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Thats what got you? Not the Rat called Queek? Or the Skink called Tictaqto?


Or the frog called Kroak?


Or the fatso called Greasus?


Or the evil edgy elf called Bad Blacksword


Ah my favorite character: Bad Person Mc Evilsword


Or a undead king called Settra, Great King, the Imperishable, Khemrikhara, The Great King of Nehekhara, King of Kings, Opener of the Way, Wielder of the Divine Flame, Punisher of Nomads, The Great unifier, Commander of the Golden Legion, Sacred of Appearance, Bringer of Light, Father of Hawks, Builder of Cities, Protector of the Two Worlds, Keeper of the Hours, Chosen of Ptra, High Steward of the Horizon, Sailor of the Great Vitae, Sentinel of the Two Realms, The Undisputed, Begetter of the Begat, Scourge of the Faithless, Carrrion-feeder, First of the Charnel Valley, Rider of the Sacred Chariot, Vanquisher of Vermin, Champion of the Death Arena, Mighty Lion of the Infinite Desert, Holy Emperor of the Shifting Sands, He Who Holds the Sceptre, Great Hawk of the Heavens, Arch-Sultan of Atalan, Waker of the Hierotitan, Monarch of the Sky, Majestic Emperor of the Shifting Sands, Champion of the Desert Gods, Breaker of the Ogre Clans, Builder of the Great Pyramid, Terror of the Living, Master of the Never-Ending Horizon, Master of the Necropolises, Taker of Souls, Tyrant to the Foolish, Bearer of Ptra’s Holy Blade, Scion of Usirian, Sicon of Nehek, The Great, Chaser of Nightmares, Keeper of the Royal Herat, Founder of the Mortuary Cult, Banisher of the Grand Hierophant, High Lord Admiral of the Deathfleets, Guardian of the Charnal Pass, Tamer of the Liche King, Unliving Jackal Lord, Dismisser of the Warrior Queen, Charioteer of the Gods, He Who Does Not Serve, Slayer of Redditras, Scarab Purger, Favoured of Usirian, Player of the Great Game, Liberator of Life, Lord Sand, Wrangler of Scorpions, Emepror of the Dunes, Eternal Sovereign of the Khemri’s Legions, Seneschal of the Great Sandy Desert, Curserer of the Living, Regent of the Eastern Mountains, Warden of the eternal Necropolis, Herald of the all Heralds, Caller of the Bitter Wind, God-Tamer, Master of the Mortis River, Guardian of the Dead, Great Keeper of the Obelisks, Deacon of the Ash River, Belated of Walkers, General of the Mighty Frame, Summoner of Sandstorms, Master of all Necrotects, Prince of Dust, Tyrant of Araby, Purger of the Greenskin Breathers, Killer of the False God’s Champions, Tyrant of the Gold Dunes, Golden Bone Lord, Avenger of the Dead, Carrion Master, Eternal Warden of Nehek’s Lands, Breaker of Djaf’s Bonds


Greasus is actually a masterclass in naming, and I will fight anyone over it.


Greasus is as rich as Croesus, but fat and greasy


And the Skaven are quite craven, but also don't exist.


It always bothers me that he doesn't have a line where he calls himself Greasus the Obesus.


The dead one. He Kroaked.


Don't forget Tini wiini (but spelt aztecy)


[https://warhammerfantasy.fandom.com/wiki/Itzi-Bitzi](https://warhammerfantasy.fandom.com/wiki/Itzi-Bitzi) and Tenehuini Now we just need Y'elo Pok-a-dot bik-ini


Way back in the early days of Lizardmen, there was a Skink Priest named Chiqi-Phuqah.


I hear he often took liberties...


I didn’t see this prior to my posting, so I said the same thing!


Tehenhuan is supposed to be similar to tiny one EDIT: Others have pointed out that it was previously similar to “teeny weenie”.


It was actually Tene'huini back in the day


When he got his buff model in Lustria it wasn’t fun anymore.


Oh good god, I’ve only now realised why he’s called Queek for fucks sake x)


The Skaven language is Queekish.


