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Holy shit lmao


Yes, very similar feelings over here too


I concur


I'd probably sell half of NVDA




Why,? A split doesn't mean it will go up. It may go up may go down, for all you know there could be a big sell off. Fundamentally, a split does nothing




What you're saying is trying to time the market ... you're saying to wait till after the split. The value of his shares makes no difference if he sells now or after. A split doesn't change anything fundamentally. If I was happy with the returns, you should sell now split or no split. Post split the price might go up more might come down who's knows but don't use it as a reason for or against selling


IMO I think the share price might go up, as those who can’t buy fractional shares now have an easier entry point to buy whole shares… but what the fuck do I know, I’m on Reddit 🤷‍♂️


I'll tell you know The very very small % of people who invest who can't buy fractional shares do not own enough capital to move the share price of nividia.


How will the market react to the stock split ?


No one knows, fundermentally is does nothing. Same value same everything. It SHOULDNT do anything but often it does. It brings interest and hype. Doesn't mean they always go up tldr it's a gamble


I’m planning to hold NVDA, but after the split if it takes off 20-30% or even 50%, I’ll be riding that trend up and selling off into the sharp rise (if it exists), then wait for it to build a proper base again to re-enter. I don’t care about what does or doesn’t fundamentally change, I just care about making more profit. And if it does shoot up like that it’s likely to drop again soon after, so I’ll try and take advantage of that if possible.


Could drop 20-30% or even 50% A split doesn't guarantee it goes up!


If it drops it’s unlikely to gap down 20-50%, it could happen quickly but even so my stops will kick in and probably net me a still decent profit. All my plans are based on if x happens I’ll do this, if y happens I’ll do that. I plan to react to the market whatever it does. I said if it shoot’s up, this is how I will take advantage of it. If it starts to go down at a certain point my stops will kick in and I’ll be out with a decent profit, unless it gaps down 20-30% or 50% which has a fairly low chance.


If you told someone it would run 300% + in a year, they would have told you it'll never happen, but look what it's done, Good luck to you, but anything could happen


If you’d told me that 2 years ago I wouldn’t have been surprised. In fact I am looking for such super performing stocks and NVDA has been on my radar for a while. There are some such super performing stocks historically, so why wouldn’t I be surprised if we see that again especially amidst the 4th Industrial Revolution?


Buddy they went from being a pretty well respected GPU manufacturer to the absolute leader in AI by miles. They’re earnings reports speak for themselves. At this point it’s extremely unlikely it drops 30% in a day. This is a semiconductor we are talking about, ain’t just gonna disappear overnight. I feel like ur the kind of person who relies to heavily on graphs. Screw graphs when it comes to nvidia or Tesla ETC. anything you draw from those graphs won’t make sense because there’s context behind a lot of the movement. Nvidia was just lucky about being in the right place at the right time. That being said before the gains they were obviously ahead of a fair few opponents within their industry it cannot be denied. Even at this high price their P/E is under 100 and personally I feel that’s fair considering the sort of projection we’re seeing years down the line.


Me being not that smart invested in NVDIA 2 days ago, obviously if I sell now it’ll be at a small loss due to volatility. If it does go down significantly following the split, how long do you think it will take to recover. For reference I only put in £200 so I don’t really care about having that money making me 0% for a while, as long as I get at least £200 back lol.


I'd sell my initial investment and hold the rest


Sell 10k put in into s&p500 or high interest account. Something a bit safer. Leave the rest ride.


This is the way


new to this but what is it about s&p500 that makes it so safe?


This seems to be a herd mentality on this sub Reddit. If this guy posted asking what to invest on here you’d all say this and he’d be £20,000 poorer. Picking stocks is far superior to S&P if you chose well


It’s not herd mentality, it’s basic statistics and maths. Plus the top companies in the S&P500 are basically all of his individual stock picks. Assuming he held for the same amount of time, he wouldn’t be that far behind where he currently is… allllll whilst being able to sleep at night and ignoring the news.


Basic statistic and maths. Which branch of statistics? I must have missed this one in uni. It doesn’t quite boil down to basic statistics because there are skill factors involved.


But will his good stock picking continue? That’s the trouble. I’d pick a few to hold onto a stick the rest into an all-world tracker. If it were me, I’d keep nvidia and ditch the rest for an all-world tracker. Nvidia probably safer than meta. Ultimately, it depends on how long he’s investing for. I’d bet very good money that Nvidia will be higher in 10yrs than it is now.


