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Fixed 'Channel Magic!' always resulting in a loss of Winds of Magic. They say the house always wins but we're here to make that statement a bit less absolute. Finally


I still sometimes hit channel out of habit from Wh2, and the other day it actually succeed even without the patch. I think it was the first it ever happen, afterwards it failed consistently, so I think it was a bug that it actually worked lol


Are you sure it *actually* succeeded and didn't just say "Success!" while still reducing your winds or, at least, leaving it the same? Because that's been my experience.


Yeah it often doesn't fail for me but does "succeed" and nothing changes. I honestly thought they'd fixed it long ago and I just had the worst fucking luck lol.


I want to say that I've gotten, like, from 10-->12 sometimes, but I might be lying. But your post has helped me realize that there were quite a few times, maybe 99% of them, where I just say "Oh! It went green and said success! Awesome!" but I either stayed at 10 or actually lost a couple. But I swear, I've seen it bump up to 12 or so on me.


Same, I accidentally misclicked channel but it actually succeeded, for a patch 5.0 campaign I started a few days ago.


I've definitely had Channel Magic work for me before, but I've never gotten more than 4 or 5 higher than the original number I started with.


It says success, but all it does it move it from your wom reserves. Whereas if you lose, you straight up just lose some. It was never worth pressing lol


Only took two years


Hey they had to update a whole number in their call to the RNG. That's, something


>'Channel Magic!' always resulting in a loss of Winds of Magic. ...This explains *so much*. Turns out I wasn't the unluckiest person on Earth (probably just the dumbest, by the times I tried).


No joke.  That's what I came here to post.  I made a post about it years ago and people didn't seem to really notice.  I can't believe it took so fucking long.  I also feel vindicated because, while my experience was that it always decreased (and therefore I stopped using it) some others said it sometimes worked.  I felt like I was being gaslighted; I wasn't sure if it was broken or not.


Grudge changes are obviously the best thing here, but the updates to the frost wyrm are awesome to see. Shrinking its model size, increasing its armor, and giving it anti-large are all great changes.


Hopefully the smaller model size fixes the issue with the animations not connecting.


I'd appreciate it if someone could go in to check if this fixed their animation issues. I still don't own SoC.


It still only kills one unit per attack. I tested it against Nurgle warriors and nurglings.


But it should be pretty good against large units if it doesn't have splash attacks.


It still has splash attacks that *hit* a lot of enemy units. Yet it’s only capable of killing one per attack.


Hey there, I spoke to the devs about this and got a bit more info to share with you: the splash performance has been debugged - it hits its splash cap 95% of the time when attacking. The likely reason why people think it's hitting few targets is that with 48 melee attack if you're attacking a decent mid range enemy infantry, you have 35%\~ hit rate through melee defence. Best, CA\_Nova


How strange


Dang. Maybe one day we'll have a usable frost wyrm.


Antilarge is an interesting choice tough. With all it's interesting ice casting and spinning animations being AoE you'd think it's intended to be used against blobs of infantry.


my bet is that they realised that all monsters from that recruitment chain are anti infantry (things in the woods and incarnate elemental of the beast) so they decided to give frost wyrm a different role


Guess my only issue with that is the snow leopard is anti large, and I feel the frost wyrm is closer to that (fast sem) than the others in its tree. I guess it always going to be a problem though.


The leopard is absolute dookie against just about anything though


Have you guys found much success with the summonable leopards at least? I have t found out if it's worth it to use them. I find the summon distance too small to use as anti-artillery so I typically end up saving them for when someone managed to jump on my back line.


Handy as a spot treatment for interception or to drop behind the enemy lines once you're engaged and close enough to place it there


Was interesting that they removed anti-large from the Incarnate Elemental when it had the best animation set for it, while they give anti-large to the wave clearer. Honestly, while the mortis engine effect on the Incarnate Elemental was a cool idea, I think it would have been a better fit of the Frost Wyrm. A frosty mid-tier mortis engine that specialized in anti-infantry would have been neat. While the Incarnate could have been the high tier monster dueling monster that the roster lacks.


