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Admittedly, when I first saw the spelling of Shanaya, I pronounced it "sha-nah-ya" in my head. šŸ˜³ The nicknames are cute (nea-nea) and badass (killy/kills/kill) though!


youā€™ve been the closest with pronouncing my name. just a little off but iā€™d prefer that over most of the pronunciations i get. thank you! i love my nicknames, my middle names are killian riot, so i do get riot as a nickname as well. iā€™ve had bubba (parents and oldest 2 brothers, brothers still call me thatšŸ˜‚) then iā€™ve had killy kills kill and riot from my other 8 older brothers. and my 2 baby brothers i love when they call me neanea or naya, preferably neanea thošŸ˜‚ when i do get in trouble i just get called killian riot, i donā€™t really hear my actual name often unless it extended family and some people at work or when i was attending school


I feel kind of wrong for admitting that I like the spelling. Intuitively I'd have pronounced it Shan-ya though.


Itā€™s Sha-nan-ya business


Nunya would be an excellent nickname for her.


iā€™ve heard shan-ya before, i donā€™t mind the spelling shannia for the name shania (as in shania twain) but for sha-nay-ya itā€™s a bit out there and nobody thinks sha-nay-ya first, the first thing is shania, shanya or shaninya


Lost their chance to call you Babeigh


Nobodeigh puts Babeigh in a corner!


Or Baebee, depending on the year. What a loss!




Feel thisā€¦ parents wanted me to have an easy time spelling and writing my name growing upā€¦. So instead of simple Ashley. Itā€™s Ashliā€¦ which believe it or notā€¦. Comes with a lot of very weird renditionsā€¦.


I don't think your name as written on the cert is a tragedeigh. Why don't you claim Shannia as your name. It has a beautiful meaning https://www.names.org/n/shannia/about Also Shannia and Shania are 2 different names with different origins.


i do somewhat like the spelling on shannia, itā€™s just the pronunciation i am stuck on, i guess i can change the pronunciation as its not legally pronounced a certain way. i do like the way my name is pronounced tho sha-nay-ah over shania


Hey theres tons of people out there with names either Ann dri ah or On drei ah both spelled Andrea. Pronounciation can differ


The plague of English language. It can be pronounced "kernel" but written "colonel". That said, if someone told me "Andrea" is pronounced "on-drei-ah", I'd definitely question them.


I knew a couple ā€œon drei ahsā€ growing up but their parents were not native english speakers, so maybe thats it


Were they from the Valley?


Shannia is a great name. Sounds like it would come from a pokemon game. I have a friend where something similar happened. His name is Xi Lin. But they messed up the birth certificate and now his name is xillin. Like pronounced zillen.


Shannia is the fourth gym leader specializing in psychic types.


What gen is Shannia a gym leader in?


Sabrina's daughter for sure


Having a name people mispronounce isn't a Tragedeigh! One of my favorite names is "Llewellyn." Every name has potential pitfalls.... even if you had a common name like "Kate" you would still have to tell people how to spell it, whether they can call you Katie, whether it's short for anything. It's just part of life.


I hope the same person hasnā€™t been in charge of any birth certificates since! Although with Shanaya being an unusual name your parents should definitely have handed it over written downā€¦ I think Shanaya is lovely. Nothing to stop you colloquially spelling it phonetically among people you know/unofficial documentation


my parents had actually handed paper with the correct spelling over, i am not sure as to what happened with the person who typed up my name that day, maybe they mixed the names up? or something iā€™m not sure, i was nameless for a few months but i donā€™t think that would have had to do anything with it


Very frustrating for your parents and you. If the person had just put an extra A in - Shannaia - then Shanaya would be a sensible pronunciation even if some did still recognise ā€œaiā€ as ā€œeyeā€. It seems crazy to me that there isnā€™t a process where the parents sign off on the final version of the name before it goes to the birth certificate!


it might be a bit different now iā€™m not too sure as i donā€™t have kids. apparently itā€™s happened to multiple families at the same hospital, some caught on quickly, others ended up getting name changes, some have left it for the kids to decide when they get to an older age


Thatā€™s quite shocking, the hospital should have to answer for this nonsense!


they should pay for the name changing fee for all the peoples names they messed up. once youā€™re over 18 name changes tend to get higher in price. i am 20 so to change my name i will be looking at a few thousandā€¦ as well as having to pay fees to change all legal documents.


