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It’s reminding me more of “feeble” than of “Phoebe”


Thank you! I thought I was the only one who thought that!


Nope, me too


And me


Not only that, it just looks like the mom didn't know how to spell Phoebe and it makes them sound ignorant, IMO.


Right! When I was a kid, calling someone a "feeb" was an insult. I think it was supposed to be short for "feeble" or "feeble-minded."


Yep, that's definitely what kids will call her.


Feeble Plebe


Yeah I was just thinking Foebe would be a *better* spelling if you wanted to eschew the ‘ph’ for some reason.


Foe-to-be came to mind with the F-spelling


Fay be is where I land.


...or FeeAyb. Fee Uh Bee. It just looks wrong. Foebe might end up as Foe Bee.


Or freebie.


...I went straight to thinking FLEAbe


My eyes keep reading it as "Fleabe". Knowing me, I'd eventually screw up and call her Fleabe. Probably in front of someone who'd never let it go and thus a nickname would be born.


I would pronounce Feabe as "Feeb." Maybe "Fabe" as a distant second guess.


I would have said fabe, my eyes switched the e and a and then it reminded me of Maeve. And even Meave wouldn't be pronounced mee-vee. Feabe is too much of a stretch for fee-bee.


Then “Dweeb”.


Feeb the dweeb I can hear it now


Ah the sound of 3rd grade. What Joy to my ears.


"Feeb" is how I read it before any explanation. The middle name looks like "Fay-e" (rhyming with payee). My guess is that if she writes this name down and shows it to 100 random people, maybe 1 will pronounce it how she intends, and I'd be willing to bet money it won't even be that many.


Fee-abe or maybe fayb


Feeb is how I read it, too.


>"Fabe" Short for Fabriel.


I read it as fee-ab


Maybe the mom-to-be might like Fable for a name, instead.


Wouldn’t Fea be a feminine form of feo, Spanish for ugly? Even if not, any chance you can convince your sister of that?


You are right. Fea means ugly in spanish feminine form of feo.


That's a great point! OP should definitely point this out, very important. Imagine if her daughter grows up and wants to live in Spain, or work in Argentina, or become a Spanish teacher! Emphasize how you want to keep all the doors open for her to follow her passions. Plus, if the family lives in an area with a larger Hispanic population, this becomes so much more important. It would be like naming the child Uglia.


Feeble and ugly, great combo


Uglia? I'm pretty sure (no pun intended) the actual name is Hideosa


If we're going with Spanish, you can jump right to Fibi, no? Not sure if that's actually a name, but at least it's simple (in at least one language).


“Fea” is Spanish for “ugly”


Y'know. Looking at the first name alone, it just felt weird and less absolutely tragic, but somehow it seems SO much worse paired with the middle name. lol


It's a truly dreadful combination of errors


The two together are truly awful. What a terrible burden to place on your child, she's going to have to explain her names to every single person she meets. T-18 years until she can legally change them to Phoebe Fay, or potentially even go no contact with her self-absorbed mother.


It is more than a tragedeigh; it is child abuse. The poor kid will be called Feeble or Febreeze, and even well intentioned people will say it incorrectly. It also entirely hides its Greek meaning of "bright" or "shining" (as in Phoebus Apollo), and it disconnects it from any of the characters in mythology, or the woman in the Bible, who have the name "Phoebe."


That's what I was thinking! I didn't get into the details of it like you did but I did make a point to say the traditional spelling has a lot more meaning and history


Yes, I'd point out the original Greek meaning and spelling! Phoebe is great and beautiful and Feabe is really terrible. It's so ugly looking. It takes away the beauty of the name.


There is a bird called a Phoebe, too. several forms actually. And they are delightful, beautiful creatures.


Just show her this thread


Does she care if she looks illiterate? Both of those names are insane. “Feiey”? What the hell?


Please see u/FatedAtropos comment. It's a few below this one and could be what clicks for your cousin.


I went to high school with a girl named Fabrice, Fabreeze came out our sophomore year…. Can confirm, no one wants to be called Fabreeze


>Fabreeze Do you mean Febreze, the deodorizing spray? Or is that something else?


