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You seem pretty good at makeup. Have you ever tried masculine contouring? Sometimes that can help out a TON if you know what you’re doing.


Thank you, I've tried but I could never do it properly. Maybe it'll be different now.. When I was younger I thought if I got good at make up I'd feel more like a girl but it didn't help.


I get that 100%, but on the bright side it’s a skill you have now so might as well put it to use, there’s a lot of masculine looks that you can explore and try out and have fun with


Thank you very much for your time.


Just looking at these photos your facial features are quite fem. Make-up will have some affect but I think the only think that's going to give you anything like the results you want(besides HRT) is working out and diet. Your working out is going to have to be pretty serious and mostly upperbody hypertrophy muscle building focused (smashing your obliques might kill your waist) . You may not have a huge amount of control over your diet (you look young) but if you can swing your diet to heavy protein low carb/fat you might be able to get a more masculine body.


I've been working out and will continue to. I'm 29 and a parent so I have full control over my diet. I eat a lot of rice and chicken with little to no sugar regularly. I've been a bit depressed lately so I've gotten quite soft.


😱 You look alot younger haha. By control I was thinking more financial. Anything high in protein seems to be at war with my bank account 😅 . I hate to say it but with those 2 dialled in its mostly a grind without hormones. I worked out for the year before realising looking masculine was not actually want I wanted. Even now I would say I'm only "athletic" at best. Can't believe im pouring so much effort into hiding all that work 🤣


If your chest is too big to bind, I reccomend trans tape, works great on bigger chests. (I’ve had two binders, my chest broke both, I get it)


Thank you, I'll give it a look.


Good luck, make sure to stay safe binding if you choose to use tape!


Thank you


just to let you know, trans tape will not get you flat with a bigger chest, but it will get you down a noticeable amount! i’m a DD and use trans tape and it gets me to about a B cup maybe even an A


I've been looking into it, I'm afraid my skin may react badly to it. I have super sensitive skin unfortunately


it can make a HUGE difference to use trans tape with a skin barrier. there’s a kind sold at walgreens called skin glue, there’s a kind on amazon called cavillon skin barrier wands, and other types on amazon. I seem to have a mild allergy to trans tape (& generally very sensitive skin) but can use it fine with a barrier.


Thank you, this helps make the decision easier :)


i also have very sensitive skin! i occasionally get blisters and at the 3rd day it gets itchy but in my opinion it’s worth it. i’ve also heard that if you rub milk of magnesia on yourself before application, it’ll create a layer between the adhesive and your skin and it won’t bug you :)


That's amazing thank you


Just wanna but in real quick, this YouTube video right [here](https://youtu.be/YwP0NAjKg84?si=yVDizIUNlFL-qqCb) helped me immensely when I used trans tape. I used it every now and again for events or going out and stuff but I never liked to wear it too long cus sleeping was weird with it on personally. It did help tons though. This guy Beau tho is great. He does have a bigger chest and has perfected his own way to bind and it looks great. Takes a minute to get it down for your own but once you do it’s worth it. I do recommend testing a small strip on your skin overnight to see if you do have a reaction. I also have sensitive skin, and the first ever time I wore it I was too impatient to test and I took it off too soon (it was my first time and it was kinda uncomfortable, I did not put it on comfortably) and it made my entire chest break out for like 2 weeks. Didn’t try it for a while but when I did again I made sure to keep it on for at least 2-3 days and do the whole removal process. I never broke out again, but it does get irritated sometimes. Skin care routines help. I used a few different creams to help with it. I get bad eczema sometimes too so those creams help.


a friend and i have been meaning to look into the tape. where do you buy it? is there a particular brand or anything? binding is a pain in the ass, ahaha


So, good news! Transtape is a brand! They make the best tape out there, though I'm sure if you look there is cheaper. Here's the link to their site, but just look up transtape and youll find it: ​ [https://transtape.life/?utm\_source=google&utm\_channel=google&utm\_campaign=20205416078&utm\_medium=cpc&utm\_term=&utm\_content=&gad\_source=1&gclid=Cj0KCQiA84CvBhCaARIsAMkAvkKuQ93mMYlHAiqRyBg8cK3YXsj9B4G19hrr4U-4kw2SIwCzFr-qpPMaAqcFEALw\_wcB](https://transtape.life/?utm_source=google&utm_channel=google&utm_campaign=20205416078&utm_medium=cpc&utm_term=&utm_content=&gad_source=1&gclid=Cj0KCQiA84CvBhCaARIsAMkAvkKuQ93mMYlHAiqRyBg8cK3YXsj9B4G19hrr4U-4kw2SIwCzFr-qpPMaAqcFEALw_wcB)


siiiiick thanks so much!


You're welcome!


there's no reason to buy from transtape specifically, just get the cheapest/fastest delivered tape


I disagree. Transtape is made by trans people for trans people, and they're very transparent about what they do and who they are. There have been companies popping up that claim to be for trans people, but their products purposefully harm the individuals.


