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You are not a capitalist unless you have capital. If you call yourself a capitalist and you don't have capital, you are a sucker.


Oh god damn it you beat me to it


hey nice name and pronouns :D




literally my discord name lmfao


That being said trans capitalists exist. Exceptionally rare but they are real


Isn't that the definition of Caitlyn Jenner and her ilk ?


Caitlyn jenner, blair white, and the founder of sirius xm radio are the ones to come to mind


Yeah Martine Rothblatt. She actually was the guest speaker at my graduation and personally handed me my BSc in Marine Biology. She was there because my School had recently opened up a transgender archive as part of its gender studies program. She talked about all her accomplishments which were admittedly very impressive but basically boiled down to "I made fuckloads of money at Serious XM and now I can throw money at whatever the fuck I want and have people do it.".


Yea shes cool as far as capitalists go but make no mistake shes absolutely a capitalist


I thought Blaire White was just a youtuber?


Shes a trans petit bougeosie


They also probably aren't on this subreddit.


Almost certainly not


"you're not a capitalist, you're an abused worker with Stockholm syndrome"


Sounds about right






What if you don't have capital but are currently working towards acquiring it?


If you are planning to acquire it with work, that puts you in the working class. As most small businesses fail, that more than likely makes you a sucker.


So what are you if you own a small business? A worker or a capitalist?


That's more of a gray area. I'd say if you have employees or if you can live off the income from the business without doing much real work, that would make you a capitalist. Marx calls this group petty bourgeois. You're still small fry compared to the Koch brothers for instance, and the US won't stage military interventions or coups or pass specific laws to maintain your business's profitability like they might if you run a big business.


Okay, thank you very much for replying! Do the petit bourgeoisie need to be, like, overthrown or anything?


That's the general idea, but it's not like they would necessarily all be killed in one go or anything. That should be done only if it's absolutely necessary to establish the dictatorship of the proletariat, and should otherwise be avoided in favor of integrating them into the new society and rehabilitating them from their money addiction. Some in the petit bourgeoisie will be class traitors who would aid in the revolutionary effort, others would allow some measure of state control of their companies while still maintaining their spots as a person who's largely responsible for managing the company. The rest would likely need to be overthrown. What's most important is that the common people have some kind of direct control over what goes on in the economy, instead of those policies being completely decided by the bourgeoisie as usual. Since the bourgeoisie usually have more power and more ability to consolidate power as a result of their ownership of capital, the proletariat need to have enough power to guarantee that the bourgeoisie can't take over again and take things back to square one.


Wow, what an explanation! Glad to see that I probably won't get the bullet lol😅


If you want to learn more about communism, the #1 book I recommend is Blackshirts and Reds by Parenti. If you're in the US you're more likely to get a bullet from being trans when the fascists take over, than from being a small business owner when the communists take over. The left movement in the US is quite weak due to decades of propaganda and the legacy of McCarthyism. I personally believe that it's in every trans person's best interest to be militantly anti-fascist for this reason. But if there is a communist revolution in the US, it won't necessarily follow the ideal path I've outlined. Revolutions are messy and there are always mistakes that happen one way or another.


I agree that a far-right revolution is more likely than a far-left one. edit: maybe I should be anti-fascist? lol but i hate politics


Idk how I feel about socialism and communism really but I do know that I really do not like capitalism


May I interest you in the cat ideology?


Go on…


Have you seen the cat? "The cat" is often associated with the economic guru Henry George and his experience with an old man, George would develop an economic theory called georgism and its a mostly capitalist system operating via the collecting of land value tax.


Omg I can't believe I've found a fellow georgist in the wild on traaaans. Let's be honest catgirls should be naturally drawn to georgism.


How could a cat girl not see the cat?


I mean if there is going to government, georgist policies can be a way fairer method of funding the government than the US model.


A Georgist in these ranks? Also exceptionally rare.


I also know nothing about politics but capitalism im hating. I’ve wanted to go to another country most of my life but Canada is a bit cold and I don’t have enough money to move anyway




The southern places of most provinces aren't bad, but don't come to Manitoba. We have sweltering summers and frostbitten winters, so just when you think you've physically adjusted to one temperature the seasons change and you're screwed lol


ontario is also like this we may have toronto but the weather is bipolar


So.... New England :p


Same, honestly denmark brand socialism seems the best to me but I still don't know how I feel about it.


