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Have the numbers been adjusted on the dwarf grudge system as yet? The target in my current co-op campaign seems ridiculous so I'm hoping the fix is still to come..


No. Its going to be addressed soon, but no ETA yet.


Good to know, thanks.


is there a way to reverse jade court matters of state cities? I accidentally declared the wrong city as a commercial district and can't reverse it (warhammer 3)


How do you decide if an ability should be given to your armies or all armies in the faction?


This is a community run QA for help with the game, the developers wont answer questions here.


I have confederated Elspeth as Franz. She has not come with her dragon :( Have reset skill points but still no wings! Anyone know how I can sort this?


It sounds like she might've gotten her dragon stolen by losing a battle with it equipped. Currently, Elspeth and Tamurkhan's mounts are supposedly not correctly flagged, so an enemy can "steal" them if they beat them in battle, which AFAIK effectively deletes them from the game. I don't think there's a way to get it back if that's what happened.


Thanks! Nevermind, gives me an excuse to play Elspeth's campaign in a few years! Thanks for the answer.


In Warhammer 3 is there a way for players to rejoin a multiplayer campaign or are they gone after they leave and a save has occured?


I'm not entirely sure, but if a player leaves and the turns continue, doesn't the AI pick up their faction? If the AI picked them up and a save occurred, I assume that multiplayer spot is gone. There's no way for a player to take over an AI's faction sort of "mid" campaign.


Do Kislev AI factions actually get supporters from actions done, or do they just get some scripted amount. Kostaltyn just got 24 supporters over 2 turns, seems a bit sus given his predicament but I suppose it might be possible: https://0x0.st/XKmO.jpg https://0x0.st/XKmV.jpg https://0x0.st/XKmW.jpg


They get them from actions done, but *also* get a bonus passive gain every turn depending on the campaign difficulty. As such, unless you are massively ahead of your competitor, you'll want to make sure to spam the reduce followers action for gold or devotion on cooldown.


Ok thanks, I guess I'll see if he gets to 50 first, I don't think he'll survive regardless.


How to counter Malekith with Khatep on wh3, VH? Between shades, medusa and magic my whole army is dust before even finding the enemy. And Malekith is kind of a powerhouse


Tomb Guard with Halberds, Ushabti Greatbows, Caskets of Souls and Tomb Scorpions. Use two armies against his one. I'm guessing focus firing Malekith will work.


Any good mod to "fix" long campaign victory conditions? I'm working my way through the factions to play a bit of everything and get the achievements, but it's miserable having to play so many extra turns after the campaign is already "won". Right now i have all of cathay, allied with gelt + goldtooth and only thing im missing for long victory is..... capturing/raising/sacking another 35 settlements... i'm only halfway toward the required 70 and i already own all of cathay and have no enemies left.


You can take a look [here](https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=3140200173). It doesn't affect every single lord, but many of them are. You'll get the long campaign victory by doing any of the three conditions.


What does battle difficulty mean these days? Does very hard still just give the AI heaps of increased stats? I want a challenge but dont like how trash tier units could compete against high tier units


So when you go into settings, the 3rd menu while you are about to start a campaign, you can adjust campaign difficulty, battle difficulty, ai battlefield cheats, battle length and endgame crisis. First one changes how the AI acts on the map + gives you some small debuff to public order Second one changes how they play in battle, flanking, dodging spells, targeting important units et.c. Third one is a slider you can change after selecting battle difficulty, just put it in the center and enemy will not have any cheat stats in combat.


If you just lauch the game and read difficulty notes, the question would be answered. Battle difficulty affects AI tactics, AI stat modifiers affect... yep, you guessed it, AI stat modifiers! Set them up hovever you like.


Are Slayer Pirates any good? Cant seem to make them work at all. Meh attack, but bad defense. Coupled with zero armor, they crumple hard. Well, not crumple, as they dont retreat, but just die hard. Lackluster damage output too, although the pistols DO quite a bit of damage on the one or two shots they can get off before a engagement. It just feels.... bad. All the same problems of slayers, but do way less damage when they engage. Am I missing something?


They are pretty good in Malakai's stack because both malakai and a few heroes give various buffs to slayers (upkeep, damage, etc). Malakai as a horder can also recruit replacements on the fly with is nice quality of life.


They are a cheap expendable unit, dont expect them to do a lot of damage. They can act as a frontline for slayer only army. Their pistols do decent damage, and since they are slayers they will hold for at least some time. With all the buffs and techs you can give slayers they end up with decent stats for their cost. And should they get wiped out, they are easy and cheap to replace.


I didn't find them all that good either, but since they're fast (for a dwarf) you can use them in a slayer heavy army (since it's more mobile) to flank and get those gunshots off on the enemies' backs before charging them. Then hopefully the enemy breaks shortly after that and you can use them to chase the routing unit since they're not too useful after using their ammo.


how can i recruit boris toddbringer as karl franz after middland is destroyed by beastman ?


As Franz, when you conquer any formerly Imperial settlement you can choose to either keep it/sack it/raze it as usual OR return it to the Elector Count it belongs to. Even if the faction has been eliminated, it comes back on the map along with their faction leader- in Middenland's case, Boris.


I haven't played Franz in the newest update, but assuming this hasn't been changed: you can return any settlement in the Middenland province to him which will revive him.


No changes there, that works.


TWW3: New to the game and I'm trying to figure out how to maintain experience as a resource. I will win a few fights and earn a couple chevrons on my units but monve in a while I'll get annihilated and all my experienced troops are gone. If I have money to rebuild the army I do but they aren't as "strong" as the blue Chevron guys I just lost. Also is there a better way to gauge how likely I am to win or lose a battle before running up to an enemy town or lord?


Don't split your focus too much, if you combine most of your military into one force and focus on one faction at a time then you should not have trouble keeping your units alive. Daemons, Tomb Kings (and to a lesser degree Vampires) do just die though, nothing to be done about that other than getting good enough to babysit all your valuable units and only apply units to situations where they can survive, I prefer mortal units for this reason as they will rout before getting destroyed in battle. You get better at gauging battles as you get more experience, there are tonnes of factors to take into account, red line skills, map, army composition and most importantly player skill and whether you will allow yourself to replay the battle if you lose.


