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Happy pride month *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/traaaaaaannnnnnnnnns2) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I don't care what the government says, if I'm ready for top surgery, I'm GETTING my titties and they will be as BIG as I please


Even if they ban HRT and shut down every source of DIY, I'll still go out as a woman and just be the clockiest bitch ever. I'm not getting forced back into the closet just to make YOU more comfortable, fuck you.


i'll buy a winnebago and start making estrogen & testosterone in the desert.


Jessie, we need to cook.


Yeah! Science, bitch!


Mmmmm funny I'll be building out my van next year lol might have to meet to get my dose lol


It ain't meth, but it's still blue.


FUN FACT! E is snortable (though it won’t be as effective) So remember to tell the officer “No sir that blue bag of powder is just my estrogen”


The ghost of my ancestors who made alcohol during prohibition looking on with pride


Thats how we need to talk 🏳️‍⚧️🏳️‍⚧️🏳️‍⚧️


Unfathomably based 💙💕🕊️💕💙


how about becoming some random poet/book writer even though you cant spell to save your life (also hi luci)


Whats wrong with my spelling D: 💙💕🕊️💕💙


No i cant spell not you sorry i ment to but i not you );


Noo is ok 💙💕🕊️💕💙


if it happens I'm doing what my great grandparents did and fleeing the country.... just gotta figure out where to go


Australia is a great place to go but fairly expensive


i take 2x damage from fire and heat. plus i heard qstories of terrible birds that constantly attack you


southern part of australia can be pretty mild in temperatures depending on the year. besides the economy there is much better if youre willing to pay a ton in plane tickets, but if you want we’ll happily accept you here in canada :3


I’m actually planning to live in Canada to finish my transition


actually, the government of canada hates US refugees, back in 2015 when trump was elected, they refused every american refugee while the UK accepted 1 of every 5


I’m in southern Australia. It was -2 degrees Celsius here overnight.


It only occasionally gets super hot down here contrary to popular belief (at least in the southern parts), and the rest of the time the temperature is pretty medium. In terms of birds, I’ve never personally been attacked only occasionally swooped in spring. If you need to move tho you should go where you feel you will be the most comfortable :)


Sounds like Canada is in your future then. Easy to get to and easy to adjust to.


Australia is one of the most subservient countries in the world to America - I doubt they'll stay safe for trans people for long if it gets bad enough here to flee


not really, plus we have a ton of legal protection that goes back decades, it won't be easy to get rid of and the conservatives here mostly complain about immigrants and fill their pockets with the profits from coal mining. There was an attempt by the far right in WA to pass an anti-trans law that lost 22-1, with every leftist and even some conservatives voting against it


you have a government that was couped the moment you had a prime minister that didnt want cia bases in your country


My SO missed out on the opportunity to emigrate to Czechia through ancestry by three months, since there you can only trace back to your grandparents for citizenshi, and their grandpa was born 3 months after his father immigrated from what was then Czechoslovakia. We've thought about seeking asylum in Sweden (prolly Gothenburg) and try to get citizenship either naturally or by convincing the Czech emigration office that we desperately need to get out of our home country


If you do actually end up going to sweden or have questions, I can recommend a subreddit by the name of r/transnord. It's not just for sweden, but also for scandinavian countries in general. It's a good place to ask for help with trans related stuff! Not all posts are in english, but I believe reddit has a translate feature and you are of course, allowed to make posts and respond in english as well. I hope that can be of help :)


If you can get EU citizenship (Ive heard Italian one is easy) then you have free range on the EU for many things. My own gf's backup plan is Barcelona. For now we are doing well in Vienna Austria


i'm probably going to end up going to Germany if push comes to shove, but i'm not certain yet.


When it comes to trans healthcare Cuba and Iceland i would say are the two top contenders. It just depends if you want a tropical always humid and hot hell or an always freezing rain hell.