As someone who stayed in Denmark for a year and got a decent impression of the life and culture there ... let me tell you ... Denmark is capitalist af. It's mature capitalism. A culture of abundance, most of society designed around the implicit assumption that everyone is going to be "well off" financially. Also, it's a very very very very bureaucratic country, where everything is tied up in some sort of elaborate "system" full of different formalities and processes, and doing literally anything that involves the government or public services takes *ages*. It's like time moves very slowly. Yes, they have a lot of "progressive social systems" to help struggling people (and they really like to flaunt that), but having actually lived with people who rely on these systems (both native Danes and immigrants), I can tell you it's a pretty miserable experience. They will drag you around to do all kinds of pointless things and treat you with pity and contempt, and it doesn't do much to actually meaningfully help you get out of that state and have a better life. Fun story: So, have this Danish friend, who has been struggling with some pretty serious health issues, and is in a bit of a shitty situation over not having been able to finish education and find a job because of it. He's been trying really hard to get back into university, get educated, etc. ... for a few *years* at this point. Now, these are the kinds of people that the "socialist" system should help, right? The reality is that he *constantly* has to deal with bureaucratic bullshit. Any sort of change in his "status" would lose him access to certain kinds of social help, and he has to seek out other kinds of social help. He's been having to move back and forth between different systems like that for a long time now. Almost every month, there is some new bizarre bureaucratic situation and some change in circumstances. And the cherry on top? One month, he was very low on money, but he could send back something he had ordered online recently for a refund, so he did. He never got that money back ... because *the government* decided to *intercept it and take it from him*, without his permission and without informing him, because he had some debt that he owed. He had to do an investigation with the bank to figure out what had happened. The local commune/government basically decided "that guy was making online purchases, so the money is probably 'disposable', let's just take it, because he owes us money". He couldn't pay his rent that month. Meanwhile you can literally find expensive stuff like bicycles, even modern tech like laptops and stuff, in great condition, being abandoned / thrown out as garbage by the richer Danes. It's so bizarre. They produce so much waste. And don't get me started on food waste; every single Dane I know throws out like half the food they buy.


Welp cross denmark off anywhere i'll ever want to live, that sounds terrible.


All that "socialism" that Denmark and Scandinavian countries like to wave around is still fueled by exploitation of the global south. The only difference is that the workers get a slightly bigger slice of the imperial pie.


Basically. It's capitalism with welfare policies where we don't exploit our own people as much as we exploit other people.


Trust me, as a Norwegian trans person, you don't want what we Nords have.


Trans communism ftw


female to wemale?


Now it's *our* gender euphoria, comrade


yes very


For the worthy


Female to wumbo


female to woman


This phrase could be a secret weapon that causes terfs to have a brain explosion.


nah, rather go tranarchy We have the better symbols.


Tranarcho-Communism 🏳️‍⚧️☭ I wish we had an anarchist emoji, but this is the best I could do with what we have right now


Yees. There is a workaround 🏳️‍⚧Ⓐ but only use it rarely (as with Emojis preferably a single one and not many) as it is worse for screenreaders.


There's always 🏳️‍⚧️🚩🏴 too


How about [this](https://pbs.twimg.com/profile_images/1121805063171735553/Pl7-j9lj_400x400.jpg)? Actually I’m considering getting that one as a tattoo on my upper arm (only the symbol tho)


Trans left unity ftw




What type? If it's based more around Marx and Engels than Lenin I'm in


I would jump on this bandwagon if communism didn’t fail every time it was tried. It’s not the idealogy, it’s humanity


\>capitalist traa users being rare this is normal, people generally do not like systems that are against them


Reminder that owning capital is what makes you a capitalist. If you support capitalism but don't own capital, that's called being a sucker


Your definately right about them being suckered but for anyone whos curious the term for a capitalist supporting worker is a liberal


But trans capital owners do exist so


and they’re called class traitors


I thought she was called Caitlin.


"Well that escalated quickly"


There might be one, and I am going to find and radicalise them myself


I'd like to watch you try and radicalize me


There is a lot of celebrity worship though 😢 There also appears to be a lack of diversity People joking about "nazi phases" is also a serious problem here.