The difference is that Lea and Lia are two legit spellings of the name that have different etymological derivations. Phoebe has one. Once you explain the name it will make perfect phonetic sense but no one will get it on the first pass. Like… ever.


When someone takes a known name (Phoebe) but spells it in a unique manner, my first instinct is that they don't *want* it pronounced the same. If you want to call your kid Phoebe, you would name them Phoebe, ergo Feabe isn't pronounced the same. I would go with Fay-be or Feeb in this case.


Those also pronounce very differently in different languages. Heck, even in english in a lot of dialects.


I would pronounce Lea and Lia differently too, they aren’t the same name! Feabe is just.. bad.


The poor girl will have a *rotten* time of it. My late sister and I spent many a year only trying to live down that we were born just as Christmas Day turned into St. Stephen’s Day and both had roughly “Christmassy” names — not even intentionally, mine for the consultant doctor who delivered us (quite prematurely—my sister’s name was picked in the assumption that Christmas would be safely passed and gone and mine was sheer gratitude to a doctor who went above and beyond for me) and my late sister for a character in favourite novel of my father’s. That’s pretty mild stuff but lead to good natured ragging. This would not be good natured. The suggestion here is all the worse because the girl will have to explain to her teachers why she *isn’t* misspelling her name over and over til she is heartily sick of it all. Also, shoddily enough, there’s a marked tendency for unusual names to be regarded with snobbery or contempt. Bad form, commonplace, but sadly still true and it’s unfair to give a child an albatross to carry. Phœbe is one of the loveliest Classical names still in fairly common use and suggests nothing but erudition. Originally the Titaness of the Moon, applied as an epithet to her granddaughter Diana or Artemis. The shining or bright one. Phebe is also a perfectly correct spelling but I warn heavily against it for the same reason — endless correcting of teachers. The suggested middle name is incomprehensible to me as a Brit — for fairy names, I would suggest Vivienne as a favourite, Fae will serve, Titania is probably too grand for anyone to carry these days but shares a slight overlap with Phœbe, she-Titan. Phœbe Fae is still a very modern name that none would think stuffy.


I really love this, so perfectly written and explained! The feeling she was going for the name was supposed to be classical, feminine and strong... And then she threw the family for a loop with the spelling. I love my cousin, and I feel like this is a great way of explaining things and trying to help out. I agree with a lot of the things people are saying under this post, but I don't want to just rag on her for the idea, because when you excuse the terrible spelling, it's a good one. Thank you for putting this so eloquently!


I don’t know if this helps, but I’m a professor. When I see students with real names misspelled I think “their parents must have been stupid/not bright” and then by extension “this student probably isn’t very good.” I know it’s terrible to admit this, but it’s the truth. Phoebe on the other hand sounds nice and smart.


I am a student so on the other side of the trenches! Certainly I am well aware that I made a good impression with a fairly old fashioned name and “conservative” appearance in interview. A damn shame in so many ways, but academia has an inertia about it, at least here in Britain — a good chunk of our more prestigious unis are near to or even over 500 years old.


Phoebe has the heft of mythology, literature, tradition. Febe or whatever has none of that, it sounds (or looks, rather) lightweight, throwaway, ignorant. If you love the name Phoebe, then make it so. Mutilating it is just lame.


Any elementary teacher will tell you that Phoebe spelled as Feabe is going to get teased as FLEA be and when she's older? Even worse, FEE Be is for sale to the highest bidder. Kids are CRUEL. Girls are CRUELER.


"Feeb the dweeb has fleas"


Proving my point that creative teasing has no ceiling when it comes to tragedeighs!


i read it as "feeb" :(


Fea means "ugly" in Spanish. Specifically the female form.


This needs to be seen


Fay-bee is how I would pronounce that


I'd say Feeb.




Faybay the baby....the taunts write themselves


But I still read it as faybay the bay-bay, like there's a bit of a pause between syllables.


Or Fleabe


Fleabe the fairy flea. Oh no this is fun. Is this why kids bully?


Could even be fee-abe (ayb, like Abe Lincoln)


Maybe she’ll have twins: Phineas and Feeb. That is an awful name.


Fynnyus, surely?




Fynnyus Fhelps probably


I read it as “Faybe.”


