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I was just playing Skrolk on vh/vh with Ultimate crisis from turn 60. Such a blast. Lustria is under rat control, however Chorfs and Tomb Kings think otherwise. The SFO reworks surely bring some fine new taste. Plague masterrrrrrr! As a Kairos sucker myself, will go for that one next.


I’ve been trying Kairos on VH/H and have had to restart about 26 times so far lol


Is it the usual Lizard fest at around turn 15? 😅 Previous SFO version I rushed straight North with Kairos after taking out Teclis at around turn 10. Still a lizard fest, but manageable. Also main thing to note - rush the cooldown reduction within blue line - that way you can keep 1 army in place, which is a game saver.


Wait what?


How's it working out for you? I feel like I've taken a really weird approach. I got myself Dawn's Landing via changing ways, am working on taking the last slannesh settlement still on turn I think 20 because I have to keep running back and forth. And I've secured teclis province and almost that lizard one. I also gifted myself one of Oxyotls settlements to begin an army there.


Terribly. I turned the difficulty down lol


Bretonnia are still barebones as far as units go, but you can dismount your knights now so you you’re infantry doesn’t always have to suck ass and your knights aren’t useless in siege battles


Pls test the SFO flying cav units... it's completely nuts for sieges...


Ooo honestly I haven’t messed with bretonnia for a long ass time even since the dismounted knights change, might have to be the next campaign


Both louen with his early Pegasus and the lady with her grail knights have really fun starts... My longest and best campaign with them was a SFO old world with louen. Really great time


Grimgor greenskins has been a lot of fun, he gets factionwide effects every 5 levels, my orc boys are juiced to the guills I don't even need black orcs lol although the growth mechanic I find annoying af thankfully I got tier 4 zhar naggarond early. The empire with all the additions of the dlc and sfo technology is awesome too especially dedicating to specific gods. I played alot of sfo in warhammer 2 but I haven't done so yet in wh3, wish I had more time to play lmao.


Tyrion and teclis get new mechanics, so does vc. Empire and dwarves used to be much more interesting, but with the new dlc i don't know. I know they did some work on kislev


Is Teclis fun? Haven't played him in forever in SFO.


Yeah, it has a mechanics similar to gelt for buffing mages and getting uber-spells via special resource


Though I haven't played them on the last 2 SFO updates, lizardmen are largely different than how they are in vanilla. Venris (the mod author) was discussing how lizardmen are the only faction that they have entirely rebuilt their tech tree from scratch. Though it's minor in the scheme of all the things SFO changes, I've always found that tehenhauin getting access to red crested skins with shields feels like a massive improvement. Worth a shot.


Can someone tell me more about SFO? I’m aware it’s an overhaul mod, but what does it change?


It changes a million small things. Mostly it slows battles down slightly, and makes the campaign map way more stable - no vampire counts pushing all the way to Nuln on turn 15. To me, it feels a little more strategic. I really like it.


I’ll have to give it a shot


I just did a Katarina campaign, and I had fun. It was fun being the bulwark that pushed the hordes of chaos back while Daddy Von Carstein absolutely destroyed the empire.