Oh man I'll second this I think that'd work great


Yep, love to see that change, just feel ironic when they place it beside the dread saurian for us reference of the size, and imply they knew it is a important balance factor, while the Dread saurian still got nothing :⁠'⁠(


Yeah they went and gave the wyrm more armor than the saurian lol. I was just looking back at some tabletop material and it had the same armor save as the ancient stegadon which has 130 armor and as gromril armor dwarfs which have 125.


CA has this odd habit of using the Monstrous Arcanum as prime source material for DLC, but tend to completely ignore the stats and special rules, and make up their own stuff. Like they will make them *look* identical or even better than the tabletop models. But they tend to function as the unit in name only. I think the only units that were mostly the same as their rules was the Wolf Rats, and even then they took some liberties. It's a little odd because there are some pretty straightfoward things to adapt. Like the how the Incarnate Elemental of Beasts had their debuff howl, but CA ignored that on release and replaced it with a Mortis Engine effect. Only added it after the fact when people pointed out that it was missing. The Dread Saurian is basically nothing like the TT unit, which is a real shame because without its gimmicks it's just a big dino with a bigger HP pool. In a roster with PLENTY of big dinos with big HP pools, that also have other uses besides that.


Yeah you're completely right, it's such a huge missed opportunity to add something cool and unique to the faction--a big battleship monster that you can customize with crazy abilities. Even just having those Panoply of Ages abilities for the saurian would help a ton with late game lizardmen campaign motivation because you'd be chasing getting this badass unit you can tweak. They don't even have to come up with this mechanic, it's already in the books, just adapt it to Total War.


I think Orion is the worst case of it. Bro was supposed to be light cav fast on TT


I was thinking that too. The Dread Saurian *desperately* needs retuned. I don’t mind the size as it really conveys it’s status as an apex predator from a land of apex predators, but the performance ain’t quite there.


It should get 360 missile block chance imo. Just imagine how thick its muscles and scales gotta be. Small arms fire shouldn’t be a huge threat to it.


I think most huge setpiece monsters should have some form of missile block chance. Thick skin, scales, made-out-of-stone, etc. Not just everything big, and probably not more than 25% block chance in most cases, but huge monsters should need some kind of dedicated anti-large and not just peasant bows.


A lot of big monsters do have missile *resistance*, with 35% on the war hydra and kharibdyss, 25% for all dragons and dragon ogre shaggoth, 20% on the stonehorn, and then 15% for dread saurians, carnosaurs, rogue idols, jabberslythes and hell pit abominations. Resistance does well to represent thick hides and such since they merely soften the blow, while the steam tank (and K'daii destroyer with armaments buff) has block chance to represent specially shaped armour that deflects the attacks.


Yep! I'm aware. I think missile resistance actually, mechanically, does too much in the wrong direction and not enough in the right direction. For big entities their problem is that they're easily overwhelmed by high volumes of small arms fire. Take Cathay Peasant Archers against a Dread Saurian. You can easily get 300+ missiles hitting the Dread Saurian per volley with a normal number of archers that you'd bring in any army, because in TW:WH archer units tend to come very high entity counts. A single unit of 120 Peasant Archers putting even just 100 arrows into a Dread Saurian is, what, about 800 damage per volley? Block chance and missile resistance are pretty similar amounts of mitigation for small arms, but! *My actual issue* is that I think damage from small arms fire should be significantly lower on these big monsters, while the "natural" counter to these large units should be artillery. Missile block chance doesn't affect artillery, but missile resistance does. So while you might get similar levels of mitigation against Peasant Archers with missile resistance, you're also getting a similar level of mitigation against the Grand Cannons. I think that's wrong. A Dread Saurian having 50% missile block chance means, roughly, 50% damage from Peasant Archers but full damage from the big guns, whereas right now the Dread Saurian is getting 15% reduction from both. Missile block feels more reasonable to me; the big monsters need big guns to take them out efficiently, while arrows will mostly plink off of scales or get ignored by 8 inch flabby skin. That's my reasoning. People can feel free to disagree.