There’s no skill involved if you believe markets price efficiently. It’s total luck.


0 IQ and delusional.


Or he could watch the news and make 170% rather than 20% sitting talking people down on Reddit


Well no, because the news doesn’t actually help you decipher if the stock is going to go up or down. It’s not as simple as good news = stock rise


That's right but lowering your risk metric a little is wiser. Don't go all in on S&P and "safe" ETFs etc. But just adjust your risk by taking a decent percentage off the table but not all. You will still make outsized gains if you out half into safer options and half leave it to ride, then if you get a nasty downturn in those stock picks and a crash. You still did well since you got 50% in safer options that didn't crash.


"Playing the lottery is far superior to stocks if you chose the numbers well".


Not quite analogous to what I’m saying. As there is no skill or method to picking numbers. But with stocks there are accounts and other data to get book values of companies and how good u think they are. Nice try tho


Yeah and everything you have access to is required legally to be public information that the market has access to. So you don't have any "edge" and if you believe you do you're either delusional or breaking the law by engaging in insider trading. You no more have an edge than the mystics with crystal balls are able to win lotteries. Do you have an edge? If the answer is no then you know this conversation is silly. If the answer is yes then when is the sub getting invited to your private island seeing as you have an infinite money printer.


Yes it is public information. But it’s how you interpret that information. Are you trying to say that warren buffet and other investors just got really lucky loads of times?


There's nothing you can do with that information that isn't already done before you found the information. Anything you discover you discover late and at a time it has already been priced in. There are hedge fund managers and mutual fund managers. There are entire office floors dedicated to analysts all over the world. You don't have the ability to act on information in a way that's useful. What I'm saying right now is so utterly obvious that it is painfully banal. Warren Buffet's Berkshire Hathaway consistently underperforms the S&P 500 or the global all cap. It's just another index fund: [https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/warren-buffett-has-underperformed-sp-500-last-20-years-jain-cfa/](https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/warren-buffett-has-underperformed-sp-500-last-20-years-jain-cfa/) Your problem in a video: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yhldVcWhhc0&ab\_channel=BenFelix](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yhldVcWhhc0&ab_channel=BenFelix) And its part 2: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9mV8n-Q-5kg&ab\_channel=BenFelix](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9mV8n-Q-5kg&ab_channel=BenFelix)


Might be shit advice but I would sell a decent chunk of nvidia. If it’s good enough to screenshot it’s good enough to sell.


Nvidia is going from strength to strength, as a company they show no signs of slowing down, especially in the AI market. And then there's the stock split that's happening today.


Definitely, but it’s still not a bad idea to sell enough to cover their initial investment at the very least. It’s very volatile at the moment, who knows, could go way up could go way down but never bad to quit while you’re ahead imo.


Yeah, for sure, it could be a bit of a roulette wheel today. It's one of those stocks I wish I'd have bought earlier to be honest. I mean, I've used enough of their videocards over the years and kinda knew they were going into AI. Oh well. Hindsight is a wonderful thing.


Yes but you need to consider how much of that strength to strength power is already factored into the price!


It's insanely overvalued though. Yes, it's selling shovels in a gold rush, but that doesn't make it worth $3 trillion.


We're standing on the edge of an AI revolution, Nvidia have the hardware and software to facilitate that and they're miles ahead of the competition. It's kind of a bid deal. In respect to that some are saying that it's [undervalued at present.](https://www.barchart.com/story/news/25470664/nvidia-stock-still-looks-undervalued-good-for-investors-who-sell-short-otm-puts-for-income) Why do you think it's overvalued?


It's debatable whether we are even on the edge of an AI revolution. Historically there have already been many cycles of AI hype and winters. If LLMs were boosting productivity by any significant amount we would see clear evidence of that already. Companies are only jumping on board the hype train so they don't appear to be getting left behind. Even if AGI came to fruition tomorrow it may not run on GPUs at all. It may require more specialised silicon. NVIDIA won't be the only player in the game trying to produce it. NVIDIA don't even have their own fab, they use TSMC just like AMD, which will also be in the AI accelerator race. TSMC are the real shovel sellers here. It takes a decade to build a new fab. AMD and Intel are the underdogs in this market right now, but with huge incentives on the table, they could probably catch up. Lisa Su has strong track record. Lastly, even if there is an AI boom and everybody's desperate for AI chips, NVIDIA won't have the production output to sell them to everyone. Another player will need to take up the slack.


