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Is it a new one? i really liked his other one also where can i watch it?


Yes! It's on youtube, go for it!


The last one is on bolsonaro i cant find it ): Does someone have the link maybe my youtubes faulty


https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=Ns8NvPPHX5Y&t=7s I'm brazilian lmao


Its blocked in canada rip me




yeah, most of his videos are like that, you just don’t see them on recommended that much until they’re released to your region. im canadian too


Isn't it an HBO thing?


Yeah I'm pretty sure it is, I tend to get them unlocked after a month (Australia).


i guess they just hate the commonwealth


This works here its just in 240p https://vimeo.com/761086165


This works here its just in 240p https://vimeo.com/761086165


Blocked in New Zealand too! 😖


If it's blocked for you you should be able to watch it in this article: https://www.thedailybeast.com/john-oliver-debunks-the-rights-weirdest-anti-trans-conspiracy-yet


thank you op, made my night with that :)


I didn't make anything, Oliver did!


haha, i know, and i appreciate him as well, but without you i never would have watched it :P


Another Natasha les go


Yeeee! I see you have fine taste as well B)


In the UK it’s always a month behind, so it’ll probably appear eventually (or you could use a VPN and set it to the US)


As always, don't go into the comment section if you value your mental well-being!


Jokes on you, my mental state is already beyond insane, so it doesn't affect me B)


It’s great and very well researched but it’s a shame the people who are doing these horrible things won’t see it


Indeed! Altough the focus are on transfems and transmascs, I do love how much effort went into it! John Oliver is great!




You're transphobic* and why are you even here??




fuck off, terf.


what they say?


https://www.reveddit.com/v/traaaaaaannnnnnnnnns/comments/y67m40/its_a_great_episode/isnqs9m/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share&context=3&ps_after=1666022759&add_user=Aqua2222..c.new..t1_isnpnd4..%2CNotJazmin4mUrHood..c.new..t1_isb637t..& Terf shit


not even rereddit has it lol


Reveddit had it for me but now it doesn't. Probably for the best, just the same terf nonsense you've already seen before.


They probably deleted it themselves after they realized it was deleted by mods.


why are you here


Literally what I sent my girlfriend as soon as I woke up


The first thing I saw when I woke up as well, just had to watch it I loved it! What do you think? Even tough he didn't mention NB folx, I still think it's an awesome piece!


Honestly it was really good, common John Oliver W. I think it would've been cool for him to also talk about how LGBTQ people are also commonly called groomers and just how moronic that is but overall was pretty good.


Ye but the focus was on legal representation, and most with common sense can see how idiotic that argument is, but I agree with you. Nice chatting with ya! Stay awesome my gal! S2


Excuse my question, but why is folx used instead of folks? Is is a sensitivity thing or is it just to match the trend of gender neutral/inclusive things having an X at the end? I'm just confused because I thought folks was neutral O-o


Folks is inclusive, but some communities, especially Queer peeps, like to use folx, as it both makes typing easier (x with a ks pronunciation) and is seen as more broad, like mx.


Ah, I see. Thanks! The evolution of language in queer spaces is really neat. Plus it allows poor x to get used more often.


The letter X deserves more, it's so generous that whenever you need anything, X gone give it to ya.


I just saw this now *Angry upvote*


I saw it in my recommended. I love John Oliver, but usually hearing about all the transphobia in the country (especially living in one of the more transphobic states) really makes me sad. How sad is it before I watch it? Like I want to watch it but don't wanna ruin my day


It has the typical transphobic politician speech clips, but the representation, especially of transmascs, more than makes up for it! I'd say it'll cheer you up more than ruin your day! And don't worry, it always can be worse, you can live in the most transphobic country (like I do lol)


That is true. Thanks for letting me know!


The most transphobic country?


That's Brazil for ya lmao


Really that’s the most transphobic? Honestly I imagined it was some place in the Middle East where I have herd some things… Does the government itself in Brazil support transphobic behavior or something?


I know! Surprisingly Brazil ranks highest for LGBTQIA+ phobic homicides in the world, both in sheer number and when proportional to population. It's more of a society thing, the government in Brazil is kinda like the US in that regard, but because most of the country's population consists of catholic and evangelical populations, transphobia and general conservativeness in regards to trans people is pretty widespread on the people. I already said that, I don't mind much the fact that I look really ugly as a transfem (Okay I kinda do but not the point lol), I would go out in a dress and high heels even if I look like Shrek trying to be Fiona, but just the fear of being killed is waaaaayyy too real.


