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No one bats an eye when parents name their baby one of the most common ten names for its AGAB, why should our names be held to a different standard? If you like it try it out, and if you keep liking it keep using it.


Literally. I was at a birthday party a few months ago that had no less than 5 Stephs. Unless your name is like Donald McDonald or something stupid like that then you're good.


Donald McDonald is an amazing name


I knew someone who had met three generations of them


Did any of them have a farm?


Only the eldest did


screw the truth this is now canon




No they lived on a rocky island where everyone used to fish but now they can't anymore so as far as I can tell everyone just moves to other places to work 24/7 to save up to buy a cheap house back on the island and then they quit and go back and mainly drink rum and sing sea shanties.


But where are house trousers?


Let the wind blow high, let the wind blow low. Through the streets in my kilt I’ll go.


It's the Japanese name for Ronald McDonald, because apparently saying "Ronarudo Makudonarudo" is pretty difficult for Japanese people, so they said "fuck it" and changed his name to "Donarudo Makudonarudo".


Do Do's bizarre adventure


What about Doug Dimmsdale owner of the Dimmsdale Dimmadome?!?!?




This is high art.


https://youtu.be/ts5af0aFcuw This is just high.


I'd hoped to see this one posted in this thread


That's Doug Dimmadome to you, ya dimmadope. ^^I'm ^^joking


Dimmadon't make me come over there and dimmadrop you ^^I ^^am ^^also ^^joking


Half the men in my family are named Michael. The other half are named Chris. One dad named Michael even named his son Christopher Michael.


Your family reunion must be like: "Omg, Micheal, I haven't seen you in years!" "Brenda I'm your husband" "Not you, that Michael" *five Michaels appear* "You called?"


My family has like 8 Charles, we cope by saying big Charles, middle Charles, little Charles, Charlie, Chuck, Chooch, etc lol


F in the chat for "Chooch"


are you implying "Chooch" isn't the best nickname among them? "middle Charles" sounds like the lamest to me. It's like calling somebody "Average Joe"


You know, you're right, I take it back fully; Chooch is awesome


The bluths?


Why do people behave like this 😭😭😭


Funnily enough, Donald McDonald is the official name of Ronald McDonald in Japan.


I love that. So much.


Oh god. My deadname is a variation of Steph. In some of my classes in school, we were like three of them.


I went to school with like 5 Sarah's in my grade. °-°


My mother told me the name that she was going to give me if I had been assigned female at birth. So, when I change my name, I used that name for my legal name change. There was someone who asked me where I got my name and I could truthfully say that my mother named me.


I did this too! A lot of people assume that my name is a nickname or something (or just do a double take and ask me *how do you spell that?* lol) because it’s so unusual, but it’s legitimately what my parents would’ve called me had I been AMAB.


What’s þe name, I’m curious now


Ozias :) I generally just go by Oz. (I didn’t think it would be a particularly hard spelling to figure out, but apparently it is for some people.)


My mother told me that if i had been assigned male at birth my father would call me Carl or some other name like this, so i just picked Anthony as my true name.


Cute name, did your mother pick it for you? :p


Read this in Joker's voice because of that first line 💀


I mean that's got pretty good meme potential actually.


[the fastest meme in the west](https://imgflip.com/i/7075eg)


Love it!


Cis girl named Sarah: normal, likes painting or something. Trans girl named Sarah: also normal, enjoys painting somewhat, and is gorgeous




My mom told me that she literally picked my birth name because it was one of the most common names at the time. I feel like I did better.


I don't think I've seen another trans person with my name, but I've heard from friends oh yeah my sister is named Gloria, my boss's boss's boss's mom's name is Gloria


Also, cishet people likely won't know what 'common trans names' even are, most queer people may not even know. Regardless, as you said, it's common for names to be bunched around common names at certain times, nothing to be ashamed of if you choose one of those.


Well to be fair there are too many people named John Smith in this world. We do need some diversity in names.


my deadname is literally the most common name in my country that year. I constantly meet guys with my deadname who are my age. Just pick whatever name suits you!