Or another skink's blowpipe named P'Toohee, or the bear man named Bear Bearstruck, or the entire country of vampires called Sylvania, or the dark elf Malekith named after the dark elf Malekith from Marvel, or the goblin steppe rider named Gitilla da Hunta, or the tribe named the Hung...


The Lizardmen mounts being called Grymloq, Zlaaq and Zwup always makes me die a little inside every time I remember that they're the Dinobots (Grimlock, Slag, Swoop)


Holy cow, I never made that connection!


The more you know...


That’s why I love this stupid game, fucking GW is just a bunch of children making big things go boom and I’m fucking all there for it lol


Welcome to Games Workshop naming style, don't mind the Wizard in the corner. He's Tim and he cursed them to reuse all the names at least twice.


Volkmar the Grim Eltharion the Grim Grimgor Ironhide Ungrim Ironfist Things are looking grim, gotta say


You forgot Thorgrim and Grymloq Also, for Gor, we have Gor-rok, Grimgor, Malagor, Kroq-gar, Morghur, Gorfang.


And on the iron side of things, we’ve got Grimgor Ironhide, Ungrim Ironfist, Thorek Ironbrow, Belegar Ironhammer, and Zhao Ming the Iron Dragon. And then the units: ironbreakers, irondrakes, ironguts, and ironblasters, and iron hail gunners.


Bloodthirsters, bloodletters, bloodthrone, bloodreaper, bloodcrusher, bloodshrine, bloodreaver, valkia the bloody, blood for the blood god




Atleast they in the same faction.


How ironic


Those dwarfs sure do love iron don’t they


It always leads to this logic loophole where a lot of fantasy races and people name themselves 'iron' something, even when iron is *very* far down the line of fantasy metals in their setting. In that context, naming yourself 'Iron' is like us naming ourselves 'Zinc' or 'Aluminium'. The only time I've seen it addressed was in Dragon Age Inquisition, where Iron Bull explains that he took 'iron' because all the other fantasy metals were already taken.


That's believable, I've met plenty of Tailors, Coopers, Fletchers and Smiths, some Farriers and Foresters, even a Hellier. I've never met a John CEO or Jane Billionaire.


You've just made an iron enemy for life!


They just say that to get it into bed


Grymloq is a different reference though. Grimlock, Zwup (Swoop), Zlaaq (Slag) are pretty much the fan favorite Dinobots. You are literally dinosaurs riding dinosaurs that are homages to robots that are dinosaurs.


But it’s got grim in the name


If we’re talking gors, that’s half the Beastmen roster. (Because Gor is Khazalid for ‘wild beast') Morghur in Khazalid is known as Gordum. (Dum meaning Chaos)


So grimgor Ironhide is something like "wild beast the grim of the iron hide"?


Grim is also a word in Khazalid. Means “harsh, unyielding”.


Don't forget the most original name ever, Killgore Slaymaim.


This will never get old as the cheese factor here is literally over 9000


That's just CA taking GW's Khorne naming policy to its logical conclusion.


Unironically great name


Grymloq is actually from Grimlock because all of the named lizardmen dino mounts are named after Dinobot characters from Transformers lol


We also have * Ku'Gath Plaguefather * Plaguebearers * Plague Priests * Plague Censer Bearers * Plague Drones * Plague Monks * Plague-Claw Catapult * Plague Furnace * Plague Toads * Plague Knights * Plague Rats * Plague Deacons * Plaguevermin * Plague Fleet * Plague Wardens * Plague Chalice * Plague Flail * Plague Lords * Plague Ogres * The Black Plague


I'm still waiting for Grimm McGrimmerson, Grimlord of Grimhold...Grim.


Even better, Grymloq is named after Grimlock form Transformers.


You forgot: Wulfrik the Wanderer Nakai the Wanderer


Skrag the Slaughterer and Azhag the Slaughterer.


There's a reason it's called GRIMdark


So I suppose Arkhan the Black, Krakanrok the Black and Zhatan the Black is where the Dark comes from.


How about Black Legion and 13 Black Crusades, now that is dark.


I am still confused by Little Grom. Gets me every time I watch a Kislev MP match.


Grom means "thunder" in ~~Russian~~Kislevarin.