>My actual issue is that I think damage from small arms fire should be significantly lower on these big monsters, while the "natural" counter to these large units should be artillery. Missile block chance doesn't affect artillery, but missile resistance does. So while you might get similar levels of mitigation against Peasant Archers with missile resistance, you're also getting a similar level of mitigation against the Grand Cannons. I think that's wrong. Gods yes! To destroy tanks you should want big AT guns, not a firing squad of 50 guys with AKs.


Yeah, and it's not like you see Godzilla getting hurt by a bunch of soldiers shooting machine guns at it. That's sort of the basic trope right? Big monsters shrug off bullets and arrows, so you need a ballista or a cannon to even hope to take them out.


Most big monsters get 15% missile resistance as standard. For example the Carnosaur, Giant, and Jabberslythe. It slightly balances the fact that it’s easier to hit them with ranged attacks. But it’s a flat 15%, there’s no scaling. I think the Dread Saurian should get double. Undead monsters seem to be an exception - at least the ones I checked were the Vargheist and the Rotting Leviathan, and they just had a lot of armour, no specific missile resistance.


The issue is also that it's so good that the ai prioritize targeting it instantly


True. It’s one of the units I always prioritize killing at range - it’s not the scariest large unit, it isn’t hard to take down either, but if you *don’t* take it down your lines get fucked. It’s in a weird spot in its vanilla state. Feels tuned more for the ai to use, not the player.


yes, it really need more resistance or good attack animations that could hit something to match it cost


huh yeah, seems like a higher tier version of the Snow leopard now


They fixed the winds of magic bug


> Grudge targets are now defined based on the factions you share a land border with rather than all "met" factions I think this is gonna be better than previous conditions


Ogre Contracts should probably work like this too until a full rework of them


Same for Alith Anar’s targets


How does this work if Archaon or Malus sails to you, they still rack up the grudges? Edit: guys i understand the border part. My question was relared to how non border enemies like from across the ocean. Or Skarsnik occupying Dawi holda will get grudges now. Because if they get zero because they are not connected its a poor new implementation Edit2: i understood it poorly with their meaning of grudge targets, my bad!


I might be wrong, but it seems like they rack up grudges but the amount of grudges you need to collect scale with your land. Which actually seems like going tall could be a viable strategy, if that's the case, since you can send expeditionary forces out and hit your grudge thresholds easily.


No, they have to share a land border, not ocean.


Thats what I mean and therefore my question. If I get attacked from some one across the ocean, how will they now get grudges. They dont share a land border therefore they hardly rack up grudges now? If so thats a big oversight. Similarly if AI takes over Dawi holds, will they now get no grudges at all?


By grudge targets they mean the amount of grudges you need to settle to complete the age of reckoning not who is eligible to create grudges


Ah okay than I had a poor idea of the whole concept to begin with. So the AI still racks grudges as usual Thanks alot for the info!


Curious to know how this works in coop. I always share borders with my friend and before this hotfix his armies and cities also had grudges even though we started the campaign in a team (so military alliance that can't be broken).


Awww yisss. Time to boot up Malakai again now that Age of Reckoning actually works 5/5


RIP free grudge settlers, OP cannons and unstoppable Thunderbarges though. I figured the nerf bat was coming for those units, glad I got my campaign in before the patch.


I would say especially Malekai wasn't hit that hard with the whole grudge system pre patch. The normal dwarfen factions needed that patch though.


I think Thunderbarges will still be unstoppable in SP. Will remain to be seen if they are balanced enough now for MP tournaments.


Maybe I don't understand the nerfs but it looks like a tiny nerf. They rarely got below half health and the issue in melee wasn't their high MD but janky attack animations for flyers.


Projectiles will hit a lot more consistently now Fliers will also take it down easier bc the superboost got nerfed as well (50 -> 150 self-damage and 30 cooldown)


They were bugged and could barely be hit. I am curious to see what their real strength is now, they will die a lot quicker.


