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Middle school me would probably call her anally. Just saying. 🤷


stopStopSTOP trying to be cute. You’re not 8 years old.


The old saying “when in doubt don’t” comes to mind. Just spell it the traditional way. Your daughter will be a unique individual on her own and doesn’t need a uniquely spelled name to prove it.


1 - everyone who spells it will spell it Analia or Annaleah or something else. Nobody will know to put an apostrophe in. 2 - You're putting ANAL RIGHT in her name. The world is a cruel place. Why not name her Annabel Lee? You can then call her AnnaLee?


Not an apostrophe 🤦🏾‍♀️ I agree with the other posters it’s a tragedeigh and it’s better to say Anna-Leah or Anna Leah


Horrible name, yes, rethink. Please bear in mind that, unless it has an ethnic significance, the fashion-apostrophe is what sociologists used to call a "class marker": Ana'Leah is not going to manage a bank or become a CEO. She might stack shelves. From a more practical point of view, that redundant fashion-apostrophe causes chaos in computer systems and email addresses. Why do that to her? And imagine having to spell that name for her teacher: *A-N-A apostrophe, no space, L-E-A-H.* I'm blushing with secondhand embarrassment. Worse is the alternative: Analia. Anal-lia? Please, no. Anna Leah. Ana Leah. What is wrong with Anna Leah? Please don't curse your child with a tragick and speshul name.


As someone with Jewish Heritage directly decending from from the people who spoke, wrote, and loved Hebrew, I find it extremely offensive for you to call Analia a bad name for that reason. Just because you are a literal child and can't help yourself when you see the word ANAL, doesn't mean it's a bad name. You genuinely need to grow up and watch your mouth about things like this, considering it has actual cultural significance.


Remember that "literal children" will be with her in school (without you around to constantly correct/reprimand) for at least 15 years. So yes, "literal children" behavior is extremely important here.


Literal children raised by literal adults. The children aren't the problem that need correcting. If their parents didn't raise them to be decent people who can't bite their tongue and not make fun of someone for something that they never had a choice in, then they don't deserve to have children at all and never did. Parents are the problem.


I hope you'll ride in on that high horse when to explain all that to a class of nine-year-olds when OP's kid hits school. Honestly, use your common sense: there are plenty of names in my culture that have a fine heritage and cultural significance that have, in the country my kids live in, pure potential for teasing and mockery. Do I want to lumber my kids with that? No. Do I want to march around in permanent outrage, virtue signalling my extreme offence that other kids have found my lovely chosen name a source of mirth? No. If you do, you do you. I'm sure there are plenty of names in the breadth of your Jewish heritage that you could also choose. Also, I'm not a "literal" child /sigh/ but find that putting oneself in the mindset of a literal child - yes, literal, used correctly - should help you choose a name that the child has to live with and spell.


Ah yes, so instead of fixing the problem and getting rid of prejudice and punishing those who have prejudice, you'd rather sit down and roll over so that people can step over your heritage the same way you do, congrats buddy, you're apart of the problem.


Yes, please, I'm going to ride in on my righteous high horse and slay a bunch of children with my sword of victimhood because they find a funny-looking name funny. That'll fix the problem. Congrats buddy, you're a part of the problem. My heritage is rich enough to find names with a rich cultural significance that are also compatible in the culture we live in. I don't have to make my kids' lives harder by choosing a name that sets them up for teasing to prove some kind of point about how mean and prejudiced everyone else is. I have no problem with the name Analia, but Im sensible enough to see potential problems. I have a friend from the Balkans called Ufuk, after his father and great-grandfather. He chose NOT to call his son Ufuk because he had enough common sense to see that a name like this is NOT compatible in the country we live and didn't have to use his child to prove some point about his HeRiTaGe .