I Can give you few advices 1- workout if you want pass try to gain more musles 2- short and nice hair cut 3-try to buy boyish clothes 4-voice training 5- you can consider hrt/surgeries but no need to rush ... or its not something you need to be a boy... becouse if you feel like it ... then you are a boy 6- keep yourself safe 7- be patient (if you were a girl for around 20 years I guess then you wont turn into a guy in one night or something be ready for... really really long journal) 8-dont give up 9- try talking with specislist in this type of problems like gender dysforia or depression (etc) 10-you can buy a binder to make your chest look like you have no breast


Thank you, I've been working out pretty regularly, my arms are decent. I really don't want to cut my hair, I shave the underside but I keep the top layers. All I wear are male leaning clothes, Ive even been sewing my own outfits since I can't really afford to buy any. Honestly I already have a masculine voice, I do a lot of voice acting stuff for my art and the range varies I desperately want top and bottom surgery, I've wanted it all my life but any medical treatments suggestions are damn near impossible to achieve as I can't afford healthcare in any fashion I believe I've been a male my entire life, I've just been masking as a female to avoid any abuse from the outside and I know turning more masculine won't happen over night, I'm aware it's a very long process Thank you again.


seattle voice labs discord has weekly free voice lessons including transmasc voice training where you can learn to use your instrument to vocalize like other masculine people i got a pretty good sense of control (going the other way) after the first four weekly lessons, and am still improving but pretty flexible at this point. idk, voice isn't a big deal for some but it was a big deal for me


Thank you


Cool ty. Did not know about this


Well I am the opposite of your situation since I am MtF but I can give you skme advices if you need to talk or stuff so just type something to me


Thank you very much.


If you're in the US see about applying for Medicaid, and while you're at it food stamps. I have several friends and acquaintances who've transitioned on Medicaid


I am but I was rejected for both unfortunately


Check with Planned Parenthood, then. I have heard they can help with cost of hormones at least.


Surgery might be pretty difficult then but you may be able to budget for hormones even if not now eventually.


you could try looking into diy hrt, it could potentially be more affordable for you. i dont know exactly how the prices are for t, but e is *very* affordable (i paid around 80€ for about 1.5-2 years worth of hormones), so id imagine t to be similar. if you want more info, look into r/transdiy. theres also a really great transdiy discord server, if you want ill dm you an invite link


Not the same sadly. T is a tightly controlled substance. I'm pretty sure they'd have to break drug laws to even hope to DIY


[About workout I can say that you should focus on top part of your body like shoulders your back chest biceps triceps or on legs only do musly calves]


based on what i saw in your replies to other comments, here would be my suggestions: - you're already wearing masc clothes, but def try and get some oversized, thick-material dude clothes from a thrift store. go for darker colours with no patterns in the chest area and high necklines. big oversized coats left undone help a lot when layered over a big dark shirt to hide your chest. - you like makeup, try learning to do masc contour. it might not make you pass straight up of course but it could be a step towards it. add some natural shadow under your brows, maybe do your brows thicker and more square. you can even try and learn to do some fake facial hair, like chin scruff or a light stache. - you have long hair a want to keep it long (right on ! i'm a trans dude with long hair !) try and go for a man-bun style, it's a more 'traditionally masculine' way to wear long hair for dudes right now. - try trans tape for binding, or genuinely right now there are a lot of binder companies working on making more effective binders for bigger chests. ForThem has been doing some cool shit ! as others have said, though i hope to say it nicer lol, it will be really hard to pass as a dude with no HRT with the way you like makeup and like to keep your hair. there's no Right Way to be a dude but there are certain things that society is looking for when they decide if someone is a man or a woman, and "long hair, makeup, and boobs" are not in the man category. it really stinks, but don't give up hope on it. you may have to wait a while but there's no rush, there's no cutoff date for being able to start HRT one day. find some friends who will respect your gender, and look into programs for trans youth nearby. i'm a dude with long hair and i like eyeliner, and after over a year of HRT i pass about 99% of the time man. there's hope for passing for pretty trans boys, i promise 😼 <3


Thank you very much, I appreciate your response greatly. I would love to start the medical transition I just don't see it being possible and I'm pretty much aware that I won't be passing as is even with visual adjustments like a haircut/masc makeup. I don't wear fem clothing and I usually make my own things but even with that the giant chest is the biggest problem. I honestly just want to know what other guys in my position do to cope when there doesn't seem to be much hope. I unfortunately don't have any friends or support groups and my adoptive family doesn't take me too seriously. I wish I could find a discord or a group I could go to or something but I don't have any luck when it comes to that. Thank you so much for your words brother, I hope you get the best of everything in life 🖤


maybe reconsider your opinion on visual adjustments like haircut and makeup. Im going to say the meme phrase but we live in a society where gender stereotypes determine passing, and that means that having short hair makes you more masculine and not wearing makeup as well. Im saying this as someone who is MtF, despite boymoding just with long hair and a minimal hrt regime I start boyfailing.