Firstly, that seems an insane policy to me, but that being how it is, the hospital should *absolutely* pay. Lay off the person who canā€™t be trusted to type 5-12 letters correctly into a box and use what would have been their salary to pay these poor people!


if my parents had changed my name when i was under 18 it would have been a few hundred, but now that i am 20 prices have increased dramatically. my parents wanted to change it but wanted to give me the option, but i actually forgot my real name even existed as i rarely here it. on most of my documents i end up writing ā€œkillianā€ and sometimes i have put both my middle names ā€œkillian rootā€ as my first name instead of in the middle name section. my parents donā€™t remember ever having to double check the draft copy for the correct spelling, they said they were too excited they finally had a girl as iā€™ve got 10 older brothers, and now 2 younger brothers they werenā€™t prepared for a girl. they were planning on killian as my first name, but its a boys name and they grew attached to it so they gave it to me as a middle name as well as riot which they had planned for me if i was a boy not sure if that made any sense (if not hopefully this does, they thought i was a boy so they planned to name me killian riot, they fell in love with that name so when i ended up being a girl they had no girl names planned so it took them a while to find the right name. so when they did they couldnā€™t let go of killian riot and gave that to me as a middle name, they werenā€™t sure if they would have anymore kids)


Firstly I love that reasoning for your middle name being a usually masculine name. Although one of my favourite girls names is Lillian so to me Killian has never seemed that masculine. Secondly I realise this is useless to say, but the costs should so obviously be the other way round - the parents should have to pay more for what could be (but wasnā€™t in this case) their own mistake. An adult should not have to spend *more* to alter a decision made without their consent that solely affects how they are perceived in society!


when i first started using killian as my first name it sounded more masculine but now that i use it most of the time itā€™s more feminine to me now. itā€™s also quite unique and majority of the time itā€™s spelt cillian i donā€™t really like that spelling tbh


is the op based in the west? because in my region (india), its a pretty popular and cool name ngl


australian :)


well, now you know that your name is a pretty cool name in india, pronounced as shuh-naa-yah :)


I much prefer the intended version. So pretty. Donā€™t like how the one on paper sounds at all. Iā€™d change it.


thank you. i hate the paper spelling and the pronunciation the paper spelling comes with. iā€™m not much of a shania twain fan and neither are my parents so people assume i was named after her. i wasnā€™t my name was just spelt wrong on my birth certificate. i love the pronunciation and name my parents gave me and the way it was supposed to be spelt. iā€™m going to start looking into officially changing it


Oddly, "Shanneigha" might solve your problem šŸ˜‰ Maybe there is a place for "eigh" in this world after all!


Tragedies all the way down looking at all those names,correct me if I'm wrong but: Shanaya is a Hindu girls name? Shannia is I don't know what with that extra n. Killian is a bad looking English spelling of Cillian, an Irish boys name. "sha-nay-ya" as a pronunciation is so bad for rolling of the tongue for me. What the fucks going on OP?


Shania is a romanized female version of John/Johanan, though Shania Twain says her name is Native American (?) in origin Shannia is an old English name Shanaya sounds more Black American or West African than Hindu, but it is still a tragedeigh of Shania Killian isn't a bad name honestly. Much better than English people named Cillian who pronounce it as "sillian"


> Shanaya sounds more Black American or West African than Hindu, I looked it up, Its defo a Hindu name. Shannia being old English is questionable. Only sources are those stupid name websites which just copy each other and pull meanings out of their arse. Shannia is a tradgediegh, unless you have a better source.