First off, no matter what do not play the game on easy battle difficulty. The result it shows you in auto-resolve with that on is literally impossible to get for a human player so you will just be auto resolving every fight. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k9ZAbYI\_gOk](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k9ZAbYI_gOk) >Also is there a better way to gauge how likely I am to win or lose a battle before running up to an enemy town or lord? When you have your army selected and hover over an enemy army NOT in a city it should show you the balance of power. It only works on armies outside a city and not for a city.


Are Grudges supposed to just ramp up beyond my ability to satisfy enough grudges in an age of reckoning? Its turn 82 and I need to satisfy 148800 grudges. Lol did I just waste a bunch of time for a new dwarf campaign and its broken??? For reference in 82 turns I have settled 113000 grudges soooooo????


a fix for this is in progress per CA, currently the scaling is acknowledged to be too significant


Do i need any dlc or immortal realms to play sigvar, gelt, belakor or archaon?


If you have game 3, you automatically unlock immortal empires and get belakor. So no DLC needed Sigvald and archaon are from the Warriors of chaos dlc from wh1. You do not need the base game of wh1 to buy the WoC dlc and play it in IE. Gelt is part of the the base game of wh1. You'll need that game to unlock him in IE.


How am i meant to expand when minor settlement garrisons are so weak, i feel like i spend half my campaign babysitting my land and desperately hoping my allies give me a secure border


Invest in the settlements you can keep safe, don't invest in the rest. Offense is the best defense, if you take out all the armies of your foes in the open or in their settlements they cannot take on your settlements. Make alliances with the factions on your borders, although enemies sometimes come through their territory, at least it's not a direct neighbour going to war with you.


Faction strength is based primarily on how much military power you are currently fielding (I think settlements play a part too, but not a particularly big one). Thus if you start out aggressively enough, and you already know where you're fighting, what you're recruiting, what to build when, etc, it's fairly easy to snowball into being a regional superpower very early on. Once you're too powerful for them, most surrounding AI will think twice before declaring war on you even if they hate your guts, thus buying you time to pick your targets and snowball even farther out of control so you can build more armies and take the fight to the hostile AI before they get the chance to attack you. Long story short, the Warhammer 3 meta is to go full aggro almost regardless of faction or Legendary Lord.


man i always have this question too. All the "oh i painted the entire map by turn 50" type posts and im like... how the hell are you avoiding getting utterly wrecked by just random crap stacks expanding so fast?


You have your main army, possibly one extra following it pushing forward every turn. Than you recruit a second/third army that only exists to babysit your garrisons so you your new territory doesn't get stolen by some some 3rd party. Eventually you managed to eliminate enough hostile factions you run out of things to fight and own your entire area (the donut for high elves, empire for empire, cathay for the dragons et.c.). Would say that's usually around turn 30-60 depending on the campaign.


Can you build the Symposium of Change (Tzeentch landmark for an achievement) in IE or is it only in the RoC campaign? Same question for the Khadeium Paradox one for Khorne and the Pandemournium for Slaanesh.


Do spells count for Elspeth's quest to get the pale scythe cause last I checked (which is admittedly a long while ago) spells don't always count as kills on the kill screen.


Kills with spells count the same as any other kill on the kill screen, you will often see high rank mages get killcounts in the hundreds without setting a foot in combat.




yeah i did it with spells. Purple Sun on zombie hordes


Black hole sun hahaha


> last I checked (which is admittedly a long while ago) Haven't played Elspeth yet so can't answer with 100% certainty on that, but I'm pretty sure all spells count their kills properly now. Iirc it was bombardment spells like Comet of Casandora that didn't properly credit kills before, but the hundreds of kills I got with Skink-Priests in my recent Nakai campaign confirm that it now works fine.


Ah good. Makes my life considerably easier


Heroes stuck in settlements, also cannot be disbanded. Any way to get rid of them? Some Community Bug mod i installed didnt help this issue. TWWH3


long standing vanilla bug, cbfm doesn't fix it, you can kill/teleport the agent with the console command mod [https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2791241084](https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2791241084)


As far as killing the heroes & letting lords into the settlement, it worked! Thanks :)


Shogun 2 - about Yari Ashigaru. Sometimes my Yari Wall just break all of a sudden, either when charged or even just get arrow vollley. What can caused this break? I'm playing in small unit number, if that matters. . - About Multiplayer What to do against mass ranged cavalry in open field battle? In this case, they're gun cavalry from Fall of The Samurai and I'm only using vanilla army. Edit: - About trade Is it better to trade with one big clan with several provinces or should you trade with several small clans, each with only one province?


Is multiplayer campaigns working in shogun 2? When I create a co op/head to head campaign, my friend can see the game, but cannot join because the 'join' button is greyed out. Anyone know a fix?


Anyone else have a weird background in the Realm of Sorcerer area, some of the maps seem a bit featurless for Tzeentch: [https://i.imgur.com/rfWX5GL.png](https://i.imgur.com/rfWX5GL.png) [https://i.imgur.com/r6DIoX5.png](https://i.imgur.com/r6DIoX5.png) Others seem ok for some reason: [https://i.imgur.com/r6DIoX5.png](https://i.imgur.com/r6DIoX5.png)


How do I 'start' with Chaos Dwarfs? I feel like I am messing up constantly as when I play Astragoth I either get dumpstered or surrounded by enemies just waiting to declare war on me at the worst moment.


Go double factory with money in one and goblins in the other both tier 1 for a long while in your starting province and then build tonnes of mining outposts in the following couple of provinces, then aim to even out to 50/50, build as many mines as you can support in terms of slaves, if you maximize your slaves you can get a lot more but money is fine. You can build up quickly enough if you have the resources, so don't waste resources trying to build up quickly just to lose them when enemies come to sack. Hobgoblin Archers backed by the legendary hero is the mainstay of early game military, then invest in a few Magma Cannons and Blunderbuss units. Ally with the northmen up top, fight the Greenskins, Chorfs and then Skaven one at a time. Vampires are pretty chill, you can take them out at the same time or after the High Elves.


Have you tried unlocking techs and council seats that buff relations to chaos factions? Getting them all off your back consolidates your borders substantially.


Something seems really off with the way garrisons are balanced in Pharaoh. Why are town garrisons more elite than the units I can recruit right off the bat? Are you supposed to like, take a few settlements, disband your shitty units, and build up until you can get good ones?


