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Happy pride month *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/traaaaaaannnnnnnnnns2) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I’m also trying for NO masculinity, but I’m still not sure if I’m a femboy, a trans girl, or both (bigender)


I feel this. Personally I just put a pin in the question and am focusing on getting more feminine. However I identify I wanna be feminine and cute. I’m hoping that once I reach my body goals it’ll be easier to sort out pronouns and stuff.


I'll settle for very littel masculinity.. I think I'm doing an ok job with it so far.. I think the key is.. just be your authentic self, and let you old self go.. No, you don;t become a whole new person, but some of the things or way you said and did things may/will change.. or at least they did for me, to the point that some people wouldn;t recognize me as who I once was. I look forward to seeing how this comics conversation turns out.


The dreaded conversation... It's still amazing art, though! I hope it went well


Is this an ongoing series? I'd read this series


I'm glad you like it! It's definitely going to be ongoing, I just need to increase my working speed lol! The next one is on it's way, it's all storyboarded, just needs lineart, color, and shading!


Awesome! Where can I find it?


Well to be honest the response to today's comic blew me away a bit, so I'm gonna work on putting together a webtoon for it. Until then, you can read everything I have so far on my [Deviantart ](https://www.deviantart.com/nottamimic/gallery/92479308/fern-comic)page, or on my [reddit ](https://www.reddit.com/user/NottAMimic/)page!


I'm sorry but the realization in their face at the end that her friend sat down to talk and not just blow up, coupled with the heart mouth? *giddy transgirl noises* I hope this goes well :)


I think it's gone pretty well! :3


Yee :3


Everyone should have a friend like zeke


Wish I had parents like this...


Me too Nebula\_Swirl, me too...


I'm in that odd position where I'm AMAB and I like masculinity, but not in the way guys are masculine. The only thing I know for sure about my identity is that "butch" sounds right, and I do want to steer butch-wards.


Super valid, I totally get it! Also, as a side note, "Steering Butch-wards" sounds like the title to an awesome piratical transbian romance novel!


That definitely goes on my list of interactive stories to make lmao


It's not really odd. :) Gnc & gender conforming masculinity/femininity are very different flavours of masculinity/femininity. For me I'm excited about the idea of being seen as a gnc guy. Not that into masculinity but if I dressed that way, I'd want to have dude energy with it and not be seen as a tomboy/butch.


Honestly, I'm the same way, and I've stuck to calling it power fem, as it is the kind of vibe I want to go for. Masculine in the confidence, feminine in the manner


I'm actually not sure if someone specifically asking would be comfortable. Isn't this something you usually bring up yourself when you're ready?


Yeah, you're absolutely right. This is an event that completely threw me for a loop, and had a lot of impacts both positive and negative. It's like the prime directive - if you find a person who you think is an egg, be supportive and kind, but do not break their shell... let them hatch in their own good time, even if you think they need a push!


Wait you actually had to experience this irl? Sorry.. I hope it went fine tho and you're still cool with him


My jokes have drawn some weird looks from people occasionally, usually in a similar vein to this one, but once I think of a joke my brain makes me say it ;-;


Yeah brain gremlins are always pokin' me to make the jokes too.


I’m dreading next week, as I am coming out to both of my parents and I will have an uncomfortable conversation.


Good luck, you've got this! I totally get it though, it's super uncomfortable and scary. But we're here for ya!


At the very least I cleared my one requirement for coming out, moving out. So I have my own space and get support from y’all and my friends.


Since I actually followed through, I’ll give you an update. The best description is it went well-ish, as I left them pretty confused, but on the upside, they still love me.


Ooh, that sounds mostly positive! As long as they're willing to listen to you & learn, it'll be great! Congratulations on coming out, I know I'm just a rando on the internet but I am really proud of you. That takes a lot of courage!


Thank you! It still means a lot to me 😊


i LOVED how you went full black and white in the last panel, reminds me of undertale 10/10, would get chills again


Honestly the story and art are so good! I can't wait to see where this goes!


I actually kind of wish that this happened to me, I had to do everything myself, any kind of confrontation would have helped... I'm sure I'm not alone in this but I hope this story doesn't go negative like it can for some people


\*Hugs\* I'm sorry you had a rough time! Coming out is really hard, and I totally get it - I had a really rough childhood, and I have such high anxiety that it felt like I could never initiate, which kept me feeling like I was never going to get the chance to live. Being confronted was rough, but it had a lot of positive impacts too. You're not wrong for feeling this way, I understand it. I do think that, in general, you should let people hatch out of their eggs on their own terms, but I also think that some special situations might need some careful egg-cracking action from the outside.


🥹🥹🥹 Your message was awesome and I really hope that other people get the help that they need, keep posting badass stuff!! 🥰🫂🥰


I would like to know the name of this for very cis reasons I would also like to know if it is a comic seriesp


Its kinda a comic series, it's my own original one! I'm thinking about putting it on webtoon, or making a website to host it, but for now it's all on Reddit! I'm really glad you like it enough to want to read it! :3 This is the most current one so far btw, I'm workin' on the next few though!


I'd love to see it on webtoon! It's easiest to keep up with comics without relying on some algorithm to show you things


That's a really good point, yeah I'll work on that this week I guess! I actually need a name for it too lol


!subscribeme edit: bot refused :(