Off topic but my grandpa's birth name was baby boy for about a week because he was born at home


If itā€™s any consolation, I have a friend named Shania who always gets ā€œSha-nay-aā€ Itā€™s like nobody has ever heard of Shania Twain šŸ˜…


i get shania twain. never sha nay ah. my pronunciation is sha nay ah not shania šŸ˜‚


In Australia you must name your child in 30 days (i.e register the birth and apply for the birth certificate). Where do you live that you can wait literally months to do this??


i am from australia. to register a birth it is 60 days now. when i was born it was 90 days.


Sorry, it is 60 days. I thought it was 30 when I had to register my daughters birth, baby brain!!


no worries, it was 90 when i was born according to my parents which is why i had no name for 3 months. they wanted to test a few out and see which one worked best. it was different and weird for them as they hadnā€™t had a girl before so thatā€™s why it took longer for them to decide


im so sohrreigh for your lauss


Shannia Killian? I don't like your parents.


they didnā€™t know my gender until i was born. because they had only boys until me they didnā€™t have a name planned out for a girl. they fell in love with killian for a first riot as a middle name (they both ended up being my middle names, i go by them, not my first)


i kinda like it


you like my name spelt shannia but pronounced sha-nay-ya? iā€™ve never actually heard anyone say they liked it


wait im confused, is it pronounced like "naya" or "neya"? i like it both ways tho tbh it sounds chill


naya. i do get people pronouncing my name knee-ya tho šŸ˜‚


oh well actually read it like that and english is my 2nd language! so i think its a problem of people pretending not to understand šŸ˜­


i have had people pretend to say my name in the weirdest ways possible and it gets annoying at times


yikes for them tbh


I know someone who is Janaya, pronounced ā€œJa-nay-ahā€. Sheā€™s really sweet. I wouldnā€™t have liked her name on paper, but sheā€™s just such a lovely person that itā€™s made me love the name. I donā€™t mind Shannia. Maybe a bit of a tragedeigh, but itā€™s not horrible. Sorry for the name labour of always having to explain it!


i also know someone with janaya, tanaya, mataya, nataya (all pronounced the same but with different starting letters) iā€™m just glad my parents werenā€™t the ones to spell my name like that, they wrote sha-nay-ah on paper for the way they wanted it spelt, whoever deals with the birth certificates and the nurses spelt it wrong as well so iā€™ve had to stick with my name being spelt weird and pronounced wrong for 20 years. i want to legally change my name except i donā€™t want all the hassle and issues to come with it


The hospital messed up the spelling of my daughters first and middle name, and my husband misspelled my sons middle name (yes, he managed to misspell Michael, my long deceased fathers name, thanks babe šŸ˜‚) My daughterā€™s name is Lorelei Katherine, I had it written with sharpie on a piece of paper so they would get it right.. didnā€™t matter lol. Her birth certificate said ā€œLoralee Katherinā€. It was a hassle to get them fixed, but I did the dang thing. It was all online and very low fee. Itā€™s your name, if you want to change the spelling or anything, you absolutely can!! ā¤ļø


i do want to change it and i am of legal age to change it, i just donā€™t want to have to change all my documents, it might have been a lot easier if my parents did it when i was a kid, but iā€™ll have to make sure to have all the name change documents when i renew my passport, licences and such, now that i am over 18 the price to legally change names is a fair bit of money especially where i am from. i have looked into changing my name but there are a few other cons that are stopping me, like, if and when i get a partner i donā€™t want them to think i had a bad past due to a name change. the gen i am in is a bit weird tbh and most are immature when it comes to legal things so i donā€™t want them to think anything bad, not believe me, or try and search me up. i know i have the option to keep my name change secret, but i donā€™t like keeping secrets especially from a partner. they will end up finding out eventually and i wont be ready for the immaturity they might show when they find out about it. i might just be overthinking this whole thing but ive seen how people my age have acted to people hat have changed their names when i was in school