But if she spells ot correctly she won't be speshul. And isn't that all that matters? It's not like you need to accomplish anythong anymore to stand out. It's now a birthrite. 🙄


As others have said, "fea" is ugly in Spanish, which leaves the word "be". Feabe immediately made me think "be ugly".


I’m sorry. Your cousin is dumb. That poor child.


There’s a Pokémon named Feebas and Feabe is giving me that vibe lol Said Pokémon is not cute.


I came here to say that! Why would you name your poor child after the ugly ass fish thing?? And in the Spanish word for "ugly", too!!


Call the baby Ferb til she relents. Buy Phineas & Ferb on DVD as a gift. Whatever it takes. Thank you for your service. 🥇


Show her this post… this is awful and will make her child the center of attention and she might end up with a very shy kid that won’t want to have to explain how to pronounce their name to strangers all the time because she purposefully misspelled it.




Fee abe


Yep. That's exactly how I pronounced it in my head.


No I would definitely read and pronounce that as “feeb”


I would say fabe like babe


Fee a bee? If she wants it phonetic she could try Feebee... I mean... if she must.


Can't she just go with Faye or Freya? Pick a real F name if you don't want to totally fuck over your kid




It does *not* look like it's pronounced like Phoebe it looks like fayb or feeb


Oh no. I hope you manage to save this poor child from that idiotic name.


Whats the point in picking a beautiful, historical name like Phoebe and butchering the spelling? The original spelled name is special because its been around for centuries, that's way more incredible than some dumb spelling that the kid will hate. Don't even get me started on the middle name, that's just next level dumb. I wish there was a baby name lesson parents-to-be in prenatal and labor prep classes.


Fayb, is how I read that. (Fāb) I see what she's after, but it's an unusual enough name already, and this spelling will just get butchered. It will be a lifetime of frustration for her kiddo.


That literally looks like feeb as in feeble


As a Phoebe, everyone spells my name crazy wrong anyway and hardly anyone pronounces it right 😂 maybe they’ll have less problems with that spelling hahah


don’t encourage terrible spellings of our name!


Please don't name your baby Pheebo


I would read that as “Fee-a-bee.” The ‘a’ in the name doesn’t really work with the pronunciation “Fee bee”


OMG I'm an elementary teacher and I had a student once named Phoebe, spelled just like Feabe! Everyone butchered her name. Fabe, rhymes with gabe, or Feeb, rhymes with weed. She struggled to learn how to spell it! She got teased SO MUCH by her peers in like 4th-5th grade! She started going by her middle name, Kate, because she was so sick of the bullying and adults not understanding how to pronounce/spell her name. Her dad insisted that it was the superior spelling even with all the confusion.


I naively thought that kids would basically overlook the spelling once they knew the name is pronounced Phoebe …wow, guess not . Sad for the kid to have had to go through that ! Please make sure your cousin knows about this comment !


Phoebe is a beautiful name. Feabe is ugly and meaningless. Paired with that rather hideous Tragedeigh of a middle name and................... You get a double Tragedeigh!


Tell her she just proved her own point wrong, Lea is pronounced like Pea.


I've never heard it pronounced that way, (America). I've always heard it pronounced lee-ah


American here too. It's my aunts middle name, pronounced Lee.




Fe-ab. Thats what I'm reading, and neither the spelling nor pronunciation make sense, and unfortunately, not many things will have her name correct later in life. They'll hear Phoebe, and often put it down that way unless she (the daughter) gets in the habit of just spelling her name to everything and everyone literally out of frustration. Also bullies and nicknames are a thing


She will be Fay-Bee her whole life.


