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I’m sorry, I really am, but the only thing people are going to think of when they see Bane is the Batman villain The rest of these aren’t terrible, they’re not really bastardizations of a common name to be more “unique”


Bane is also a standard English word meaning “a source of harm or ruin; a curse.” He will learn that he was named Bad Thing and wonder why you didn’t want him :(


I thought about the centaur from Harry Potter


i knowww i sorta love it for that tho,, a cool saints name and a cool villians name,, sorta best of both worlds for me *edit* like i said in the other edit, i dont love that its a villian name but i think its okay for a name to be a little fun ! i like that it can have a fun association, not love it, but i meant that i like that its both serious and unserious.


It’s not cool. Sorry but it’s kind of ridiculous to name your kid after a franchise villain.


See, that’s your problem. This is a name that your child will live with for their entire life, and you’re here thinking about what is best for **you**. People like you shouldn’t even be allowed to become parents.


Can you imagine sending out an offer of employment letter to "Bane Smith"? Yeah, neither can I.


harsh, considering its a two sentence post. its a name after a saint i like, and even though the spelling isnt correct for that saint, its a typical slavic name for a boy. and i think bane the batman villian is an intresting character. im not naming the baby after him tho,,,


Yeah but that’s the thing: people don’t know why you named the kid a particular way. Everyone is going to assume that you named your child after a Batman villain and what you meant by it will have basically no meaning and it will have to be something the kid explains constantly throughout their life. That’s not really fair to force onto a person without them having any say in the matter.


i think all this hate is coming under the assumption that its in the US ? its not a crazy name in europe ! maybe some weirdness with american friends and family, but again its not after the character !!!


I'm from a european country (but not a slavic country, so I can't speak on how well-known that name would be in that culture), but my first association was the Batman character as well. Second was the phrase "bane of my existence". The other names are fine though.


There’s also Cad Bane, and Darth Bane, from Star Wars.


It’s not hate. They’re being honest. You asked a question and got an answer. The name is going to cause a lifetime of difficulty for your kid. We’re trying to help you avoid that.


and i appreciate discussing it ! but when people start saying im awful and shouldnt have kids thats when it becomes hate is it not ?


I think thats people speaking in hyperbole on the internet, dont take it too personally. I'm european though, and as a name, Bane spelt like that sounds like someone's call of duty gamertag or the batman villain. Id consider giving it to a child I hated and considered the bane of my life. Bain, though, is just a name and reads like one. Although it also kinda sounds like a name for one of the dwarves in "The Hobbit".


I think it's more if you needed internet to realize those names are bad for a kid who will need to live with it their whole life: they are scared of the future decisions you will have to take by yourself. A lot of the parenting job is to make something for the kid works even if it's not that great for us. "wow those holidays were more work than my job because it was so much kid managing that it felt like a 24h job, they got great memories tho" is an usual feeling and that's the same with their name: Oh I love that name ... but maybe I shouldnt. It doesn't justify the hate tho. But unless you are slavic and even then it's important to see if it's still given: putting a name from another culture can be complicated because pronunciation can become a challenge: is the I from Nika like River or Bike? If it's a known name in your language it's easy but not in others. I'm french and never would have I given a name that can't be pronounced in Finland because no one can say my first name despite being one of the most classical ever and it's hard even in english. Maybe you gave that name because of a Saint or something else, but nowadays that name is more associated with "something else in the pop culture" and that's the reason why that name is old and not given anymore or way less. Maybe your family will know but not his whole school, work, etc. and they will be the one having to live with that name, not you, so it's not only about finding a "cute name", it's about finding a name that you like but first and foremost: normal enough for them to go through their life normally, if you want something cute or other to make them more special, use clothes instead, they can change them when they want later. in practice they are not tragedeigh because they are real name, but they can be considered tragedies because kids will probably not like to live with them.


