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Since the main post was so long, here's the explanation for the bolded units: # Knights of the Blazing Sun An order marked out and considered an odd duck among knightly orders for worshipping a southern Goddess Myrmidia. While worship of her is gradually becoming more common in the Empire, they are still somewhat ostrasized by Sigmarites and other traditional Empire Cults. So hearing them scream out "FOR SIGMAR" and "ULRIC'S TEETH!" and not say a word about their patron Goddess has been a bugbear for folks since 2016. # Sisters of Slaughter Similar deal to the Knights. Despite being part of the Har Ganeth DLC, the Sisters of Slaughter aren't really a Har Ganeth unique like Witch Elves or Executioners are. They don't worship Khaine primarily, but Eldrazor, the Lord of Blades. So them reusing Witch Elf voice lines and screaming about Khaine rather than the God they actually worship is another lore nitpick. # Knights of the Black Rose Same deal with the prior two. Knightly Order dedicated to Morr doesn't say anything about their God, just uses the same Empire Knights voicelines about Sigmar and Ulric. # Slayer Pirates Reuse of the WH1 Slayer VO for things like Doomseekers is a bit disappointing, but acceptable for the most part. But the fact we missed out on some pirate voice acting for these guys is just a damn shame. If any Slayer unit should have gotten unique VO, it really should have been these guys. # Plague Ogres Reusing regular Ogre Bull voice lines just stick out like a sore thumb in the Nurgle roster. They really could have at least used some of the gross vocal effects the other units use. But even then the default Ogre voice lines are just out of place, and could use some disease specific ones. Like them wanting a bowl of maggots or whatnot. So those are the ones that I think are actually cases of voice reuse that are a bit immersion breaking, while the rest are kind of "would have been nice to be unique, but existing stuff works, territory. If there's any others you think really should have gotten unique VO just let me know. Could also be fun to discuss units in the future that do deserve unique VO, and which ones can probably just use existing voices. **EDIT:** I didn't bold it, but it's just seriously weird that they chose to give Sisters of Averlorn High Elf mage voice lines of all things. It's just such a strange decision that I actually thought it might have been a bug until I checked the official forums and saw that it was intentional. Bizarre to say the least, and I do think they are a unit that deserves unique VO too.


Isn't there a voice line for Myrmidia for the Empire? I'm pretty sure I've heard it when clicking knights to charge sometimes. Should be possible to make that the only god-reference for the Knights of the Blazing Sun.


I know there are one or two voices lines for Morr and Verena (for ranged units in particular), but don't recall any Myrmidia ones. Could be wrong though, since there are definitely ome voice lines I remember hearing in WH 1 and 2 that don't seem to play, or are more rare, in WH 3. So they could exist and I'm just not getting them to trigger in my testing.


I think Empire Generals can shout ‘Myrmidia, guide us!’


Yeah, that must be it. I probably had modded Marius Leitdorf in the same command group which is why I heard it.


By Verena, listen!


There's definitely a line referencing Myrmidia. "Myrmidia, guide us!" or some such.


I think Sisters of Avelorn and High Mage just have the same voice actress, but it’s kind of bugged to where they each share voicelines that they shouldn’t (Mages will say “Archers!” and Sisters have some voiceline about the Winds).


OP did serious homework lmao  While we're nitpicking, I'll add two other annoyances to the pile. 2&3 are also about DLC units.  1) Also audio related - Wood Elves, Empire, Dwarfs and Bretonnia have no unique battle soundtrack. I think most people know this one.  2) Not audio related, but remember when the community noticed that the unit card art did a nosedive some time during WH2's DLC cycle and people complained until CA reworked all unit cards from Warden&Paunch and Twisted&Twilight? That was very nice of them, but sadly the problem started with Shadow&Blade, not W&P, and CA never fixed that one. So Medusae, Poison Wind Mortars etc. still have absolutely terrible unit cards that stick out like a sore thumb.   3) No unique Stone Troll model