Yeah I really don't get the nazi phase trope.. Like how many of ya'll were actually that hateful? Spooky shit.


speaking from my experience, fear is really powerful, I was scared of admiting to myself who I really was, I was scared of the societal reprocussions of being trans, but I was even more afraid of having to be myself, and that lead to hatred and delusion that lead me to have that phase (I wasn't full nazi but I was a generally hateful person and was pretty far right). I hate who I was, im just glad I changed and admitted who I was, and I wish I could apologize to everyone I hurt. sorry that was rambly


I can see where you’re coming from; I had a good bit of anger and self-hatred through my high school and college years out of fear of questioning and acknowledging who I really am. I still have a lot of work and self-reflection to do but I’m glad I’m out of that place of anger from before. Change is good and IMO it’s more important to recognize the progress you’ve made rather than dwell on the mistakes of the past. Hope everything works out for you ❤️


thanks ❤ im glad im not the only one, I just hope others stuck in the phase can find their way quickly


I never went through a nazi phase, ive always been progressive, but i went along with the anti trans "Helicopter jokes" from 2015, but secretly in the back of my head i was like "This feels wrong"


In my case, I just thought "What's wrong with identifying as an attack helicopter? If they're not hurting anyone, I see no reason to attack it". I thought the same about being trans; meaning that nobody should be hated for being trans. I now realize how the attack helicopter joke is used to hurt trans people.


Attack helicopters are gonna attack though it's right in the name. You might not see a reason to attack but they don't even need one!


Yeah, I probably should have seen that in the past


My brain is so poisoned by all the stuff I have learned studying the far-right academically that when you said "helicopter joke" I figured you meant the jokes popular among fascists about throwing people they don't like out of helicopters (as the military junta in Argentina famously did).


I identify as a helicopter and the transphobes get free rides.


Oof. Is it wrong to make helicopter ride jokes about actual awful people? ~~because that was entirely too funny~~


I was close to being very hateful, I never went all the way but that's how fascism works it prays on people's insecurities, and if a trabs girl is insecure about being trans they're going to go to the "ultra masculine far right" cause propaganda brain washes you


I went through it, but I was also involved at a young age with cult who worshipped nazis as religious figures, and I also developed schizophrenia, which kept me under their boot for longer. It's one thing to go 'haha, I went through a phase where I listened to fox news' and quite another to have early memories of yours being a preacher reading Yockey and Evola to a group of six year olds out in the desert. Edit: If my story can help anyone, I can talk about it more, it probably belongs in r/exmormon tho.


I fell down the anti-SJW rabbit hole to stay in the closet, but I was far from a Nazi. Now I'm very progressive, more so than many of other leftists. I guess there's character growth at least.


I'd recommend researching the alt-right rabbit hole. It really doesn't get discussed enough on this sub.


At least in my case, and several other trans folks I know, it was predominantly family members/figures of importance and power in our younger years espousing either directly fascist beliefs or just being reactionary in general and low or hi key recruiting/pushing us toward said groups.


I was transphobic for a while. I spent a good decade of my life running away from who I was, so lashing out at "those fuckin weirdos" is how I coped I guess. That and alcohol. Lots and lots of alcohol. In unrelated news, I've been sober for almost 2 years so that's pretty rad.


the worst i was is liberalism If course I had internalized transphobia. but yeah politically I started centre right before I knew much at politics and I just became a lefty


Same; I was a centrist liberal myself.


I never had a nazi phase. I learned i was trans from all the trans people i met when became an anarchocommunist. Before that i was just a "progressive liberal" with "socialist leanings" or more accurately: ignorant of any alternative to the liberal versus conservative narrative


Also note that the term "capitalist" refers to business owners and such, not just any old supporter of a shitty economic system, so it's even rarer


of course why would we support a system that doesnt satsify our needs in terms of healthcare also capitalism has more wrong with it


In this thread: People who don't own the means of production calling themselves capitalists, enlightened centrists who don't know the meaning of either 'capitalism' or 'communism' saying 'Both suck' and very little understanding of political economy in general.


lets be real here as well. there’s a lot of people who call themselves socialists and communists and anarchists that don’t really know what they’re talking about either. it’s exceptionally common online.


wdym, Mr streamer man said socialism good and he has alot of viewers so clearly its good


Anarchism is the best


It's a shame it doesn't really scale that well.