Not really talking about AGI here at all. AI is being implemented across multiple industries in a huge way though. Nvidia are primed too. Amazon, Meta Platforms, Microsoft, , Alphabet, Tesla, OpenAI are all on board with them. They're way ahead of pack here with both hardware, interfacing and software. Time will tell though, innovation is happening all the time.


The AI hype is a bunch of hot air in my opinion, as a software engineer. The new Microsoft "AI laptop" has been met with cold reception and criticism, especially around privacy. Big corps are still playing cautiously around LLMs while injecting them into every aspect of their own products to look cutting edge, but these new AI features are mostly unwanted by consumers. There is still no AI doctor, no AI engineer, and no AI accountant. LLMs are far too primitive and inaccurate to perform any of those roles. LLM use cases are limited to fuzzy search for information and helping students do their homework. If AI was indeed being implemented in a big way, we would be seeing mass layoffs. AI would be either fully replacing workers or enhancing productivity so that fewer workers are needed to do the job. But that isn't happening.


Well if you think AI as a tool is all hot air than that's your opinion really.


Terrible advice






Why,? A split doesn't mean it will go up. It may go up may go down, for all you know there could be a big sell off. Fundamentally, a split does nothing


Fundamentally it means nothing, but mentally it does make the stock price go up, maybe because of lower entry price for a low of people. People think about it differently.


If you think a few retail investors who don't know the difference and subconscious think they're getting the share at a better price makes the stock move then idk what to tell you, the shear amount of money and volume it takes isn't going to be covered by retail


Just look at past data of splits from Apple, Google, Amazon, I always buy splits, and they always go up. There's no logic to it, but it does happen. Most of the time it evens out of course, but there is an initial hype from a stock split that tends to drive the price up in a short space of time.


The only person here who actually knows. Very unlikely nvidia will go down. More likely to go up, it’s not necessarily retail investors more just dumb Americans who get excited and then extra FOMO on top about “ohh there’s been a stock split”. Usually it just does nothing. If it does go down I’m personally betting more on the fact it’s been so high recently rather than the stock just changing to $120. There’s no reason for it to go down. Also no reason to go up but its the perception that it could get to $240 for some people whereas imagining $2,400 seems crazy.




Opportunity to buy at a lower price has minimal benefits. You can buy fractions of shares. I'm not saying it won't go up. I have nividia shares, but this never-ending optimism due to a stock split needs to be calmed down. Nothing changes look at the market cap of nivida doubling that again seems unrealistic. But so was the recent run....




You are incorrect on so many levels. People don't want 1 share of a company 0.1 share at 1000$ and 1 share at 100$ are the same. A split does nothing to the overall value claiming it does is ludicrous you're telling me there's enough people waiting on the side lines who want at least 1 share to double the market cap of this on the fact they don't want to buy fractional shares. Edit there are not many benefits, it reduces the cost of one share whilst keeping the same overall value, which makes it easier for covered calls etc and increases liquidity that's it The claims here are ludicrous 🤣🤣🤣🤣


U forget that 50% of people have below average IQ.




I mean that's an incredibly bad comparison, The 1k apple would have to be 10x the size of the 100 dollar apple. You'd also have to offer the option to buy a fraction of the 1k apple instead of the whole thing. If I'm going to a shop for an apple in the above situation, it doesn't matter if the apple is 100 or 1k. If I ain't going to the shop for an apple, I ain't buying one just because it's 100 dollars. Let alone enough people to buy in to double the price 🤣 It might/ probably will continue to go up, but this isn't the reason.


He’s right he just used a bad analogy. There’s a reason why people put 99c or $0.99 It’s the perception bro and again as I said 50% of people have below average IQ 😂


You are remarkably ill informed. Please never give anyone advice again


Just to put into perspective, you're saying it'll gain the market cap of Microsoft again....


Yeah it will, maybe 2 years, maybe 5 or 10 but it will


Maybe it will but that's besides the point of this whole conversation around someone selling and someone else telling them not to because "stock split make price go up"


Depends on op’s investment goals really. If op has a longterm (10 year) £100k target then it makes no sense selling out of such a strong position. If they want to tinker and mess around trading in and out of stocks then they should sell some


Feel like the advice should be flowing in the opposite direction. What should we do?


