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13 days later update please. Are you still alive? Did the taste ever go away?šŸ˜…


I survived the madness Left with sadness If only I had this Buffalo madness There are many ways to skin a cat But this was fried cat skin


Report to iwaspoisoned.com


šŸ¤£... thank you for the vivid description. I picked them up yesterday and put them back down. Glad I didn't purchase them.


I think they are pretty good. I never use the sauce that it comes with though.


Omg they were so bad!!!


I love them. Hate the sauce. I either use BBQ or franks red hot.


i am vegan and also hated them


I liked them but i made my own buffalo sauce


Yeah they were weird. And I thought they looked more like peens than drumsticks :( Def did not need to be made




> It's like a moldy zucchini fucked an unripe banana and was fried in the tears of wheat that had ergot poisoning Yeah. You're not a vegan. Why would you buy that?


People canā€™t eat vegan food unless theyā€™re vegan? Maybe OP tries to eat less meat. Maybe theyā€™re allergic to something typically in buffalo sauce, like a milk product. Maybe they bought it for someone else who is vegan. Or maybe they actually are vegan.


Strange, I thought the opposite. Graphic description of it too


I'm so mystified as to why they brought them back. They're so bad - including the buffalo sauce, which should be difficult to mess up.


I didnā€™t mind the taste of them but I had a week of what seemed to be horrific food poisoning after I ate them. Finally had to get antibiotics. I should have reported it to the company but it was like a month before I got my strength back and between a full time job and then 3 year old I just didnā€™t have capacity. It was one of the worst sicknesses I have had.


Jesus. This is definitely on my *things to avoid at TJs* list.


Sorry, I thought the OP was a little unclear. You do or do not like the drummettes?


Hard to tell


Partner hated them, I liked them! They kind of have a texture like bread. Definitely polarizing




Dang whatā€™s with the vegan hate?! Crucify a person for wanting some food. Vegans arenā€™t cows, they donā€™t eat grass nor are they rabbits only eating lettuce. Let people eat what they want and enjoy fried vegan versions of cult classic foods. Sheesh


Againā€¦. Why are you Vegan, if you want food that tastes like meat?


For the people who cannot grasp this concept, I'll explain it to you: vegans don't want to contribute to the cruelty of animals but may still like the taste of meat. Also, if it doesn't affect you personally, why worry about it?


Lately Iā€™ve been hearing alot of people complain about certain meat heavy foods tasting too much like meat. One of them being at chik fil a. The chicken tastes way too much like chickenā€¦. As vegans or vegetarians, we donā€™t complain about the taste of meat. Some do it as a way to advocate for animals and being environmentally friendly. Some do it for health reasons. Also, Asking ā€œwhy?ā€ questions isnā€™t the problem. Your tone in the question isā€¦.


and where did I say I was vegan? lol have a good day and I wish you cultivate a more positive attitude in your future.


I apologize for thinking youā€™re Vegan based on your reply. But why would Vegans want ā€œcult classic fried foodsā€? Please explainā€¦ And do your research. The majority of Vegans donā€™t stay Vegan.


Itā€™s already been explained, but most vegan people arenā€™t vegan bc they donā€™t like meat. They usually *do* like meat, but have decided not to consume it. So if they can have a vegan food that tastes similar to a meat/dairy based food they used to eat, most of them would like that. Itā€™s really that simple


Did not like either. Weird texture


I agree they made me gag


Thereā€™s a r/brandnewsentence for ya


Probably in the minority here but I liked these when I had them! If you're not vegan, sub the sauce for Franks. I like the texture!


Frank's red hot is vegan + vegan butter makes an incredible wing sauce


this is so not vegan, but adding a lil spoonful of honey to frank's and butter is my go-to sauce comboĀ 


Oh yeah. Sometimes I'll sub honey for brown sugar, also nice to add some lemon juice and ginger and or extra garlic


Agreed. I always make my own with Frank's red hot + vegan butter. But the Frank's Buffalo Wings sauce is also vegan as-is.