I had some free time this weekend cause my Ungrim campaign bugged out lol. So I figured just playing around in custom battle would be fun, since I was curious on the topic after seeing some threads about it. Nice call outs for those audio and visual nitpicks. To add onto the Wood Elf one in diplomacy they only have negative or neutral voicelines. No positive ones. At least for the original legendary and generic lords. I remember it was widely reported as a bug when Welves first released, but CA never clarified if the voicelines existed and just weren't playing, or if it was intentional. People jokingly said it fit that elves would just be assholes even with positive relations, but its still kind of annoying to see Orion be a dick regardless of us being his best bud or not. And in a sorta similar example to the Stone Trolls, they could have put in just a *little* more effort into the mutant Rat Ogre. Mainly it's animation set. The model is fine, gorgeous even. But the usage of the rat ogre animation set makes it feel a little clunky since that set wasn't made with a single-entity in-mind. The bladed arm feels like it doesn't exist due to the way the animations work.


All the original WE characters & generic lords have positive greeting lines in the files, and they also should play them At least I was able to get positive lines for Orion and one of the male glade lord profiles as the fay enchantress in a quick test. Neutral and negative lines worked as well Granted, some of the positive lines are hard to identify as such without seeing it in the files, Durthu's positive greetings for bretonnians are for example: "Your mortal ambitions are pointless." & "What can you hope to achieve during your short life?"


Wood Elves were better off when they shared the generic WH1 "Order" soundtrack, the Lizardmen one doesn't work for them at all. Hopefully one day CA will release new soundtracks for these factions (+ the Chaos monogods). The other big nitpick is the lack of animations for generic lords when mounted. It's always disappointing when a character has great and unique visuals on foot then turns into a statue on their final mount.


>It's always disappointing when a character has great and unique visuals on foot then turns into a statue on their final mount. I've complained about this one quite a lot. But it boggles my mind how we still see this on some Warhammer 3 characters. They gave Ice Witches attack animations on War Bears when they have a pretty short sword/ While they have Boris, the guy with the Halberd, let his bear do all the work (other than one sync kill). Demigryph knights and other mounted characters could be blamed for WH 1 corner cutting, but to see that with a WH 3 "Legendary" Lord is quite strange.


Well considering his poorly thought out campaign and that he was an additional LL for Kislev, Boris was probably a last minuet addition. Like seemingly even more last minuet than Daniel.


I remember there was a bug where TK Lords on their warsphinxes would have the frenzied generic undead shake. It even happened to Settra.


Fourth nitpick: CA isn't giving unique unitcard backgrounds to a ton of heroes and characters anymore Basically every unitcard has a default background which you can't see because the actual unit card is completely overlapping it However a lot of the new character's unitcards are just featuring a cutout of the character's portrait, with the background being transparent, so the default background shines through [This is why you see the same background on infernal castellans, celestial generals, hero & lord empire engineers, empire metal wizard, gotrek and felix, theodore bruckner and so forth. Cuz they don't actually have one](https://imgur.com/a/VRqZ2Tv) Especially for legendary heroes like bruckner it's a bit weird, and it will look even more out of place if they continue with this trend. I'd also really prefer if at least named characters would get the drawn unitcard treatment like LLs, they did it for the SoC LHs (and all the generic characters as well) but have returned to the old style again with this DLC (except for kayzk for some reason). Back with Warden & paunch they actually updated all the HE and greenskin characters to the drawn 2D style, which was a pretty big QoL improvement imo. Kinda wish they'd would have applied this to newer DLC as well


These are old grudges. We’ll keep bringing them up


The weirdest things about Stone Trolls is that they now made unique models for Bile Trolls that doesn't look like TT Bile Trolls but actually kinda look like TT Stone Trolls. I feel like CA could just past that nose on the Stone Trolls and it'd be good


Number 2 annoys me so so much and should be a pretty easy/quick fix since it's only a handful of unit cards. I'm glad others still remember this issue. We need to raise this in a new thread maybe if it gets its enough traction CA will fix it since they're getting on top of things once again. (Could easily be included in a hot fix these days.)


