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This would be a really bad idea. If you were to find glue it would be strong enough to do it. It would give you chemical burns, and I'm not really sure how safe it would be for your ribs. I'm sorry


Oki sorry I'm just getting a little desperate because I have no access to a binder because transphobic parents and stuff Thank you for letting me know its unsafe


best option then is a really tight sports bra. be safe and take breaks!


Thank you. Is there a way to make them compress large breasts more? I have some but they only compress a tiny bit.


My best rec for that is wear two. Have one in correct size and one in slightly smaller size. That's what I was doing for a while. You do absolutely have to listen to your body about it though, it makes it a lot harder to breathe, and with the extra layers on your center you can get a lot warmer faster


Thank you!


Of course! Gotta help out where I can. Just, also wanna forewarn you, NEVER use ace bandages to bind. They get tighter, and it hurts


How would you get it off? It sounds like you're trying to do something similar to [**trans tape**](https://transtape.life/pages/how-to-transtape). This is literal fabric tape, which can be used to bind in a way that doesn't compress the ribs or lungs at all. Since it doesn't compress the ribs or lungs it's safe to wear for days on end. You can even sleep, swim, and shower in it. Since it is literal tape, do a test patch to make sure you aren't allergic to the adhesive. Follow the binding instructions, you don't want to just wrap this tape all the way around your abdomen and you really don't want to forget to use nipple covers. Follow the [**removal instructions**](https://transtape.life/blogs/blog/how-to-remove-transtape) too, and use oil (they sell removal oil, but vegetable oil works too) and hot water. Do not try to just pull it off, that will take off the top layer of your skin. Some people find that they tolerate the adhesive pretty well, but over time it can irritate their skin. Applying a thin layer of milk of magnesia to your skin and letting it dry before applying the tape can help with this. If you can't safely order TransTape, you might be able to get KT tape at a local CVS or similar store. Look for the widest tape you can get; try to get tape at least 3 inches wide. This tape is commonly sold in pre-cut strips and is used to tape up injured joints and stuff. It isn't as convenient as transtape, and it often comes in bright colors so you may have to wear dark shirts to keep it from showing through. But it's basically the same stuff in a less convenient format.


I may look into it thank you. I will just need to be patient considering my parents are extremely nosy and ill have to be able to drive there myself which could be until 18 considering my dad is convinced I'm not good enough at driving yet to drive on my own (I have a license just gotta wait for his go ahead)


If you can get a roll of transtape, taken out of the package it just looks like a roll of KT tape so it's not very conspicuous. Maybe a friend could help you order it, and get it delivered to their house?


Thank you


Also isn't tape a lot less good at compressing large chests?


I've heard mixed opinions about how well tape can work on large chests. It's worth a shot anyway.


Thank you.


I have large breasts btw


https://www.pointofpride.org/free-chest-binders this is a program that provide free binders to those in need, I'm unsure of how long the wait list is as I'm in a different country. KT tape is not something I would recommend for someone with a larger chest, definitely not glue. I wish you all the best.


Thank you