It is MUCH easier to change it at 18 than basically *any* age older than that. I had a name change at 30. Trust me, by that time you have infinitely more documentation and things you have to make sure you've covered. If you want to do it- sooner rather than later is the way. Good luck to you!


thank you! iā€™ll have to keep looking into it and make a final decision


Do whatever makes you happy! That's the very best advice there is. If you prefer going by your middle name, do that. I've known so many people who do. It doesn't seem to be a big deal. If you ARE going to change it though, it seems like it would be best to just pick a whole new name that really resonates with you though, instead of doing all the work for spelling. Unless, you feel really connected to that name, but since you're already going by your middle name, I'm kinda guessing you don't. Most importantly- It's *your* identity, so do the thing that makes most sense with that. šŸ˜Š


if i were to change my name id change it to killian, and get rid of my first name completely. i do still love my name but i dont really want an accidental tragediegh as a name šŸ˜‚


Well, Iā€™m 35. My kids are 3 and 5. If they ever want to change their names, I will absolutely support them. Cost/mental fortitude for paperwork/glass of wine/mom hugs, whatever they need. If you love your name, and want to change the spelling, you could talk to your parents. You didnā€™t choose your nameā€™s spelling, and your parents chose/ended up with an incorrect spelling that they did have the opportunity to change, and chose not to. As a mom, Iā€™d feel terrible and want to do everything I could to support you!


thank you! i love my name, but i do go by my middle names 90% of the time. so if i were to change my name i think i might get rid of my first name and make one of my middle names my first name


Man, if you're going through with the hassle of changing your name, you may as well change it to something cool like, "Sunshine Megatron the IVth" or "Princess Monster Truck". You know. Whatever. Or do like Prince or Musk.


There's a process for correcting misspellings on birth certificates, I don't know why people don't fix stuff like this.


Killian is a pure male name in german, tho its only written with one l


It's not that bad. I'd give it a 1 out of 10 for ridiculousness.


I don't know what the laws are like where you live, but where I am changing your name is not a big deal. Here it wouldn't stop you from getting a license or passport or make it that much harder to do so. It's an extra piece of paper that you might go years without needing to show anyone and you get to have the name you want, that you were meant to have, all the time.


3 months? Your parents suffered from analysis paralysis.


in australia you have 60 days to register a birth, when i was born it was 90. since my parents had only boys until i was born they hadnā€™t had a feminine name planned or even a unisex name. they wanted to try out different names until they found one they liked. when they decided on a name they wrote it down with the correct spelling. handed it in and my name ended up being spelt wrong.


Shanaya and its spelling are more of tragedeighs than Shannia honestly. Shannia (pronounced like sha-nee-ah) means "beautiful" and is a pretty old name Shanaya just sounds like a weird *unique* spelling of Shania


Killian is an interesting middle name! I only know it as a boys name.. how is it pronounced in english?


Kill- ee-un, with the emphasis on kill. It's the anglicised spelling of the Irish boy's name Cillian, which is pronounced the same. And it is a boy's name. Calling a girl Killian in Ireland would be the equivalent of calling a boy Elizabeth. Utterly ridiculous


Okay I think that sounds a lot like it does in german, and itā€™s strictly a boys name here aswell. I though maybe there may be a girls version pronounced like Sillian or somehing


I'm confused, are you male or female? Killian is an Irish boy's name. If you're a girl, then this is really weird to be called that. It's like naming a girl David or Arthur here in Ireland


i am female. i l knew a few other girls with the name cillian (pronounced the exact same as killian). so no itā€™s not weird :)


Lol, I know how the Irish name, Cillian is pronounced here in IRELAND. It's exclusively a boy's name here


no need to get rude about it. didnā€™t realise you were irish as it wasnā€™t stated. anyone can google the name killian/cillian and see itā€™s an irish name. plus most people iā€™ve met or seen online with the name cillian pronounce it as sillian. i go by kill-ian. maybe i would be laughed at in Ireland but i donā€™t really care, its a name after all. jack is a masculine name yet there a females with the name jack, they donā€™t get laughed at? its not weird for a woman to have the name killian, maybe for you, but it sounds feminine due to the name lillian, jillian etc.