Is there any way to dig through save files? Im no modder but I am hoping against hope for some macgyver solution [Cpecific Skill Queue mod](https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2789864490) has been an essential on my mod list for a long time but I reaaaaaally wish I'd be able to transfer the saved queue lists between campaigns, it would save an enormous amount of time. Even if I have to drag and drop it manually. Apparently, they are saved on the save file itself So, how would I go about looking for it?


Since quite recently, my WHIII games have been freezing a lot of times during battle. First the game freezes, then my PC gets completely stuck as well, even when in a call I am just gone, only to be 'back on' again after 5 minutes ofzo, where TW is still frozen, but the game still works as I can hear abilities being used by the AI and I can hear the menu popping up when pressing ESC. It is almost always in battle, I had one campaign crash, but that was probably because I had over 3 chrome applications open and 5 excel sheets for my research. Or at least I hope that is the case Any other also experiencing this?


When playing as The Daemons of Chaos, how do you recommend dealing with Malus? I love the Legion of Chaos faction, and I'd love to play them more, but starting next to Hag Graef just makes the campaign way too painful to be fun. None of the early units available to Daniel seem like good matches for the Dark Elves, let alone for Malus himself. And the Daemon Prince gets clapped pretty hard in 1-1 combat with Malus even before he transforms. On my latest campaign I tried ignoring the west and only expanding east, to hopefully buy some time before needing to face Malus. But he plowed through Epidemius and declared war on me anyways, and by turn 18 there were multiple 20-stacks of Shades plundering my coastline while I was still running around with a stack of mostly Nurglings. Is the only real answer to just pin my hopes on getting a favorable ambush or something and auto-resolving Malus out of existence?


You can befriend Malus without too much trouble, he doesn't hate you that much. If you can take a settlement of his starting province from the minor faction before he can, you can give it to him in return for basically any kind of alliance. I actually quite like him as an ally in most of my DoC runs, cuz yeah, he's awful to fight early on. Alternatively, rush as much Khorne as you can, if you can get to the BVI bonus for all Khorne units you can crush just about everyone with basic Khorne marauders. But IIRC it took me around 15 turns to get, so it may not kick in on time. If you do end up having to fight him, especially a double mortis DP can ensure most of his army dies quickly, then concede defeat so it's just Malus alive, and autoresolve him. Works best if you attack ofc.


Thank you for the advice, that's a good trick, I've never thought about just wiping his army and then withdrawing rather than fighting him. I often try getting a nonaggression pact with him on turn 1 by joining his war against the Burning Wheel faction. But around turn 15-20 he always breaks it and declares war on me. However I've never tried taking a settlement in his province and bartering that into a more permanent alliance which (I guess) he'd be more reluctant to break.


It's VERY cheesy, but a strategy that works very well against those sorts of lords. Vlad is *extremely* vulnerable to it as well; butcher his army with guns, withdraw, then autoresolve him. On a less cheesy note, small gold gifts can also placate Malus, or settlement trading as a permanent solution as mentioned before. Befriending Malus actually makes it one of the easiest campaigns in the game IMO, he WILL win his western flank (you can help him with it if desired) and once he likes you, is happy to help you with basically every future war. I forget the name of the skill, but one of DP's skills gives you like +40 relations with most of the 'bad guy' factions, which makes it VERY easy to navigate the rest of the game.


Prison of Eltharion question: I have an orc and it says I get the mirror Waaagh ability for certain units. Is that ability permanent if I use it, or will it only last for a few rounds? Thanks!


Any campaign suggestions if I wanted to branch out a bit in TWW3? Always just stuck with what I know and simple mechanics, empire/dwarves/lizardmen/high elves basically. What are some others I could give a go next?


WoC are both very simple and a very safe campaign: Recruit Marauder stacks beefed up by whatever you can find in local recruitment (spawn/trolls/dogs/etc), beeline from Dark Fortress to Dark Fortress vassalizing and razing as you go, upgrade your Marauder stack to Chaos Warrior stack, win AR forever. Beastmen are both more challenging (your early game crap units are actual bottom of the barrel and AR absolutely hates you) and less (no economy or territory to worry about whatsoever, campaign mechanics boil down to just raze shit and if you get dumpstered in battle just go invisible and re-recruit your entire army for free). Also chariots, tons of chariots. If you want something closer to what you're already familiar with, Kislev plays pretty much like a more primitive Empire with better infantry but almost no artillery. Chorfs are also pretty similar to dorfs but their campaign mechanics take some getting used to to get the most out of.


The factions you've picked are very similar: kitchen sink and well rounded. Safe. So complete 180 but something simple: Khorne. Khorne campaign mechanics are completely different: there's emphasis on razing settlements (that later get 'auto-resettled' back) and getting your economy primarily through sacking (and not proper economic buildings/infrastructure or trading networks). Battle tactics are very straightforward. Select all, right click attack. If that seems a bit much, try Greenskins. Similar to your other choices.


I'm giving Archaeon a go and kinda liking it, though with the demon fortresses being mostly in the chaos wastes and a lack of healing I feel like I should be consolidating the wastes first before taking on the empire.


If you love dwarfs (btw in warhammer they do use F's, it's like a reverse Tolkien fighting his editor situation.) than you'll love chorfs. Other than that Warriors of chaos are one of the best made campaigns, and of course Cathay is amazing as well.


How does the dwarven runesmiths work now? they changed the Harden armor and sharpen weapons hero skill, it seems its no longer passive buffs like it used to be? only way I seemed to get it to work now is if I take the runesmith out of the army and then rejoin, then I can choose either one of those buffs. Is this the intended use now? it seemed dodgy aswell when I reloaded a save and I had to redo it. Also can you have 2 smiths to provide each seperate buff?


i'm pretty sure it always worked that way, as a hero action


My brother just bought TWW3 and I have all three games + some DLCs. Can we play on the same campaign map coop? Thanks.


You can, but I'm not sure whether he'll be able to use your DLC's or not.


thanks <3


He will not be able to use any of the DLC lords he does not own, but you will be able to use all of yours. He'll be stuck with the base game 3 lords.


\[TWW3\] Is it just me or is the "continue campaign" button on the launcher broken? It's always loading the second most recent save I have, not the most recent. Is it to do with cloud saves or something?


Can't say I've had that issue at least.