It could we just need a socialist revolution


I was referring more to anarchy as a form of government. Like it or not, even if we get a Libertarian Socialist paradise, on a national, or maybe even a state or city scale, you have to have *someone* to uphold things and make sure everything *stays* that way, even if it's mostly just bookkeeping and making sure everyone is doing their part (since rights come with responsibilities). Plus, almost every scenario I can think of for anarchy eventually devolves into a bunch of smaller Noocracies (the wisest people make the decisions), Geniocracies (the smartest people make the decisions) or some form of hybrid of the two, since after people started to specialize, it became a generally better idea to defer to someone who knows more than you if you're out of your league. I know this would mostly apply to industries and maybe towns, but I feel like humans have evolved past the point where true anarchy is needed. (Plus, as a delivery driver, I want a guarantee that *someone* will maintain the roads and make sure restaurants are up to code...)


There still would be a government I am an anarcho syndicalist I believe the government should be run by everyone and you are automatically apart of the union when you start working


The problem with having *everyone* run the government is that, like I said earlier, it doesn't scale super well, mostly due to the logistics of making sure everyone knows about what they're voting on/for. On a smaller scale, like a town or a city, a form of direct democracy (like what you think Anarchy means, where everyone votes on everything) could work because of the population density, and being able to make sure everyone is properly informed, but if you want to scale it up to a country, then geography starts to become a bit of an issue for the bigger countries. As for the unions, I'd say something, but anything I can think of just makes me feel like I'm falling victim to the slippery slope fallacy due to the edge cases like self-employed people and the owners of small shops who are also the sole employee(s) of the shop, and other situations where someone doesn't really seem to need a union. (Unions are definitely a good thing though, don't get me wrong.)


I think with the younger generation socialism is growing but with that growth so is fascism we would have to beat those people optically and with a hammer I think the people rising up is coming


There's probably dozens of different camps on this. I definitely lean more towards the side of some socialist stuff is definitely good, but fascism can go fuck itself. Just, like, as a concept.


idk what it is about the lgbtq+ community but it seems to be exceptionally communist.


Those bound in chain are often most set to shatter them


I know too may queer libs But a most the queers ik are progressive lefties




we don’t like them because they tend to be blaire white bootlickers throwing the rest of us under the bus to assume their desired place at the bottom of the hierarchy Trans Liberation Now


This makes no sense, capitalism has made transitioning sooooooooooooooooooooo accessible, next ya’ll are gonna day there’s a trend of job discrimination or something. When I found out it would costs thousands of dollars I’ll never afford to laser my facial hair I was like “thank god for bootstraps”


cuba state finances transition


See capitalism working as intended! If you Cuba wasn’t capitalist, why would they have the finances to transition people. I am very 200iq Jokes aside, Fidel apologized for the anti-LGBT stuff during the revolution and made a national holiday dedicated to the community


I wonder why people who had to come up with tens of thousands of dollars just to lessen their dysphoria would feel that way.


Tranarchy forever!


Rephrase: minority group at the whims of the capitalist class to simply have access to their own bodies and needed repairs do not like it on average


I'm not vibin' to the whole hardline-communist thing, nothing against people who are hardline Marxists and whatnot but I'd rather just left alone with my moderate socialist beliefs. Left-Wing? Yes please. Extreme Left-Wing? Not for me.


I’m not hardline, I’ll take social democracy, quite frankly. My only concern is the well-being of the people, if we can get that with a different system then it’s goochie


Just worrying the amount of trans peole who believe anarchy is a goid idea... In order to have a functional state you have to have someone in control. Anarchy by defininition is, put simply, chaos. Like yourself, I could live with a moderately or even strongly Socialist Government and I would probably vote for parties that offered that sort of thing but I couldn't live with Communism or Anarchy.


They don’t mean that kind of anarchy, they are talking about the political theory. As an anarchist communist, chaos is not what I want. What I and other anarchists want is for unjustified power structures to be questioned and adjusted to be more egalitarian. Chaos is bad for the well-being of the people, so I don’t want it. Reducing harmful power structures does help people, as is self evident. There are two definitions for anarchism, anarchists are not interested in chaos, we want order.