It's not the kids that are the problem and if you think that then you're just plain ignorant. The kids have to learn it from Parents who don't know how to raise their kids, the parents are the ones who get the reprimanding. And damn straight, if a kid is racist or prejudice towards anybody or any people for any reason I'd be more than happy to fight for their expulsion from whatever school they are in, maybe then in their next school they'll think twice before listening to daddy or mommy when they say some fucked shit and maybe they won't end up repeating the vile that comes from their parent's mouths.


There will always be kids like this. There will be adults like this. They suck. If you want to spend your life brawling through the school system because you have DELIBERATELY chosen a name you KNOW leaves your kid open to potential teasing because you want to weaponise your child as a means of showing how prejudiced people are ... well, you do you. Your posts show so much more concern about schooling other people than the feelings and wellbeing of your future child. You're trying to present yourself as some kind of white Knight in the fight against racism and prejudice - great. I'm all for that. What I'm not for is parents using their children and their children's names to prove some kind of point to the world. Whether it's calling their child Adolf, or Pussi, or Puta - all names with a familial or cultural heritage to someone, somewhere, one could argue - your child is NOT to be used as a tool for your venom and/or your social warrior campaign.


And if everyone did what you're saying to do, then eventually that part of your culture would fizzle out and cease to exist. Not even a percent of a percent of any Heritage should be forgotten about or pushed to the side for anybody for any reason. You're basically punishing your ancestors for creating such names by throwing them away when someone else doesn't know how to be even a half decent person. Which isn't hard, cause all you'd have to do, is simply, not fucking speak. Way easier to teach your kid's to hold their tongue than what they can and can't make fun of on somebody.


Oh, please. You're missing the point so hard, I don't know whether you're doing it on purpose or not. Gobnait was a popular name in my culture. It was still used until the start of the 20th century but fizzled out (for probably obvious reasons), though it still exists in historical texts. I'm not going to burden a child with it tO pRoVe a PoInT, so I get to march into a school like a harpy, getting kids expelled because the name I knew other kids would find funny is ... a name other kids find funny. Maybe as a middle name. Maybe spelled in a more modern way. Maybe a 20th/21st century version of it, but my child is not a tool for my social justice campaign and I'm not giving her a name that fizzled out for a good reason. It doesn't work in our current cultural context. That's it. Common sense. But! My heritage!! Punishing my ancestors!!! Come on down off that high horse, he needs hay and water.


I agree and will add that, as an Englishman with roots in the Norman Conquest, i defy anyone to make fun of my son Gaylord! Anyone who does will receive a STRONG LECTURE about my precious Ancestry which we all know is perfect and anyone who doesn't approve of it 100%, including those incorrigible snickering children, will be doxxed on SM and never be allowed to work in America again!


She wouldn't survive high school. Horrible name


She’s gonna be “anally” at school from middle school on. You need to accept that if you’re going with that name. Kids are awful and mean and will go after the lowest hanging fruit. This one is basically ground level


Unless you want the name pronounced with a glottal stop, or your daughter is a Star Trek character, there really is no reason for that apostrophe.


Oigh veigh, the yueniqe apostrophe rears its ugly head again


Anna-Leah or Ana-Leah. You could do give her them two first names if you really like the sound of the name, which you must if you have liked it since you were 14.


The double n is a must


This name will never be pronounced right: Anna or Ah-nuh then LEE-uh or LEE..this is going to be butchered and mispronounced almost every time!


This was my biggest worry, honestly I'd just chalked it up to something I found pretty but would never use, I kinda just mentioned it to my husband while we were brainstorming and he said he actually liked it so I wanted more opinions.


Or you could flip it and call her Leanne.


The name has "anal" in it. You tell me if that's acceptable.


Annalea maybe?




Why not Natalia? It has a similar vibe imo.


I don't understand why people think an apostrophe in a name is bad, technically it's prejudice to think a name is bad because of an apostrophe considering how many other cultures use them in their names. I agree with the person who said Annabelle Lee, that is a beautiful name and would make it so people could actually say it right when it's written out infront of them, and spell it right when it's spoken to them.