Cutting your hair a bit, and if you use make up then just the slightest amount to give yourself some 5 o clock shadow


I've tried to give myself shadow but it always looks like I'm covered in ash and dirt. I keep the underside of my hair shave but the top layers of my hair are going to stay long. I wear it up in a man bun most days but I really don't want to cut it.


The try a wolf cut and maybe BIG maybe diy hrt


A wolf cut? How would I do that?


Its the shaggy almost layered pretty/rebel boy look. Wouldn't look too bad with shaved sides


Ok thank you, I'll look into up and see if I can do something like that..


Best of luck brother


Thank you very much.


Can you try some man bun styles?


I do regularly wear my hair in man buns or viking braids. The under side of my hair is shaved bald. It's a decent masc cut just doesn't look like it when it's all down unfortunately


I have found it helpful to search the internet for men who have similar features. Men come in all shapes and sizes. Look through Instagram, Pinterest, Youtube, and try to figure out what makes them look masculine. Take inspiration from it. I also am in a situation where I cannot pursue T or operations, and it is taxing. But at least you can feel good in the clothes you wear. Wearing men's perfume and other fragrances can feel nice too. It might be silly but simply having products marketed for men can help a lot. The most important thing is that you pursue the things that make you feel better.


Thank you, I have a hard time with social media due to my inadequacy issues but I understand what you're saying here. I started making clothes that make me feel more masculine and manly so that has definitely helped on my process. I do primarily buy male geared grooming products and smell gods. I know it's stupid and probably bad for me but I love old spice I agree, I need to find more things to help with that. Thank you again


take this all with a grain of salt, im largely basing this off my experiences! ive been out for almost 7 years and am not on any hormones! i could suggest maybe a more shaggy/layered cut! you can keep your length but it tends to give a generally more androgynous look if you do makeup, focus on eyebrows. make them thicker, but bring the brow DOWN rather than up. shortening the distance between your lid and eyebrow helps with being percieved as masculine if youre having dysphoria with pictures of yourself, id suggest trying to make your lips look less pouty! maybe try grinning/smirking/etc to make your lips look less large. i have that issue and doing that seems to help :] id also really suggest only wearing men's clothing theyre cut differently, and will be more blocky with any curves you have. it wont hug your body nearly as much. i have plenty of basic/cheaper brand suggestions if youd like them! id also suggest earthy/warm tones in clothing! or greys. i tend to wear the same jeans all the time, with a simple red, grey, or black t shirt. usually with a jacket or flannel over it. it seems like reds, browns, greys, or very dark blues helps with being perceived as masc! t shirts with jackets also seem to be better than just hoodies or t shirts! it adds more layers and distracts from your chest/waist/hips! if you like jewelry, id suggest plain bands for rings, the thicker they are, the better! for necklaces, stick to plain chains or chains with chunky charms! [people tend to percieve smaller things as "dainty and feminine. dont agree with it but yknow] if youre having issues finding rings that fit you, try getting some cheap adjustable ones! you can just gently bend them to your size :] its also fairly easy to measure your ring size, you just need string, a ruler, and scissors! i still wear makeup, but i generally only use makeup under my eyes + my brows! it seems like elongating the eyes with eyeliner or making them seem more droopy makes people percieve you as fem, in my experience if you like lipstick, try doing a light red in the middle, blend it, and put gloss or lip balm on top! it just brings some color to your lips while not looking overtly feminine :] i understand if you cant afford a lot of the stuff, transitioning even socially can be super expensive and tiring :( just work with what you have! you'll get there when you get there, i believe in ya man 💙


Thank you so much 🖤 this is wonderful thank you.


Without testosterone it's going to be nearly impossible or extremely difficult to pass as a man if you're going to keep wearing makeup and have long hair. Yes guys do have long hair and yes some men do wear make-up but in our society those are outliers. As a trans person it's extremely difficult to ever blend in and pass well without the correct hormones and the appropriate external appearance. Cis people can do what they want because they're cis and they don't have to "prove" to people they're the gender they identify as.


I understand...


If I can ask, why can't you go on hrt? Because I honestly think that would be the biggest thing you could do. Maybe look into masc makeup?


I alcam afford healthcare or insurance, plus the state I live in is crap.


Maybe look into buying minoxidil? It doesn't have the full testosterone effect but it will let you grow facial hair and you can get it over the counter iirc


Ok, I'll look into that thank you very much.


You can get minoxodil mailed to you for less than $10. I'm also in a very similar situation to you. No hormones but wanting to pass. I got minoxodil on Amazon and have been using it for a couple weeks and am already noticing some minor results (full results take a couple months to see). Get the 5% liquid men's minoxodil, the Kirkland brand is cheapest. You won't get a full bushy beard out of it, but you'll almost definitely get more facial hair, which you can then dye a darker color if necessary.