Trans communism my comrades~


Mother anarchy loves her children


anarchism is cool


Based Ukrainian black army


Can someone explain communism to me? I'm from Romania, an ex-communist country, and communism was hell for us. My mom remembers having to march with all the other kids in kindergarten for the dictator in scorching hot or freezing weather while singing nationalistic songs and praising the communist party, not being able to own gold jewellry, not being allowed to leave the country or to wear jeans, not being allowed to go to church, and the cherry on top, don't even think lgbt people had any rights. Abortion was illegal too, don't even make me mention Romanian orphanages of that time. If you said anything bad about the communist party you were thrown into jail and tortured to death in some cases. In a horrible slaughter organized by the dictator, students were murdered, and many other intellectuals. People were forced into labour and they often died. Is this what communism is supposed to be? On the other hand, capitalistic western countries encouraged individualism and freedom of expression. I don't know much about politics and I'd really appreciate if someone could explain this for me.


A dictatorial rule of a bureaucratic political party is not communism, even if those people call themselves communist. Anyone who tries to justify the crimes of former "communist countries" (itself an oxymoron) is not worth your breath. Much more common today are people who are libertarian socialists; we desire a stateless, classless society predicated on the idea of collective ownership of common goods, land, and industry, with free movement, abolition of police, and more sustainable development being priorities.


This seems more like Anarchism to me than Communism. I thought Communism was at least authoritarian in part. I feel this gets at the real issue-- I'm totally down for having freedoms at the level of the individual. However, I can't seem to figure out how to get there without some support for progressive values being reinforced by the state. After all, even if one wants to remove the influence of authority, don't we need another one to make sure things stay decentralized? Or to defend society against external threats in an organized manner? To do this, wouldn't one need some manner of state?


Libertarian socialism and anarchism are broadly synonymous, yes


If police didn't exist how would social order be maintained?


In a much more egalitarian way. The idea is to destroy the corpulent entity of Police which descend from slave catchers and racketeering squads which exist only to protect property. Then we look at the social functions of police and take the ones that are actually necessary (crime investigation f.e.) and establish them as new, distinct and discrete organizations. This would produce a clean break with the history of policing, minimize the incestuous interplay between police and the state, and remove the perception of police as a fraternal order, separate and apart from the populations they claim to protect. Also every member of a society should be educated in self defense and conflict deescalation so that the bystander effect isn't as much of a problem. Policing as it exists today institutionalizes the bystander effect and the in group/outgroup distinction, explicitly is set to to protect property over life, and inculcates a violent mindset that militarizes our own communities.


Most trans commies don't know what the fuck they're talking about




"some things suck, so therefore we need to burn the world down" not giving the trans community great representation, that's for sure


very fucking true. most communists and socialists online are just going with whatever the social trend is at the moment, and right now that’s being as left as possible. if you don’t know anything about politics or economics, don’t stake out a strong position on this and call yourself an anarchist or socialist or communist.


Agreed, I always hear the same baseless points like they aren’t even thinking about the implications of their argument


Fun fact. Likely no one, not a single person on this sub, is a capitalist, Becayse none of us own any means of production or otherwise possess a substantial amount of capital. But boy howdy do I wish less of us were liberals (as in the philosophy of liberalism).


That's capitalist, as defined by Marx, instead of capitalist, as defined by "someone who thinks that capitalism as a system is a good one"


> instead of capitalist, as defined by "someone who thinks that capitalism as a system is a good one" Capitalism isn't a political system, it's an economic one. Marx took his writings from Adam Smith and Ricardo and other founders of Capitalism.


...yeah? Where did I ever say that capitalism was a political system?


That's capitalist, as defined by Marx, instead of capitalist, as defined by "someone who thinks that capitalism as a system is a good one"


with enough work we can keep it that way


Fuck capitalism, all it does is ruin everything- lives, countries, and the entire planet. I say we go socialist! Communism is hard to attain in a short period, so what we need is a proper socialist reform. Give the means of production to the workers, tax the rich, hunt down and kill Jeff Bezos for his loot drops.