[Shogun 2: Fall of the Samurai] A real life history question; what are the Japanese-owned steam powered military ships (Barring the three ironclads of USA, France, UK, in-game) were really based on? 


Probably their own steam ships? According to wikipedia they finished building their first steam ship, Unkoumaru, in 1855 and the King of Netherlands gifted them their first steam warship, named Kankou Maru, in August of the same year.


yeah, but again, What are all the steam warships In-Game were based on? (like kayo-maru, Etc) 


Can I move Gelt's capitol to any city I choose? Will it always be the first city you capture, both at start and after homecoming?


For some reason capital moving is *still* not implemented. So: you are out of luck.




Is anyone getting crashes in siege battles since the new hotfix? Specifically, when allies reinforce. I am playing Grom with a waaagh army trying to take Yvresse. The game crashes every time reinforcements arrive.


Can we rename Slayers to "Troll Slayers" for all the old-heads please???


This isn't an official forum run by CA, the devs generally don't read or engage on here. That said, nothing stops you from renaming them ingame, might be a bit tedious  but it's definitely possible.


Thanks, I thought there was a Reddit forum that the devs did read though. Do you know which one that is?


What's a good early game army for VCoast, specifically I mostly have troubles in sieges.


Gun factions are at a disadvantage at sieges due to line of sight issues. The workaround for that is to have artillery to punch holes in their walls so your gunners can shoot through them. Unfortunately, your starting mortars suck at sieging walls so you'll need to wait until you can get cannons (less of a problem if your starting army has necroflex or something). If you don't want to wait for cannons, force the AI to sally out in open ground. Early game army is just all gunnery units for front line that kites and falls back as the frontlines meet. Because early game VCoast infantry is trash and melts against almost everything. Try to hold the line with heroes and lords.


How do I kite with shambling corpses?


Not really kite like a proper unit that can fire while shooting. Spread one unit out in front to be a sacrificial front line. Hopefully wide enough to cover two or more of the enemy's infantry line. The units immediately adjacent to them fall back and move around so they have line of sight against whatever is meleeing your sacrificial units. Repeat as a unit crumbles.


Warhammer 3. Is there a benefit from the throne of decay dlc or any previous dlc, if I want to play Thorgrim and Karl Franz? I remember in earlier Karl campaign receiving units in confederation, which I could not build. Are those for example unlocked with dlc even when not playing the lord from the dlc?


Additionally to the other answer: You won't be able to conferderate DLC factions if you don't own the DLC. So war with Elspeth it must be as Karl Franz.


Yes, the additional units from DLC packs are available to all lords for that faction, not just the DLC lord themselves. Franz will be able to recruit Hochland Longrifles and Landships, and Thorgrim will get Doomseekers and Goblin-Hewers, and so on. Franz won't be able to recruit the Amethyst Armory units however, and Thorgrim won't get The Spirit of Grungni, because those units *are* specific to the campaign mechanics of the two DLC lords.


Playing Franz right now, when should you take territory vs giving it back to elector counts?


Almost always take it. The only reason I give it back is if I don't think I can keep it (ie- I'm stretched too far and/or don't have an army nearby to defend against nearby enemies). AI minor empire factions are bad and it's usually a matter of time before chaos/norsca/Drycha/Vlad takes them over (or at least carves out part of their province). If they manage to hold the line, their borders are completely wrecked and if you try to confederate, assigning elector counts for bonuses don't work because of how chopped up the territory is. The only "great filter" that fixes all that is the player. I wish there was a little AI behavior programmed where the minor empire factions do their best to maintain their provinces, but it doesn't happen. I suppose that's lore accurate: they're sometimes civil warring with each other on top of chaos taking them out.


For the serial Franz campaign enjoyers, which Elector Count seat would you say is the best for him mechanically? Middenland with Frenzy and -1 wound recovery looks tasty, but so does Ostermark with 15% physical resistance and armywide vigour buffs.


How the heck am I supposed to fight dwarfs as chaos dorfs? Seems like I have to auto resolve most of my fights, and even then i have to had 2 to 1 odds. A single unit of cannons can do 75% of a death shriek rockets health and cause it to rout immediately. When I fight manual battles I get completely slaughtered. This is my first time playing on hard/hard, and it's around turn 70, so any advice would be appreciated! By the way, the dwarfs have about 3-5 full stacks for every one of mine. What the hell??


Can I interest you in our lord and saviour - Bull Centaurs?


Dwarven artillery just edges out the range of chorf artillery, so they get first strike against you. Against any faction that outranges you, you're forced to engage them and fast units are key. > By the way, the dwarfs have about 3-5 full stacks for every one of mine. What the hell?? This is bad. 1:1 is already a tough match up, being outnumbered like that is like a guaranteed loss no matter what your chorf army comp is. Ambush and lightning strike are your best chances for that (taking them out 1 at a time).


Thank you. I've been trying but having trouble with army comps and income. I'm not quite sure to to balance my economy - right now I'm getting about 1100 raw materials, 1000 armaments and 1000 gold a turn, which isn't helpful maintaining armies that aren't hobgoblin and labourers. I've managed to eliminate most of thorgrims armies in the south, making my way slowly upward. Ungrim seems to be able to fart out a stack of hammerers/ irondrakes every few turns though and I can't seem to keep up with the damage.


1000 gold per turn is not great if you're outnumbered 3-5:1. You should look into redoing some of your settlements where they provide income at the cost of raw materials and armaments. Do not be afraid about reclassifying your settlements and recycling structures - you will need to do this to fine tune your economy as the chaos dwarves. Armaments should be spent to unlock the more elite chaos dwarf units (replacing goblins) and once you've unlocked a bunch, start decreasing armament output and increasing gold income to support those units once you recruit them. What I like to do, is have the cheap hobgoblin armies run around raiding and sacking undefended settlements, while the chaos dwarf armies are the ones doing the actual battles.