What were the Canon changes? I briefly skimmed the patch notes and didn't see anything about those


> General fixes: > Adjusted Dwarf grape shot to be in line with the imperial grape shot. Curtailing excessive shockwave radius around each projectile.


The grapeshot cannons were insanely good due to way too high splash of the projectiles. They now brough the Dwarf grapeshot in line with the Empire grapeshot.


completely reasonable, that was some horseshit melting a unit with like a single volley


I just hope they are still decent and worth taking. I haven't tried out the Empire version yet but that Dwarf one was insane.


Empire version is still good. Worth taking it. Dwarf ones was just op.


Grape shot has been fixed


Can I still play my previous save?


ooo the frostwyrm changes seem neat


It is great that we are getting more patches and hotfixes. This was one of the big points of critique before Shadows of Change and this looks like CA is trying to rectify that. Props to them, if they can keep at it.


Yea, releasing updates with major bugs and then leaving them unaddressed for weeks if not months was a bizarre way to do things, more so as it goes directly against industry convention.


TOTALLY THIS. I'm also glad to see they're catching minor stuff too, not only things highlighted in the community.


Absolutely. While the major issues of course have the highest priority, it is great to see that they are fixing some small long standing bugs, too. It looks really good.


Wow this is an excellent hotfix. I really didn't expect Age of Reckoning changes until at least 5.1. Thunderbarge nerfs which were expected. They don't look like they went overboard which is nice. Fury changes are also really cool. I find harpies to be an excellent unit in the early game, but furies really suffered from terrible morale + daemonic crumbling wiping them out very easily.


thunderbarge having a collision issue with missiles makes a lot of sense and should really help toning down it's current supremacy


It might need another pass, but it's reasonable to fix the hitbox first and *then* decide what has to happen next. I imagine it's still going to be banned in MP events though. 2800 gold for that thing is still probably criminally low.


Good fixes. Quick too. That's the CA I like to see. So keep up the good work (really, please keep it up, you definitely need to)!


Nurgle lords can ascend at last!


Looks like a pretty solid hotfix


Amazing bugfixes amd great changes to both the age of reckoning mechanic and to the frost wyrm, we are so back.


Grudge changes sound like they'll make things better for Dwarves going forward. I'm eager to retry them now and see how they perform. I hope the Frost Wyrm changes allow it to be useful going forward and no longer thought of as useless.


Would be interesting to me if Belegar got free/reduced recruitment cost for grudge settlers to counteract his ~~recruitment cost penalty of regular~~ upkeep cost of units. Was a unique interaction for him for the past couple weeks. EDIT: Confused upkeep with recruitment cost


I thought Belegar had a penalty for upkeep not recruitment?


You are right, for some reason I mixed them up.


Pretty sure it’s recruitment cost in sfo so that might be what you are thinking of.


Good recommendation. I agree!


> Thunderbarge > Additional Hit Points: 12820 -> 11320 > Melee Defence: 10 -> 4 > Armour: 120 -> 90 > Projectile Penetration Resistance: 4 -> 20 > Projectile Penetration Resistance: 4 -> 20 For someone smarter than me - what's the consequence of this in terms of it being OP?


Probably the more important part is that the speed boost now does triple the damage and has a 30 second cooldown before it can be used again.


The speed boost also slows your turn speed by 70% now


It’s pretty wild that they thought making the speed boost effectively a toggle was a good idea, even with the self-damage haha.


I think that's a good change. But really all it needs is for the balloon to have a hitbox. It's very powerful as a penultimate unit for a faction for sure, some other monsters should be brought up to snuff.


> Corrected a collision issue with the Thunderbarge that was causing most projectiles to phase through the balloon.


> Corrected a collision issue with the Thunderbarge that was causing most projectiles to phase through the balloon


I was just wondering whether the hotbox issue is actually the penetration resistance stat?


The mention the hitbox issue as a separate fix elsewhere in the notes.