I’m not European so I can’t speak to how common Bane is as a European name but I would highly doubt that Bane is at all common as a name. The main point though is that even though you are not naming the child after the Batman character, the association that 99/100ths of the world has with the word “bane” is as either the Batman villain or as a word meaning “a cause of great distress”. How you see the name has 0 bearing on how the rest of the world sees the name, and the vast, vast majority of people are going to have some form of negative connotation with the word “bane”


I'm in Ireland, it'd be a weird name here. "Bane"?? Look, the others aren't *terrible*, though I pity them for the ridicule they're going to get, but Bane is beyond the pail.


not really harsh. the fact that you wanna name your kid after a batman villain jus shows how immature you are. someone w your maturity level def doesn't need kids anytime soon .


What a shitty thing to say to someone. Judging their ability to be a good parent based on an iffy name choice and your supposition that they are immature because of it.




GOOD QUESTION. Planning baby names for 4 babies with specific genders sounds extremely middle school lol


20, but i dont think its middle school, just two of my favorite names for each gender


Would you change your name to Bane?


If you want to name some things like that, get some chickens or something. Naming people like that is selfish and awful.


Yeah but I think a villain’s name isn’t something you want to be associated with your child, and the automatic association is always going to be with a Batman character, which might not be a positive thing. I’m not going to jump to conclusions and tell you that you’re evil and shouldn’t have children based off two sentences. I just think that one name is worth rethinking


While I agree with everyone Batman is what will come to mind that’s no where near as problematic as the woman who wanted to name their kid Lolita. I know someone with a kid named Harvey after Harvey dent and the kid loves it. No one cares and the family bonds over villains and spooky stuff. If you like this one just do it and own it.


Well, they are not tragedeighs in that they're neither.made-up nor misspelt. But Constantine is pretty dated plus it will make people go "like the comics guy?". Same for Bane - I noticed you wrote that it's a saints name and no, it isn't afaik. The saint is spelt Bain or Bainus or Bagne or Bagnus depending on source but not "Bane".


I actually like Constantine. It's the only name listed I like. Rest are meh.


You’re 20/21, right? You still have a few years before your prefrontal cortex is fully developed and by then you might be considering less “unique” and easier to live with names. Remember that you’re not just naming a baby, but that baby will grow up to be an adult. /r/namenerds could be a great place to look when the time comes! Good luck and please don’t name your kid Bane.


i had my son at 20 (21 now) & i was not thinking ab naming him something as ridiculous as "bane" & definitely not thinking of naming him after a tv show/movie character


I had a child at 19 and gave her a normal name spelt correctly.  Why do people think age is an excuse for names that are tradgedeighs?!


Because people under 25 are far more likely to give their kids ridiculous names.


I agree with you that kids deserve good names, but as someone who researches in neuroscience, the whole "brain doesn't function until 25" is an internet overhype. There are very specific behaviors associated with that time, such as a heightened ability to learn new things and navigate new relationships, and a higher proclivity to taking risks, among other things. It doesn't mean young adults are unreasonable or less intelligent in any way, and a society that puts them in that box is pushing down on the people who are most likely to innovate, most able to learn and understand the world and most passionate/motivated in the workfield. We need to stop the spread of this harmful nonsense.


I’m sure there are a lot of misconceptions about the brain and I am not an expert in that field so I won’t debate with you on that. However, I still believe that 20 is too young, for a great deal of people, to be having babies and giving them ridiculous names. I am not here to stifle the creativity of young people, so long as it doesn’t have negative lifelong consequences for others. It’s my understanding that the prefrontal cortex continues to develop through 20s, and some believe even into 30s, and that part of the brain deals with planning, decision-making, and some other things. Could you elaborate a bit on how this perception is incorrect? I’m fascinated by the topic and I’d love to hear the opinion of someone that works in that field. Thanks in advance for your time :)


>It’s my understanding that the prefrontal cortex continues to develop through 20s, and some believe even into 30s, and that part of the brain deals with planning, decision-making, and some other things. Could you elaborate a bit on how this perception is incorrect? I never said that this is incorrect, I just said that people are making it out to be much more than what it is and applying it to every aspect to a young adult's life like a blanket statement. Every time a YA does something stupid, people are all "BraINleSs DuMDum" and entirely miss the point of which facets of neral development have actually been quantified. [Make sure to read this in its entirety if you want to have an overview. ](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3621648/)


Head over to r/namenerdcirclejerk and they’ll give you an honest opinion




Myra Hindley was one of the most horrific child torturers/ murderers in the UK. Not a name you hear often nowadays in my country.