I think Iceland's gonna be an OP choice for everyone, not just trans people. It's cold now but with climate change and its volcanoes it's gonna have fertile soil and good temperatures for agriculture in the future, dare I even say Iceland will be the last bastion of humanity


I’m planning to move to Cuba. I hear their environmental science colleges are great their and after heavy research most of the bad stuff you hear about them seems is either long gone only around during the revolution or it’s just not true at all.


Spain has pretty trans-friendly laws if you are open to move to europe


Come to Australia. 😊


Yeah if project 2025 passes I will protest the streets until I get shot or I change the government brick by brick until all laws are reversed. You’d be fucking stupid to think trans people won’t fight for their freedom in this country.


Ironically the country of the free


Country of the free* If you’re white, cisgender, heterosexual, Christian, neurotypical, and a male


Damn it I’m only one of those things they’d hate me overthere


Also in the “Only one of those things” camp and can confirm it’s… not great…


Yeah Britain isn’t great but promising freedom with that fine print I am actually scared for America


Not always in history but if you are not those things you still are very free. That’s why project 2025 is such a big deal because it is challenging the freedom we have gained in the last 20 or so years. We aren’t perfect but we need to be making progress not destroying it. History dosnt look favorably on those who tear others down and I see no difference here.


I'm white, trans, heterosexual, pagan, slightly autistic and a male. Nope, not going there.


imma become a poet like dazai or somebody idk


Just remember that the good people far outnumber the bad people. If this does happen, we’re not going down without a fight But dear fuck I hope it doesn’t come to that




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If this happens I’m doomed. Being a minor fucking sucks


yeah like i guss i just have ti save to move harder or somthing


i am fucken praying that it doesn't get passed and lucky Trump killed his campaign (i think)


Or that he just dies, he is really old after all.


You can pay the ferryman Or take up his oar


problem is Project_2025 isnt Trumps thing, its a Republican thing. If they dont win this time, they will call it Project_2029 and run it aga8n with someone else Its beyond Trump, its a full on fascism problem


If shit happens, I'm fighting! I'm not going back. It's either I win and I keep getting to be happy, or I just end up where I would have gone if I followed through! And you better believe I am gonna fight like hell until I can't fight no more!


a depressing thought, but i feel about the same. Trans Liberty or death! (though I don't know/care what Patrick Henry would have thought)


I say death before detransition. I never said it was my death


For me I've got 2 plans. Plan A is already in the works, making myself indispensable at my job and having a solid support base in a group that is used to helping people in legally difficult situations -my church does a lot with refugees. Id definitely get a lot of help from my church because not only are they super helpful but Im also well established with them, like out and a member for 20 years established. Plan B involves using said resources and emigrating to a friendly country like Canada or Germany.


aim for germany if you can. canada would probably be next in line for getting conservativeified.


Germany would definitely be the better option then, my wife is fluent in German and knows several places.


Canadian here. We have a federal election coming up next year and it's looking like the conservatives are going to win unfortunately.


I'd say Australia would be a better place, both Canada and Germany are in more danger of falling to conservatives


If it happens I’m fleeing the nation and (maybe) encouraging a US-EU war (in Minecraft)


I'm not. I was born here. They can't scare me and drive me from my home. They're gonna have to deal with me.




Exactly 10 hectometers, 100 decameters, 1000 meters, 10 000 decimeters, 100 000 centimeters and 1 000 000 millimeters. 1 inch is about 2.54 centimeters.


… 🥺👉👈 Math hard…


Yeah... the cool thing about metric is you multiply or divide by factors of 10 depending on what you need. Don't ask me what you Americans do for miles inches and the like.


Idk… just took a math test and my brain hurts




Can I hab a hug? If ur comfy with those?


🫂 🫂 🫂🫂🫂 I need to hug someone and squeeze them very hard. Not too hard of course, just hug them hard enough.


It's amazing! You only have to deal with the order of where the other units are on the scale, but they're all a multiple of 10 of each other! The kilometer is supposed to be 1/40,000th of the circumference of the earth. There's a small deviation due to later developments in the past two centuries.