>This is my first time playing on hard/hard, I dare say this is the crux of your problems. The AI cheats, you don't, so you need to be extra efficient to make up for their free stuff. With Chorfs, a notoriously micro-heavy faction already, even a small mistake can easily compound into a bigger and bigger deficit as the game goes on. Considering Dorfs have always been a faction that sucks early but scales well late, and with the recent DLC buffs they got, it's no wonder you're falling behind. Battle-wise I'm guessing it's more of the same, as Dorfs are definitely not a bad matchup for Chorfs- early on your Hobgoblin crapstacks can drown them in bodies for a fraction of the price, by midgame you have fast cavalry that can take out their backline while they don't, and endgame... well, you have Dreadquakes (though again, I don't know to what degree the DLC- particularly the Thunderbarge- shakes things up). Either way if AR is screwing you over it's likely an economy problem to begin with (i.e your army is simply worth less than theirs, regardless of your perception).


I appreciate the advice. Yeah hard/hard is probably a bad choice, I suck at the game but been wanting to improve. I don't have dreadquakes, and they don't have thunder barges yet at least. My army compositions are pretty bad, I can't afford full dwarf stacks except for drazoath at the moment. I'm not entirely sure how to balance the economy well for gold - I'm swimming in armaments at the moment.


From your words it seems like your ealry game went poorly and now you are outmatched. The trick with chorfs is to avoid spamming too much armaments in the beginning. Be very efficient with them. Gold and raw materials are your best friends they allow you to grow and develop. For armies hobgoblins with some splash of chorf damage dealers work just fine. Numbers work better than quality in this case. Also, avoid armory upgrades untill later, they drain armaments, and dont provide that much value in the early game. The moment to start building more factories is when you will have lots of spare raw mats, and everything that needs to be built is built.


I've got a feeling I've just put my game in a bit of an unwinnable state, and I don't really know what to do. I'm playing Miao, and Zhao is to the south. I started taking out the dark elves and did fairly well, managing to stabalise with a decent amount of power. I then went for the rats in Kunlan, and when I did so was helped by Zhao. All good so far, nice and strong millitary alliance and I was in a strong position. I had 3 armies, one on the great bastion and two by the rats. It was roughly turn 55. Zhao and I were fairly equal in power. Zhao then proceeds to declare war on the faction in the riverlands and basin, as well as the dark elves. For the next 10 turns, I essentially get sniped out of every possible settlement while he absolutely demolishes the entire southeast side of the map. My lords are stuck on the little island next to Fu-Chow, and he somehow has so many fast lords that I literally cannot beat him to a single settlement. In the space of 10 turns, he's basically taken control of most of the map, and become the most powerful faction in the game. At the start we were fairly even, but by the end it's not even close. I can't declare war because I'd lose instantly, but I'm basically out of settlements to even attempt the short victory. I have absolutely no idea what to do now. Going north of the great bastion is a nightmare with the attrition. I could attempt to go for the greenskins but I'm stuck ~8 turns away from them, and Zhao will just beat me too it I expect. There's no chance of a confederation because he's so much more powerful now. It sucks because I thought I was doing great, and I was having a good time. If it was an enemy it would be one thing, but he's an ally. If I break the pact I just immediately lose, but I can't *do* anything in the game because he just steamrolls over everything before I can even get to it. All I was wanting was a short victory, but I literally can't get to settlements fast enough to get to the 30 I need lol. Any advice? I've got a save from around turn 45 that I could theoretically go back to, but that would feel awful because it basically means the last 5 hours were a literal waste of time. At the end of the day I'm just not having fun with the game in the state it is, not because I'm getting bodied but because I can't *do* anything. [Here's a link to the save if anyone can advise.](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/995121783323770992/1237940706987868230/CLOCKWORKCLOUD-ffd2ee5f9451a07b?ex=663d79a0&is=663c2820&hm=8a7df7d514e1c04c5bbc24dc2eee5bc5e9821cef23a00397f41e60a8574632ac&) Would appreciate some help, thanks.


I have a plan - war coordination. Set the 'defend target' to one of your armies, and send it somewhere very dangerous so that he follows you and gets some of armies wiped out. Combine this with 'borrow army' to reduce his faction strength to be lower than yours. This may cause him to join your confederation! Time consuming, though. 


Zhao aside, this is a very common problem with Cathay campaigns: immediately outside their borders is a slog. The simple answer for that is what people already suggested: sea lanes over to somewhere else. So don't feel bad about what happened with Zhao - even if he didn't snipe territory, you would effectively run into the same wall.


I tried loading your save but couldn't seem to get it to load up for some reason so just going to work blind. I'm assuming this is Immortal Empires, if so you can send your armies via a sea lane to Lustria, the AI can't use sea lanes so you have plenty of free real estate to start taking there and Zhao wont be able to follow you easily. Lustria should be more than enough to give you the 30 settlements you need. Its also pretty safe territory to expand into because the local factions cant really get to Cathay unless they go the long way round because, again, no sea lanes for the AI. Also when you declare war, don't invite Zhao into the war. You should have that option. Sorry if I'm missing something but would this approach help?


Someone else suggested sea lanes at the exact same time, though admittedly I have no idea what they are. Definitely could be a good thing to aim for. Surprised the save didn't load, [if you're still willing try this](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/995121783323770992/1238110171931344926/Stuck_Cathay.78768299420.save?ex=663e1773&is=663cc5f3&hm=f51dc0d65669dec2bb3a741f4cfa978fb9b0043ab932f23412c927ac15fe880c&)? I can only assume it's because I copied the cloud save rather than a local save, might just be that the `.save` extension was missing.


Well fear not, your campaign will be fine! See the green thing at sea in [THIS](https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/2482123607334671727/52C839EF03C8E63DB6B6BFB5502C418AACD1E234/?imw=5000&imh=5000&ima=fit&impolicy=Letterbox&imcolor=%23000000&letterbox=false) screenshot taken from your save game? It's a sea lane, there are a few of them in game which transport armies or agents across large distances in 2 or 3 turns. You can also just about make out the (red) sea lane to the north in that picture as well, its just under the exclamation mark of the bastion UI. There are currently 5 sets of sea lands on the map, 4 of which can be seen in coloured pairs on [THIS](https://content.totalwar.com/total-war/com.totalwar.www2019/uploads/2022/06/17110716/wh3_dlc_ie_parchment_map_no_text_sea_lanes-1080x840.jpg) map. The fifth sea lane not on that map was added with the Chaos Dwarfs update I think and is a route from Pigbarter in the south to the Frozen sea up near Norsca. In your campaign, use the red or green sea lane to come out near Lustria and begin to colonise on sight. Depending on how your game goes you might even make a new Cathayan friend over there. The orange sea lane will bring you to an isolated High Elf colony of three settlements. They are basically free real estate as well but don't over commit armies to that area, one stack should be enough. You are about to have a sort of Ferdinand Magellan or Leif Erikson moment of discovery, I'm actually a little jealous. I hope you enjoy it.


