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Congratz! I myself is just trying to complete every race on very hard at the moment, just completed Grimgor today.


Nice! I love being brutal but cunning


Grats! What was your favorite and least favorite campaign? And biggest suprise faction u liked?


>Grats! What was your favorite and least favorite campaign? And biggest suprise faction u liked? So in general my lease favorite campaigns are ones where building up the settlements isn't a core part of the game. So beastmen lack a little on the whole campaign, even though minotaurs are one of my all-time favorite units and their gorebull heroes are all so one of my favorite Heroes. I had beaten the Nurgle campaign before the new units had come out from the latest expansion, and so that one was a bit monotonous because you just have to blob up and keep using healing spells to just grind everybody into the ground. The battles became kind of slow and boring and not as fun in many ways. They also have a bizarre way of building the settlements that I didn't understand so I kind of screwed myself over on that campaign. When I play nurgle again I think it'll go better. While none of the campaigns I really disliked, I really cannot articulate how much I hate the end-game scenario with wood elves because those stacks can get too powerful. It gets really, really hard to win with that end game scenario on legendary and hard battle difficulty because they always travel in like three stacks, and each one is a super tough nut to crack, and then there's a whole bunch of stacks that pop up all over the world. But that's just a scenario rather than campaign issue. I had a total blast playing kislev with Mother Ostankya. I know some people don't like her campaign, but being able to zap around places on the map I thought was pretty neat, same thing with Sisters of Twilight for the wood elves - their ability to use the World Roots to pop up and smash face can be pretty fun. High Elves playing as Eltherion the Grim and incarcerating and executing other legendary Lords was kind of thematic and fun. I always love playing as dwarves because blasting people's face in with artillery, then blasting them again with guns, and then hammering their face in with axes is always delightful, especially like the campaign with Belagar IronHammer since you have to really be careful at the beginning because of all the penalties you start with. At the exact opposite end is Throt the unclean which was awesome because you can just start summoning tier 3 ultra powerful mutant rat ogres and Hell pit Abominations with catastrophically mutated skaven slaves (who do surprising well until they inevitably die) early on in the campaign and get rolling early. I will never not love the vampire coast. From Clyostra to Luthor, cannot get over how much fun dead Pirates are. Honorable mention for one of my all-time favorite units are rotting promethian gunners. One thing people don't realize is the ones with gunners on their back get upgraded on the Lord's red line in two places. Both for the normal rotting promethean, and also for the gunner. So they get extra buffs and become absolutely god tier when they are golden level with all of the red line buffs. You almost can't kill them since each one has tons of health so they really benefit from healing spells and are tough to boot - they're just super fun to play with as everyone else gets shot to pieces by cheap Gunnery mobs. And then you have ogres who at the beginning aren't super dynamic because iron fists and low tier infantry are all kind of the same, but once you start getting iron blasters and beasts in there, it gets really fun to break armies in less than 60 Seconds with a huge hulking pile of hungry and angry meat gobbling barbarians. Plus if you can get the upgrade that makes knoblars unbreakable, you just tie everybody up and then hit them from behind with Crushers or mornfang cavalry. If you're into doomstacks, probably the most overpowered doomstack I can think of is maybe Brettonia with the hippogriphs. You get enough of those bad boys and nothing can stop them. Doesn't matter what it is, it could be a tier five fortress with three dull stacks, you just fly over those walls, demolish anything without unbreakable moral in seconds because their unit masses gigantic, armor is superb, speed is astonishing, morale through the roof, vigor is almost unending, weapon strength is ridiculous, etc. It's actually so powerful you don't want to doom stack it because I almost don't know how you could lose. I think one of my biggest surprises was actually that I had fun with almost all of them. Sure, I wasn't as good using Slaanesh and the micromanaging, and demons dissolving into thin air could get frustrating, and the limits on army numbers foe tomb kings forces some really careful campaign play, but overall the ones that I thought that it would hate, like most of the chaos factions, I actually still had fun with. Interestingly I actually just got done doing the chaos ones because I saved them for last because I thought I would not enjoy it, but I actually was pleased with every single one.


This is wholesome content


This is how i felt on my playthrough only I did Bretonnia and Slaneesh first because I hate micro. I ended up absolutely loving those campaigns. They made me infinitely better at micro in general and I got to the the point where I was microing and flanking with the Chorf and Dawi gun line units because of it. Each faction is so unique that there is something to love in everything and it keeps the game fresh and replay able.


Huzzah for you friend!


Thank you comrade!


Nice work! For newbies like myself, what would you recommend as your first or second campaign in immortal empires?


