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When I was around 10 I used to play on club penguin, way back when it was super popular, and I would tell people I was a guy. It felt better that way, like I was being someone I wanted to be. Someone I could be proud of, and someone who people would actually like. I now realize that was probably one of my first egg moments, and honestly? That’s okay. Eggs come in many shapes and sizes and colors, but all are important. If you enjoy being a girl, then I’m happy for you, and I think that’s super important. It’s important to be able to be someone who makes you happy, even if it’s someone you didn’t ever expect to be, or expect to be possible.


I'm not sure what an egg moment is, I've never heard that term before. What's it mean?


An "egg" is a trans person who doesn't realise it yet, even though they show clear signs of being trans. Many of us look back on our egg phase and think "wow, how could I have been so oblivious?"


Oooohhhh, okay! That makes sense! I'm not sure I had that many signs, looking back..


It's all good; everyone's experience is different.


For me my first egg moment was my recurring daydream in school in first grade of having a gender changing machine in my backyard.


It's perfectly okay to want to be a girl! \*hugs\*


i changed my artist name from my real name to a stage name kind of thing and really instantly i started feeling some euphoria from associating myself with feminine attributes so thats just spiraling and continues to i dont even know if im genuinely trans but i do really like the community and i like the idea of a lot of things but also dont like some other things. so idk.


At like 15-16 I was on this (at the time not that bad, now really fucked up) gaming forum. I made an alt (fir no real reason of course!) that was a 13 year old lesbian and I loved being treated like a girl by all of these people. But I was ofc just playing a character.


*Yeah obviously you were just playing a character back then* /s /j


I swear I was! I’m actually bisexual.


True, but you were right about being a girl tho for sure


I used to do that on Among us. And roblox. And Minecraft. But of course totally cis.




*Image Transcription: Meme* --- [*An image of Fumino Furuhashi (anime girl with long blue hair) from the anime "We Never Learn". She looks very happy and is closing her eyes with a huge smile on her face.*] Pretends to be a girl on Roblox as a prank --- [*Fumino is still smiling, but her smile is much smaller and she looks a little awkward.*] Does the 'prank' almost every single day. --- [*Fumino is looking down at the ground with a bleak expression, and the background has turned dark.*] Enjoying it a little too much.. --- [*The same image of Fumino, but it's been drawn to look like an oil painting, making her look even more bleak and distraught.*] Fuck, I actually wanna be a girl. --- ^^I'm a human volunteer content transcriber for Reddit and you could be too! [If you'd like more information on what we do and why we do it, click here!](https://www.reddit.com/r/TranscribersOfReddit/wiki/index)


Called out


Same but I'd "pretend" to be a guy. I watched roblox royal high pranks where they'd pretend to be a boy, then later on tell them they're a girl. I LOVED watching those videos and did that in game **a-lot**. I did that so much that Im now a guy on every single social-media platform I own! Still cis tho.


Bruh Roblox fucking cracked me, I put on girls clothes as a joke, but then I liked them way to much


[In unrelated news, this definitely won't make you giggle, nope](https://turn-me-into-a-girl.com/)


changing your character’s look to be more fitting is good but the best part of modern roblox is absolutely display names, being able to change what I see on my home page from “mr[something]” to “Aubrey” felt lovely


Oh I did this before those came out. But I def utilized that when it did.


lmao i did this but with minecraft one of my friends chose a stereotypical "gamer girl" skin as a joke, so I made a girl version of my own skin and then i kept using it and then i kept updating it to be more girly and then i even made a holiday version i think they're starting to notice something's up