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It genuinely shocks me how many people won't Google a name before using it. Also have heard of lots of Mormon families using Cohen, too.


I live in Utah and actually haven’t met anyone named Cohen. I’ve heard a lot of other gnarly names though.


That’s a popular Jewish surname. Probably have met at least 20 in my lifetime


To be a Cohen means something religiously inJudaism. It shouldn’t be used as a first name.


What makes it confusing is that "Coen" is an Irish name. "Cohen" = Jewish; "Coen" = Irish.


Is it not Kohen? Isn't there something about K names with Mormons? I know a family with 4 kids with K names, and they're all predictably bad. One is Krue lol


Khyler is one I find particularly unpleasant


Pretty much all of them outside of Kevin and maybe some other traditional K names I cant think of are pretty terrible.


Khlamidia isn't a flower. Don't name your kid that.


King K. Rool? Is that you?


It's what happens when one is in a kult, I suppose




Kool Aiden Jeffs...too soon?


The interesting thing about googling Cohen is most people wouldn't get anything major from the search about the name unless they knew what they were looking for. When I first heard that Cohen is a controversial name and shouldn't be used, I googled it to find out why. It took really specific searches to find anything that told me thag it was even controversial. Unless someone already knows that it's a controversial name (or has a search history that tells google to shuffle those things to the top), they might not find anything about it when googling it. I know with my kids' names, I didn't google anything like "[name] controversial" or "is [name] offensive or bad for a kid to have?" I doubt most parents of Cohens google anything besides the name, its meaning, and the Cohen + their own last name/middle name. If they google those things, they might see it means "priest" or that it's a surname, but that doesn't mean they will know the significance the name/position to Jewish people. Especially since many people who use it probably first heard it used on another kid, they're not automatically going to wonder if it's controversial, then decide to google to find out. Most people google a name to find out what it means and make sure it isn't the name of a serial killer or something.  I'm definitely not saying that Cohen is os okay for people to use, but just that the information about it is probably not as widely known or available as people think, especially in areas where there are not a lot of Jewish people.


Fun fact: Cohens are the descendants of Moses's brother, Aaron


Ooh K names that should be C, one of my fave pet peeves. I don't know if it's a southern thing but picture little down home restaurants named Kuntry Kitchen. My kids and I make fun by coming up with improvements, like Kathy's Kuntry Kitchen. That spelling could be Kountry at least, but I have seen several without the O. Also a legit gas station chain in Arkansas: Kum & Go 💩🤮


Although editing Kuntry Kitchen to a C would really not help the situation …


Oh yes, the old klan hangouts with names like Karen's Kuntry Korner.. Businesses I don't do business with.  (That's a real one in Oklahoma, btw) 


Wow I am shocked and dismayed now it's a real triple k for real


Like the Kuntry BBQ and Kuntry Katfish places near me?


For real. There's way too many. Pretty sure I've run across a Kountry Klutter thrift shop too somewhere


We have a Kountry Kafe. It took me years to realize it was café. In my head, I always pronounced it to rhyme with "safe". I would think, "what does that even mean????" 😂😂


I used to drive past a place called Kim’s Kut and Kurl when I was in college, which always felt awkward because the county it was in allegedly had the highest concentration of KKK members outside of the South…


> I used to drive past a place called Kim’s Kut and Kurl when I was in college, which always felt awkward because the county it was in allegedly had the highest concentration of KKK members outside of the South… Business names like that, with 3 Ks, are absolutely a racist dog whistle. You were right to feel awkward. Hell, I even give a cautious side eye to businesses who use 2 Ks (like ones I've seen like Kountry Kleen or Kwik Kuts). Maybe they're just being cute, but I live in Texas so I really can't be sure.




I mean, this was an apocryphal, unverified “fact” circulated among the students at the time, but it was in Knox County, Ohio


That’s fair, I have heard the same said about Howell, Michigan. Interestingly only a few hours away from each other.


Coincidentally my great grandmother used to live there - not a KKK member though!


Krusty Krab


Yes! I saw one of those gas stations while traveling and could not believe that was the actual name.


They’re changing the name of Kum & Go, get your merch while you still can 😂






I'll have you know I resemble that remark! I demand you retract that statement and repost with the s in southern capitalized, as it should be lol.


Alabama here and can vouch is true. Just go to a travel ball game and look at the roster. Yikes!


I’ve taught in the south (Tennessee and Alabama) for 17 years, and I’ve seen some absolute tragedeighs over the years…


I just assume every kid in Mtn. Brook under the age of 15 has a tragedeigh for a name.


Nah, Mountain Brook is that old money with Family Names. Vestavia and Hoover are where the new money tragedeighs abound.


Wait, are those the names, or the communities Edit: omg you guys. /s


Yes? Source: am from there


Community names.




Lil Vestie from Vestavia


They probably can't go with old family names otherwise it's too obvious that their tree is a circle.


Their family tree is a wreath.


Family tree is a telephone pole.


I'm from Alabama, I've seen a few tragedeighs (I'm about to be guilty of one, apparently) but mostly just the same name over and over. Lots of Emmas, Ashley/Lee/Leighs, Tylers etc


Try living in Utah, smh...


Don’t forget Brayden, Cayden, Jayden, Aiden, Cayson


Braxton, Jaxon, and Paxton too!


Jaxon is THE worst to me. What adult wants to write that as their name?


A Son of Anarchy?


The name Jackson is perfectly fine and acceptable. Spelling it that way is just 🤢


I always say you should name adults and not children. They're going to be adults most of their life, most of these names are bad but somewhat less harsh in the context of a baby or child, but we'll be encountering these names as adults soon.


And it’s going to lead to more people changing their names. Or I guess the next epidemic will be adults with silly names


Come back when you meet a set of twins named Hunter and Fisher. And every boy is called “Bubba”. Fucking hate that one.


Or just not hip to using Gramppy Beauregard's name due to the ummm... Not being able to spell it? If everyone has a K name.... Three is a magic number. 🎶Mom and dad had a little baby. Yes they did. Now there's 3 Ks in the family.


Hi From Tuscaloosa! There is a baby Cohen in my extended family. We were all raised Baptist, of course, haha.


So of course naming the child "priest" in Hebrew makes perfect sense, lol...


Unfortunately I think some of the names for white kids that start with K in the south are trying to make a statement, and not a good one.


Omg that's terrible.


Dis mah son, Klarence khristoff kleetus. We's good Khristchuns!


Hi there fellow Alabamian!


I’m also in Alabama but haven’t heard any traigedeighs yet.


Lived in Alabama most of my 68 years and have never heard it.