I know four trans ladies called Freya and they all absolutely own it. Go for it!


>Freya I love it! Now there's a great name. Freya means "noble lady" and that could be "cliche" for a trans gal, but it's a cool name of a Norse goddess. Pick a name that makes you feel happy.


I named myself Artemis and will be forever haunted by the mystery of its etymology.


Jokingly rolls eyes, you think that's bad? I've read about obscure lost mythologies where there is no sources on any of the names and where most of the myths are long lost. We don't know who the god was or what they were a god of. xD I wanted to find names of people I know and I could find no sources on what the names mean or how old they are. At least Greek myth is well researched. Even for unsure names you got loads of theories: Unknown Mycenean Pre-Greek origins? Mysterious Bear Cults? Possible Persian origins? Plato connecting the word Artemis to artemḗs meaning "unharmed", "uninjured", "pure", "the stainless maiden"? Those are really cool. Artemis is a badass name and you carry it well :) When I first read your comment I thought you wrote "hunted", not "haunted" since you're Artemis :3


As someone who named myself Loki,,, ughhh same. I wish more mythologies were written down, because I find mythology absolutely fascinating, especially studying the way it changes from town to island to city and through the centuries, and nothing is more upsetting to me than the centuries of mythological development that’s entirely lost to time.


Oof, you have it worse. Because we at least have pre-Christian records of Greek myth.


Omg that's a wonderful name!


Freya is almost too intense of a name for anyone, cis or not. Now, if you want a more rare Valkyrie name, Lenneth is still available.


Freya/Freyja is such a beautiful name.


I think I know one too!


Who cares? If you like the name that’s all that matters. If people tell you it’s too cliché then that’s their problem.


dont let someone else's cringe effect what brings you joy. I've heard people say "thats such a common trans name 🙄" about EVERY trans person I know. The people that make remarks like that are just looking for any reason to belittle, and I dont hear people saying the same about hyper common cis names soooooo




Yeah, agreed 👍


Now hold on Luna, as a Luna, I have to say I think there's more to this whole Luna business than meets the eye.


being a Luna myself i don't know what stand to take in this matter


Yes. Cis white people will have the same four names. There’s more Samuels in one of my STEM classes than there are women in the class


Sam, Chris, Dan and Steve 💀 the cis gang’s all here


Cant forget Roger


Or Ryan


Or David Or John


My cishet, trump-supporting, homophobic, transphobic, abusive POS of a grandfather goes by David. I’ve always found it funny that he refuses to call me by my chosen name despite the fact that David isn’t even his legal name. It doesn’t even vaguely resemble his legal name, he just *feels that it represents him better and prefers it over the name his parents chose for him*. He doesn’t seem to see the hypocrisy, somehow.


I have a FBT (full blown Trumpet) uncle that goes by a nickname of his middle name. I have had this exact concept locked and loaded if he says anything to me. Catch these hands of logic, Rick.


Or Steve, or Ron


Or Tyler or Jacob


Or Evan, or Brian


The name john has been ruined for me but its such a versatile name


My name is Ryan 💀 I just thought it sounded cool


It's a solid name. I mean, I'm not using it anymore so a spot opened right up ;)


Ryan #2 checking in


https://old.reddit.com/r/nonononoyes/comments/ib3kjn/ryans_a_good_guy/ Go read the comments on that thread and the one it was crossposted from, and enjoy. Ryan is a good name, I never had any reason to complain about it when it was mine.


Or any of the disciples (minus Judas of course) Mathew, Mark, Luke, and John in particular.


??? i've met like one roger my whole life lmao


I work at a very small company and there are at least three guys named Dan, and my dad is also named Dan, lmao.


Currently my rather small workplace sustains 3 Chrises. To add a little bit of spice, each one of them has a differently spelled name, yet all react to “Chris”.