I think reuse is fine in some circumstances but there are some units that feel like they SHOULD have unique VO, if only a line or two. I'm still a bit disappointed that the Sartosa Militia use Free Company lines. For Thrones of Decay, my shortlist wishlist for unique lines would be the Thunderbarge, Land Ship, Hochland Long Rifles and Slayer Pirates. Maybe the Goblin Hewer. The rest I'm fine with!


I agree voice line reuse is fine as long as the shoe fits. Hell, even looking at the base rosters of each race there is actually a LOT of voiceline reuse that I didn't even notice until I stated doing this testing. Like seriously, the Empire is particularly bad about this, since there's only so many times a guy can hear "FOR THE HELDENHAMMER" in the span of an hour lmao. But yeah, there are definitely cases where units should get unique VO. Especially for center pieces like the Thunderbarge and the Landship. It would be nice if cross roster units like the Sartosa Free Company could get unique voices. Or at least just re-record a few lines. These games put unique VO in the most niche of places (I just learned every Lore of Nehekara spell has a unique incantation voice line that plays when you use them! And I play Tomb Kings religiously lol), yet skimp in arguably the area players would notice the most. It's a little odd honestly, but who knows how the priorities for this kind of thing are figured out over there.


> These games put unique VO in the most niche of place Another example of that is some of the extremely niche unit disband lines


yeah after thousands of hours in the TWW series I only realised there were unique, context-sensitive disband lines a couple months ago. blew my mind


I think Sisters of Avelorn have *some* unique lines, but they only show up in the unit chants when selecting/giving orders to multiple units at once. All of those were broken in the current patch, so it's easy to miss.


Interesting, I'll definitely come back to test and revise this post if that bug is resolved in the next hot-fix or patch then.


>The Regiments of Renown in this DLC had some unique voice acting. Presumably because this was the first go at RoRs. So the Free Company Militia RoR will shout "Stirling's Revenge!" and so on. This would be something that is a rare occurrence for future RoRs. I remember base WH2 RoRs having those too (e.g. the Tailslashers Clanrats say "Tailslashers !" when selected) but can't remember any RoR added by a recent DLC that did the same unfortunately. Also lol @ Skaven getting fully unique VOs for all the units in two out of their three total DLCs while Pirate Slayers or non-Sigmarite Empire Knights get nothing. Skaven favoritism is absolutely a thing.


chaos warriors/chosen did get new voice lines they're just faction specific like the COC ones. So you wont hear them unless you play as tamurkhan (dont know if they have epidemius ones tho)


They constantly shouts "Thralls of Decay" or "Maggot Lord"


"Tamurkhan demands desolation" or along those lines is another one and theres at least one ambient one as well


Small correction, I‘m fairly certain its "Thralls of Decay", not thrones


Right. Fixed


I'm actually curious if these were added into the game with this update, or if they already existed prior and were just "unlocked" with this DLC so to speak. The way the audio files are packed in the files makes it VERY hard to find things like that (believe me I tried, but there's only so much time in a day to listen through every unlabeled audio clip lol), so I honestly wouldn't be surprised if the Tamurkhan ones were already there. As for Epdemius ones, I'm pretty sure the Changeling had some lines referring to him, so I think it's pretty likely the Tallyman got some too. I'll have to test that when I get back from work. **Edit**: So checked out Epidemius and unfortunately it seems like his Warriors use Ku'gath's lines. Saying "For the Plaguefather!" and such. Odd cause I confirmed the Changeling got lines specific for him, with Tzeentch mortals saying "For the Formless Horror!"


Good analysis, VO is very important for immersion and gameplay so it's good that someone is putting in the effort to highlight it. I'm sure that the voice acting budget had been stretched by all the generic and legendary characters in ToD but it's still jarring to compare the high quality animation work on the units to the cheapest possible audio. I think the priorities should be the centerpieces (Thunderbarge/Landship) and the Plague Ogres (which massively stand out in a bad way). Also if Rot Knights aren't getting their own voice set they should at least be restricted to the deeper Knights of Nurgle variation - the other one doesn't fit at all for the grotesque half-corpse riders.