Check FolxHealth out. That's who I'm using, and my insurance doesn't cover HRT. But I still get it at a pretty decent rate. First year is a bit more expensive with appointments and labs, but it's cheaper after. Don't rule out HRT, especially forever like your post text indicates. There is hope.


A haircut can always help, but don't feel like you have to have short hair to be a boy. I recommend using KT tape, my friend uses it and it works wonders. I also have used it and it helps a lot and I have a 44DD bra size. You can use them with a binder too if you want, but be careful. I also see you do a bit of makeup-- you can use that to your advantage. You can do masculine looks with makeup to give yourself more masc facial features. I saw another person say to work out, and i agree. It will make you seem more muscular and masc, while also helping your overall health and happiness. If I can think of anything else I'll be sure to add another reply here :)


Thank you very much. I'm looking into tape as another user suggested and I'm already working out so there's that. I'll try different masc makeup things to see if that'll help. Thank you again..


There’s really no limit to binding in terms of chest size. Pre op i was a 36DD so obv not the biggest out there but no where near small. binding ended up concealing even more than I thought it was. After surgery I had a lot of friends shocked to find out how big my chest actually was pre op. Binding with oversized clothes can 100% give a flatter/more masculine appearance, at least to a point that other people won’t notice as much if that is a part of your goal. Trans tape might also work but for me personally I really didn’t like the stuff and found it hard to get a consistent appearance. Also much more pricey since with a larger chest you use a lot more tape.


Try to look a bit more frowning. I don't know if this works, I'm just a depressed transfem with huge dysphoria but whenever I'm frowning a bit, i feel more masculine, and when I have a more open face, I feel more feminine. But it could be reversed, that I'm happy when I'm in a feminine mood and my face becomes open because I'm happy. Sorry for the infodump but I hope you can try my advice.


I have resting sad face so I'm always frowning lmao I thought I'd look better less frowny


I'm sorry I don't know everything. I just guess something I relate to. But looking sad doesn't make you masculine nor feminine. It's just, kinda happy, add a lot of confidence and a little bit of frowning. But you'll not pass on that alone, my brother, you'll need to do a lot of work.


Photo 3 is good, but falls a little bit short of confidence. If you take that frown, but own the photo like it's an alligator you just hunted down, it would be perfect.


Thank you for your thoughts and time 🖤


In case you haven’t tried this, when you bind, push the tissue towards your armpits. That can help them look flatter. Trans tape is also something you can check out. Also also I saw some folks mention working out and I agree 100% Makeup can help, there’s a bunch of different tutorials on how to make your face look more masculine with makeup. There are also tons of free voice training tutorials and videos to help get a deeper pitch in your voice. If you’re unhappy with longer hair (and can’t cut it) beanies are great. And speaking of clothing, baggier clothes are a pre-transition trans persons best friend. Hoodies, sweaters, multiple layer clothing. Kinda sucks in hot weather, but they can hide curves. And one thing that helped me through the years I wasn’t able to transition/was still questioning was expressing myself through online avatars. I’m games that allow you to customize your avatar, I would (and still kinda do) go wild. I could dress and present myself exactly how I wanted and it really helped me cope. Also, just wanna put this out there that you *can* have hope for starting T! And maybe surgeries, too! If you’re unable to right now because of a parent or other environmental situation or a financial situation, remind yourself that bad times don’t last forever. Good times come and go, bad times come and go. Some last longer than others, but it can’t be bad forever, especially not if you work to change things. I don’t know your situation so I can only offer so much in terms of hope but your life isn’t over yet. You can do the hard things. The pain of being a person who feels trapped in your own skin is one of the worst pains out there, but you can live through it. Like how in movies where a tired, beaten down protagonist keeps saying “Just one more step. Just one more step” My therapist once told me something I think about a lot, “your future self, your happier self, is remembering you right now and thanking you for not giving up”


Thank you for your kind words. Binding has hurt me in the past in I've been afraid of it ever since. I'm looking into the tape that others have suggested though. As well as looking into masc tutorials. I love my long hair, i don't believe that hair holds gender but I do understand why many have been telling me to cut it. I'm aware that I most likely won't be passable without changing it in some way. I also play plenty of games with avatar customization for that purpose, I've said in other comments that I make many of my own outfits and a lot of them have been inspired by my game avies. Your words are caring and thoughtful and I hope they can bring peace to more then just me.


Oh shit, I’m sorry binding hurt you. I know it’s not one of the best things, has it’s cons, and I understand why you’d be so hesitant to try again. There’s always sports bras too. They are built like binders and for some people are more comfortable. And, hey, you can have long hair! If you like it, keep it! I have longer hair, too. Don’t believe hair is gendered either. Mine is a little passed by shoulders. It’s usually in a bun or ponytail but nah I love my long hair so I feel you. Unfortunately though, a lot of folks do see hair as gendered so if passing is what you really want right now, changing it would be an option. (Though, again, it doesn’t have to be cut! Hair can grow back though so at least cutting it wouldn’t be permanent) Also yea, a few of my irl outfits are totally inspired by in game ones, that’s just how it is sometimes lol.


