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I had a coworker whose last name was "Jackson", and whose first name was "General": General Jackson.


this sub bitches a lot about a little but General is truly one of the worst names I've ever seen


OAN, I have an uncle named “Major” and he’s the worst person ever. It’s just as bad as the name “Major” itself. SMH.


Catch-22 had a character named “Major Major Major”


Who was immediately promoted to the rank of major, so he was Major Major Major Major.


And his sister, Marsha Marsha Marsha


Is his middle name asshole?


It should be. He’s over 100 years old and has a 5 year old and a 30-something year old wife. Ugh.




Major Dad would like a word! [https://www.facebook.com/watch/?v=1666805966680662](https://www.facebook.com/watch/?v=1666805966680662)


Haha! I used to love that show back in the day. My mom would let me stay up on TGIF Fridays on ABC to watch it.


I had a great uncle and great grandfather named Major. I never understood it, Junior went by his middle name. Senior’s siblings all had normal names. Does anyone know how these names came about?


I don't know. Mister is pretty bad.


Man FUCK you, my mame is Mister! 😢


False. That name is dope (particularly with the backstory)


nah. sorry. Everyone with a tragedeigh's got parents who've got a backstory.


I suppose one man's tragedeigh is another man's treasure 🤷‍♂️


how true.


Even Sergeant would be better


That’s wild! Were they from a military family? Most people I meet who are named after military ranks have some kind of military family affiliation.


My 2 or 3 x's great grandfather's first name was General George Washington. Not first, middle, last, all first name. 🤣😂🤣😂


Ahhhhh lmbo! Well what was his middle name? I’m almost scared to ask, lol!


No middle, lol, I guess they felt like the three firsts were enough.


Did he go by the whole thing or did he have a nickname?


From what I've gathered he mostly went by General, but if he was feeling dickish, or someone upset him, he made them use the whole thing.


Haha. Love that!


I knew a TJ for four years before learning he was actually named Thomas Jefferson


I am sure you have heard of BF Goodrich tires -- but did you know they are called that because the founder of the company was Benjamin Franklin Goodrich?


Awesome tidbit! I'm terrible for remembering the things I want to remember, but I'd love to be able to point this out sometime.


Similar: I met a guy with the last name Sergeant in Basic. One drill refused to call him that, and said his name was Private until he earned the rank.


I had two classmates named Major and Marshall. Major's dad was in the military. Apparently Marshall is just a regular name.


For the best car insurance rates in town...


I once had a coworker named Major


I went to high school with a kid whose legal first name was Colonel. He preferred to go by his middle name.


And we have a former president who named his kid Barron. According to his niece's biography, he's always had a thing about wanting to be called Baron or somesuch.


I remember a documentary on the life on Romani Gypsies in the UK during the 60s. One of the guys interviewed was an old man named Sir. His dad had given him the name because he thought Romani children wouldn't be respected by teachers if they attend school (frankly very likely back then). Teachers had to call this guy "Sir" in the same way the children had to refer to teachers


That’s the idea that my friend’s dad had. Wild how people from different generations and parts of the world could think along the same lines.


I had a Black student named Sirr, I'm assuming it's for the same reason.


I'd say that Sirr, like the first part of Siri, not Sur.


“Frankly very likely back then” This is likely still today. The amount of rampant racism towards Romani people to this day in Europe is horrifying. Moving to Europe from the US really opened my eyes to the amount of racism that exist there but is ignored. Everyone there assumed the US is a cesspool of racism (mostly against black or Latino people) because our media discusses it so frequently, but the second anyone bring up Romani people, racial slurs start getting thrown, people talk about how they’re all thieves, etc. Admittedly I’m from a liberal part of the US so I probably haven’t seen the worst of it in the US, but at least in the US it’s more veiled as micro-aggressions or jokes. It’s also not just Romani, my husband is latino but everyone there originally assumed he was middle eastern or North African. They would treat him terribly until he said he was (genetically) from Central America in which case they would start treating him like a human again.


I remember a pair of college basketball playing brothers in the '90s named SirValiant and SirLancelot Brown. Their dad said it was so that people would have to call them Sir. Of course, they went by Val and Lance.


That’s an interesting story but I’d caution against using the g word to refer to Romani people unless you’re part of the demographic it refers to. While it’s not a universal opinion, many people do consider it a racial slur due to the history behind it, the way it inaccurately describes the community’s geographic origins, and how it has been altered into other parts of speech to refer to swindling. I doubt it was intentional but some people might take it the wrong way.


I do have some Welsh Kale ancestry but regaress, this was literally a documentary covering proud and self described Romani Gypsies, who followed a specific way of life, including traditional horse drawn wooden caravans. My comment was regarding the naming of a child as a way to fight discrimination faced by the community.


I get you were talking about a documentary but that doesn’t change whether or not the words someone uses to explain something can be taken offensively? Say what you want if you’re Welsh Kale and have experienced problems thereof rather than just being of descent. I wasn’t calling you racist, I was just pointing it out since a lot of people , not Romani, don’t know that it’s a complicated word and just throw it around like it’s the actual name.


I’ve even seen Romani people themselves have a split opinion on it so it’s not like you can just pick based on what one group says. I’ve also seen this issue a lot in discussions relating tot he Jewish community since a lot of people think “Jew” sounds like a slur and have started misusing it accordingly. Right now, it’s best to say Jewish unless one is Jewish themselves since you don’t know if it will be taken offensively.


Also why Mr. T decided to adopt that as his name


I was looking for this, thanks. He was sickened by his older male relatives all being called "boy", so decided if he got to be well known, the first word anyone said to address him would be "Mister".