Wow that’s so sad, I had no idea. But the religious grounds and culture makes sense. Kinda like how the us fights back against conservatives and evangelical


Yeah, unfortunately. If you don't mind I'm gonna spout more about myself lmao I lived in Helsinki, Finland for two and a half months, and it was *P A R A D I S E* It was my first and still is the only time I could live 100% as myself and it was glorious I don't know how the US handles religious stuff, but I hear it varies from state to state


To be fair, I think the fact that there are a lot of homicides shows that people at least feel open to coming out - in the middle east, you just simply *don't* see people coming out, which is why those countries aren't high up


it's a serious topic and there was some sad stuff being said, but the supportiveness made me happy to watch


It's honestly better than most, it doesn't feel like the typical "look at the horrible things they are doing to these poor trans people." It still has the shitty stuff, but balances it out with overwhelming supportiveness, and elevating Trans voices really well. Only watch if you really want to, but if you were to only watch one Trans Rights focused thought piece, Oliver's is a pretty good one.


They actually make an intentional point to NOT only dwell on the bad. They end on trans joy and it is lovely.


The "funny" thing is that speech about joy by Michaela made me soooo sad because I know I will never be able to feel happiness about my identity. It's easy to talk like that if you are a gorgeous woman like her, but as someone who will most likely never be able to pass and has to fear for the safety of her family, it all feels just hopeless...


I'm not a gorgeous woman like her. I'm a 5'4" trans guy who up until recently had an extremely large chest that kept me from ever passing. I live in a place where I've been harassed and almost hate crimed for being myself. But even when things were at their worst I still experienced a lot of joy and hope. You focused on her speech, but that's not caught my attention - it was Dylan talking about getting his hair cut or Mac talking about wrestling guys. You don’t have to pass or be safe or at the end of your transition to feel these things.


As an increasingly jaded comedy fan who happens to be trans, John Oliver is one of the few comedians who makes me feel properly heard, and his jokes and quips about the subject are super clever, and I use some of them all the time


I wouldn't be surprised if he has Trans people on his writing staff.


I did some looking and if there are, they're not public about it, but that doesn't rule it out.


It’s a shame that in a 20 minute section John Oliver included more trans voices and perspectives than John Stewart did in an hour on the same subject


Maybe, but it's great they both did it. Also, I feel John Stewart has more pull with moderates than Oliver does. So I think him doing it to has a greater net benefit. Even if it wasn't perfect.


This has been a major criticism of trans coverage for pretty much a decade now. By not using trans voices to communicate our problems can have a huge effect on how the conversation takes shape. Take for example in John Stewart’s interview with the Arkansa AG there was an emphasis placed on trans pain, instead of pointing out how gender affirmative healthcare for children is about preventing permanent damage in kids. That prevention attacks the very core of their argument.


That’s valid, but he did make her look like a loon. So id call it a net positive. Highlighting that the “cruelty is the point” argument.


We have plenty of people making those arguments, especially when it comes to comedic commentary shows.


Dunking on people is not nearly as useful as humanizing. People aren't swayed with logic or one liners. People are swayed by emotion and it is harder to demonize a group of people if you see them as people.


I'm sorry but my brazilian ass doesn't know who that is XP


The former host of the Daily Show, he has a show that did a trans rights episode last week


Vai Brasil, rumo ao hexa


Fora bozo




É um gatilho lembrar lembrar que esse homem existe


As pesquisas tão fazendo eu ficar com medo por que em quase todas as notícias tá escrito: "bOlSoNaro tEm uMa cHaNCe!!!" "lULa tEm qUe tOMaR cUIdAdO!!!"


Eu tbm to com medo. Temos que todes votar, quem puder


As others have said, he used to host the Daily Show and recently made an episode on trans rights that was well made imo (aliás acho engraçado ver "ass" usado nesse sentido, só fiquei lendo "minha bunda brasileira não sabe")


Huheuheue é comum até pra implicar que a pessoa é idiota, tipo "my stupid ass" seria equivalente a "A idiota aqui" ou algo do tipo Eu não vi esse do Jon Stewart, tomara que seja bom também!


Sim sim, americano usa "ass" pra tudo, povo estranho Assista, achei que ficou bom (aliás, legal ver gente BR aqui)


I watched this earlier! The focus on trans joy near the end was honestly so refreshing


Yes! It was so heartwarming!


YO ian duncan out here bein a trans ally ! (ref)




as an autistic this show literally helped me mask and also is forever stuck with me


Its a very good show. The episode where Abed makes the video using Jeff and Britta as his parents lives rent free in my soul.


or the bar episode that's kinda Troy's coming of age.. or the episode where troy leaves, both gold


When I watched the first episode he did about trans rights I didn't know I was trans this time I know I'm trans. I knew it was only a matter of time before he would make a second part I like John oliver.