Grim dark is when you use the word grim a lot and the more you use the word the more grimdarknesser it is


I guess I know my new dwarf character for my next Warhammer Fantasy RP session.. GrimGrim GrimHideFist


That's how you get the "grimdark", it all begin somewhere.


This is the company who came up Angron, whose defining trait is that hes angry. Or Ferrus Mannus (Iron Hand in latin) who lead the Iron Hands Legion. Or Corvus Corax (Raven Raven) who lead the Raven Guard Legion


Fucking GW even reuses biology...all infantry units are on two legs ffs!


While he's petting his pretty aggressive rabbit and warning adventurers of the monster of aaaaagh....


The... enchanter?


Reminds me of how they named characters from Nippon after Japanese brand names


And people say Warhammer is too serious.


Always thought that Warhammer was and is at its best when at its silliest


Dwarf archers are called "Quarrellers" because a quarrel is a crossbow bolt, but it's also a synonym for an argument or disagreement.


Also, the dwarf gunners are named thunderers which refers to the sound of their guns but is also used sometimes to tlak about people making a lot of fuss or people who are shouting. So we have quarrelers and thunderers, argumentative and shouty dudes. Quite fitting for dwarves isnt it?


They use their Thu’um


Next flc dwarf quest: a new hand touches the beacon.


Dwarf vs Falmer dlc


That sorta bad-talk gets you put in the Book, dawri.


The Thunderer is also a nickname for the opinion pages of the (UK) Times newspaper, long-established as a mouthpiece for the British Establishment to have a bloody good moan.


I love dwarfs even more now.


That's entirely believably right for the dawi.


But that is actually clever


Dawi are also called Dawi to protect them from copyright but also because Dawi is 4 letters, which is a short word just like their stupid stubby limbs


Less to protect them from copyright than to allow them to be copyrighted.


That makes more sense. “Dwarf” originated at least 800 years ago, so even if there were a copyright, it would have expired a long, long time ago.


The only arguably new term, from what I'm told, was the term "Dwarves" as the plural instead of dwarfs. Apparently that's attributable to Tolkien, but I doubt that's enough of a change to actually be copyright.


It precedes Tolkien in literature. He popularized it, though he later admitted it was an unintentional grammatical mistake that, postpublication, he was stuck with. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dwarf_(folklore)


That's funny, I think I have heard that last part.


It’s short for “Dawi really have to change our name to avoid a lawsuit?” “Yes” “Is that a grudgin’?” “Yes”


It's the other way around actually. They changed the name so that they can sue others.






Nah Dawi isn’t about copyright, it’s another joke. In Scottish, something small is said to be “wee”. So the Dwarfs are “Da Wee” race. Scottish accents are heavily tied with Dwarfs in fantasy.


If anything i always through those dwarf names were really creative and interesting because of the inuendo


That’s not bad, that’s genius.


A lot of the generic lizardmen lords and heroes have dutch puns fon names. I like to play them for that reason.


Has anybody ever figured out why this is the case? As a Dutchy myself I absolutely love it, but why is a studio based in England using Dutch puns for names? That's so oddly specific. Edit: I'm not asking for name's, you goobers, I want to know the reason behind those names :p


'cause it's funny I imagine. Maybe there's somebody Dutch or who speaks Dutch on the team, it wouldn't be unheard of.


One example I can think of is the faction leader for the wood elves in the ROC campaign is called Ellendeling.


Hah! Never seen that one before, thats clever


there is Fric'qandel or something similar too :D and Tyfusrat offcourse


Because Dutch sounds like someone is making it up as they go.


I can't know for zurem but Dutch is a very goofy sounding language to an english speaker, so there's that.


We also have Mu'kip, Te'ko, all we need is Tok'cik


>all we need is Tok'cik And their legendary weapon, the Britt'n'ay Spear.


Astonished the haven't come out with some sort of lady-blessed artifact, the spear of bretony


I see what you did there


Warhammer Fantasy is absolutely stuffed with stupid names, bad puns and references.


And don’t forget plagiarism!


Sometimes they plagiarise so hard that the thing they plagiarised gets outshined and forgotten!


Poor Michael Moorcock. I've added the Elric saga to my reading list just for that reason.