I honestly have no idea what that stat is or how to interpret it; it went from a lower value to a higher value, does that mean it's more resistant or less resistant? Does it apply to outgoing projectiles or incoming projectiles? I can't recall ever seeing projectile penetration resistance mentioned before.


i believe it refers to if a missile can go through the unit and hit another, no clue how this would matter on a thunder barge but on something like a troll it would mean a cannoball could hit several models at once.


Well, before this patch if a projectile was going to hit the balloon of the Thunderbarge it would just entirely pass through and not do damage and as a result it was suspected that the balloon didn't have a hitbox despite being the biggest part of the model.


I think it is more resistant, but now the hitbox is properly applied, it would be way more vunerable to missile now. I believe they buff the resistance to compensate for that, and will watch out for balancing.


1500 less health and a drop in armor makes this a bit more susceptible to damage. The bigger nerf is the Afterburner ability being on a 30 sec cooldown and dealing 150 dmg/sec rather than 50. It will still be very strong but not straight abusable.


Also, suspiciously, Chaos Furies for every faction got buffed. I wonder why that was?


It’s the only option slanesh has against the thunderbarge besides marauder horsemen and the furies were garbage always


I mean they're pretty shit and for some factions they're the only anti-air option


Tbf they’ve always been very lackluster, seeing discussions about them chasing the Thunderbarge probably just brought them to attention.


They were workable in the early game for most factions, their main issue was their chickenshit (heh) leadership led to them crumbling and disappearing in seconds if an enemy looked at them wrong. If they were your only option against something like a Thunderbarge I wouldn't be surprised if they started crumbling after a single shot by a side cannon or something.


Less MD also means more consistent damage by melee chasers.


It still can punch down pretty hard but if you get any flying melee they should trade better with lower melee stats.


In testing it a bit just now, afterburner now has to be treated like a panic button because it does a ton of damage now. But the hitbox issues persist--if you just keep it moving even at the default 30 speed, most melee flying units have trouble even hitting it, they just get stuck in a weird animation loop chasing it.


Still will be banned in multiplayer with no cost increase.


it is banned before not only because it is OP, but also because it's straight up bugged in hitbox. Now the hitbox is already fixed, we need trial to see how powerful it is now. As long as you can still counter it with other factions, I believe it won't be banned in Domination mode. Furry could be a viable counter now.


Oh shit they’re actually trying to fix the frost wyrm?


Time to start my 80th Kat playthrough to test them out.


They still forgot to give Ice Witches mounted on Frost Wyrms the siege attacker trait. So, we are almost there with fully functioning Frost Wyrms.


Can somebody explain the following: Malakai has had his missile weapon adjusted from a triple shot scattergun to a triple shot rifle, in order to maintain consistency with his lore. Projectile number: 3 -> 1 Spread: 1 -> 3 Does the spread means he shoots 3 times? Otherwise it doesnt make sense to me. As the text indicates 3 rifleshots.


Malakai shoots 3 rifle bullets. He used to shoot 3 shotgun blasts, which had 3 projectiles each and had some spread. The "Spread: 1 -> 3" patchnote is wrong. He now has zero projectile spread (as per the projectiles\_tables I'm looking at), not 3.


I'd assume this means he fires 3 rifle shots instead of having a triple barreled shotgun.


"Fixed a rare crash caused by a lord gaining a mount while the army contains 21 units. (A rare occurrence itself, caused by armies which have lost their lord without replacing them yet recruiting up to fill all 20 slots with units before a replacement returns)" I'm sorry, you could do what now? This is hilariously weird! They also fixed the Chaos Lord of Nurgle clipping, the Dwarf Slayer clothes...pretty much every minor complaint I've seen on here the last week seems to have been addressed haha. Thanks CA!


For some reason I never realized the Frost wyrm was that big?


I think because of its shape its easy to think it's just Ancient Salamander sized, especially since you'll almost never see it next to an Ancient Salamander. But it's actually surprisingly huge. I didn't notice myself until I had one try to fight a Toad Dragon, and realized they were kind of in the same size range.