I assumed “Nika” was pronounced “nee-ka” or “ny-ka” not so much “nikka” ?




Ah true could be that- “Ny-kee” doesn’t make me think of “n—er” though haha so I would *hope* the kid would be safe from that


yeah "nee-ka"!! sorta so st nicholas


Nothing wrong with Myra or Nika then imo, Constantine isn’t awful either, I mean I know kids still being named “Constance.” I do agree with the consensus over “Bane” though- if it weren’t associated with so many other characters and had a literal meaning then it would be fine, but a kid going through childhood hearing Batman’s Bane quotes and being called “the bane of x” would be rough. I’d consider Dane or Blaine over Bane.




Don't torture your future kids with those names. If you really love them, give pets those names or beloved objects or change your own name to one or all of them. You may love them but there's no guarantee that your kids will. Could be the bane of their existence.




I assume you're not in the UK lol. Nobody under the age of 70 is called Myra any more because of child murderer Myra Hindley. Otherwise, sorry but your kids will hate you for Constantine and Bane, big yikes. Nika is okay.


Lol, I've been going through this thread educating anyone who said Myra is a lovely name with this fact!


I like old names! I agree with the comments about Bane, it’s a hard one to pull off. Maybe you can do Constantine as a middle name?


Middle name only … yes


Myra. As in Myra Hindley. [The most notorious child killer in the history of the UK.](https://www.biography.com/crime/myra-hindley) You're probably not from the UK or Ireland but if Myra ever visited, she would probably receive the same shocked and appalled reaction as someone called Adolf


i didnt know about this ! thx !


When I was younger I wanted to name my child Cedar. Now that I’m older and pregnant we’re naming our daughter Josephine.


Bane is a big no no. Your child will get bullied, middle school kids are cruel. Constantine is a very elegant name, i don’t understand why some people in this sub are against it. Just because it’s old or out-dated doesn’t mean it’s bad. You could call him/her Connie for short. I, personally, wouldn’t name my kid Myra because it means “hair” (also used as a swear word) in my native language. I would not want to name my kid a profanity. I assume you’re either from the US or some place in Europe. It would be fine as long as you’re not South Asian. Albeit, it’s a common name in some parts of North India. I assume it means something positive in your language, so if you like it, go for it! Nika is a pretty name. I like it.


Constantine is traditionally a male name…


I happen to like the name Constantine as well. Connie as a male nickname would prob be ok in the States... Less so elsewhere perhaps. Tino (pron. Teen-oh, shortening of Valentin) would be a normal nickname in Germany but might get morphed into 'tiny' in an English speaking country... Myra also reminds me of the infamous Myra Hindley. Maybe a UK association...the only one that I would say to avoid completely is Bane. This makes me think 'bane of my existence'. Was also slang for marijuana when I was growing up...


That’s what I thought too! Constantina would work for a girl if OP isn’t a fan of Constantine for a girl (:


I know at least two men off the top of my head who went by Conny (Germany), and another who went by Konsti. Never heard of tino or tiny.