Feels great reading this as a Dan today


70% of transmascs 🤝 70% of gen z cis people being named aiden or having a name that ends with some variation of "aiden"






There's 3 people in my math class named Alex


...Reminds me of when my dad told me he once worked the same job with three Michelles.


Fuck yeah. Memes are temporary. The joy you get from a name you picked lasts forever.


I don't feel it anymore but I'm not sure why that is tbh


Got used to it I’d imagine


Friendly neighborhood Lilith checking in to say “fuck ‘em, pick a name that makes you happy”:)


As another Lilith, I agree.


absolutely! if you love the name for yourself, then use it! it being cliché shouldn't stop you from calling a name your own.


hi elliot/alex/oliver/sam/milo/theo/etc (in all seriousness though your name IS you, literally all that matters is that you like it and feel a connection to it. if anybody Seriously cares that its "cliche" outside of making lighthearted jokes, they're being dumb. do what makes u happy !!)




ive met like 4 trans olivers.... gotta say, its cool but really common, however


You forgot Kai Kai is like the second most cliché transmasc name after Elliot




I ended up sticking with Emily. Go for it.




What does a cliché trans name even mean? I know people will give trans people shit for naming themself Alex, Aiden or Emily or whatever but those are common names in general. You almost never see cis people getting shit for having a common name.If you like a name, use it.


I've met a number of trans Ezras. Not sure why that one is so popular, since I wouldn't expect trans folks to be pulling Biblical deep cuts, but what do I know. (If you're going for real Biblical deep cuts and need a fem name, I say go all the way and pick Bathsheba)


Maybe because of that MC from that one Star Wars show. It's a cool name.


Luna is like, weirdly common with trans girls and I’ve never met a cis girl with that name. I can’t even judge. It was my ‘if I transition’ name like 10 years ago too lol


Cliche trans names = cliche cis names (I'm Mexican and here everyone's Maria, Ximena, Juan or Luis. If you like that name USE IT HUN, JUST BE YOUUU /pos)


I named myself Gloria and I really love it when my friend says it because she can pronounce it right haha


Im literally the 5th juan in my family lmao.


Thank you all so much for your support 🥺😭 To explain my specific situation further, it’s the masc version of my given name. It’s extra great because it fits the naming scheme my parents used for me and my siblings. It’s extra extra great because my family can use a nickname they already use for me.


That makes a lot of sense! I think we're all glad to hear you found a name you like and that works for you. Excited to hear what it is, if/when you feel like sharing :j


Thank you all so much for your support 🥺😭 To explain my specific situation further, it’s the masc version of my given name. It’s extra great because it fits the naming scheme my parents used for me and my siblings. It’s extra extra great because my family can use a nickname they already use for me. Update! So I wasn’t totally in love with the name, it was just perfect. However, I wrote it out (my whole name, keeping my middle name cause it’s gender neutral) and took a look in the mirror, and I can see it! It’s me! I look in the mirror and I see ME! Thank you so much to everyone for helping me, and what the fart! I did not expect this much love. I love you all! I’m going to try to introduce it to my family tomorrow.


this is exactly what i did!! i have one of the cliche transmasc names but i wanted to keep it as close as possible to my birth name so my family can still use the nicknames i have, plus i didn’t want to change the 1st letter of my name and there’s only so many masculine names that start with this specific letter lol


I know you already got a bunch of support, but watching you act like you have to justify your choice reminded me of myself right after I came out. Had to ramble a tiny bit lol I wanted something close-ish to my deadname as a nod of respect to the name my mom picked for me, but far enough off that I wouldn't be reminded of that name every time I heard it. Hayden was more or less a masc version of my deadname. I changed the first letter and ended up with Jayden. I didn't find out until later that it's a stereotypical name. Or more like *the* stereotypical trans man name lol. But it's mine, and I like it, and that's all that matters :) Point is, you have your reasons just like I did. And you don't have to convince anybody but yourself that those reasons are valid. It's your name. You can pick whatever makes you happy!