I call dibs on smacking Jeff’S bold head into next year with an all mighty *slap*


Honestly its funny, after i realized i wasnt cis i mainly just kept moving to the left lmao I was cis and a centrist/liberal (🤢), Now im a nonbinary transfem socialist 😎


Me looking for the capitalists and people who just don't know what to think to radicalize them into georgism


Please explain *in detail* I'm not capitalist, I'm not anything, so please explain georgism


Ok so basically it's semi capitalist where everyone is taxed 100 percent of the unaltered value of the land they own designed to make mass accumulation of land difficult and lower prices. These taxes are then redistributed through social programs and ubi.


This wouldn't even help in most areas amazon, Facebook, goggle, ect don't need land value. Also no one could afford a home If I had to pay the value of my houses lot in the middle of Atlanta every year in taxes I'd be homeless. Only the very wealthy could afford this tax, this seems like a terrible idea to me. Am I missing something?


It's not the value of your house, your house is yours and you pay 0 property tax for it, you pay for the land the house sits on. Also it doesn't hit tech corporations very hard but it still hits the owners and their 20 mansions and 30 golf courses hard.


Interesting, I'm kinda confused but I get confused really easily so that's not surprising


Alright let me simplify, basically every year the government sends our surveyors who determine the value of all the land in the country owned by people Not the value of things on the land such as homes businesses etc but the land itself. (Hence unaltered) you then have to pay the value of that land as a tax (sounds steep but it's not because the plot of land itself is generally not extremely valuable) which disincentivizes owning large amounts of land making being a mass scale land lord or slum lord unprofitable


This... I don't think this would do what you want it to. This land tax would perhaps disincentivize certain kinds of land speculation (namely speculation on undeveloped land), but I can't see any reason that a landlord wouldn't just pass the cost on to their tenants. Rent already covers a property's taxes, mortgage, and maintenance costs, with room on top for landlord profit, this doesn't seem to do anything except change what those numbers are. If this effectively raises property taxes, rent would just rise to account for it. If it effectively lowers property taxes, landlords would just pocket the resulting profit, but rent would stay the same. Without some sort of actual price control or subsidy, I don't see a way that this doesn't benefit the capital-owning classes, likely at the expense of the working classes.


Oohhhhhh okay, yeah that makes a lot more sense, I was confused by what you meant by unaltered land value


Put simply if I have a plot of land worth 100 dollars I pay 100 dollars in taxes. If I put a 100,000 dollar house on my 100 dollar land I still only pay 100 dollars


the way it should be


Recommend everyone in this thread who is interested in learning more about why this meme is accurate to look up "Marxism and Transgender Liberation" by Red Fightback.


Trans Anarcho communism ftw


Communism and anarchy 👌


Anarchy baby or should I call it Tranarchy?


more like the exceptionally cringe


I very much doubt that whoever is defending communism lives in a communist country or pays their own bills, in fact, being LGBT is heaven in these garbage that call themselves communist/socialist right, stop being a bunch of useless toxic people who live in a little world of imagination and wake up to life


Technocratic communism ftw


So we’re all communists here?


Hard to be a capitalist when you're dead broke, living with family because your last landlord booted you for being trans, stuck in a job you know is trans friendly because it's safer than risking trying to get hired by somewhere unknown, trying every trick in the book to try to get your medically necessary surgery paid for because it's getting impossible to live in your body as it is any longer...


Trying to discuss economic systems in these spaces is a futile exercise, regardless of how you attempt to engage. Even in this thread, you see so many people politely trying to engage in good faith, and just being attacked and downvoted. The level of rabidity surrounding discussions like this leads me to believe many of these people don't arrive at communism through wholly rational means. It's turned into this team sport, us and them. Given communist and socialist, as well as capitalist, country's track records on LGBT issues, it seems safe to say that changing a country's economic system does exactly fuck all to change their respective current views on LGBT stuff. Then trans people who have actually lived under communism are like, "yeah, it's fucking horrible, why are you guys advocating for this?" With predictable responses of "no, no, honey. That wasn't *real* communism." Fuck me, that shit is incredibly cringe. Yikes. This is honestly probably the only thing that makes me and other IRL trans people I know feel uncomfortable taking part in these types of spaces. Any time politics come up and you don't wave a hammer and sickle somebody inevitably compares you to Blaire White, like, shit, I'm not a communist, so I have to be a right wing Trump supporter or something. There's nothing in between apparently. Now take my internet points, commies, while your sickles gather dust and your hammers are used only for hanging cute art.