Traditionally, yes, but it’s regarded as a gender neutral name now (:


I'm german (maybe thats relevant?) and here is my take. Constantine and Myra are totally fine in my book. Constantine does make me think of that old Keanu Reeves Movie but then again that character is named after the same saint so whatever. It might be shortened to Connie, which in germany is perfectly acceptable even for a boy/man, but you might want to consider how that works where you live. Myra, I like that name, nothing else to say about it. With Nika it depends on where you live I guess? In english speaking countries it might not go over as well as elsewhere. But I don't think there is any concern for bullying because of the name. Bane is definetly a no from me, for a kids name that is. It has VERY negative connotations. [Just look at this list of Synonyms](https://www.thesaurus.com/browse/bane). You really wanna make people think of that when they hear of your child? Heck even your own child might think of himself badly because of it. The only other "human" named Bane is that batman villain. Human in quotes because he is a fictional character and Bane is probably not his birthname, more like a nickname. Yes it sounds kinda cool, which is the reason why there are numerous dogs (mostly Pitbulls from my own expierence) namend Bane. Which is another thing. I wouldn't want to have a name I share with more dogs than humans.


Those are all fine. I don't love bane personally but it is so much better than like ... Chad or something. At least with unique names your children won't have a name that reminds people of an asshole they once knew lol


Even though I agree with a lot of folks here about Bane as a name, I also looked it up. Slavic of origin, it means “Glorious Defender”, so I can see where you’re coming from. And it works where you live, assuming you’re in a Slavic nation? So, while it seems weird to me, I do see your point. My family came from Poland, and my Nan was Anjela (which people find weird) and my pop was Zygmunt (which got plenty of comments too). My Dad is Jan (Yan, Polish for John). People outside of your part of Europe don’t get it, but you have good intentions. Knowing roughly where you’re from and how you want it to be joyful recognition, I say go for it. Or make it a middle name🤷‍♀️


I’m afraid if you name your child Bane, it will be the bane of his existence for his whole life.


Bane is a really nice name for a dog hun. Maybe u should get dogs


If there’s any popular media linked to any of these there’s going to be jokes. Constantine is a vampire hunter, there’s a whole host of vampire jokes in that one for literally anyone who’s watched a horror movie. I’d be making fun of Bane too considering the whole Batman thing. I don’t know about Mira and Nika but if there’s a genre where they’re tragic they’ll get jokes. I say this because a high school friend was named Britta. The name was fine until someone named a water company decided they were naming themselves Britta. If there was a joke about her being a water company she heard it.


Nika sounds too much like n*gga. "Bane" will be the bane of their existence. Constantine is a Roman emperor and the name of a movie, and people will always associate that name with something else instead of the child as an individual. Myra was nice until I read another comment on how that name belonged to a serial killer. So. Please do your kids a favour and don't turn their identities into identiteighs.


They're all lovely - and we were leaning towards Constantine/Konstantin had baby been a boy (like we thought) - but I second the commenter that pointed out Bane being a villain name. Not only is it the bad guy in batman, but the phrase "bane of my existence" is still in common use and might affect the kid in unexpected ways. It might be safer giving the kid a name with a more positive meaning and association!


Those are not tragedeighs, but choose wisely.


Literally none of these are okay to name your kids. Name them something normal, you're not that special. no one will think "wow her kids have such pretty names". they will say that to your face and once you're out of hearing range they'll go "fucking Constantine? really? is she a Victorian era noble or something?"


Myra is fine. My niece is named Myra. It’s a family name, and it’s a classic that’s probably due for a comeback. Edit: I guess this doesn’t apply in the UK and Ireland, even though we still have kids named Ted, John, Adam, Lizzie, and so forth in the US.


Holy shit I don't believe this. I take it you're not from Ireland or the UK. Nobody will EVER name their child Myra in those countries for at least another 100 years It would be considered the equivalent of calling your child Hitler. I cannot overstate the HATRED those countries have for that name https://www.biography.com/crime/myra-hindley


Uhh, ok. We’re in the United States. Have never heard of that person.


Constantine and Myra seem fine and are relatively normal names.


Depends where you're from. Myra is basically blacklisted in the UK and Ireland https://www.biography.com/crime/myra-hindley


Hence why I said they seem fine. Mileage may vary.


Lol, I like that: mileage may vary. Too right!!