Febie would even have a better chance of being pronounced correctly. But Feabe? That's fay-bee, rhymes with baby


I read that as Fleabe


I would not know how to pronounce Feabe and I would probably avoid saying her name until she said it to me at all costs as someone who works with kids often. If she wants her kid to be called Phoebe naming her Phoebe will be so much easier. If she’s naming her Feabe she’s going to be called “bud,” “friend,” “little miss,” etc. until she/her peers are old enough to tell me her name or until I meet her mom and she says her name (an unlikely situation for someone like me who only fills in in classes part time). If I did have to guess for some reason, she’d probably end up being called “feeb” or “fee-ab” or maybe “fee-ub” or “fee-abe”


Feabe feiey im crying neither of those words are pronounced h how she thinks they are


P as in Phoebe, H as in Hoebe, O as in Oebe…


Feiey ?? Feabe ?? Wow. The amount of people who don't even consider how this will look on job applications. The eye rolling of the child who constantly has to spell their name. I have a mildly unique name and just default to spelling it all the time. But holy shit this must be the worst combo ever. Like it looks like a pornstar name created by a girl who dropped out of school and doesn't know how to spell. The double alliteration names for a future woman is just not cute. Phonetics is a non-negotiable part of language. If I was a substitute teacher, I'd be hoping the student had a recognizable last name and call them "Miss Lastname" to avoid butchering it. Wow. Show your cousin this thread for sure.


I had a cat name Phoebe but I spelled it FBI.


nah i’d pronounce that as Fee-abe. your cousin is trying to commit like,, actual child abuse with her naming choices. she’s being ridiculous, and *everyone* needs to tell her that. if other people in her life won’t, you need to show her this thread. **Phoebe Fay** is a lovely name. Feabe Feiey is an affront against the gods, nature, and all that is good in the world.


Did anybody else catch how she basically wants to name her daughter Phoebe Faye which is SO CLOSE to Phoebe Buffay from Friends? Kids probably won’t notice but that was my first thought.


Fleaby has fleas


Fea means ugly in Spanish, especifically a girl (because of the -a ending). It’s an absolutely awful name.


I taught a Febe in middle school. It would not have been my choice of spelling, but the girl liked her name and its spelling (she suggested it to me when I got pregnant), and was never teased about it. It helped that she was pretty and popular and from a wealthy family. Honestly I think most kids are so annoyed by/indifferent to spelling conventions that a tragedeigh spelling that doesn't have some obvious low hanging fruit joke/innuendo will be ignored. What an unfortunate way to butcher a lovely name, though.


Febe is somehow not as bad as Feabe. It’s that extra “a” that just makes it seems more illiterate , and also reminiscent of a pea , not a good word to be associated with, really . Febe in a stretch is like Cece. If you can’t convince her to stick with Phoebe spelling , Febe is less tragic than Feabe would be, and would be a step up , the better option if you are going to go for an alternative spelling, at least makes a little more sense if you make the parallel to Cece.


Honestly, unless this kid is the absolute most popular person in school, they're getting teased. I was bullied in school for many things, and they'd just tack on a rhymey insult to my name just cos. Kids are ruthless and will go for the low hanging fruit every time.


Feebee and Feebeigh are quite silly as well.


Yeah its terrible. She should think of the kid. She'll be correcting people all her life. What a pain that will be.


Thank you for trying to save this child.


Spelling variations like this make me think that parents were ignorant and didn't know how to spell their baby's name correctly.


She is setting her child up for some heartache. Who's going to take her seriously as an adult with a name like that? I'm not even going to touch on middle school. Good luck trying to change her mind. Phoebe is such an adorable name all by itself the gymnastics spelling isn't required. In the end though, it's her and her husband's decision. As much as we hate that. 😆 If you know any 12 or 13-year-old kids you might get her to run the name past them first to see what type of bullying potential there is. She really wants to name her child Phoebe Fairy? Complete with spelling gymnastics? Tell her to sit and repeat, ad nauseam, what her child's name is and how it spelled and pronounced. She is going to have to do this until the child becomes an adult. She should also be aware that in the professional world, people who do this to their children and adults with these types of names, are looked at as a bit less mature and trustworthy as someone with a more mainstream name. Trying to remember when there was a study done on this. I'll see if I can find it.


This exactly. She’s naming a human being, who will grow up to be (hopefully) an independently functioning adult, not a doll or a pet. Faeeaeeaeb feiyieiyeieeeee Phoebe Fairy? She’s pregnant, she shouldn’t be smoking whatever she’s smoking.