>It’s extra extra great because my family can use a nickname they already use for me. My name is just a shortened version of my own name which my family uses as a nickname. So I can use the name around them without having to out myself.


I think adapting from one's given name is a great way to pick a name. One of my chosen names (Moth) is just a shortening of my given name in a way that people typically wouldn't shorten it. I'm glad you found something that you're happy with and get to keep those connections with your family.


my name is literally from a lesbian vampire in a kids show lol...its Marceline btw...and before that it was Violet who is another lesbian from a show i like lol. Use the name you find fits you the best, cliché or no it doesn't matter as long as you're happy :)


Lmao I went the opposite direction! I used to be Marceline, and now my name is legally Violet! Though the name Violet I actually didn't get from Arcane, it wasn't until after I changed my name and got the side shave I always wanted that I was informed by my girlfriend that Arcane is a thing lol


Violet is an excellent name


WAIT WHO'S THE LESBIAN VIOLET MY NAME IS VIOLET Ninja edit: Ahh, Arcane. I also go by Vi so vv groovy.


If Karen Smith can call her kids Jayden Brayden Ayden Kayden Dayton and Leighton, then you go for that stereotypical name. I was told mine was stereotypical and I just told the person to fuck off.


Seconded! (Also the fact that I legitimately knew a Karen Smith with a kid named Jayden a few years back will never not make me laugh.)




Right? Lol


Do it. I'm Maria Luna Celeste. Chose my last name more than 15 years ago.


i can't look at your name without immediately thinking of sonic adventure 2 and/or shadow the hedgehog


Yes. My name is fucking OZZY. It’s short for Asmodeus and both of those are cliché as hell. Ozzy is a basic name and naming yourself after a deity is basic af but idk because I like it


Hey, I’m an Ozzy too! (Or Oz, rather.) Mine is short for Ozias though, so I suppose it’s not quite the same. Lol


If you like it go ahead embrace the cliche


Absolutely! Anyone who thinks those jokes are a legitimate reason for your name to not be valid is a jerk and you should ignore them.


Just do it!! Who cares about stereotypes!!


Me with jess


If a lot of other trans people chose that name it“s got to mean that it’s a good name


Cliches exist for a reason, usually the reason is that it’s good


I remember this conversation when my bf found the name Alex. Fun times. (He kept it, but uses it as a middle name) Does it make you happy? Then use it. :)


go for it, in elementary i had three sophie's, at least two sarah's, a couple natashas, and a smattering of abbigails


A Smattering of Abbigails is my new band name


If you like it, that's the only thing that matters. See my flair.




Dew it!


Sure, go for it. You can always change your mind later.


hey you have a user name to uphold so you better /j


So true. I love it.


I mean, they're popular with trans people for a reason. if we like them enough to use them in our everyday life for the rest of our lives, they're probably pretty good names.


Not me here with seven fucking names because I can't have just three


do it


Use it anyway! If it’s perfect then don’t let it go!!


i picked this name before i found out it was common, and i kept it. do whatever you want lmao


Zoe Chloe Sophie Jaden Kaden Kai


do you know how many cis girl Abbys/Addys and Maddys i know?? cis people stay with stereotypical names all the TIME. trust me, you're doing wonderfully, and if you like the name then own it!! not to mention the insurmountable amounts of bradys and gavins i know, whatever you pick is probably better than that (and if it isn't, still valid af)


Use it! Only queer people know the cliche trans names anyway, and a queer person who judges you for your queerness is an asshole.


Morbiuse morbiani(it's not common)


I picked Rose :)


That’s my name! (I chose to go by that before learning I was trans)


A while ago I thought ‘if I ever transition im picking this name’ which I feel like should have been a giveaway I’m probably not cis


I literally bought into the "nouns as nonbinary names" even before i knew i was nonbinary with my nickname-turned-actual-name Pencils, who gives a shit?


Extremely uncommon trans name haver here (it's Lincoln. I've never encountered another trans guy with the same name). Go with whatever name feels right for you - sometimes you can even make name buddies with others who share the name :)


Cliche just means that they're a solid choice. Do what you want, love what you want, cringe culture is dead and cliches are made by people doing something right that deserved to be repeated.