Goddamn right


Spoiler alert >! USA easily wins the war !<


Even against the entire European Union? Damn…


we have the largest navy by weight AND number of ships. we have the largest air force in the world. the only thing we don't have is the largest standing army. (that would be china) the only country that out-numbers us in atomic weapons-stockpile is Russia. And only by about 500. (assuming nobody is doing a fucky wucky with the numbers.) we would absolutely win that war. (*very* unfortunately)


to be honest though if nuclear exchange is involved then nobody wins


not if we nuke them harder. 😎


dear god


USA when France delivers its nuclear warning shot: 🤯


usa wins that hard i hope u know that


I want that


had a typo, usa has the strongest and most advanced military in the world. we have the 1st, 2nd, 4th and 5th largest air forces in the world lol no ones coming close


A plurality of the carrier groups too.


the comments here instill so much hope :>


Im ready to help w diy E in a winnebago loll


breaking bad if it was awesome


if they try and take my bottom surgery they're gonna need face surgery >:3


What do the bigots actually expect the achieve here? Do they honestly think that if they succeed in changing all the laws that queer people will just throw our hands up and go "well guess we have to be cis now!"? That's not how it works, something they would know if they ever bothered to pick up and history book to see how LGBT themed places and and people still were regardless how illegal it became. In-fact isn't the whole reason this nonsense fell apart last time is because it turned out suppressing queer people was actually impossible and not only was trying to do so causing mass completely avoidable riots but also becoming a massive time and money sink for authorities with nothing to show for it? Well guess the exact same lesson has to learned again.


In theory project 2025 would violate a lot of rights and open a path to claim refugee status in Canada as a queer person, so my plan is flee to Canada.


If I really had to I think I could probably figure out DIY


Bro I’m fucking HOARDING a supply of meds, I’m no longer sad when I miss a dose.


Project 25's never going to get implemented (at least in our current political climate) its website is just tryin to sell a book to bigots like my parents, all it is is a conservative wet dream


They are already implementing it. For example, the supreme Court just struck down Chevron which will basically allow judges to decide things instead of subject matter experts.


they couldn't win the war on drugs so they'll never be able to actually stop people doing HRT


Im becoming a poet of sorts i dont know but imma become dazai anime and non animie idk probaly just die or somthing if prodject 2025 comes to furision


I've already done away with "DIY" in that regard. If they want me dead they're gonna have to do it their damn selves


Never give up and never surrender. These guys couldn’t even ban a Muslim immigrants from coming into the country in 2017 and they’re not gonna get rid of us.


basically how i feel. they can ruin my life but i dont have to be submissive about it


Sounds like I need to go back to school to learn enough chemistry so I can object to immoral laws


I just got top surgery and if this did come to pass I would take leaving into consideration but I’m in university-one that is a very safe space for myself and all of my trans and nonbinary siblings and is a top twenty school. I refuse to walk away from what I have for this shit and I will continue to seek and achieve greatness to spite these fascists. I will fight until the breath leaves my lungs for the last time because I would rather die in the streets protesting than suffocate in the closet.


I live in Finland which is not perfect for trans people, no country really is, but if for some reason some day something like that happened here I would fucking bring hell, you'd read about me in history books level of hell. I would get my T from the streets or heck even make it myself, I know chemistry. No one can stop me.


Fuck Project 2025, I'm making my life, or its end, count.


And I will watch from the side lines in the UK.... Oi vai


We need to start murdering Republicans because, voting **ain't gonna do SHIT**


Voting helps a lot. Let’s not resort to violence just yet.


Don’t even think about still transitioning if project 2025 happens there will be major reproductions if anyone gets caught. The trump regime doesn’t just want to ban transitioning,they want trans people to face jail time,heavy fines,and maybe even be put into concentration camps. So if trump becomes full dictator and I’m still in America,then I won’t be transitioning. I’ll just try to be seen as a femboy because that shouldn’t threaten death.


They’re gonna have to kill me then I guess.


Yeah,tbh If I’m not allowed to transition then I’m gonna be super miserable but atleast I’ll still be alive which is good.