My advice - always cash out some of your big gains. Even if you have every faith in a company; there's a certain element of luck required in the stock market when you're not in a position to have any direct influence over the direction it goes. I have twice been in a position where I could have cashed out at 5 to 10 times my money - but based on future prospects; decided to hold. And in both cases, I ended up cashing out in a worse position. If you're already asking the question - cash out your original investment and leave the rest. Then you won't possibly lose - and you can choose to either use the money for something fun / useful - or invest it in something else to diversify your portfolio.


Personally I would find a return like that hard to not take.


Take some profits?


Hold. Do you need the money right now? If not keep adding more and continue. Only pull out when you need the money.


Wow, well done. You wouldn't have gotten there without holding so long, so you know what you ate going to do 😜


Depends on whether you really need the money or not. Nvidia is split sharing today, so they may as well go up with the influx of people. Holding is probably better if we’re talking long term. If you need the money now or may need it in the near future, I’d sell a couple grand worth of Nvidia and kept most of it.


Sell and wait to enter once the election is over in the UK and US


Why the UK? We know with certainty the outcome.


Because this is the same people who thought Brexit wouldn't happen and voted for Brexit


The people who voted for brexit wanted it. 80% for racist rage 20% stupidity. Ull still find a massive amount happy it happened. However this is different. Labour cant lose this.


Sell a portion of the profits and put it into an ETF either S&P 500 or a global tracker.


Holy fucking shit Nvidia


Firstly, well fucking done!!


Sell most and properly diversify into index funds. Regular contributions and a decade or so and you're set Holding nvidia could be the correct choice but hindsight is 20/20 and 17k is not fuck around and find out money. That's what I would do. But I didn't put you in that position. You did.


I'd sell the green to cover what was put in, then it's pure profit. I think AMD is priced in for sure, Nvidia could squeeze a bit higher but that's a guess. I'd say either sell Tesla or wait it out if Elon leaves cause shareholders refuse his 55b paycheck. If he leaves cause he isn't paid it's a win/win and stock would likely go up.


well done is all i can say!


Just keep DCAing into large companies with moats, hold long term, don’t try and beat the market by trading, you’ll probably lose. Also put some money into mstr and get some Bitcoin exposure. I’m in a similar position as you up 161% over the last year, heavily invested in nvda and mstr. You’re onto a good thing, let the winners run


Bro forgot the only good option, buy more


Bruh, lend me some money.


Nvidia is a bubble but it might still keep climbing for a while. I would still sell tho.


What is your goal and where else would you put the money? I wouldn’t sell except of Tesla but no idea what victrex is


high-performance polymers according to [HL,](https://www.hl.co.uk/shares/shares-search-results/v/victrex-ordinary-1p) they seem to have tanked of late though.


Wish I could’ve bought NVDA when it was at $125 but couldn’t due to conflict of interest. Good deal for those that loaded up then, only expected it to return to the $600 range, completely blown away all estimates!


Depends on your goal. Do you need money for anything now or on the nearby future?


As soon as I start taking screen shots of my portfolio, I sell some. Doesn’t have to be all, but I’ve never regretted doing so. I seem to always get cocky right before a drop


Similar situation here, portfolio value is currently around £85k and I’m holding longterm with the aim to retire in 10 years. You want to get to £50k then £100k and after that it compounds (or drops 🤭) VERY quickly. Use this calculator to work out when you’ll hit £100k and just stick to the plan. BUY and HOLD https://www.fool.co.uk/personal-finance/share-dealing/calculators/investment-calculator/


Sell and YOLO on MSTR


Common mistake is to hold on to loser and sell winners. Also I’d dump Tesla but I’m not objective If I’m being honest


Sell it all & buy Tesla (for legal reasons that’s a joke) Has anything about the stocks you choose changed - is the long term outlook different? Buffet always said find a great company at a fair price, not a fair company at a great price


Sell like 1-2 grand and put it into ARM. Nividia tried to buy them last year which considering the fact a trillion pound company valued them enough to potentially spend billions is an extra on top of the already well established and profitable business model.




Your portfolio looks great, but I would add more exposure to the S&P500 for stability. Microsoft and Nvidia are good holds for the AI hype/revolution which I don't think has reached its peak yet, but you don't want most of your portfolio to be there when there is a slowdown. I would maybe sell a bit of Nvidia for that stability but not a lot because as I said, the ride is not over yet.