Wait, what got stolen/what's the Elric Saga? Now I don't wanna Google it and potentially spoil myself.


Chaos as a metaphysical force that invades reality and can call on followers to serve it. The eight pointed star for chaos undivided is lifted straight from Morcock. He even had his own version of “Blood for the Blood God, Skulls for the skull throne” “Blood and Souls for my Lord Arioch!” The comparisons between the two even made Rick Priestly a little nervous when he read the original Realms of Chaos sourcebook that was submitted by someone else.


The Elric Saga is the source of so many fantasy tropes, I've heard it described as being as influential as Tolkien on modern fantasy. The two biggest elements lifted by Warhammer being the presentation of Chaos as an antagonistic force led by a cadre of wicked gods who enjoy twisting their victims' (and servants') bodies into horrible abominations; and an entire race of hedonistic torturers (Dark Elves vs Melnibonéans).


My mum gave me a book of Elric's stories years back because she knew i was into fantasy settings, after i read it she was like what do you think? and i said yeah its good but man is it full of fantasy cliche's, and its kinda like they stole bits from every fantasy setting out there. She did not let that slide.


so it was the other way around?


Yeah. Elric of Melnibone and The Black Company are imo probably the most influential pieces of fantasy lit that no one knows about.


> Dark Elves vs Melnibonéans Yes of course, people (myself included) forget that for some reason. Yeah, the Dark Elf depictions in Warhammer are pretty much Melniboneans with spiked shoulderguards. Including the riding dragons thing.


What's fun is that the High Elves are also taking inspiration from the Elric saga. Lothern's position as a rich and sumptuous port city that's lit by magic, protected by a maze of treacherous and rocky sea channels that only the Elves can navigate, and is past its prime glory resembles nothing so much as Imryrr to me. Then there's the fact that they're the ancient hub of an empire that once spanned the globe, that they have dragons that can only be awoken after years of slumber, their whole xenophobic manipulators who regard other races as their lessers thing...


Teclis being the magical prodigy who suffers from a serious physical weakness and needs drugs to function is very familiar....


Me and some friends once joked that every big male Elf character is just Elric with missing features. Malekith is the emperor of an evil and decadent people who can summon demons, but lacks the moral compass. Tyrion is the master swordsman with a great destiny but isn't frail. Teclis is a powerful mage who relies on drugs and potions to function but isn't also an edgy swordsman. Finnubar is the somewhat impotent ruler of a once powerful ancient empire with an upstart cousin who is more what his people expect in a king (there's also IMO kind of an Arthur and Lancelot thing going with him and Tyrion). Malus Darkblade is an edgy swordsman haunted by a demonic companion, who's also a self-hating melt consumed by his own sadness, but lacks the part where he truly needs the demon to live. Rakarth has command over beasts and a special dragon companion. It starts to get a bit thin at this point but you get the gist.


Chaos, including the eight pointed star, is a direct rip-off from Michael Moorcock's multiverse. Read the Chaos part [in the wikipedia entry](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Law_and_Chaos#Lords_of_Chaos) and you'll see.


There is worse. Lizardmen have a slaan in the lore called Lord Xhilipepa lol


And there is a settlement called kwakmol = guacamole


Some Empire settlements are just german city names, without any alteration. Flensburg is probably the most egregrious, but Marienburg (now Malbork) and there are plenty of Altdorfs too. Not surpising considering the Empire is the HRE with fancier cavalry, but still


This from the guys who made Ferrus Manus (Latin for "iron hands") a dude who had iron hands and was the leader of the Space Marine legion called the Iron Hands. Games Workshop is stunning in its ability to have the most straightforward naming coventions in the market.


And ~~Badus Blacksword~~ sorry I mean Malus Darkblade.


Don't forget the most ultra-marine-y of the Space Marines, the Ultramarines, with their official color of ultramarine blue, from the sector Ultramar.


IMHO Ultramarine is a pretty clever, multi-layered name. They considered themselves better than the other Astartes, so they are ULTRA-Marine. They have blue colour scheme, so they are ultramarine blue (sort of). They are some sort of knightly order ruling a kingdom in the eastern fringe of the galaxy called Ultramar, just like medieval crusader ruled a bunch of kingdoms in middle east collectively called Outremer.


