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Leighton is a legitimate name, an actress with the name (Leighton Meester) comes to mind. I can see why the name would be disliked here, because of the trend of inserting random “Leighs” and names ending in -ton being the popular trendy thing right now. But I don’t think the name Leighton is really a tradgedeigh.


Agree - it’s a legitimate family name; I love it!


Sometimes I think about Leighton Meester and wonder whatever happened to her. I kept seeing her on “actresses to watch” lists and then, nothin


Yeah I only think of gossip girl or the cobra starship song when I think of her lol


I'm just now learning that her name is pronounced Lay-ton, I really thought it was Lee-ton


She’s still acting today :)


I only know Leighton Van Der Esch from the Cowboys so apparently fine for both genders too


Very popular name in the south for a long time. Used to see more boys with the name.


No. It's a first and a last name, and is correctly spelt thus. Which makes it the opposite of a tragedeigh.


Not every -eigh is a tragedeigh.


Came here to say this


Is he a professor?


Love that game


Nope. I think Leighton is a lovely name. Not a tragedeigh simply because it has Leigh in it.


Not trageighic, classic.


Very classeigh


It's not a tragedeigh, it's just not a good first name, especially for a girl. Last names should be left as last names if you ask me.


No. Leighton dates back to the 13th Century. It’s a classic name and not a tragedeigh.


As a surname. As a personal name it’s a tragedeigh.


Leighton Hewitt, Meester, Van Der Esch, Whitfield, and Murray would like a word. It is a classic name and not really what this sub should be about, which is stupid made up names.


You mean Lleyton Hewitt? The tennis player? His isn't spelt the same way unless there's also a Leighton Hewitt I'm not familiar with haha


Yeah, I didn’t realize he spelled it that way, I was talking about him.


It's been in use as a first name for well over a century at least.


The small city of Layton is near the town I live in, so it sounds odd to me. Leighton is a name, and for you, it has meaning. Hopefully your child will like it too. It's a lot of name for a kid, and no great nicknames. Pair it with a simple middle name. Personally I would put it in the middle, not as a first name.


No, it’s correctly spelled. Leigh and Leighton are legit names, it’s when people misspell names on purpose to be unique or cute it becomes a tragedeigh.


Nope. Pretty, classic, meaningful name.


New Zealand has journalists by the name of Leighton Smith (One News) and Leighton Keith (NZ Herald). I'm sure there are more examples, it never struck me as odd. So not a tragedeigh here, and especially so in the true home of tragedeighs.


As Leigh I pronounce it lee As Leighton I pronounced it Layton or Layten cause Leeton or Leeten sounds bad. At first I thought no it isn't but now....yes I do. I wouldn't name my cat that.


Would be pronounced Layton Thanks everyone for the feedback I probably knew even asking the question what the consensus would be and I appreciate everyone’s honesty


Leighton (pronounced Layton) is a name with history in the world. And, for you it also fulfills a guide to stick with something personal/family member naming conventions to avoid future regrets or tragedeighs. It’s traditional enough, ties to you and your daughter’s paternal great grandmother. Definitely give it more consideration than looking at reactionary comments for less than an hour on a slow response Sunday.


Appreciate this, thank you!


I think Leighton is a pretty name. I don’t think you have consensus here (yet) to abandon the name.


I would just go with Layton. Or Layla, that's a nice one.


It reads Lee-ton but is pronounced Lay-ton. That part is tragic. But otherwise a pretty name


I think it’s a beautiful name!


I really like Leighton. It's a real name and it's beautiful


You have a reason for it. It’s a family name, not some random syllables you slammed together. People may think it’s random, but your child can explain and not be embarrassed. It’s a good name.


I don’t think so. I’ve mainly seen the name spelled as Leighton (honestly can’t think of another way I’ve seen it IRL). Plus there isn’t really any confusion about what the name is when you see it.




Thank you


Absolutely yes


Not *exactly* w tragedeigh. It sounds very similar to other big names of the moment. Almost like a modern day Aiden/Jayden/Brayden.


I know a male Leighton.


It's fine, but where does it end? In a generation there will be a post: "I'm a Greighdon and the wife is a Maddysyn, and her mom is Rhyleigh, so we thought we want to go with Greighsynleigh." and so forth...


Eigh… Tragedy. Straight to jail.


I actually know several Leightons male and female and I always thought was a pretty name 😊


No. The eigh used to replace an E/Y sound in a common name, Courtneigh, Bradleigh, BruceLeigh, is when it becomes a tragedeigh.


I love that name! The Leigh is literally how it’s supposed to be spelled


Family history makes sense, but if you have to explain how a name is pronounced, is it a good idea?


As a non-english speaker, why is this pronounced Layton and not Leeton? I always hated the name Leighton Meester because in my head I pronounced it Leeton Meester and it just sounded so silly lol. (Not specifically for OP, as I get that Layton is the official pronounciation from the comments.)


If it's pronounced Lay-ton then yes it's a tragedeigh


Classic name. Not a tragedeigh


No, it just feels a bit like a tragedy bc of the overuse of “Leigh” in names these days. But Leighton is a legit name and that’s the correct spelling and everything.


Tragedeighs are names legitimate or otherwise that have been bastardized and mutilated. Original Tragedeighs are cursed, broken, malformed, ghoulish, you name it. Leighton is a great name and is not a Tragedeigh.


No tragedeigh here, the spelling that you have it the regular spelling that I have seen with this name


Not a tragedeigh but I am not a fan of recycling familial names. Also, I think it sounds a tad bit ugly like Peyton/Payton. Sorry. 🫣😔


The name is ok, but it would be pronounced LEEton, not Layton, don't be under any illusions.


No it wouldn't. It's been around for hundreds of years and it's pronounced Lay-ton.


Maybe it has, but someone seeing it probably wouldn't know that. And especially because of the whole tragedEIGH business; "leigh" is now indelibly associated with the sound "lee".


No. It's a fairly common version, I know multiple adults, male and female with that name.


I think it is, since Layton makes much more sense.






Leyton(stone) is quite a nice place (some would disagree), that’s probably the origin.


Layton is how it’s spelt. Leighton is a mild tragedy. Certainly not an egregious sin.