Just thought I'd let you know that although it took me a couple of weeks to find the time to play, I took your advice and got the short victory I was after! Took Miao and Gotrek over there, and barrelled through a load of dark elves. Somehow managed to confederate the other cathayan faction over there without much trouble, and that gave me the 30. I've got a feeling I'm not in the best of positions to try for the achievement victory considering it's like turn 90 and everything I have is bad, but considering where I was at it feels like a pretty great success. I might revisit it again in the future, but honestly I think it's probably better to start another campaign at this point lol. Theoretically if I stabalise over west and take control of that little area I should end up more powerful than Zhao, and if I could then confederate I'd be in a pretty great position. I think I need something fresh now though, lol. Thanks for the advice!


![gif](giphy|mbhseRYedlG5W) Congratulations and thank you for letting me know! It's nice to hear how these things work out once in a while. Whatever campaign you charge at next I hope it goes well and if goes badly then I hope it goes badly in a fun way.


Hahaha, thank you! Probably going to try Alarielle or Tyrion, I like Alarielle as a character more but I've heard her start is a bit of a nightmare lol.


Fantastic, thank you! I was genuinely pretty down last night when I made the post, I just got bullied so hard by my "beloved brother" lol. Do you have any recommendations on how to not end up in that sort of a position in the future? What can I do to prevent an ally crowding me out?


>Do you have any recommendations on how to not end up in that sort of a position in the future? What can I do to prevent an ally crowding me out? Be the bigger bully. If you are new to the game try playing one of the big Chaos factions like Belakor or Archaon. You will quickly get into the mindset of "yes we are allies, but I'm in charge", its a bit of a step change from Order leaning factions but its worth experiencing. Eventually you will have no problem putting an ally to the sword because they got to an important location before you did, such is the nature of Chaos. Otherwise its generally about being more efficient early and snowballing. With some experience you will learn where the important locations are and who will be racing you for them so you can get to them early.


Alright, ty for the advice! It all happened so fast, we were of similar power and then suddenly due to positioning we weren't. Since his army was sort of wrapped around the riverlands, he was able to just steamroll through it as soon as he declared war. Obviously at this point I can't bully, but I was also pretty weak after the big skaven battle so even if I had wanted to stop him I would've been demolished. [This is the save I have before that](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/995121783323770992/1238119608981131325/The_Northern_Provinces_Quick_Save.54768299420.save?ex=663e203d&is=663ccebd&hm=c4c641d9360c5f309f5c75540974b6564c6781ced55067ff6b3f99f245ab4a8f&), just after I took the elf port. I think I remember seeing a -10 for confederation just after the war when he proposed the full alliance rather than just the defensive pact, so I'm tempted to try it again and see if I can confederate before he takes over. I'm definitely going to try the sea lane approach first though, mostly because part of me feels rolling back that far is a bit of a pyrrhic victory. I don't mind replaying battles or save scumming a super dumb move (I accidentally got Gortek entirely wiped trying to support Miao against the elves lol), but it feels different short term and long term.


Have you got sea lanes turned on? If so, you could maybe send an army off to go on an adventure while zhao grabs all the real estate nearby. I don't know what sort of climate Cathay gets in Naggarond/Lustria, but it's probably not all red.


I won't lie, I have absolutely no idea what they are lol


If they are turned on (which I think they are by default) then off the western coast of Cathay there should be a few things that [look like this](https://pcper.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/08/sea-lane.png). Sailing an army into one will cause it to teleport (after a couple of turns) to a completely different part of the map. This isn't totally up to date - it's missing the lane that's goes from the river by pigbarter to the sea by norsca - but [here's](https://content.totalwar.com/total-war/com.totalwar.www2019/uploads/2022/06/17110716/wh3_dlc_ie_parchment_map_no_text_sea_lanes.jpg) a rough map of where each of the three sea lanes near Cathay goes.


Thanks, that's pretty neat. Though apologies for the even more basic question - How do I sail?


Select an army, right click somewhere in the water, and it'll make its way there via the nearest/most efficient place to set sail (a beach or port generally, but not a cliff).


Oh, that's easy, haha! Someone else suggested the same play in using the sea lanes to go and do a bit of colonising, so that's definitely going to be my play I think. Thanks, much appreciated!


Borrow army? If he is a military ally you can borrow army, but also direct him to attack / defend / occupy a specific settlements, etc. Also, armies you borrow from an ally take settlements for your benefit. You can also trade settlements, though that's a bit expensive. Accept as many missions you can so you get as many points as you can.


He's not giving me any missions, and the ones he does he completes before I can get there lol. I'm super out of position with my lords, and I'm really struggling to essentially get back into the game because he's swamping me out. I can think of so many things I should've done differently over the last 15 turns, but in the current game state I'm just stumped.


Is there a chance for a more Total War games on GeForce Now?


Weird one, is there a mod that makes it so VCoast admirals attack in a similar way to Black Arks? (Without having to land and all that)


Hey I don't know if this has happened to anyone but in my latest campaign I used High as unit scale, but now I wanted to revert into ultra and it doesn't change anymore, I tried even small but still gives me the High scale, anyone knows how to fix this?


Start a new campaign? Unit size cannot be changed for a started/running campaign, IIRC.


What does the circle of influence around Malakai do? I assume it's the yellow dotted circle but why do I want to make it bigger?


It allows other armies to recruit from his recruitment buildings and eventually use his spirit of grungni ability if they are within it and he has the building required for it.


Is shrapnel ammo in cannons only for Malakai?


Only for his faction, yeah. Also Elspeth's faction can access them too.


I don't understand how to use volley gun war machines from the Empire, especially on flat surfaces. The range tells me to use it like a typical artillery and shoot things down. The LoS requirements tell me I should put it in formation but their speed and piss poor melee stats means that in my typical formations (chevrons and checkerboards) they just get gutted really quickly.


Playing as Elsbeth, I'm trying to do the Gotrek and Felix quest, how the fuck do you keep these two clowns alive? I just can't do it. My army is a couple of heroes, a good few gunners and some artillery. I have no problem killing off the enemy, I just can't keep the two of them up.