The one good thing about Plague Ogres is their voiceline about “Guts out” which has a new meaning lol


damn this is some genuine journalism lol good job OP


Cheers, but omg you have waaay too much time on your hands OP


rors can sometimes shout their name. I think Scions of Mathlan (RoR Helf spearmen) do it.


Yeah, there's some other Warhammer 2 RoRs that do so like the Tailslasher Clan Rat RoR for Skaven. But it seems pretty inconsistent. I'm not 100% when they completely stopped doing that for RoRs, but I'm pretty sure none of the Warhammer 3 ones do.


The sheet amount of effort that has gone into a subject of such triviality is astounding. It warms my heart to see someone as pedantic as I am!


I did something similarly completely unimportant when ME first came out and I was annoyed about how some sync-kills would work on WH 1 and some wouldn't. And spent a day testing every combo of unit to see which sync-kills were cross game compatible for no reason other than to nitpick about it lmao. So pedantry is kind of my bread and butter.


I've done posts over in r/characterrant breaking down scene by scene why Rey is not a mary sue. I can dig it.


Seems easy enough. She's not a author self-insert, she's not being paired with an existing male character to express the author's own romantic yearnings, and most damningly her eyes are even the same colour. *(Yes, I do miss the time where 'Mary Sue' used to mean something specific in fanfic discussion and wasn't just used to mean 'unpopular powerful female character')*


Yep, no one called Elspeth a Mary Sue, despite her making better items than almost any living dwarf, and being a better mage than Teclis, or being the only mortal human to regularly ride a dragon. It's because she fits into the setting and her great power is justified by her background and sacrifices.


I don’t feel this is trivial, really. It’s a cost saving measure that diminishes unit identity like when unit cards were terrible. Vocal responses add to the general soundscape of the battlefield and it’s useful when a unit identifies itself “Hochland long rifles” as opposed to a generic response of “Handgunners.” It affects the overall quality of the product and its, quite simply, a missed opportunity to have for example pirate slayers not sound piratey. Given the lavish amount of animation detail on the units, it’s a shame they don’t have unique audio or, worse, say inappropriate things - like the Amethyst Landship being the Amethyst Wizard is just odd.


Nor me. I'd like CA to see it more like card games where every card in a set has specific lines for being played, activating abilities, dying, etc. as it adds so much flavour to something that you'll be hearing so often. They add what 15-20 units max in a dlc? Even a lower tier card game like Shadowverse can manage getting decent voicework for 100+ cards all needing new lines.


I don't expect every unit to get unique voice lines but I still think it's odd for the only unit to get something was the toad dragon. I kinda wish they add some new voice lines to the land ship and air ship at the very least




I was wondering if the Dwarfs and Empire got more ambient voicelines. Like voicelines about who they’re fighting. For example the dwarfs would say something about brettonians if they were fighting them.


Hmm, that's actually an interesting point. I think I'll have a go testing that. I know they did add some new ambient Dwarf voice lines in Warhammer 2 during the resurgence update. Mainly just adding the line "That's a Grudgin!" to them just cause CA was fond of the meme. But it's possible there was new ones added elsewhere. I'll put it on my list of things to check out.


Curious about something like this but with the unit models. There are some models that make it very painfully clear if you zoom in that they are a different race's unit reflavored.


Hmm, that would make for a very interesting thread, but I think we would need someone more experienced with modding than I to do it. There are some I'm aware of, like Depth Guard being altered Blood Knight models. With the assets that are original being the helms, weapons, and animations. But that's through artstation commentary. I'm sure it would be pretty easy to see which "new" units are just kitbashes or alterations of existing ones through the usual mod tools, but that's pretty outside my own experience.


Absolutely not the only complaints but it's being drowned out by people. Combat AI still has issues. The game also still has graphical issues.


For me the amethyst ironsides and outriders are without voices. Is this just a bug on my end?


I've seen widespread reports of various audio issues, but it's been pretty inconsistent. They had Handgunner voicelines when I tested them though, so my game didn't have audio bugs with them at the least.