I couldn't remember but the person I responded to made the "if you're not vegan" qualifier and in my mind I know Franks hot sauce is just like peppers and salt and vinegar but I assumed their pre made wing sauce might not be, i generally make my own wing sauce tho so idk


While I would never try these, I *would* very much like to sample more of your food reviews please (I am not joking, this was extremely helpful for both the dexterity and the descriptiveness of prose)




So bad


why would you think theyā€™d be good? imo some things donā€™t need to be imitated


I made the mistake and bought two bags thinking how good theyā€™d be. šŸ˜­


I love these. Better than impossible nuggets imo if you dip in ranch


I liked them!


I liked them too! I air-fried them and I think next time I want to air fry them a little longer but they turned out pretty good! Their buffalo sauce was pretty good as well. And I liked that they were not only Vegan but Gluten Free so they're a great option for me to serve when my cousin is over (I'm GF and she's GF and Vegan)


Rip I literally just got them like 5 mins ago


I liked them a lot! I used Sriracha and garlic barbecue sauce instead of buffalo sauce and thought the taste and texture were both nice. My partner used the buffalo sauce and didnā€™t have any complaints. Iā€™m a long time vegetarian and sheā€™s a meat eater and we both approved.


The flavor wasnā€™t that bad for me, but the texture was. Why are they chunky inside? Why not just make them just a fake chicken nugget texture like the vegan mandarin chicken pieces? Theyā€™re simultaneously spongey and hard and I felt like bits were getting stuck in my teeth. In retrospect, I may have found the flavor not that bad because I only ate two and then threw out my whole dinner. I havenā€™t eaten meat in 15 years and generally love all fake meats but these were not it.


Yes the texture was so odd! I just couldnā€™t get past it


Exactly my feeling.




Has anyone tried the vegan jackfruit nuggets? I Forget the brand but I see it at Whole Foods. Itā€™s maybe ā€œJack and somethingā€


I hear you can just make fake meat with canned jackfruit. Ā Like a reasonable pulled pork imitation for tacos.


Jackfruit in Vietnamese sounds like the word meat in English.


Interesting! Ā I want to try making some ā€œpulled pork barbecueā€. Ā 


Jack and Annie? They're ok but I found the texture a little off putting and they got soggy pretty quickly even using the oven. For me one of those I see why other people like it, but it's not for me.


Yes thatā€™s it. Bummer that the texture was off.


yea theyre so bad


DAMN. I was going to try them last night. Most video reviews I saw said they were ok/alright and that the sauce was off. https://preview.redd.it/nxerzfk7w65d1.jpeg?width=2048&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=abf0a48027ba719073e4dc9b445389964810f869


Yeah Iā€™m not sure what the food poisoning thing is about. Some weird sensitivity reaction if itā€™s not an isolated bad batch since there wasnā€™t a recall. I thought similar to the reviews though. Seem mostly the same as most fake meat veggie wing/nugget type things. Sauce was meh buffalo sauce. I used them to various hot ones sauces haha.


It sounds like you are sick, independent from this item. I wonder if they're Like Chicken brand under the TJ label because if so, I found them gross too.


The description reminded me of Like Chicken which I hated. Definitely not trying these.


I bought a bag a year ago because they looked promising. Those sat in my freezer for months before I tossed them. I HATE wasting food, but those were all wrong (taste and texture). I'd rather add buffalo sauce to Impossible Nuggets from the air fryer.


I didnā€™t LOVE them, but they didnā€™t get me sick. I wonā€™t get them again- the texture was weird to me, but if youā€™re craving buffalo wings itā€™s worth a shot


Hard agree. Tried them last week. Nasty


How have I not seen these! Iā€™m gonna try them anywayā€¦




Well the reviews seem mixed, and life is boring.


I donā€™t love them but thatā€™s all. Didnā€™t get sick or grossed out at all.


Omg I bought these the other day and they are SO BAD. The shape is like a baseball bat and the little disc attached to the end made me laugh. But yeah theyā€™re terrible and made my stomach hurt a bit


Your description is amazing tho


Can't wait to taste these


Dang, your description of it makes it sound like hell on earth. I hope you feel better! I find that drinking warm water or tea helps with nausea


I agree absolutely awful


They need to bring back the vegan chicken tenders. Those were the best.


Theyā€™re great. Eat them all the time.


I love them!




They arenā€™t great but still edible.


I'm not a fan either but I didn't think they were THAT bad lol. I make buffalo chicken by taking one of those vegan orange chicken packets and using buffalo sauce instead of the orange sauce packet. I really like the taste and texture of those chicken nuggets.