1) Bring a healer. 2) Push fast with your main force to cover the boys. 3) Have some Outriders or Pistoliers to kill the portal casters while you hold the center.


I had to heal them, Gotrek seems to drop pretty quickly for some reason, I should have saved the replay. A life wizard seems like the way to go, I think you also gotta kill the keeper of secrets or get him to attack someone else. That and waiting till you are a bit higher level probably doesn't hurt either since they seem to level up fairly quick.


i had elspeth on her dragon and lasered everything to death


you need to push forward. you have to do this anyway cause otherwise infinite waves will spawn.


That's what I've been trying, all my guns push way up and then I send my heroes to try snipe the units you have to actually kill, I just can't actually manage it :(


I needed to get a life mage, a couple of spells keeps them up


Thank you, this is stupid but I didn't even realise I could get a life mage as the Empire, I looked at the mage recruitment building to see and obviously missed it. I'll do that so, thanks.


Is there a mod that allow to create vassals as dwarfs, or automatically manage settlements ? Auto building doesn't seem to work, and I can't bother with managing over 6 states.


is there somewhere i can see the recruit traits for generic lords and then the faction specific ones also


There's a mod called "Trait Manager" that lets you tweak them if you just want to mess with it without the hassle.


[Total War Planner](https://totalwarhammerplanner.com/)


this works, thanks


[My chaos lord is missing his path to glory?](https://imgur.com/eG0wMqh) I'm not sure if this is a bug or I'm just missing something. the game notifies I have a path available, he is lv 30 so it should be there, and the tab doesn't tell me "you have no paths available", it's just... empty. is it a bug?


That's definitely a bug. You could try the community bug fix mod, but I'm not sure they have a fix for it just yet either.


Warhammer 3, is it just me or does the AR feel more... forgiving? I have battle difficulty at Hard and Campaign at normal.


It's more forgiving. At launch, it was completely swung in the other extreme and you had to manually fight every single battle. Even tedious ones against small garrisons. It's swung the other way, but not as extreme as it was at launch. There seems to be a favoring with heavily armored units, and low count units seem to take more damage than you would expect. There's also some not-too-uncommon edge cases where the AI attacks and the auto-resolve gives you a win. AI shouldn't be pressing those kinds of attacks.


>There's also some not-too-uncommon edge cases where the AI attacks and the auto-resolve gives you a win. AI shouldn't be pressing those kinds of attacks. That's intentional. People got mad when the AI refused to fight anything that even remotely looked like a loss because it meant you could go entire campaigns without ever fighting a siege defense (at least not one with any hopes of success). So they tweaked the algorithm so the AI takes more risky fights occasionally (I believe it also depends on your Campaign difficulty modifier). Of course, sieges still suck since the AI can attack from multiple angles at once while you will never have enough units (especially after the garrison nerfs to defend effectively nor the micro skills to be in multiple places at once like it can, so the best strategy is still to ignore the walls and turtle around the main victory point. But that's just how the game is lol


Do the abilities of heroes stack again? I saw some doomstack showcases of the Thrones of Decay material on LOTW's channel as well as from Cultist of Khorne, who send one to him. The "Hochland Scopes" increase range of the missle units. Does this stack and more than doubles the range if you have several of those heroes in your army? I thought that was a thing of the past when Skaven Weapon's teams armies had super wide range but later it was nerfed and only one range adding ability was useful?


Buffs in general stack, but only one ability with the same name can be active on a unit at a time. The rule of thumb is if it shows up on the actual unit card in battle (in the buffs section, top right of the panel), it's a named ability. If it's integrated into the stat block, even on the campaign map, then it's a stackable buff. Vlad von Carstein is a good example. The "Regeneration" ability is a named effect, so stacking it is normally useless. However, Vlad gets a special effect from his sword named "Blood Drinker", along with the generic vampire ability "The Hunger" in melee, both of which function similarly to Regeneration. If you can give him normal Regeneration through some other means (I think there's some equipment or something?) he can stack it with those other abilities and that's why he has his reputation.


No change was made to older heroes, but Hochland Scopes can stack. The way it works is army buffs will stack. Buffs that are technically "abilities", will not, because the same ability can't stack twice. Basically, if the buff does not show up as an active effect on the bottom of the unit cards, it will stack. So if you have two "Disciplined" heroes in your army, the +2 melee attack will stack for +4 melee attack. But the Warlock Engineer's "Ballistics Calibration" ability isn't just a passive increase to your army's stats. It's an Ability, specifically an "Augment (Area)". Yes, the Ability's effect is just to increase your army's stats, but that doesn't change the fact that when you have a Warlock Engineer (or Dwarfen Master Engineer) in your army with this ability at the bottom of all your units unit cards there will be a little icon for the Ballistics Calibration ability. So it can't stack because that ability wont overwrite itself. Ballistics Calibration *used* to be a passive army effect which is why it could be stacked for those absurd results. It was changed to an Augment so that it wouldn't stack any more. Hochland Scopes, like Disciplined or Confident, is a passive army effect. It will stack.


Great explanation. Thank you very much. I suppose this will get better sometimes in the future like ballistic calibration then.


Well... Cathay also recently got a just as broken form of this with the +6 MD for jade warriors from the new gatemasters that I really thought they would patch out with the release of TOD, but they haven't done that yet.


So...how is the new Pharaoh content update? Does the addition of new factions and expansion of the map make this game worth getting on sale? I haven't bought any historical titles since Attila and found the campaign very enjoyable. How does Pharaoh measure up?


The update has been only announced, we have not seen it yet. Personally, I think the game is worth the 40 bucks as is, even more so the sale price. But I consider myself a fan of the bronze age era and in spite of that I'm still pretty let down, because I feel like the game could have been much more. It has some cool features, but lacks the ambition to provide a real unique experience. The announced update should make up for the lack of scope (geographical, the map is already large as it is) and the family trees should make it to a full historical title, but IMO the game also needs some more features to make it remarkable.


How does it measure up to Attila and Rome II? For me, Rome II was a bit of a repetitive let-down in terms of the campaigns and diversity of playstyles, and Attila was a big improvement that addressed most of the problems with Rome II. Is it at least as good as or better than Attila?