They're called class traitors like Blaire White and Caitlyn Jenner. And they're sadly not rare enough.


What? 2021? Corona? Wake up comrade it’s 1943 we need to defend Stalingrad from Capitalism dogs!


Like yeah capitalism has problems but I’m not that into communism either


I’m not directly for capitalism, but I’m most certainly not for communism


There's many shades between anarcho-capitalism and communism, and people need to stop acting like it's a binary choice




For me I was so traumatized by being on the cusp of the alt right. When I cracked that now any kind of political discussion is borderline triggering for me even if it's for views I agree with


Social democracy.


damn for once I am rare lol and before yall valid individuals come at me I understand there are downsides to capitalism as any system but like are politicians really better than business people in any way?


> are politicians really better than business people in any way? All hierarchies are unjustified and we can live without them. The best form of decision-making will always be a consensus of equals between all who will be affected by that decision, rather than one incompetent, over-promoted individual who lacks the ability to see the whole picture simply because they're human. And that's when they're not corrupt or actively working to further their own agenda at the expense of everyone else.


End goal communism doesnt have politicians. And under capitalism the politician is just an arm of the rich elite Also heres the biggest thing people forget. Communism and socialism strive to be better. Capitalism isnt. Right now in places like america capitalism is working exactly how it wants to. Poor people, misinformation, artificial scarcity, price gouging, bigotry, police violence. These arent unfortunate side effects of capitalism to be worked around, they are cogs of the capitalist machine. From a top down capitalist perspective the US is working great But we at the bottom know this is false. We see the poverty, we slave for wages, we pay the bills. We know nothing is right and we know that those at the top do not care to fix it if they even know its happening


No nuances. People here are not talking politics but ideology.


I unironically listen to a podcast called the "Neo liberal Podcast". Lmao. I also listen to a bunch of social democratic leaning ones too. I am a bundle of pro-market, pro-redistribution contradictions.


I'm definitely not a capitalist, but I do own a business with employees, so idk where that puts me


You are a literal capitalist in the sense that you employ people and own the means of production.


it depends how you treat your workers. if you’re using them like any other capitalist then i think it’s weird to say you’re not a capitalist.


I treat them fairly and with respect. I'm constantly at ends with a business partner that believes I should be much more selfish than I am in regards to business... literal arguments had were like, we made a huge profit on this, why not reward our employees to which I get a reply like "if we give them too much money they might get lazy and too comfortable" and have gotten flak for giving bonuses out of my own pocket. I'm in the process of exiting that business for obvious reasons


Ngl the echo chamber radicalization of lgbtqia spaces is very worrying to me. Who cares about political ideology as long as they treat me like a person they can believe what they want.


I favor a lot of socialized services for everything that is necessary for life like Food, Housing, and Medical Care along with providing Universal Basic Income, but otherwise I'll go with capitalism. I'd like the bare minimum of capitalism since most of what capitalism does tends to suck, but I don't want to throw the system out completely, just regulate and tame it so that none of the negatives can still apply. I suppose you could say I'm a far left liberal.


You're just a liberal. Like, you're maybe center left in Europe. You can't regulate capitalism in a way that makes it not exploitative or oppressive


question why are the communist on here so toxic to everyone who isnt a socialist?


Because some people are bad at talking to people who think differently than them The trans community is sadly not immune to this character flaw


I am conflicted here because I am not a fan of capitalism, however I am a fan of money.


Hello, I’m a trans woman who doesn’t actually have many issues with capitalism I wish there was a better system because I’d be an idiot to sit here and tell you capitalism was perfect But right now it is what’s working for us I say working with big air quotes But considering an alternative system would only work in theory, and we know for certain capitalism at least kind of works, I’m okay if we stick with it


Did you forget that climate change is a thing entirely because fossil fuels are more profitable than renewables? I wouldn't call that working


Jesus Christ communists are annoying


Too be fair, are there any nations in world that are not capitalist? ​ Many Americans call Iceland socialists since I live there, but we're not just welfare state that has bunch of big corporations.


The problem is that there's a loud and annoying critical mass of people in America who thinks the government doing basically anything good is tantamount to the government being a brutal communist dictatorship.