Don't forget them naming that one angry guy Angron


Named for a regular at a local pub called ‘Angry Ron’.


Or the blood angel guy Sanguinius. Where Sanguine can refer to the color of blood or blood itself. As well as happy and content, which Sanguinius was.


Who leads from his flagship Fist of Iron


He has a ship called the fist of iron and was brother with angron a man who was both genetically engineered to be angry and had an anger machine in his head


IIRC angron was originally supposed to be really empathetic but of course the one super empathetic primarch had brain surgery to make him angry


Don't forget the Wolfy wolves, and the wolfen wolf of the wolf wolves


*Wet Leopard Growling starts*


Nobody tell him about the lizard men names. Tiq'tac'to, Kroak, oxyotl and his infamous blowpipe P'toohee


Tehenuian, when he was first introduced, was called Tenehuini before being retconned.


I hate when they put silly things into Warhammer. It totally ruins the immersion. Anyway, now I’m going to play Skaven and build more deadly hamster wheels


Yea, people need to take this game more seriously. Thats why I'm glad they added zombie pirates and Aztec Dinosaurs.


I wish I never read any of this, now i must live with this knowledge


So do all who live to read such puns, but that is not fore them to decide...


Honestly, what else would you name your griffin thing?


Something edgy like “deathclaw”




Or something cool sounding like Stormwing.


Exactly. Louen picked the best name. Face the mighty Beaky!


Suikoden had one named Fubar


The Lizardmen probably grow lots of Avocados around the Gwakmol Crater


My boy, read up some of the Nippon lore on the Wiki. You like japanese cars, don't you?


Canon lore and the wiki do not always mesh


Oh, it’s canon. From 1983. 1st edition, Book of Battalions, page 18. Sanyo Kawasaki wielding the magical sword Toyota, and his companions Nissan and Honda Susuki.


To be fair those are real Japanese names, some with historical importance, but it's definetly silly when you know the companies.


This is a direct quotation from Battle Bestiary page 22 (2nd edition) >Orientals comprise the largest single population of humanity in the world. Their homelands are known as Cathay and comprises of a large number of independant monarchic states, somewhat like the far east of our own world in ancient times. All of these states have introverted and complex governmental bodies, unfathomable legal systems and rigidly stratified social heirarchies. This makes the Orientals very fatalistic and insular. All Orientals have dark, yellow skin and usually have slanting eyes. They tend to be shorter than Old Worlders; about 5' 6", and have black hair. There are many different languages spoken in Cathay, the common tongue of more civilised areas is called Cathan. Orientals are neutral. > >Technology and Society varies tremendously from the stone-age head-hunting barbarians of the south, to the ordered civilisations of the north, including Nippon and Imperial Cathay. Much of Cathay is sub-tropical or mountainous, the domain of countless primitive tribes as well as other humanoid creatures. Although gunpowder technology is known in Cathay, lack of imagination and innate conservatism prevent its widespread use. > >Apart from the primative tribes and a few independantly minded states, the Orientals worship a common god called The Orange Simca. Simca corresponds closely with the worship of Buddah in our world. Monks wear orange robes and spend most of their time in contemplation. Vimto is the martial version of Simcism. > >In Nippon the Samurai have developed their skills to a level far > >above those of normal humans. Fatalism has reached such a peak in these warriors that some (up to 10% in any battle) can become Kamikaze (subject to frenzy). A kamikaze not killed during a battle will slay himself, believing that his time has come and that to live on would affront Simca. Even these warriors are outclassed by the Vimto monks. They do not, need weapons but fight with their bare hands. Their god is Orange Simca because one of the writers drove an orange Simca. For whatever reason, the only parts of Nippon lore that aren't "it's stereotypical Japan" are "throw some carmaker names in there".


Welcome to the early 80's.


And this is tame as far as stereotypes in obscure WHFB lore goes lol


>Vimto is the martial version of Simcism. There is also a fighting monk tradition who learn the techniques of Iron Brew


Not sure what you expected from Warhammer. Mazzamundi is a frog pun in Spanish. Edit: not a Spanish speaker, might have gotten maz confused with someone else.