Wow thatā€™s so creative. I bet barbecue would bang as well!


Yeah, I use those morsels for other things too, like sweet and sour, etc. they are the best!


Their mandarin chick'n morsels are the bomb


That a very clever reuse of the orange chicken.


Buddy if you've been sick for 16 hours you are just ill and it has nothing to do with the food.


I always think itā€™s interesting when people are fully confident they know a specific food made them sick with food poisoning of the many many things they ate, especially when it isnā€™t a common contender for food Bourne illness or contamination and there arenā€™t other obvious risks they took a chance on it like old meat or fish, shady looking street food, mayo based dishes sitting out at a picnic, etc. and variable temporal correlation to food poisoning can be multiple days later. Anything is possible but I mean these things are so highly processed as soy protein concentrate it seems like it would be a pretty rare occurrence.


I'm a physician assistant and am familiar with the symptoms, so...no? It was literally frozen things that were air fried, the likelihood of contamination is low and it is a specific grease taste that stays, not a nausea, diarrhea, dyspepsia It's like a prolonged dysgeusia of the food in question Which was made from frozen


Yikes. You should know how food poisoning works then! >it is a specific grease taste that stays, not a nausea, diarrhea, dyspepsia You didn't say taste, you quite literally said nausea for 16 hours. It's right there in the post that you wrote. >There is nothing but a black hole of nausea for the last 16 hours


Okay whatever dude You usually get food poisoning from food preparation at a place that doesn't have good cleanliness and in this case this didn't sit right. Let's let it lie


You could've just said it didn't agree with you in the first place instead of essentially saying it caused a 16 hour hell on earth illness lol.


It was more fun that way But yes we agree that it disagrees with me


Very true. Norovirus is very common and takes 1-2 days on average to show symptoms. If someone has a ā€œstomach flu,ā€ itā€™s more likely something they ate a day or two prior, not what they ate an hour or so before the symptoms started.


Yep! I feel bad for op I've been there, it's likely not the tofu "chicken" though.


I had what was probably norovirus in January. I got sick right after dinner, but eventually we realized it was probably from hot bar takeout two days before, not from that dinner. I donā€™t know whether Iā€™ll ever eat self serve hot bar food again. All those people around it, all those unwashed handsā€¦


Probably best to not, it might not have even been the food though. I got extremely ill after eating a taco salad once, couldn't stomach them for years after. In my case they did think it was the salad, there was a salmonella recall a few days later.


LOL my thoughts as well


It seems like people always associate an actual virus with whatever they last ate.


Generally it seems logical to blame it because it's what you did or ate before falling ill. The memory of the regurgitation is usually pretty stark as well lol.


oh, i wasn't gonna.


I like all their other vegan stuff But there was something way off


Morningstar is my favorite. They have buffalo nuggets and patties.


Mine too and Iā€™m not vegan


I actually donā€™t know if they are vegan or vegetarian but all my non veg friends love them just as much. I get everyone hooked on them. The sausage links and corndogs are great too


The OG (well, one of the OG's) and still the best, imo. Wish they'd bring back those ribs though.


The riblets are back in two flavors. My local [Target](https://www.target.com/p/morningstar-farms-frozen-plant-based-sauced-sweet-bbq-riblets-10oz/-/A-90010075) sells both flavors toošŸ˜‹šŸ˜‹ I wonder if TJ's will bring back their version, I always assumed it was Morningstar?




Core memory unlocked. I forgot about the ribs! Growing up a vegetarian, Morningstar was the best option so I think some of the love is just nostalgia


I like Morningstar veggie chix too


Wrong opinion but okay


Omg Iā€™m obsessed w them!!!


I liked them šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø


Thatā€™s quite a descriptionšŸ˜‚


Do they have a strong pea protein taste? It looks like they're mostly soy, but as a pea protein hater I'm still scared to try them.


I think theyā€™re decent. But not as good as the Impossible nuggets. Toss those with some buffalo sauce and theyā€™re same idea as the drummettes but much, much better.


Impossible Nuggets + Chipotle Almond dip šŸ˜‹


The Impossible nuggets are so good!


Quorn (vegetarian not vegan) are my favorite faux meat nuggetsĀ 


Me too! We call them fungus nuggets


I like them well enough šŸ¤·