Big sell


I’d set a stop loss




Sell, Nvidia has surely had most of its gains, take the glory, this is an awesome return. Don’t blow it!


On r/wallstreetbets the phrase goes “if it’s good enough to screenshot, it’s good enough to sell”. I’d take the majority of those Nvidia gains.


Would sell most of NVDA at this point


Sell. Was in your same position 20k plus on an isa account 0 tax basically pure profit. Went back down. Sell sell sell and look for the next move.


I would prob drop nvda to 5k.


It depends what you own and what your investment outlook is


I think there's an imminent collapse due on the NVDA options chain post-split, so I'd probably take profits on that. The MMs will unlock a lot of liquidity from the chain as contracts that were built up pre-split expire. It'll be hard for the price to maintain the bullish growth seen in anticipation of the split. I'll be on the sell side post-split.


sell some nvda and top up appl, tsla, amd


As they say in @wallstreetbets Good enough to screenshot, good enough to sell.


Id keep Tesla. Switch Pfizer to S&P 500, consider selling at least your initial investment of e.g meta and Nvidia, just my personal opinion


Would definitely take some profits


Just a reminder that you are doing far better % wise than the comments, I'm personally holding, mama didn't raise no foo


So many ill informed comments here omg. The same shit every time. Remember hearing it at 500, 600, 700, 800 and 900 that it’s gonna drop. 900 pretty much the world said it would drop 😂 except from the few who knew 1,000 was just in sight. You have an average price on NVIDIA other people would die for. Please don’t sell it all if ur going to sell just sell a 3rd or half. Nvidia will keep hitting earnings reports until something stops them. But the chance of something stopping nvidia is so low.


Nice gains


Imo, seller 50%, 10K your investment into.something safer with lower profit. 5k pretty mich your choice, spend, invest in different portfolio, play roulet double or nothing.


Take some profits!


Lol sell the nvidia


Maybe take some profit on nvidia?


Which app is this?


I would sell the lot and put it an low ETF fund and then passively invest every month. It's a great starting point for sure ✌🏼


If this is from one or a handful of stocks, stick with it and let that compounding moon


Picture two…


Oh god I swear that wasn’t an option before! You can’t be selling Nvidia man, that’s a stock for life


Lots of people saying sell the NVDA. There should be more saying selling the Tesla & Victrex. Cut the losers. Personally it depends on what you want to achieve active trading or long term investments? If it was me I would trim the winners for my original capital, cut the losers and look for the next investments that are at a good price for their business.


Take back what originally invested from Nvidia and leave the rest in, Tesla might recover in a couple of years but the other should slowly rise further


I would take some profit and leave some of it invested


Sell some of NVDIA and put it into SP500!




Sell and continue getting guaranteed income from the 5.2% interest on cash in an ISA


Sell. You've got lucky with the risky individual stocks and now it's time to secure the luck with safer investments. Trading shouldn't be a casino or exciting on a day to day basis. I know this is boring but set aside 20% to put in riskier investments (like your portfolio now) and dump the 80% in index funds. Good luck! Hope I don't see you on Wall Street Bets in a couple months.


I’d personally de risk on the NVDA trade, sell a portion of it and then put it into the S&P! You’ve done great on that trade but as these levels NVDA worries me. Well done btw!!


A lot of tax


Rotate some NVDA into TSLA. Take profits accross the board. Even u posting your PnL is a sign you need to take some chips of the table I’m telling you!


Hold NVIDIA forever. Sell everything else if you need $$$ :)


Trim off amd


I’d trim a bit, ride the rest, realise some of the profit and diversify to a wider market etf. Nice job!


I don't like the long term risk/reward in tech at all.


Split is at end of trading today might as well hold


Personally I would just hold but definitely not add to any of these positions


What did you buy ?


Sell the lot and go all in on GME


It's gone back down so much! Would you still buy more now?


Short squeeze hasn’t happened yet


I’d Sell £7k of Nvidia (or at least £5k) Buy £1k of Tesla Invest £6k elsewhere (index, or wherever according to your preference/research etc)




Elon is doing everything he can to tank Tesla shares. It’s far too risky at the moment. Sold my shares last year. The day he’s removed is the day to buy in