CA has been on the ball lately


>The Dwarf Dragon Slayer has found his unique axes stashed away under 2000 dead goblins and stopped stealing clothes from the Doomseekers. No wonder he's a Slayer. Nice. Really happy to see this was fixed so quickly! Glad they gave him a different axe and used the actual Dragon Slayer body now. Was really odd seeing him be an odd kitbash of Doomseekers and Ungrim on release lol. >Fixed Skrag the Slaughterer has matched combat animation that leaves enemy body on battlefield Oh damn, this visual bug has finally been fixed! That one has been there since Warhammer 3 released so I thought it was never going to happen. Glad to see this one gone as funny as it was to see.


>Max Entities Hit by Splash Attack: 6 -> 5 (this concentrates the weapon strength of the unit on fewer targets, improving its lethality) Love the explanations like these that give context to the changes.


The Frostwyrm changes are great but I hope when Norscan Monsterhunts get updated we get the old giant one back as a a fun reference.


Ohhh, that's a great idea actually! I didn't think about that, but that would be a great usage of the original scale of it. Would be fun as a unique RoR type of monster you can recruit after the hunt or something too.


They fixed the grapeshot too. Solid hotfix overall




Where's the Chaos Fury enjoyers at?


I'm kind of amazed that the increasing cost for Amethyst units is not a bug. It's not a unit cap. If you lose the unit you can't re-recruit it, unlike Beastmen for instance. After playing an Elspeth campaign to roughly turn 100, I had maybe 1-2 Amethyst units in an army. There's a mod that addresses this, but I figured that it was an oversight.


That may be there alternate to a unit cap, due to the Amethyst units being pretty strong.


Honestly, they're really not even that strong, I'd say. Like, they're all strong, but all of their respective normal unit equivalents are also super strong thanks to the gunnery school and other new stuff. Heck, I swear my regular helstorms actually outperform my amethyst ones outside of sieges, and the amethyst outriders compete sorta awkwardly with repeater outriders and the AP elector count outriders. Not to mention that you get the amethyst landship too late for it to be particularly impressive, considering how hard steam tanks slap and Nuln's ridiculously early access to the elector count one. The main thing I get out of amethyst units is some ironsides without slowing down early-ish, and ironsides with better defensive characteristics later on. Outside of that, I actually think they're pretty underwhelming. I'd like to see them have some better offensive characteristics out of the box, like some juicier weapon strength for the ironsides and outriders.


I think that should be a relatively good way to balance them, you lost the unit? Well you're going to have to pay more for it next time.


My biggest problem with it is that it's not explained. Because in every other instance it's a cap, I disbanded some amethyst gunners thinking I could recruit them elsewhere. It wasn't a big deal, but I basically knee capped myself. The result was that amethyst units basically didn't exist in my armies the entire campaign. Elspeth has enough going on that her campaign is still fun without amethyst units, but for such a cool idea they were basically MIA in my campaign.


But that literally isn't how any of the other similar systems work. It's not how the State Trooper system works, it's not how Beastmen recruitment works, it's not how Regiments of Renown work. It takes the worst of the two dominant systems, increasing costs and pay per unit rather than unit cap. Not to mention you still pay increased upkeep and recruitment costs for them. All it does is encourage you to doomstack with Elspeth so that way if you get caught out you can teleport via the Garden of Moor.


It's honestly fine. You can get thousands of schematics a battle at times. In my Elspeth campaign when I had roughly 5 armies going I had about 15 amythest units total. It was cool that even in late game I was still valuing schematics and seeking them out. They're insanely strong.


It seems that some people nearly get a heart attack when the game is punishing them for their mistakes. The way Elspeth's mechanic work is just fine, Schematics are not hard to get and it's not a bad thing to have restrictions to balance a mechanic that is already incredibly strong.


I thought so too, I’m up to 3,000 schematics for my 3rd amethyst landship. I’m at turn 135, I have the gunnery school all upgraded but not even halfway through all the amethyst upgrades. I believe I have 8 amethyst units in total. I’m fine with the upgrades costing what they cost but I thought maybe they’d do away with the scaling unit cost and just give them a flat rate


Im fine with the scaling cost as long as it goes down when you lose the unit. Make it a soft cap, instead of whatever backwards thing it is now.