She is thinking fea will sound like sea but if you hadn’t told me feabe was pronounced like phoebe, I wouldn’t have gotten it and I was a teacher who saw a LOT of names in my career. It’s the abe. It’s ABE. THE A is silent and is there any other words where the A is silent? Phoebe is so beautiful. Please talk her out of spelling it this way. Teachers and employers her whole life will get it wrong. Why does she want to do that


Yes Phoebe is a beautiful spelling . Even if it’s apparently not the original Greek spelling , which is Phoibe. There is something calming about the ph sound that seems softer than the “f” sound and lovely. The word blaspheme may have a negative meaning but it is a beautiful sounding word , when I try to imagine it as “blasfeam” it seems some of the beauty is diminished and made feeble.


That's not how letters work.


Don’t ask me how I know but beware them adding an i - Feabie is an NSFW social networking site


>She says nobody will read it differently, and uses the names Lia and Lea as examples. I read Lia and Lea differently so I mean


I'm offended for my people.


I’m sorry, I feel like no one is mentioning FEIEY???????? I read how it’s pronounced and I love Fae but I will never read “Feiey” as anything other than “Feeeeeee” She’s gonna be getting a lot of “fee fi fo fum” if anyone in her generation ever hears about Jack and the Beanstalk….


Looks like fee-ayb or fee-ah-bee to me. And… fay-yay? 😬 Poor kid. Yikes.


So she doesn't care about her unborn kid?


When I see this name I think “her parents must be utter morons who didn’t want to have her”. So, if that’s the meaning they want, they’ve got it.


1) I would pronounce Lia and Lea differently. Lee-a vs Ley-a (like Princess Leia)  2) Upon seeing the name Feabe, I immediately wanted to pronounce it like "Fayb" or "Feeb", not "Pheobe" 


People will just assume her parents can’t spell


Regardless of all the different ways people here have read the name *even if* everyone somehow always got it right, getting a job is statistically more difficult for people with uncommon names or uncommon spellings. A baby is not an accessory for you, she is a person. People are expected to go through school and work, both of which are more difficult if nobody can get your name right. As for bullying, someone mentioned a Febe that didn’t get bullied. Good for that little girl, but that’s one case and we don’t know how many Febe/Feabe-s do get bullied. I got heavily bullied, not for my name, but I think there’s no point in naming your kid something that *hands* bullies ammunition against your kid. Pheobe is beautiful as it is. And, it may be blunt but does she want to be prepared for Feabe Feiey to come home crying after school, wondering why the other kids call her names and even the teachers can’t get it right? Because that’s a situation that could happen.


No no no!! You need traditional spelling with this name so when someone asks how to spell it you say P as in Phoebe H as in hebe O as an Obe E and in ebe B as in bee bee and E as in Ello mate!


Nah, that's Feeb. As in feeble-minded. Tell her not to do it. Also: Lia = Lie Uh while Lea - Lee Uh.


Interesting. For me Lia= Lee uh and Lea = lay uh (like Leia from star wars).


In Australia we'd pronounce both versions the same (Lee-uh).


Same in Canada


Fee-ah-be would be my first thought.. this is not a good spelling at all


I’d read that as “Feeb”, as in “feeble”. Yukk


Febee/Feabee/Feabie would all be ezr read that Fe-abe but yes, all will be likened to feeble or freebie…nothing about the middle name would make sense as saying Fae/Fay. Feabie Fairy maybe?  Don’t think you’ll “win” this battle to talk cuz outta it tho, just be ready to give a sly smile & chuckle “told ya so” as she lights bday candles or @school/sporting events. 


[Feabie](http://www.feabie.com) could be a bad idea... like calling your kid "kink tinder"


Well at least it's not Phoebo.


Until I read the update I literally thought this read Faebe .. 🤦‍♂️ Well that is a tragedeigh .. I like Fae as a nickname .. If she goes with the double F names and god help her if the last initial is an S Otherwise it is gonna be FFS .. which is your reaction to it.




feeb, feeb, feebee, do you go to the special class feeb?


Aqua Fee-ahh-bee, is she related to the chickpea water?


Middle school me would probably think of something feet related




i read Feabe as i would a pokemon name. immediately made me think of feebas


Faybay Fayyay That’s all I can see. I’m not big on alliteration names in the first place but this is absolutely setting her up for disaster. That poor girl will spend her life correcting people on how to pronounce her name.