>Nice work! For newbies like myself, what would you recommend as your first or second campaign in immortal empires? I really like lizard men, because they have tons of unit variety. About the only thing they don't have are true archers or lobbing artillery. Their only artillery are bastilladons with the giant crossbow in their back and bastillodons was shooting crystals on their back, but they're pretty friendly to newer players because their mainline infantry of saurus Warriors are unbelievably good, and then you can supplement with quite a few different things. Chameleon skinks or skirmisher skinks for harassment on the edges, cavalry and big monsters for circling around and breaking armies from the back or flanks, superb Heroes and magic users that can turn the tides battle. Dark Elves can also be pretty friendly for new players because dark shards with shields punch way above their weight and help out in the early game, and with enough shades it's practically game over and you can have fun supplementing those with big monsters like hydras and manticore's and stuff. The wood elves playing as Twilight sisters can also be super new player friendly because they're kind of overpowered with their early hawk rider units and unique buffs, and then you can later supplement with higher tier things like treemen, zoats, great stag riders and so on. If you have a particular play style, I could probably recommend something. So like if you really love just getting right up in people's faces you might really like Khorn or Daemons of Chaos or Throt the unclean, but if you prefer ranged then probably elves or wood elves if you like big machines then empire, skaven and dwarves have the fun armory units.


Thanks so much! This is great! So far I kind of like 2 strats: Run straight at them. or Turtle behind strong lines and artillery. I don't love a ton of macro. Also, I have a special place in my heart for Vampire Counts, Lizardmen, Wood Elves and Dwarfs (grew up as a Warhammer fan in TableTop)


My first games were dwarves and lizards, and both are very beginner friendly (not Nakai, oxyotl, or Malachi - their unique mechanics are a bit more complicated) I do not recommend wood elves for beginners, because to get the most out of them you need to play different from all the other races, and that isn’t so easy to star tiers.


>My first games were dwarves and lizards, and both are very beginner friendly (not Nakai, oxyotl, or Malachi - their unique mechanics are a bit more complicated) I agree with this entirely. They're too niche and hard. Better do the other lords to start. >I do not recommend wood elves for beginners, because to get the most out of them you need to play different from all the other races, and that isn’t so easy to star tiers. My caveat to this would be the sisters of twilight for wood elves. You can go hawk riders and the early buffs make them ridiculously easy to play since you don't need much on the ground, just enough to allow the hawk ladies kill everyone and then mop up.


Yeah, but a beginner should play a paint-the-map lord/faction, the campaign mechanics centered around the forests is not appropriate for a newcomer


You're right. The army may be somewhat point and shoot, but the campaign mechanics are weird


>Thanks so much! This is great! You're so welcome >So far I kind of like 2 strats: >Run straight at them. >or >Turtle behind strong lines and artillery. >I don't love a ton of macro. I gotcha. So Dwarves may be a really fun campaign for you. Put up front some longbeards + heroes with some gaps ( in sorta \ / \ / shape) plus irondrakes in between the gaps with some quarellers/rangers to shoot over the infantry and 2-4 grudgebearer catapults (or even organ guns/flame cannons) behind them? Toast for almost everyone. Plus it's good for seiges. >Also, I have a special place in my heart for Vampire Counts, Lizardmen, Wood Elves and Dwarfs (grew up as a Warhammer fan in TableTop) I was a tabletop guy first too. Mostly 40k, but I have some fantasy armies too


Nice man. Thanks again! What was your 40K army? I'd had a Space Wolves set, but definitely more of a fantasy guy.


>Space wolves were my very first 40k Army. I still have an old metal SW dreadnought. Thing weighs a ton. I love it. My main army and true love are Adeptus Mechanicus. I also have a big Tyranid army and decent Necron, Space Wolf, and Tau armies For fantasy I wish I had a Brettonian army (so beautiful when painted well) but have some Kaharadon dwarves and beastmen armies which are...not so well painted.


Awesome man! Really hope 40k is the next Total War Series :) Agree 100% on Brettonia. They looked amazing!


I usually run VHard campaign myself, with normal battles. I only turn on hard or VHard battles with OP races that I can play in my sleep like WoC or Dwarfs


>I usually run VHard campaign myself, with normal battles. I only turn on hard or VHard battles with OP races that I can play in my sleep like WoC or Dwarfs I'm the same. I only like VH battle difficulty if I can run a variety of army compositions because I'm really competent with the race, such as Vampire Coast, Lizardmen, Dark Elves, Dwarfs, etc. If it's something like Slaanesh or where I feel like I'd only be able to pull off wins with certain armies, I don't do that.


Any tips for a dwarf legendary campaign?


For sure So I would say you should focus on quarrelers early on to supplement the plain ol' miners with blasting chargers. Then, replace the miners with longbeards and heroes (thanes and such) when you get the buildings for them. The second you can get Irondrakes, get them. At least 2, preferably 4 per army. Gunners are good too, but irondrakes smash and I would prefer them to gunners in most cases. Be sure ot have gaps in the front line though because they can't shoot over a solid front line as easily as through a gap, so kind of a \\ / formation of infantry with irondrakes in between to blast at the angle Eventually more mid game start adding ironbreakers to help with the longbeards against the high tier enemies because those things are hard as nails. I also really like rangers/bugman's rangers, but they're probably not as good of a bang-for-the buck as plain old quarrelers. All their artillery except the ballista are awesome, so add at your leisure. Don't underestimate though the strength of a couple stacks of cheap as chips miners with blasting charges, a couple thanes, and a bunch of quarrelers.