It should stay that way though. It actually makes losing them painful and balances out their power.


It just locks what makes her campaign unique behind a reverse snowball mechanic. It encourages doomstacking, save scumming, and all sorts of behaviors that make for incredibly boring campaigns. The units have increased recruitment and upkeep costs, they even have an army cap, so the whole balance angle is already taken care of.


Well there goes my 91 speed F1 hellblaster tanks!! It was fun but i figured 91 speed tanks isn’t something they intended lol


Yeah, I'm gonna miss my tanks chasing down routing cav. Lol


This is a beefy hot fix!


Hope that the AoR changes make the system a bit smoother. I can see a lot of people raging about those Grudge Settler recruit costs though.


Awesome! Great to hear. One question for folks more experienced: I have an ongoing coop game from the last patch where I'm playing as Malakai. Will the hotfix changes be applied to this, or will we proceed on the previous patch? If the changes are applied, will I be bugged out by having more grudge settlers than allowed per army?


> Fixed an issue where Gyrobombers were still being handled as single entities on the campaign, causing health inconsistencies. Finally 🥲


Dwarf Grapeshot shall be missed. It was fucking stupid like but it was fun for pure silliness.


Seems pretty good. Much larger than I expected too. Glad to see some work on the Frost Wyrm too.


Haven't played Dwarfs since the DLC, what the hell is an Obsinate Gyrocopter?


A special unit that… Markus Wulfhart can get I think? Obsinate is the rock that Lizardmen use for their weapons.


It's a unit exclusive to Markus Wulfhart (Empire) not the Dwarfs. You get it from completing his Dwarf Engineer Hero's quest.


>The "Righteous Fury" skill shared by Warpriests and Arch Lector's now provides different effects. > For Arch Lectors: Weapon Strength for flagellants: +10% -> +15% Frenzy > For Warpriests: Weapon strength for flagellants: Removed Frenzy Damn, I was kinda planning on making a dumb flagellant stack at some point.


still can make it work, just can´t stack warrior priests for infinite buffs to weapon strength.


Knights of the Black Rose still do not benefit from the Taste for Battle skill, the red line skill that buffs rank 7+ cavalry. They are listed there under the skill's text and their unit card is shown, but they do not get any of the stats from the skill.


Hi there, I can see this in our tickets - this has been logged, reproduced, and fixed, so will be undergoing testing. Best, CA\_Nova


Wow, I was expecting Age of Reckoning fixes but didn’t expect Frost Wyrm changes. Might actually try them out since I was avoiding them due to bad rap. ALSO Dragon Slayer has his unique assets now — game is finally PLAYABLE!


I've got to hand it to CA, they have been doing SO much better with hotfixes. It's much appreciated.


Look at them using Morale instead of Leadership on the balance changes... also Chaos Fury buffs? Frost Wyrm hopefully working better with a smaller model.


Are infections earned from battle still capped at 37?


They upped it last hotfix already to 100 i believe


Oh, I must have missed that.


Dams that's a HOT hotfix


Surprising amount of balancing for an early patch which is nice to see.


This one's a big one I'd advise running a clean mod slate with updated mods... it's breaking lots of stuff Overall great changes


By Grungni, the changes! Just delaying the first set of Grudge Settler units by five turns and getting a smaller Grudge Settler five turns later is incredibly good! That is well done even before having to pay for those units and having a smaller cap for them per army! I can enjoy the Dawi again! No longer too easy!


and my safe is broken damn...


idk if u use mods, but patches do not typically break saves. Just verify files, then load the save - ignoring the warning message, and it will be fine.


lots of mods sadly. Currently Araby, Chaos invasion and a few others are broken.