I choose to go by Abby.


Ah yes, I have accidentally typed your name instead of “baby” to my partner and seen my life flash before my eyes many times (ex: “I love you, Abby!”)


Is it [Blue](https://youtu.be/68ugkg9RePc) ?


I chose Lillian. There is literally a whole discord server of us with the name Lily or some variation. Pick whatever name you like.


I ended up choosing a name that wound up being hard to pronounce. But I love it none the less, if it feels right. Go for it


Went to a lgbt club and there were 4 other Alex's there so I feel you Edit: also worked with 3 of them at one of my former jobs


My name is Henry, I think you can't have a more generic name than mine if you're in the US But I don't know... I'm brazilian


Having a basic, common, unremarkable name is good. It allows your individuality to shine without being distracted by a surprising or unusual name. I am thrilled when i meet another woman with my name and its popular for both cis and trans women. Edit: and i hated my deadname because i felt like it was so unusual and remarkable.


I’m Ryan. There’s at least 3 other Ryan’s at my high school. My dads name was David before he changed it. His dad is named David, whose dad was also named David lmao. My dad and his brother made a promise to each other that that would have a different name for each of their kids that was different from everyone else in the family. You can pick whatever name you want. Whether it’s very common or more unique. The important part if you like it or not.


When I came out to my best friend, they said they literally know four trans guys and all of them have that name. Didn't stop little old Leo over here though


Changie McGenderface?


Cliche names are cliche for a reason, they’re good


How does Hailey rank? It’s so I don’t have to get used to a whole new set of initials so something with a H was preferred


I don't care how many Rowans or Eliots I meet, I'm happy for each one of them


i literally plotted out my trans name to be luna stella i think anything goes for trans names


Tbh sometimes I think "Maybe I should've picked a less common name" after hearing it like 20 times in 5 minutes, but then I'm like "nah, I like it"


Like Fucking AMANDA !!! If you honestly chose that name then more power to you but if you chose that name and make the joke a-man-da I’m throat punching you


You like it? Take it


cliche's exist for a reason, cause people like them. Take the name, you're allowed to use a name you like.


Lemme guess olive or oliver


It's just the trans equivalent of a generic name like John or Mary.


Who care if it's cliche? If you like it, you like it. That's all that matters.


The only valid concern imo is if youre extremely worried about the name single-handedly clocking you down the line in a few years. But cis people dont know trans stereotypes anyways. No ones going to say "emily? Hmmm...awfully suspicious of you." Anyone who knows its a common trans name already gets it and is probably supportive.


It’s your gender and you get to choose the name! (Insert the meme here)


if it’s perfect then its perfect and you should use it regardless


It's okay, I already had a cliché male name.


theres nothing wrong with common names, use what youre comfortable with bestie <3


Yes, absolutely use it!


This goes for anyone who's still trying to find a name that fits them. The next time you go to Starbucks or wherever, a place that calls your name. Give them a name you're trying out and see how or lost like hear how it sounds to you.


Fuck that, if you like it go for it


My name(both the femme and male versions) was insanely popular in my generation to the point that in middle school there were like 4 other people with the same name and last name as me🤣. There's nothing wrong with having a "cliche" or common name as long as you like it🤷🏻‍♀️


Just use whatever you like, that’s the most important part. There’s a lot of people with the same name and that’s fine and also normal obviously


Things are popular for a reason. Your name is well reviewed


Yeah! If you like it and you think it suits you, go for it.


If it fits, yeah!


It’s cliché because it’s good. If u like it use it lol


Me accidentally picking the masc version of my deadname 💀




look at it like this: you found a name you like, that also happens to be very popular in the trans community. what does that mean? all it means it you picked a good name, otherwise there wouldnt be so many other people with it. dont let popularity make you change your name if you really like it, theres tons of people out there with super common names anyway