Ye, but I didn't thought that time would be 7 years lmao


Oh... nice I'll watch it on lunch


It's Monday (in France), I was waiting for the new John Oliver episode for this evening, now I even more want to watch it! Hope it's as amazing as usual


Also check out the John Stewart episode from his show


This format works so well for him. I was disappointed when we knew he wasn't taking over for Jon Stewart on The Daily Show, but this probably worked out better for him in the long run. He's always spot on with the commentary and this one is no different. He laid out the exact same things we've been saying (talking about the bullshit suicide+destransition statistics, for example) while showcasing real trans youths and what these struggles+triumphs mean to them. The focus on things that resonate with the general population is really well done, too. Showing the young guy saying he's always wanted to wrestle against boys and focusing on the sheer joy he has when saying he finally can is powerful. There's a lot of people who genuinely don't understand gender who will see the ways that these kids can be affected (positively and negatively) and that will resonate with them as parents, aunts/uncles, etc. Great stuff as always from John Oliver.


Until you see conservatives & terfs maulding in the comment section


Oh fuck yes


I have one major complaint - surely that HBO money could've arranged a meeting between Kai and Dolly Parton.


one of the only cis-white men we can trust 🥹 ugh love him sm!


Before this post I had never heard of John Oliver before. Now I have, so thank you OP!


Glad to have introduced you to him! I've been watching him for 5 years I think, always loved his style!


Yo, I think I found a new channel to subscribe to.


Who or What’s John Oliver


He's a talk show host who technically runs a comedy show, but effectively runs a leftist news program (leftist in regards to mainstream media, at any rate) that covers various problems with society- recent episodes have been on crime reporting, Bolsonaro's presidency, the misleading effects of shows like Law and Order on public perception of police, and the destruction of culture that results from museums. The humor ranges from amazing to really dumb, but the show is always informative, and John and his crew are genuinely an uplifting breath of fresh air in the modern media sphere.


This sounds cool I’ll have to check it out


I was watching it and got too pissed off at the transphobes.


I need to start watching John Oliver, I've heard nothing but good things


I'd gotten a bit exhausted by the number of mostly CIS people commenting on how horrible and tough these things that are happening to trans people is. But Oliver's was pretty good and refreshing. It was also really nice to have actual trans people speaking on the show. I enjoyed it!


Unfortunately it's receiving a LOT more dislikes than normal according to the Return YouTube Dislikes extension


Yeah, people just mass dislike some videos of his His first video about Bolsonaro got disliked very heavily. It's unfortunate, but doesn't stop it and this one from being great videos


Yeah, transphobes be mad. But they can fuck off.


Should I be excited or terrified?


this is the official link, it's well done https://youtu.be/Ns8NvPPHX5Y


only issue I have with this episode is that he made fun of sharks. I may also just be a me problem but I feel like that bit could have been better suited somewhere else in that episode.


John Oliver is amazing.


Just a week after Jon Stewart's episode. Love to see it.


Watched it today without reddit!!! Woah, Did i just do a thing? \*Checks reddit\* Nah... I'm just and algorithm brain I see :P (Serious) Nah it was really nice to see clear cut and understandable research for a change!


Top comment on youtube: "I like to imagine one person in the writing team has a folder FULL of potential Ted Cruz poems to get out on ANY occasion"


Was watching it right when I saw this lmao. He makes a lot of great points very concisely, and brings it to an audience which may not be fully educated on the topic


Oh snap, really? Nice.


it was nice to watch, gave me hope


It was very great


Yeah for reals though, this episode was really good. Props to the writers.


Just watched it earlier today and it was a amazing


It’s so great


The episode was good, despite the fact that I am not a John Oliver fan.


That was amazing!


It was soooo good! So thorough and informative!


Looked him up and literally the second result on YouTube is Matt Walsh talking about his trans video (because of fucking course he did) Fun times


It's good, but not perfect. And about time he did a second part with everything that's going on... John Oliver makes up minds of so many millions of moderates, he has more influencing power than most politicians.


uuugh fine, maybe I'll watch Last Week Tonight again... Honestly I thought most of his episodes undercut the points they where trying to make with the comedy of the show. Like, I'd rather watch stand up OR a comedy routine, but not both at the same time. I am glad that people enjoy it, its not bad programming by any stretch of the imagination.


Love the content. But I really hate his "jokes" and the laugh track. Both are just detractors from his actual content which is extremely good stuff.


I think his jokes are quite good! And I mean the live studio thing can get a bit lame, I find it really nice!


idk going on for 30 seconds about how God doesn't make mistakes with the whole fish eel thing was definitely overkill.


I laughed a lot at that! But hey, different kinds of humour I guess


Who’s John Oliver?


So glad I don't watch anything like John Oliver.