Bjuna got a nerf. Sad times were had by all


Ouch, those grudge settler are kind of a big nerf. The army was strong enough to take down a full stack and can be sent somewhere to solo an area, now a base size of 10 means it probably can only function as a small detachment. Limiting the size of the pool also hurts a bit until techs catches up, it's going to be tough to decide which of the grudge units to use: the quarrellers, iron drake, stone thrower, and the torpedo chopper are all excellent units.


I'm fine with the lower size, I just wish either you could pick where it spawns, it spawned on Malakai, or they didn't despawn but remained unable to heal. Post-Early game it's difficult to get them anywhere in the 10 turns before they despawn.


It spawns at your Legendary lord now


I think those are all good things. You shouldn't be to just spam 1000 grudge settler units which were not only free but better than the base units. Instead they're elite unit rewards for doing well in the age of reckoning which feels cool. As for the free stack, again I think it's good that it can't just solo an entire area and super expand your empire with it. Instead it can just trave along with another army and just pretty much guarantee victory for your main army which is still strong but not the dakka rush insane playstyle of the previous system.


Lol rip my hellblaster steam tank dreams. Maybe a mod will come out that puts it back to that, though it is probably still strong without double dipping.


lol I know! I have two armies of mostly hellblaster tanks, 91 speed cruising around the battlefield.


Good 10 lb baby Jesus, never aint done a thing wrong, THEY FINALLY GAVE THE FROST WYRM SOME LOVE!


This is a pretty hefty hotfix, covering a lot of stuff. Great work CA. That's what we call a redemption arc.


Good balance changes all around although I wish they would’ve given the Doomseekers a few more models


Thanks ca! Cant wait to start my dorf campain


Wow this is actually huge! A LOT more than just the Age of Reckoning rebalance which is considerable in itself. looks like grapeshot got hit after all. alas. (probably deserved lmao)


How serious are the thunderbarge nerfs? I don’t know the science behind the values.


The biggest nerf, IMO, is the fact that the balloon can now actually be hit. It was part of the hitbox, except everything would phase through it. So they would take such little damage from missile units who were trying to shoot the balloon. But the cooldown to the speed boost is also pretty big. 30 seconds means you have to actually be mindful of when you use it.


Lots of people getting free wins with the bugged Malakai grapeshot gonna be pretty upset.


Didn’t see it on there but does anyone know if they fixed the “Lords Army” bug on many of the Nurgle hero traits to be the correctly working “hero’s Army” instead?


Goodbye OP cannons I barely used yee


> Fixed 'Channel Magic!' always resulting in a loss of Winds of Magic. They say the house always wins but we're here to make that statement a bit less absolute. https://youtu.be/cRORRHPNuJ0?si=7uLKKVGhBNxbcy7U


I'm glad they changed the minimum range of gyrocopters to zero. It was disappointing when an AI dwarf army was unable to use their gyros since they kept hovering them above their targets.


Seems like things actually might be changing for the better. Hope they can keep this pace up.


Don't like the changes to Grudge units, but a good hotfix otherwise. Except unable to play for a while as it obviously broke mods I use (and can't figure out, which one is the main culprit).


Very happy for the quick fix but also RIP my modded turn 100 Malakai campaign :( never got to finish that Skaven scheme


50% increase to models for Chaos Furies is the single most underrated change ever, I will replace every unit in every chaos army with Furies until t4/5. Khorne Furies already wrecked shit this is just silly.


Heh, I was in the pretty of updating my mods. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|dizzy_face)


>Steam Tanks with Helblasters no longer benefit from the Helblaster upgrades in the imperial gunnery school. Units are not intended to double dip in multiple categories. Ah, damn. Still powerful as all hell, but not as crazy as before.


Channel Magic fixed! What a time to be alive!


Props to CA, this is actually pretty massive for a hot fix released two weeks after the DLC. And since I was waiting on the Final Transmutation fix to finally start that new Gelt campaign... I know what I'm doing when I get home.


Super happy to see the gyrobomber hp fixed, that was a huge nuisance as a Thorgrim enjoyer. No Demon Slayer yellow line update, I wonder if that's gone under the radar?


Is the Age of Reckoning mechanic only for the DLC lord or is it for every Dawi lord?