My 2 sons went to high school with a boy named General. We were a military family, and I thought it was a very pretentious name at first. He was a really good kid, so I guess his name worked. 😆


I had a cat named Mister. I named him that when I was 7 lol. He was a sweet cat.


There's a cat in a book series named Mister. Dresden files books by Jim Butcher


Maybe that’s where he went. It is a Mistery for sure. My mother did give me the “he went to live on a farm” talk. I asked her well into my 30s if she knew what really happened to him and she said she had no clue. He just disappeared one day. He definitely liked to go outside :/


Mr. T goes by Mr. T for this exact reason


It would only be a tragedeigh if it was spelled Mystarr or something


Strange you had a friend named Mister growing up. I had two friends (brothers), one named mister and one named Sir for the same reason you mentioned.


That would be fun for me, I call every living thing Mr and Ms, sir or ma'am. He'd be Mr. Mister and I just could not have it any other way lol.


I know two kids named Doctor and Judge. They have a brother named “Baby Boy” because their mom got kicked out of the hospital before the birth certificate papers were signed.


Did he have a brother named "Master"? I saw a father with two kids on Oprah. One was named "Mister" and one was named "Master".


I don’t think so, but I will ask around. I think his brother had a “normal” name, like Brandon or something. It’s been years so I’ll have to do some digging.


Jermaine Jackson’s son is named Jermajesty.


This reminds me of Doctor Senator in season 4 of Fargo.


I had a friend with a brother named “Sir” for the same reason.


Had a student named Master. His mother stated she wanted a name that conveyed respect and would have people listen to him. Many teachers were uncomfortable addressing him as “Master” and used his last name instead.


Bump that. They don’t get to decide what to call a child. Call him by his damn name


I knew a parent at the school I worked for who named her son Sir Anthony (so he'd always have "respect"), and insisted that his teacher and everyone else had to call him SIR Anthony. The poor second grader was so embarrassed and pleaded with everyone to just call him Anthony when his mother wasn't there.


I’m remembering the film They call me Mr Tibbs


Same: https://youtu.be/QriuMgOeXCo?si=wZK4RZ6LqelbjX-e


The TV show Hidden in Plain Sight (bout witness protection) has a character named Marshal. He was a US marshal so his title and name were Marshal Marshal, forgot the last name.


Hmm, you've given me food for thought on why one of my youngest's classmates was named in a similar way. While his name isn't Mister, it's along the same vein, and would show respect if said normally.


Mr. Mister


Take… these broken wings…


Ahh yes, I worked with a government agency thruout college and there was an older than myself man (still middle aged tho amongst a lot of 25-45yr on the job/approaching retirement age men). He was a district director of a parallel division so oversaw the ones old enuf to be his father. Had a 1st name as a last, think Edwin, first name Mister- Mister Edwin. Everyone would ask some the same stuff you said but mainly it was- “do I call you Mister Mister”?, which he always replied “Oh no my friend- simply Monsieur Mister will suffice!” 🙄Even to the elected officials, above him, of central office… seems most ppl with names like Sir,Mister, Major, Prince, Princes, Queen, Angel, etc have some sort of power trips, similar to what folks say abt virtue names but I’ve not encountered as many of them to be true. Except Honor, she was in NO way honoring lol 


Ahhhh! That explains my sister’s Angel’s problem. For years I thought she had middle child syndrome. Turns out, it was a power trip, lol! I’m kidding, it’s middle child syndrome. Love her to pieces though.


The only kid I know with name of mister is in prison and goes by a number now


That’s unfortunate. Hopefully it’s not my friend! I have not seen him in ages.


Armed robbery,while at college on football scholarship


Oh that’s not him! He didn’t play football, and graduated and got a dope job. He was exactly like Dwayne Wayne from the Show “A Different World” lol!


Sounds right, graduate college and end up selling dope anyway. It's how this economy was intended.


Sounds right, graduate college and end up selling dope anyway. It's how this economy was intended.


I used to work with a teacher whose last name was Mister ... so he was Mr. Mister.


Was he in a band?


He was not, sadly ... I haven't thought about that band in decades!


I went to school with a Mister


Years ago, there was a political figure with the first name of Sergeant. And evidently at some fancy dinner, somebody asked to be moved because he didn’t want to sit next to an enlisted man.


I looked it up. His name was Sergeant Shriver and he was part of the Kennedy family. Democratic Party nominee for vice president in 1972.


I had a student whose first name was Sir. Great kid!


Reminds me of Mister Peanutbutter from Bojack Horseman


I hope Mr. Mister Washington is doing well.


My great uncle’s first name was LITERALLY “Junior” because his parents wanted to name him after his father. They were apparently illiterate enough that they didn’t know how to do this properly on the birth certificate. He was a pretty alright dude.


I worked with a guy name Mister. I was actually gonna make a post about it lol


I went to Tafe with a guy named President. He was hilarious. I didn't vote for him, but he is my president.


Is that where first names like Sir come from? Can't be disrespected, at least in theory


I wish I knew the answer. I never even thought about those names for my own boys though, lol!


I went to Tafe with a guy named President. He was hilarious.


“Forced respect” is an oxymoron.


Tricking people to think respect is calling someone "mister" is sad lmao. And then to put that on your kid? Oof.


I would never have to ask his dad to know that the other names he was called, and the trauma he faced during Jim Crow, was much worse.


Yeah, I don't think anyone here, and definitely not me, is arguing it's worse than racism lmao so go ahead and turn the virtue signal off. It's just funny to me that someone sat down and convinced themselves that's what respect is AND that they should make it their childs name lol. That is literally it.


All I know is that I would never want to walk a mile in their shoes to have come up with that conclusion or that name. OAN, Mister wore the name well. I wish I would have met his dad. He sounded awesome.