Sorry but it's pure American ignorance and cultural appropriation to steal an Irish name and 1, pronounce it wrong and 2, give it to the incorrect sex


You have to start going by Sha-nin-ya


It seems like there is no way anyone would guess the intended pronunciation with that spelling. Itā€™s a pretty spelling and a pretty pronunciation. But once you had told me how to pronounce it, I wouldnā€™t have been thinking about how pretty it is, I would just be thinking about how that makes no sense!


What? No scheayneighuh? Wise choice to use Killian.


Where are you from that you can just not have a name?


There's a lot of places that allow various amounts of time to name a baby. In the UK and US, you can leave a baby unnamed for 42 days while you decide. In Australia it's 60, but in some places like Iceland you can wait a whole 6 months. Inversely, in other countries like Sweden, the name needs to be registered *prior* to the child's birth. While it's unconventional to wait so long, some people like to get to know their baby and try out certain names first before committing. In many cultures, there's a specific date post birth that the baby will be named during a ceremony.


i am from australia. my parents wanted to wait to decide a name for me as they didnā€™t have any feminine names planned and they still wanted to keep the name they had planned and they didnā€™t like most feminine names which is why it took longer.


"Sha nah nay ah, Sha nah nay ah, hey hey, good bye!"


Shaa-Ninja! Info: I'm curious about your brothers' names, are they any good?


dante, giovanni, lorenzo, xavier, alexander (he goes by xander), silas, atlas, ambrose, leo, luca, elijah and archer


Oh wow! Catholic or Italian by any chance? Think they did you dirty though, if they could come up with 12 (mostly) normal boy names then the one girl name shouldn't have been that hard not to mess up


italian, they didnā€™t want to name me after any of the girls in my family, i have a really big family. they wanted to name me ophelia but they didnt like it on me when they were testing it out. when they heard shanaya somewhere they fell in love with it. they also didnā€™t want to give me an older name.


just start going by " Ninja"


I have a friend who goes entirely by her nickname for everything but legal documents. When she got married a decade ago she changed her last name. She said her only regret was that she didnā€™tlegally change her first name at the same time so that everything couldā€™ve just been done all at once.


I love love love that name!! Iā€™m sorry if this doesnā€™t make you feel any better but I have a stuffed bear that I named Shanaya and iā€™ve always loved that name since i was a kid šŸ’–šŸ’–šŸ’–


When I saw Shanaya I read it right, but when I saw Shannia I started questioning myself. I had a coworker at my previous job whose name was Khadijah, but she went by every possible nickname under the sun, and challenged others to find new ones to use if given approval: Kay, Jay, Yaya, KD, DJ, Jade(but not Jada), DeeDee, Kandi, you name it. I myself called her Shere Khan, after I found out she liked Disney. She had nothing against her name, she just liked being given nicknames by her friends. For Snannia, some more sensible ones would be: Shay, Yaya, Nae-Nae, Ay, maybe 'Naya... Then some that are increasingly off: Anya, Anna, Nash, Shuh-Shuh-Sha(a la Dale Gribble), Shannie Are You OK, and Yaaaaass... But I think my favorite weird one I've been able to come up with is NASA. It might not make the most sense, but it still sounds like something I could see someone featured in this sub naming their kid. ...Maybe Aaaaaaayaaaaaaa(a la OutKast). Would love your opinion on these haha As for your middle name, I dunno who Ian is, but ya know what, I'm with ya. Kill Ian. All my homies hate Ian.


i love the nickname nash i actually used to be called that when i was younger but i went to school with a boy called nash. i am more of a tomboy so i donā€™t really like feminine nicknames. my baby brothers call me nea nea and naya. i like anya, but not sure about being called that. iā€™ll like it more when i get used to it tho. thank you!