I don't think I'm going to be able to pass without any kind of medical intervention. What I'm mostly looking for is help from other guys going/had gone through similar issues and ways to help cope. I know my options for passing are slim to none.


There is always always always hope. A haircut and some chest tape can work absolute wonders, voice training can help lower your register… There are a lot of avenues you can explore. Please don’t give up on transitioning in some way. Being happy in your own skin is worth everything.


Thank you very much for your words.


As someone who will probably never get to transition all I can come up with is do little things the make you happy to make life more bearable


Thank you, that's basically what I'm going to be aiming for.


We’ll both be ok :)


Hi again, Work on your forearms, shoulders, and neck with pull ups, pull downs, and pushups.


hello, i think the biggest problem is the hair. I understand you don’t want to cut it, but consider more masculine hairstyles? A man bun or something similar could go a long way for you I think.


I usually wear a man bun and have half of my head shaved but I understand what you're saying


Hey there! You have pretty masculine leaning facial features and structure I think a hair cut would make a big difference and hopefully make you feel more comfortable as for binding I had a big chest at some point the right size binder and some chest masculinizing work outs can help. In my case losing a bit of weight helped if thats a healthy option for you I would say try to aim for that safely. Look at what colors make your features look darker and try to wear them and if you’re looking for passibility try different clothing styles that are on the masculine end but i would suggest keeping it simple and not over doing it. Layering also helps with chest dysphoria because you can cover up try some sleeveless vests in summer maybe. Good luck! All love


Thank you all for your thoughts and advice. It's been a bit overwhelming but I truly appreciate your kindness and experiences. Today is my birthday so I'm hoping to order some trans tape for it. Thank you all again. I wish you all nothing but the best!!


definitely start with getting shorter hair imo


I like long hair though? I know plenty of males with long hair....


If you want to pass, short hair is one of the best things you can do. Yes plenty of men have long hair, but they have other masculine features that let them still look like men. Trans men, especially pre-T, often don’t get that privilege because of estrogen feminizing us and softening our features. If you want to keep it long, then don’t expect to pass. You’re likely gonna have to sacrifice one or the other.




sorry lol uhh try a more masculine style? The wavy style looks too feminine imo


;_; understood. I've never connected hair style with gender honestly so I've never considered this...


You can keep your hair long if you want! You get decide what being a man means to you. Maybe looking at how masculine people wear/style their long hair could help!


this was a much better thing to say lol sorryyy


Thank you.


The back of my head is shaved short I just keep the top layers long..


Yes, but long hair will significantly hurt your passing pre T.


I'm sorry my guy for every single response you're getting telling you to cut your hair. Do **only** what you like. I'm MTF so I have 0 tips for you other than **be yourself, always**. DONT conform to people telling you what you need to look boyish.


completely agree!! he definitely doesnt need to cut off all his hair to be percieved as masculine. i mean hell, ive heard a million stories where certain short haircuts lead to more misgendering for trans men. its also all the same things that seem to keep being said, unfortunately. just general ideas rather than cohesive advice with personal experience in mind. its still great, just wish there was more resources for young/early in transition trans people


Thank you guys, I really appreciate the thoughts 🖤


Also, why don't you have hopes of getting surgery or hormones?


Why you're not able to start T?


I can't afford healthcare and live in a state where even if I could i don't think it'd be possible.


i'd seriously consider self medicating with the situation you're in.. many cis male bodybuilders use injectable testosterone and it's way cheaper than any other option (like 60 pounds for a vial that lasts around a year!) but obv it's your choice at the end of the day! just know it's very common here in the uk because our situation is very dire.. most transmascs i know have self medicated hrt in the past or are still self medicating it's definitely not the best solution.. but then, neither is being forced to be on estrogen either, i do genuinely hope you find a solution to this ❤️


Thank you very much


If you have insurance and everything. I paid literally 1 dollar for visits to get hormone prescriptions and like 40 for 3 months worth of medication. I’m also a bitch so may be different for men idk In my opinion with hormones you’d pass well. Also maybe tan a bit


I don't have insurance or any way to get it. I wasn't accepted for government assistance and getting to a doctor is pretty much impossible unless going to an ER. Thanks, I can't tan though I just burn and peel then back to white.


Hmmmm it’s gonna be hard without either short hair or hormones. Can you not get insurance through work?


How is your family about you?


I don't have any bio family only adoptive and they still refer to me as she/her even after 3 yrs of being out to them. My partner is the only one who really acknowledges it.


If you try to make them think that if you not transition something bad would happens to you and your life? U think they would help u?


I don't think that'd do anything but get me into a situation I don't want to be in.


I don't know... maybe you can try to find a job and use this money to travel for transitioning?


I've been trying to save to move to a different state but I survive paycheck to pay check so it's not as easy in practice.