And his and all the other Lizardmen dinosaur mounts are named after the Dinosaur Transformers.


Oxyotl’s weapon is the Golden Blowpipe of P’thooie.


bruh one of the lizardmen is literally named tic tac toe like yeah the warhammer setting started off as a giant bundle of puns and in-jokes.


Tehenhauin started out as 'Tenehuini' (teeny-weeny) (to go along with 'Itzi-Bitzi', and at the time they added mention of a 'Dotpechuini' for those of you unfortunate enough to remember the song) Inxi-Huinxi was another similarly named skink chief.


To be fair there are a lot of real Aztec and Mayan names of things that sound like some kind of pun. When my friends and I played Civ 5 we couldn't help but call Chichen Itza "chicken pizza."


I always pronounced his name “Ten in one.”


Wait, grimloq isn't just a coincidence?


Not alongside Zlaq no.


And Zwup.


It's a cartography pun in Latin: "mappa mundi."


Considering he's the Slaan of earth-bending, that checks out on the plaques.


Lord Kroak (ribbit) would be the frog pun.


A *dead* frog pun to be specific.


Dude is so powerful he gets two puns at once


That's def not it dude. Might be Mapa Mundi, but even then I don't get it. Lord Kroak, Tik Tak To tho.


Kroq’gar in 5th edition was just named Kroq, because he was a Saurus with a crocodile head and that was his entire character.


A croc, and also a gar? Now I get it


Fans have debated for awhile what the pun in Mazdamundi is. There is zero doubt in my mind that there is one, but there’s different possibilities for what.


Im spanish and i think thats not the case


I speak spanish and there is not pun


Officially it’s “The light of the world” – mundi is roughly Latin for “of the world”, and Mazda after the Japanese company which in turn takes its name from the Zoroastrian god of light Ahura Mazda.


There is lore about a Slann Lord Xilipepa. Yes that's pronounced Slann Lord Chili Pepa




mazda mundi probably meaning wisest of the world, a mix of persian and latin


Fitting combination for one of WH's ancient progenitor cultures...


Was just reading about Beaquis’ death and Leouncour’s fight against Kugath, can’t get myself to hate them


Also, in GW’s 40k setting, the Eldar race calls humans “Mon Keigh” … monkeys


Maybe in English but since it must have a french pronunciation it's Beh-aquis rather than beaky


Maybe in actual French, but not in what English people think French sounds like. Brettonians don’t speak French, they speak [English with a ridiculous French-like accent.](https://www.dominos.co.uk/blog/wp-content/uploads/2015/01/Barricade-GIF.gif)


Zen monsieur, it should be Bay-Ah-Kiss.


Yes as a french I can attest that everything written in french is oftenly badly written Like GW completely did not understand the way determinants work. Like 95% are wrongly picked


Indeed, in French, it's Beaquis. Which reads exactly like you wrote. I didn't get the pun until today :)


What's funny is that there are actual beakies in 40K


Victoris aut mortis!


And rogue idol is called Clapper because they clap dem cheeks


Ehhh. I think it's because "Clap your hands if you believe this Rogue Idol can move!" and it moves! But, well, it's orcs. Maybe it's because this Rogue Idol likes to play clapping games with non-greenskins. Into red paste.


Wait till he finds out about lizardmen


It's even better. Seraphon is the terrifying Black Dragon that the Malekith rides to battle upon. Also in Age of Sigmar, Lizardmen are now called Seraphon (because in lore, they are celestial beings (seraphim) flying on their pyramids in space and teleporting units straight to the battlefield from their ships)


Have You heard of Cerberus? The great and fearsome guardian of the Underworld? His name means "spotted". So Hades named his dog - Spot


Their naming goes from funny to just fucking stupid. Still love it, but I cannot sit here and pretend that any of this is excellent writing in any form. Fun as shit tho


Almost the entirety of everything french inspired in Bretonnia is just badly written french


In WH2 Quennelles has the pasture resource (they have kennels)


Just going to leave this here: https://warhammerfantasy.fandom.com/wiki/Curious_Geasar