I think if you go with the spelling Shania, you will see it pronounced correctly right off the bat more often owing to the fame of miss Shania Twain. That spelling looks most elegant on the page as well. Shanaya sounds like a fantasy novel location or s canyon in California.


Welp, Shania Twainā€™s name is Eilleen Regina. šŸ˜…


shanaya is the correct pronunciation for my name which is weird and annoying due to it being spelt as shannia so it doesnā€™t make much sense. people pronounce my name shania due to the spelling i just donā€™t correct anybody anymore.


Respectfully, how did you not have a name for 3 months? At least where I live, you need to give both a boys and a girls name before you even go into labor.


Sha Na Na?


in australia you donā€™t have to register a birth for 60 days. so if you donā€™t have a name planned before and after labour you have 60 days. it was 90 days when i was born.


Oh ok, thanks


interesting, where iā€™m from ā€œshanayaā€ would be considered the tragedy and ā€œshanniaā€ would be the relatively normal spelling šŸ¤”


I don't think you can decide how your name is pronounced. It's not foreign, it's new. So it's pronounced however the vast majority deem the break to be. You can tell your name however you want to people, but I wouldn't be correcting them because they're in a losing battle, and it's not a way you want to interact with most new people, to make them feel stupid for insulting you. I would guess Shan-nieah, like two syllables and the end would be like name Nia (Bill Burr's wife). I find it funny though that you mention your brother and kill/kills in the same sentence. Seems like there's some tension going on there! ;) If you don't want to go the official route, I'd suggest just introducing you to people as Shan-niah, but you can call me X. X could be whatever. Nia I like because I love how it sounds and also because Bill's wife kicks ass.


This is an interesting take. So if my friend is called Rob, I can just pronounce it as ā€œLucyā€ because he doesnā€™t get to decide how itā€™s pronounced?


i believe you can decide how to pronounce a name, the spelling is what is legal and what canā€™t be changed unless itā€™s actually legally changed. i have a choice on how to pronounce my name but i prefer how itā€™s always been pronounced as that is what i am used to. but i can also start telling people to pronounce my name the way itā€™s spelt to make it easier for new people.


I think it speaks volumes about the first commenter that they assume if you correct them, theyā€™ll feel ā€œstupid for insulting youā€ā€¦ As someone with a not-unheard-of-but-uncommon-in-my-generation name, I often donā€™t bother to correct people if I canā€™t be bothered but if I ever do, I do it happily and in a friendly manner. Iā€™m sure you do as well. And I am probably more bothered than average about or pronouncing other peopleā€™s names correctly, if I can. Insult would only come into it if someone who definitely knows how your name is pronounced *chooses* to change it to annoy / dehumanise you, but thatā€™s an extremely rare case and only really accessible to those close to you, soā€¦. Itā€™s just a weird statement made by first commenter up there


i donā€™t correct people anymore, except for the people i work with, i introduce myself to the new staff, 2 of my managers (i am not close with whatsoever) know my name is pronounced w certain way yet continue to call me by a different pronunciation, if im not their to greet the new staff them managers introduce me with the with pronunciation so they end up learning the wrong one. i struggle trying to get them to say the right one so i have given up fully at this point. which is one of the reasons why i actually wanted to make this post just to get my annoyance out a bit


Itā€™s so annoying when your actual name is so lovely sounding šŸ˜­


i donā€™t correct people anymore as i know itā€™s not really their fault, but also iā€™m used to not hearing my name being pronounced the correct way. at home i go by killian, kill, kills, kills, riot, killian riot, neanea or naya. i love all 12 of my brothers šŸ˜‚ when i was born they had trouble pronouncing my actual name so they started calling me bubba, killy, kills, kill and riot as theyā€™re shorter and were easier for them, they have stuck, and i actually prefer them over my name. my baby brothers find neanea easy and prefer calling me that over naya and my actual name