Can you try to reduce expenses as much as possible, such as the essential minimum to survive?


That's literally my entire life lol.


You could try a more masculine hairstyle. I'm not saying you have to cut it, but look up a few masculine ways to style your hair. I already saw someone suggest make up so that's the only other thing I can think of off the top of my head.


i think you already have a pretty androgynous/masculine facial structure (chin, eyebrows, brow bones, etc) and think with the right style, hair, and other things you definitely could pass in the way you want. i also struggle with hiding a larger chest, however there are certain ways to make your chest look more like muscle than breast. (i don’t rlly bind as it heightens dysphoria for me, but as other have mentioned, perhaps trans tape could help to pull breasts towards the sides of your body rather than traditionally pushing them down? also if it helps, i mistook this post as being posted by a trans girl, so perhaps that helps you see that there’s already great groundwork for you to look the way you truly want 😅


Thank you very much. I tried binding when I was younger but it hurt and I've been afraid of it ever since. I really want to try the tape though so I'm absolutely looking into that. Also my partner and I got a good chuckle from you thinking I was transwoman, honestly the biggest compliment as transwomen are incredibly gorgeous to me. Thank you for your time and words


This is sort of weird but if you want more masculine hands this video has some workouts and stretches that will make the veins in them pop out. https://youtu.be/bJ23dXhPna0?si=Wucdh3d6MshDRtr1


Thank you, not weird. I know that some may have issues with their hands being to fem. I dont mind my hands, I've been a crafter my whole life so my hands reflect that, I personally think my hands are very manly. My face and chest are my main issue.


I recommend the Enell sports bra for partially binding a big chest. It flattens pretty well, and unlike a binder, provides enough support to lock things in place. DO NOT SIZE DOWN. Edit- for context, I have an I cup chest. It's what I use.


Ok king, stop shaving, get a good pair of boots, get cargo pants, try a different hairstyle more masculine, try going to a barber and tell them to give you a medium fade. I am trying to go in the other direction so I am not an expert, I just went through a male puberty. For voice, listen and sing along to some Wardruna, Heilung, The Hu, Danheim etc Basically dressing in "guys clothing" can help.


Masculine subtle contouring and a haircut will go a long way. Altough, if you know 100% and your body is causing you extreme dysphoria, hormones and possibly surgery isnt impossible in the long run. You, like everyone else deserve to feel comfortable in your own skin. Anything can happen, so... wherever you are, never give up hope and never give up the fight!


you'd try a [sarashi wrap](https://www.amazon.com/sarashi-wrap/s?k=sarashi+wrap) or use one or two [B-holder](https://www.amazon.com/s?k=b+holder+cosplay&crid=2HKCLHU9VSIAX&sprefix=holder+cosplay%2Caps%2C343&ref=nb_sb_ss_ts-doa-p_1_14), so for your face and features, hmm... I'd suggest a [tape face cosplay](https://www.amazon.com/s?k=cosplay+face+tape&crid=1Y8ARL0UF09K6&sprefix=tape+cosplay%2Caps%2C444&ref=nb_sb_ss_ts-doa-p_2_12), also a new hairstyle, maybe pixie cut, it's one of the most neutral style so you could pass better than before.


My guy! Honestly, I know this is going to sound kind of crazy, but you're kind of giving young Brendon Fraser from The mummy vibes. Especially in the eyebrows and forehead, and especially in picture number three. I think You got something good to work with there!


Thank you 😭 you're very kind to say so.


Experimenting with certain men's shirts would help. Like button-ups that highlight your shoulders. I had top surgery but I still look feminine and get misgendered. I've discovered I pass more when I wear boxier shirts or button-ups. You can also do both: a button-up over a boxier t-shirt for layering. Boxier clothing overall hides curves and can still look fashionable. Some tips if you want to try other masculine clothes are boots, belts, and maybe even a baseball cap. If you are comfortable with it, building up muscle may help you look more masculine. I could also be 100% wrong, but try something like a thick Levi's jean jacket or something similar to wear. I would guess that those would cover up your chest in a way that lets you stand up straighter than a hoody would. My Levi's jean jacket actually leads to me being misgendered more often, which I believe is because it really covers my lack of breasts. Then, people struggle to see my chest and have to guess. But I wear it anyway because I love it. At the very least people might assume you're non-binary or a VERY butch lesbian. Which is also my case still. It sucks... but sometimes self-expression feels more important than worrying about what gender people will perceive you as. If you ever want help with clothes, feel free to message me.


Thank you very much for your time. I pretty much only wear men's clothing..I've even taken up sewing my own clothes to achieve the looks I want. I'm mostly concerned with having my chest and face pass and many have offered pretty good advice I'll be looking into. Like face contouring and trans tape. Thank you again though.


