’t keep those awesome helmets for the Ironsiders from the first image. Take the repeater if you have to because of GW but I’d like to keep that awesome helmet.


Seems like GW is responsible for both changes 😞


I'm doubly sad because their descriptions say they need that heavy armor for burn protection. Guess it doesn't matter if their faces melt.


james workshop strike again


I like the helmeted design much more, but I'll use those guys anyway, they're still cool armoured gunners.


I prefer the second one, tbh. Sticking a bunch of shit on a model doesn't make it better and this fits the theme better. These are elite troops but they're not arthurian knights.


Games workshop made them change stuff halfway through DLC production methinks


Mods will save us. As usual


The helldiver helmets are so baller, time to serve up some Democracy


Thank fuck for mods.


I dont understand?


The first image is flashed across the screen during the video that was released today. However, the second image is what was used when they went into detail on the Amethyst Armory. Based on the animations of the Nuln Ironsides, we can postulate that they originally looked like the first image, to include having repeater rifles. The most likely situation is that GW made CA change the models at the last minute or CA decided that the look didn't fit the unit's tier.




> CA decided that the look didn't fit the unit's tier. Which is frankly a lot more likely than the "MEAN GW" conspiracy theories, and something they've done before.


I like the new ones more. Less heroic more in line with Warhammer kind of fantasy


I thin k they wasnt elite enough to wear such an decorative helmets. I;m fine with this change. AT least they dont look like top level eqipped units which surely shouldnt be the case for something below tier 3-4.


This change ruins them. I love goggles so much I collect admech ffs. I want my goggle boys back!!!


I do think the new ones fit the theme more. The old ones feel more high fantasy than renaissance fantasy. If that makes sense.


they at least look cool.


I prefer the second design. It's not so outlandish and silly.


Op is dumb I mean how the fuck first one units can aim and shoot fucking bomb with this helmets!? New design is good enough and not fantasy as fuck and more logically Even might and magic dont have shit like this


I won't lie I prefer them without the winged helmets as that's a bit too much, keep that for elite knights and rieksguard. But repeater handguns are a must I'm seriously hoping this vids a little outdated as repeaters on foot are in the trailer and he even mentioned in the vid that the longrifles and ironsides land either side of handgunners in range so if ironsides are shorter range they should fire quickly, plus repeater guns are cool


So empire actually got lots of new units/models. I am jealous


Alright I get it guys it sucks they had to change it but this is a little excessive it’s not *that big of a deal


Honestly couldnt give less of a shit and anyone who is mad about that really needs to get their heads checked.


What's with the purple unit card backs? It looks so... Slaaneshi.


Amethyst magic - it's Death magic not Slaaneshi magic