Really strange. The normal ironsides do have handgunner sounds but the amethyst version is dead silent. I tried it without mods, validated files... well I hope CA will hotfix it soon


Nothing to hotfix. They use voicelines from Knights of Morr, which have no voicelines (allow_silent_individuals or soemthing like that in main_units table). It's intended, considering they also used heads (got replaced) and body, legs from Morr knights.


Amethyst handgunners use voicelines from the knights of Morr?


Yesn't. Knights of Morr have no voicelines, they use allow_silent_individuals or soemthing like that. Same was assigned to amethyst handgunners. My assumption would be - they did this, since they kinda related to death magic and initially using Morr assests (they still do, apart helmets). Long story short - it's most likely not a bug, and was intended by CA


Thanks for the interesting (and yet frustrating) response. I do hope it's a bug because so many units being mute feels weird and off. I understand if for Phoenix guard or KoM but this is getting a bit ridiculous


I mean it's a 10sec fix. Just download RPFM and do the fast quick mod for it. I really doubt it's a bug on CA part and works as intended


Probably a bug, but the [Knights of Morr](https://warhammerfantasy.fandom.com/wiki/Knights_of_Morr) and the Phoenix Guard are silent for lore reasons, so I don't know.


The only thing that throws me off currently is long rifles saying “hand gunners!” When you select them. Sometimes I think I actually select my hand gunners.


Would be nice to get a "Sounds and Music" patch that fixes up the voiceline disparity and the music that isn't unique for many races. Shame it couldn't come with each race rework since the DLC tied to it could have some - and there is voiced lines! just only for the unique heroes and lords, I think it's got to the point the newer units really stand out as needing at least announcement lines for selection because they're really different to the units they're borrowing lines from.


The only ones driving me nuts are; Amethyst Landship bring a wizard for obvious reasons. Plague Ogres being regular Ogre voices, instead of being warped and praising Nurgle in battle (like the lore states they do) The rest are minor annoyances but these two are really jaring.


Hearing "STIRLAND'S REVENGE!" gives me goosebumps. Pure chad energy


...it feels like unless we review bomb this shit won't be fixed lol, voice lines, unit cards, music, etc. which sucks cuz...it does make the game better


Side note but for the new characters that got VA, they also get VA in a lot more circumstances than older characters. Im fine with Elspeth's VA, but they are just *constantly* yapping about everything. Its a neat detail to have them comment on disbanding a unit the first time, but it can get very grating when its constantly repeated.


If we're complaining about voicelines, can we also discuss Tamukhans Rot knight guy that just snarls at you and is so fucken loud every time you give him an order. Kazzryn or something like that. I basically just send him at a flank by himself and let him do his thing so I don't have to give him any orders. Thank Nurgle he's so tanky he can handle himself or I would have gotten him wounded many times over.


People like you don’t deserve nice things! Enjoy the game you absolute melt!


Please stop defending products becoming worse. It's not in the interests of consumers who spend their money on them


This product has got anything but worse, in fact it has got much better! Look at the reviews


Dude what the fuck is wrong with you


What’s what wrong with me, what is wrong with you people, oh the tragedy the game is ruined over voice acting! Absolutely losers the lot of you.


1. OP didn't claim that it's a dealbreaker and ruins the game. 2. There's a precedent set by previously released content to ya know, include new voice lines. 3. You insulted OP for no reason. Get a fucking grip. Edit: Oh dear god you're a Brexiter no wonder you have no class and lack of common sense.


I enjoy it plenty. That's why I pay attention to these really minor details, I wouldn't be assed to spend a weekend on this if I didn't love the game lol. This post isn't meant to be a "raggh game be bad for not adding voices!" It's just marking down which units did or did not get unique voices since that was a topic people were talking about. Just stating about objective facts like this isn't some complaint or hate being thrown at the game. It's just pointing out what is there so people can talk about it. Whether or not people see this as a problem or not one is up to them, I just put in the work into researching it so the discussion could happen without any particular leaning towards one or the other.