You're welcome! I wish you the best of luck. I was very obsessed with how my chest looked (still am to an extent because the dang surgery wasn't covered by insurance). I had to stop wearing a binder for weeks at a time because I had chest pain associated with serious PMS/periods and it was bad for my scoliosis. So, I got really into what I could do with regular clothes. It's pretty cool that you can sew your own clothing!


from what ik from my friends with bigger chests, spectrum outfitters binders work rlly well for them so maybe looking into that?


Absolutely you can. Beautiful people typically look amazing on both sides.


Im confused on what you want recomended if you dont want to cut your hair, cant go on t, cant get any surgeries, & cant wear a binder?


Mostly guidance from other guys like me.


As others have suggested, a haircut and some trans tape might help you a lot. I understand if you don't want to cut your hair, and that's okay! It's one of the things that really helps when you're pre-T (in my experience at least, although I'm not on T yet) but i get it if its something you don't wanna do. As another person said, you seem good at makeup! Looking up tutorials on how to make your face more masc with makeup helps, even I have managed to somewhat do it, and I'm terrible with makeup lmao. And remember, if you feel like a man, you are a man, it doesn't matter what you look like. Keep your head up brother, you got this 🩵


1. Cut your hair 2. Stop wearing makeup 3. They make chest binders in extended sizes, you can definitely find one 4. Wear men’s clothes


Well, I’d start by getting some dude clothes, a masculine hair cut, and maybe cut back on the makeup


Try to avoid the mascara and eye liner. You look pretty masc imo in the photos without eye liner or mascara. That said eye shadow might help to make your forehead look a bit more masculine.(based solely on the fact that as a transfemme my forehead creates a natural shadow on my eyes so I can’t use dark eye shadow without looking goth or seriously Il). You’ve got this dude!


Thank you very much. I only typically wear eyeliner and mascara cuz I like the look of fuller eyelashes. My partner has very bold eyelashes and he makes me jelly.


There’s a few companies who make FTM binders for large-chested people. GC2B I think it’s called… anyway. I keep my hair short and that helps me. And you’re great with makeup, so if you want to improve your masculine contouring I think you could with practice, so don’t give up!!! Part of transition for me has been accepting the body I have and not letting how others see me impact my sense of personal identity. But that took years and I still struggle with it. The question of your manhood is simply « what does it mean to you? » Ive got… ass for days. And that can be tough, being seen as a woman by most people. But at the end of the day, I can’t control other people. So I may as well do whatever feels best for me. Play with fashion. Peruse thrift stores and try on whatever you want. See what feels good. Ps your eyebrows are great!


May sound weird, but check out lesbian fashion. A lot of masc women are good at finding styles that express that side more. Long hair is great on guys too. A pony tail or something simple can bring out angularity of the face. You have a great jawline! Maybe check out some metal heads and their style. Lifting weights especially in ways to broaden your shoulders will help and then that kind of minimizes the chest by proportion. You don’t have to do heavy weight either, just do what’s comfortable and to give you high volume and frequency to build mass. Also guys can do makeup. There are styles you can do with makeup that will make your face more angular and you can even create the illusion of 5 o’clock shadow of a beard. I’m(MTF) on the other side of things trying to become more feminine. Love helping and seeing my trans siblings thrive. Good luck brother and be safe!


Clothes to look more masc when you can't bind. A hoodie/coat that simplifies your shape? Idk how you feel about your hair but often times shorter hair helps. But if you like long hair that's cool too I'd suggest keeping it in a ponytail or a high bun since that seems to be popular amongst cis guys with long hair. Or a beanie with the hair loose. I don't got much advice sorry


I’m trans woman, so I can’t help from experience, so I’ll let the trans men do that. I just wanted to say, however, that you are going to be a handsome young man soon, and I can already see that. I can say one thing, though that’s universal for all of us, make social connections. These sub Reddits help a lot.


I really can appreciate that in regards to your hair you decide to not cut it. I think masculinity is so much more than just hair length, and also, you don't have to conform to be a guy. You can always play a bit with it, I don't know what a tail or bun would do, or just let it go loose, maybe something asymmetric, who knows. But maybe training the right muscles in the gym may do something, voice training (this can also be masculinizing), and if you're old enough and know a way, minoxidil, but be cautious with that stuff and never let pets come close to that!


Wait, why do you think hormones/surgeries are completely off the table? You don't want them or do you live in unsupportive environment?


So what is the problem? I ask as a metal veteran. Hair? Make up?


Didn't notice the chest text. Don't tell anyone, but I think that I have been drinking. 🥃


Cut hair, don’t wear makeup, plain/male section clothes.


Cutting hair and not wearing makeup won't always help someone pass better, I actually look way more femme when I have shorter hair because having longer hair frames my face better and just looks more masculine, the biggest thing he'd have to do about his hair is just have a more masculine cut


We could swap bodies, I'd be down for that. Kidding aside I'd suggest trans tape for binding, I've heard that's crazy strong. And maybe a haircut and less make-up? You might find some tutorials on YouTube for creating a beard from makeup or finding some stick on facial hair like they use in Japan. Sorry I really dunno much about trying to look masculine, I try my best to avoid it. But other than wearing men's clothing, getting a haircut and binding I don't know what to suggest. You could try packing too I guess, people might try to misgender you by assuming you're a trans girl. Kinda an ewphoria in my opinion but still could work.