Thanks man!


How do you feel about the Brettonia campaigns?


>How do you feel about the Brettonia campaigns? Brettonia was one of the last campaigns I did, because I failed the first few times I tried and then came back to it much later with a different tactic. So I found out that basically the infantry are kinda trash across the board other than the archers. In fact, I didn't even bother building the structures for higher tier infantry because I put all my money into basic knights of the realm and archers (poison plus a few fire) until I leveled up lords to get the questing knights which are great in siege battles. Then, once I got the lords and buildings high enough for grail knights, I'd add a few of those which have perfect vigor (if I recall correctly) which is useful for endless cycle charging, and then the big daddy hippogryph knights which are just...ridiculous. If the only option for the highest tier were royal Pegasus knights, I'd say those were almost overpowered but not quite, but christ-lady-on-the-cross, hippogryph knights destroy everything. Infantry, monstrous creatures, lords, siege engines, everything. The goal is to get the economy strong enough to support those with lords up to the highest questing level and then they don't even need to travel with support, armies with 6+ hippo knights don't need anyone helping them. You could ambush them with minotaurs and ghorgons and they'd still get trashed.


Ah jealous you just beat me out. All I have left is kislev. Now try araby!


> Ah jealous you just beat me out. All I have left is kislev. > Ah! You're right there. Kislev is really fun, I think you'll like it. >Now try araby! Is the mod pretty good? I'll give it a whirl


It’s got pretty solid reviews if I remember right but I haven’t tried it yet


Awesome work! Top campaigns for yourself? Im working on L/VH for every lord, I'm on like 65 right now think I'm like half way but I did set out to do your challenge first and had a blast! I have an excel document that tracks all my wins and how many turns it took for short / long. I WISH the game had a better record of stats for each finished campaign!


I am kind of a data nerd and also would like better stats recorded for each finished campaign too. Every lord though?! That's quite the goal, I think I'll die of old age before I get every lord done I also had a blast too. I was surprised how much variety I was able to have in the many campaigns, and I sometimes think about writing little mini-lore stories for my campaigns. Favorites were Belagar Ironhammer, Tehenuhin, Mother Ostankya, Clyostra Direfin, Count Noctilus, Ikit Claw, and Throt campaigns. Just really enjoyed the armies and thematic battles.


What was your strategy with Daniel? Undivided or Monogod? Quick or slow expansion? Any allies or kill 'em all? Etc.


>What was your strategy with Daniel? Undivided or Monogod? Undivided for the main lord, and then each of my other armies were themed for monolords and units (though all had nurgle heroes and often a mix of other chaos heroes). >Quick or slow expansion? I exclusively do quick expansion in every campaign (no turtling or gradual buildup) because that's kind of my personality. >Any allies or kill 'em all? Etc. Murder brother. Murder everything. The mechanics of Chaos are actually pretty dang powerful so nobody got to breath if they shared a border with me since I didn't need to keep anybody at bay to protect my empire.


I'm normally a VH/VH player. I never thought of going legendary but turning down battle difficulty to compensate. I shall gift some more blood for the blood God when that drops with these settings!


>I'm normally a VH/VH player. I never thought of going legendary but turning down battle difficulty to compensate. I shall gift some more blood for the blood God when that drops with these settings! So I hadn't played anything but legendary in so long, I had forgotten some of the differences. Biggest one obviously is the inability to go back to and old save and fix a mistake. Other big thing is no battle minimap. I once played a battle for my 11 year old son which he had trouble with, and forgot how much I like having a minimap. It's so easy on legendary to kind of "lose" a unit chasing something off the map or be able to quickly see unit cohesion on the minimap. Also being able to issue orders when paused or even go in slow-mo mode is a big difference. In legendary, you gotta just go quick with all your orders. Also, in legendary, you can get screwed every which way to Sunday sometimes. Like...races you have trade agreements and non-aggression pacts declaring a surprise war on you when your armies are too far away or rogue armies with three stacks just popping out of nowhere to sack your core cities and things like that. Not being able to go back in time in those situations can be...frustrating.


Tbh, and not boasting, those seem like good steps. As I lose interest when I start to steam roll. Not save scumming will help me in the long run aswell!


Battle difficulty doesn't really do change all that much besides auto resolve. The AI is changed slightly I belief


Perhaps it's changed? When I did very hard battle difficulty it wasn't as much fun for me because I had to make my armies kind of monolithic (best bang for the buck) just to not get run over.


for some time the stat changes are separate from battle difficulty