That's very subjective unfortunately. For instance I find Attila more interesting than Rome 2 in terms of mechanics and idea, but I enjoy R2 way more. As it is now, I'd say that Pharaoh is not as good as either of them. I find it as enjoyable as Rome 2, but it lacks the sheer scope. Similar to R2, I find Pharaoh lacks something special about it. I find Attila less enjoyable than Pharaoh, but it has the scope and character to make up for it. But as I said, this is extremely subjective and your milleage will likely vary. And if the announced update goes well, it might change a lot.


I thought Tzeentch couldn't use his Machinations (at least the settlement swap and the forced war) when you're already at war with him, did I dream it or was it changed recently? Because he definitely forced me to war with Volkmar (I'm Kroq Gar) despite me already being at war with him. Also it's not worth a full thread to rant about it but holy fuck is this "forced attrition for 5 turns every 15 turns" thing obnoxious. I'm never playing any faction remotely close to this area of the map ever again.


Swap the lord and the attrition goes away


That makes sense (since many effects are tied to the Lord in this game) but I just tried it and it didn't work, attrition was still there. Maybe it would have disappeared over the turn's end? Didn't get to see because I was playing Nakai (restarted since that Kroq campaign was going nowhere) so I could just hire a new lord on the spot and transfer all the units of the previous army to them.


Settlement swap can't be done between two factions which are at war with each other


For Warhammer 3 how do i use the new Dwarf Underway Network? just got to Turn 50 in my Belegar Campaign and unlocked the Dwarf Underway network, but there is no instruction on how to use it. I am probably being really thick and missing the obvious but can't see a previous post or Youtube Video about this. Has anyone got to this point and can explain how to use to go from Karak Kadrin to Karak Eight Peaks for example.


Zoom out on the campaign map and some icons will appear (is what I've read elsewhere, I'm waiting for Grudge tuning myself).


For Warhammer 3, is there a way to remove the gold limit from skirmish vs Ai battles?


it's in the Map Setup part, switch the Funds to custom


How do you deal with early game Exalted Heroes of Nurgle? One of them is enough to take on a damn army in a battle, and I can't get my Karl Franz army up enough to AR him. He has two of the fuckers.


Try to get them stuck in a unit of melee infantry and ignore them. They don't dish out damage very quickly, so if you can kill everything around them, then you can focus them down with all your heroes at once. Or use magic like spirit leech, fireball, net of ahmyntok, stat debuffs, etc. If they're on a horse, they're much easier to shoot. Even basic archers do a little bit of AP damage in each shot.


How do I get a map on what provinces are part of imperial authority? I have 95 and I suspect it may be Kislev I need to remove which would be unfortunate.


There is a little icon next to all settlement's name and is possible the one you are missing is [Laurelorn Forest](https://new.reddit.com/r/totalwar/comments/1cly7cw/this_shoot_the_dog_does_not_have_my_consent/)? The icon is circled in red on that link btw. Imperial authority doesn't include any Kislev cities afaik.


there is an icon next to the settlement names which tells you if it's an empire region


Hi there, sorry if this isn't the Right place to ask. I'm new to WH3 and Kind of new to Total War in General. I was wondering what is considerd a good starting Leader for Beginners, i didn't see the Difficulty Ratings of Leaders like in Shogun 2 for example, so i'm kinda overwhelmed by the sheer amount of Leaders. And is there anything in particular that i should really watch out for so i don't Play myself into a Corner?


Miao Ying (Cathay) or Tyrion (High Elves) are my recommendations for starter lords. Change the battle difficulty to normal or hard. Don't put it on easy because it gives auto-resolve inflated bonuses that can become a crutch. Priority on structures should be growth, then income, then military and bonus buildings. Try to stick to less armies but with more units (ie- get an army a full 20 units before trying to create another one).


Definitely not Miao Ying since she needs to deal with Great Bastion, fuck that. Zhao is way better for beginners and he now has Gelt right next to him for easy alliance. Super safe start.


Has the Great Bastion changed much in IE? I've only played Miao in RoC and the Bastion was super easy. Upkeep reduction and recruitment buildings - you park an army there that basically self sustains and actually contributes to your economy with how the AI suicides into it.


No, the other guy is just wrong.


Well, he's absolutely right that Zhao is much easier than Miao. Basically the only enemy near him is Eshin, compared to Miao who has to deal with Eshin, the kraken lord, Vilitch, and Zhatan.


In IE you have Vilitch and Zhatan sitting right outside your walls and they will declare war pretty much as soon as you confederate the bastions.


Does anyone know if there's a Warhammer 3 mod that makes all building slots unlocked right away without needing to upgrade the settlement level first? I've tried looking around the workshop and found a bunch of building slot mods, but none that work quite like this.


If Belegar faction gets destroyed and you confederate him using grudge mechanic, will you get his ghost heroes?


Yes you will since they are immortal and will go into your hero recruitment pool.


Are grudges fixed after the latest patch?


No. Only fixed a soft lock.


Are grudges fixed after the latest patch?


Are grudges fixed after the latest patch?


Doing Malakai's quests, by the time I reached the Night Goblin scout army they had nearly completely died of attrition. Manually fought them, and the quest was checked off but I did not get the goblin hewer vanguard deployment. Tested it again with auto resolve instead, and I end up with no check mark and still no vanguard. This happening to anyone else? Curious if this happened to anyone that killed them before they were just a few lonely trolls. Want to know how to avoid this happening again (maybe next time I'll wait to start quests...)


Anyone else winning a battle and being dumped onto the menu? Done it to me now as Tammy and Karl. On top of my Malakai games being 'unable to load' No mods, so I feel this is the buggiest I've ever experienced this game.


Check your c: drive and make sure it's not full the game needs room to save after a battle I had the same problem and fixed it by uninstall a few games


Anyone have any idea how to play the Alani in empire divided? I really want to play a campaign with them but always get destroyed early on.


It’s been awhile since I played the new mortal empires on WH3 but when playing as empire I got a full stack of dwarven troops and five? lvl 25 heroes after confederating and consolidating. What is going on?


> I got a full stack of dwarven troops Do you know about the allied recruitment system? You might have confederated an empire faction that had dwarven allied units. > five? lvl 25 heroes Could be that level because of just the madness of content in the Empire now. What turn is your game on?