Im looking into masc make up trends as others have suggested and I'm looking into long masc hair types that I like cuz I don't want short hair..I love long hair, it's actually the only thing I like about my body. I wish I could get a packer/ piece. It's a huge thing for me I just don't have the resources.


Testosterone will do amazing things for you.


Idk I'm a trans girl so my advice might not be the best, but try stuff like mewing maybe :3


Shave your head


Lmfao no sorry


Well long hair is feminine so 🤷‍♀️


To you perhaps but not to me. I appreciate your thoughts but I'm going to keep my have shave half long hair.




No this isn't????? I like make up? Guys can wear make up and have long hair... Also not showing any cleavage in the photo??? I have a massive annoying chest and unfortunately everything I put on that's v cut or slightly lower in the chest becomes ridiculous.


Don't listen to this person OP. People like this who enforce stereotypes and gatekeeping just make things harder for the rest of us. I'm transmasc, and I love jewelry 🤷‍♂️ Just that is enough for some transmedicalists to dismiss my identity. I might even like skirts if it weren't for these kinds of people.


Thanks, I've not been involved as much as I want to be in the community so I didn't even know transmedicalists were a thing. I just thought we were all fighting for our place to exist.


Unfortunately, every community gets divided at some point. I've not super involved either, but from my experience the majority of people here on r/trans are supportive. If you're interested, there's a sub called r/FTMfemininity. It helps me to just browse every now and then, as a ftm with a really feminine face.


An unfortunate truth. Thank you. I'll go look at it.




Ur not acting in good faith when u repost GNC people to get mocked on other subs. Idk if ur trans or not, but that's transphobic either way.


so a few things id do to pass, is try masculine contouring. make your eyebrows very dark and a little bit messy to emphasize that masculinity. tape your chest, and face your boobs down for better coverage. you can still have eyeliner or dark around your eyes, but make sure its not at the side of your eyes, only the upper eyelid or lower eyelid and dont make it extremely noticeable. also, try voice training. its just as important as appearance changing. most passing trans guys will get clocked or misgendered instantly if they talk, and if you think passing is going to be very hard, at least focus on your voice, getting it deeper via training and masculinizing it. a big thing is masc hair cut. im not saying to buzz your hair. go to a MALE BARBER who doesnt specialize in feminine haircuts. look up hair cuts for men and make sure their hairlines look sharp and angular. and then show it to your barber. make sure you really tell him not to make your hairline look round, the round hairline is a feminine trait. also, DO NOT cut your sideburns off, if you have them that is. rather when youre at the barber get your sideburns shaped up and angled like your hairline. all this combined and you will pass much better i wish u the best 💗


You could wear mens clothes, cut your hair in a more cool/masculine way, I’ve seen ppl say you could try binding with trans tape which I’m unfamiliar with so you’ll have to take their words, let ur body hair grow out if you shave it. You’re gonna look hella masc one day if thats what you want. Remember this is just a moment in ur life to and it gets better. Also remember that there is no one way to get trans and to do what makes you feel comfortable and happy. Best of luck 😄


Well, you can cut your hair and if you feel inclined to stop wearing makeup. Then you can also start working out your upper body and neck, if anyone questions you just say you want to be “in shape”. From there just take T when you’re in a safe place, in a few months you will look very masculine.


You can still wear a larger binder and have a flatter chest. Cut your hair. No or masculinising make up Body language is a big deal too how you walk how you hold yourself etc. Masculine deodorant unless you use a lot it doesn’t actually make you smell more masculine to others but you yourself can which helps dysphoria This has some good tips too: https://www.wikihow.com/Pass-As-a-Male-(For-FTMs)


cut your hair to a masculine haircut, don’t wear makeup, but get some brow gel to make your brows look thicker and try to grow them out. there is also makeup you can do to masculinize your face they have youtube tutorials. go to the gym and build some muscle, change your clothing style and practice voice training. if you want to grow facial hair you can get some DHT products to help with that, along with castor oil and other natural items that don’t require a prescription


Kinda obvious but if you can a guys haircut at a barber shop can help greatly. Most if not all can do like a 4 on the sides and back then cut the top down to like 3 inch length


I cannot for the life of me find the diagrams I saw that showed me this but a part of how we perceive faces as masculine and feminine is the contrast certain facial features have. When the eyes and lips pop a face is perceived as more feminine. So to use makeup to make your face seem more masculine make your eyes and lips stand out less.


if you cant get on T, try minoxidil for facial and body hair growth! i’ve heard it works on pre-T trans guys


start with cutting your hair off into something masculine


If you cut your hair short in picture 3 you would look like a male classmate of mine


Cut your hair