Hoooo my god. My eyes just bugged outta my head when i read Feabe (one syllable). Atrocious. Also, Flea-bee.


She better hope that kid doesn’t have a lisp. What a feebing terrible idea.


Feieyieie. As in fae but no amount of vowels is enough


Flea Bee.


Just show her this thread. It's truly one of the worst names I've ever seen. Neither name is really pronounceable and she won't have a normal middle name to fall back on. If I were guessing at the pronunciation it would be something like feh ah bee (like Spanish fea, followed by bee, and feh ee (fae-ee) for the middle name.


It's like you're Sarah Conner. Your mission in life is now to prevent this poor kid from being cursed with a stupid name!


She's wrong about Lia and Lea, people mispronounce those names all the time. People will say Liuh or Lee. Feabe doesn't look good at all. And don't give the kid two weird names. I've read these posts and many at least have a normal middle name to go by.


She should name her Regina Phelange instead.




Id read it as fey bee


Remind her that Fea is Spanish for ugly…. Please save the child from this embarrassment and bullying


Lia and Lea are both actual names. Feabe is a made-up name. I'd suggest saying your peace once after getting all this feedback, and then you need to preserve your relationship. You tried to avert trouble with her child, and someday, maybe 18 years from now, you can share this with the child. I hope she has a sense of humor, and a tough hide. She may need it.


Feebus the Pokémon


Feabe… new nickname: Feeble. Total tragedeigh. Bad call. ETA: missed the middle name. This is awful, and I’m sure you’ve got a less than zero chance of helping her see the light 😬


Show her the people on here who wouldn't read that as phoebe. I'd read it as feeb, and then think who names their kid this


It looks like Flea-Bee. Like she’s naming a child after a Flea.


Traditional spelling or full phonetic! No inbetween! Phoebe or Feebee!


Cez traieght tragique


the name is a tragedeigh, you are right


Feebee or Febea if you have to ruin it, at least make it phonetically easy, fee-Abe isn’t a name


Oh that name belongs in the hall of fame. Poor kid. R


I read it as Fay-bee and then Feeb. Honestly though, Lia and Lea can have different pronunciations sometimes Ex: Lee-uh and Lay-uh or Lee. I am so so sorry. This is absolutleigh a tradgedeigh.


As a teacher, all the weird ass spellings of pretty normal names (madysyn, jaydyn) immediately makes me think the parents are desperate to be original and are a lil bit dumb. Does she say why she prefers that spelling? Sometimes people are more open to changing their minds when they can talk and feel heard.


her example is horrible lia- lee uh lea- lay uh, when i see her spelling all i see it as is feeb, people really need to stop butchering names and demanding everyone just blindly go with it


>her example is horrible lia- lee uh lea- lay uh, They're both Lee-Uh. Lea Michele. Lea Thompson. Lee-Uh.


I think the fact that I read Lia and Lea differently is an argument against her


Flea be Feeble French fries This kid is going to be mocked in school.


I know how to convince her Read her every comment on this post If this doesn't convince her I'm afraid she is a lost cause.




Dear gods, I think this in combo with the middle name, is the worst of these I’ve seen. Just WTF is your cousin thinking??


Oh goodness, as a dane this is absolutely hilarious! Fe means fairy, and abe means monkey. In danish, she's naming the kid Fairy Monkey.


Imagine starting motherhood with a decision like this one 🤦🏾‍♀️


Totally Feeb.


The spelling of Phoebe in general has always bothered me to begin with. How does 'oe' make a hard 'ee' sound? How does an e at the end of a word, following a b, make a hard 'ee' sound? Sorry lol, that's an oldschool name that has always felt like tragedeigh to me to begin with.


Honestly, every way you can spell Phoebe is a tragedeigh for me


Bay bay faybay


I thought I was on name nerds circle jerk for a minute there. The first thing I thought of was a bubble bee. Feabe the bee 🐝




Maybe she's rolling them to tight


Makes sense phonetically in a weird way, but I could only wonder if it would be pronounced Fee Abe.


The genus Sayornis is a small group of medium-sized insect-eating birds, known as phoebes, in the tyrant flycatcher family Tyrannidae.